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PSP is inded faster than PlayStation 2 (AGC update)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Additional 3D Hardware features:

* Display List (possible to do Display List Culling with the DMA Controller with minimal programmer intervention)
* Clipping (Hardware enabled)
* Bezier and
* Morph
* Pixel Pipeline
* Tri-linear and bi-linear Filtering without a performance hit: faster tri-linear performance than PlayStation 2



That would be quite something: 648 MPixels/s with tri-linear on is about 1.08x faster than what the PlayStation 2 achieves with tri-linear filtering on.

PSP has a performance lead over PlayStation 2.

Considering the screen resolution (~2.2x lower screen resolution) the gap widens:

PlayStation 2 does 1200 MPixels/s with bi-linear and 600 MPixels/s with tri-linear (and bad LOD Wink).

PSP does 648 MPixels/s (or considering the screen resolution difference 1296 MPixels/s [scaling PSP performance to 640x448 from the 480x272 screen resolution the PSP supports]) with either bi-linear or tri-linear.



GAF's Pleasant Genius
God's Hand said:
It's faster at one thing that won't matter on a tiny screen. Okay...

You think that texture shimmering would not be a bad problem especially for small screens ?!?

I think it would.

The smaller the screen is, the more we have to work on good resolution for the screen (480x270 means quite small pixels) and good Image Quality (edge and texture aliasing are even worse offenders than on PlayStation 2 if left unchecked and if we do not use mip-mapping).

When things are small, they ought to look sharp and detailed, not messy and aliased.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
This is very good news. Not only the speed part, but the awareness they have of impotance of good filtering on a sharp LCD screen. Trilinear filtering requires mip-mapping, btw. which is confirmed to have (a lot) better implementation than it does on PS2. Thre's almost no doubt now that the games will look better and cleaner than the majority of PS2 games. There's very few games on PS2 that even use trilinear.


Well, looks like Sony is slowly unwrapping the PSP for us, this time some bits at the Austin Game Conference; if you’re not a fan of specs, keep on movin’. So as we now know, apparently this thing is going to be able to match or beat the PS2 in performance, but here’s the news: a USB 2.0 port (probably for connecting up to a PC), will have 10 digital buttons and an analog joystick, a 24-bit, 480x272 pixel screen (no video out, why doesn’t that surprise us?), a 1800mAh lithium-ion battery (which seems a little on the light side, in our opinion), 802.11b (not yet sure if this is going to be crippled, but it’s something Sony would totally do), a Memory Stick port, and on launch acecssories will include a camera, a GPS module, and a (hopefully foldable) keyboard. Whew. Now can they please just release it already?

Since Pana beat me to the story (I was trying to make sure it wasn't already posted)...


Edit: and no homebrew since the DVD-Rs have to go off to SOny for conversion to UMD format.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Phoenix said:
Since Pana beat me to the story (I was trying to make sure it wasn't already posted)...


Edit: and no homebrew since the DVD-Rs have to go off to SOny for conversion to UMD format.

Well, there are always Memory Stick modules: recently they iontroduced Memory Stick Pro High Speed at 2 GB and Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed at 1 GB, so the price on 512 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo should drop even further.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Launch accessories should be Camera, GPS, and Keyboard
Interesting - I thought they weren't going to have accessories right away. If these three are available at launch, presumably there are software packages that make use of them at launch...


The PSP might be faster on a theoretical level, and it may have some advantages with some display effects, but most of the games (and even a lot of the demoes) so far haven't been PlayStation 2-par. Sure, the games will definitely look better as developers gain more experience with the hardware, but really -- I'd be somewhat disappointed in PSP if it were a console . What really makes it impressive is the fact that it's almost as powerful as PlayStation 2 and is portable.


Queen of Denmark
snapty00 said:
The PSP might be faster on a theoretical level, and it may have some advantages with some display effects, but most of the games (and even a lot of the demoes) so far haven't been PlayStation 2-par. Sure, the games will definitely look better as developers gain more experience with the hardware, but really -- I'd be somewhat disappointed in PSP if it were a console . What really makes it impressive is the fact that it's almost as powerful as PlayStation 2 and is portable.
I agree. The PSP can generate some nice-looking visuals, but just about everything I've seen is not quite PS2-level (or maybe first-generation PS2 at the best).

Incidentally, I think the latest shots of DS games showcase graphical abilities beyond what the N64 could do, or at least up to par with the system's last tier of games.


Tag of Excellence
A bit worried with the deluge of accessories for the system at launch, maybe Sony plans on really pushing this machine as a do-it-all device. The keyboard especially suprises me. Of course it could be a psychological ploy for the mainstream to show it's not just a great device for games and possibly pick up a few sales from the older CE-driven audience.

Tri-linear filtering is a very good thing.
Panajev2001a said:
Well, there are always Memory Stick modules: recently they iontroduced Memory Stick Pro High Speed at 2 GB and Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed at 1 GB, so the price on 512 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo should drop even further.
seriously, do you really think they would let homebrew code run off a memory stick?

i mean, i can see someone maybe finding a way to force or trick the issue, but i don't see sony letting it happen on purpose :D


GAF's Pleasant Genius
human5892 said:
I agree. The PSP can generate some nice-looking visuals, but just about everything I've seen is not quite PS2-level (or maybe first-generation PS2 at the best).

It might very well be a combination of early RAM specs which had only 8 MB of main RAM (the PSP now has 4x the amount of main RAM, that is 32 MB) and developers being cautious about battery life thus keeping performance down a bit.


Tag of Excellence
kaching said:
3 accessories is a "deluge"?
For first party peripherals at launch, I would think so. More specifically having three different accesories available at launch that expand upon the basic capabilities of the PSP to that degree is quite a lot (not in a bad way but a suprising way). Of course in the long run 3 isn't a deluge. :)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Ah, so you mean a deluge of new functionality, not a deluge of accessories. Got it. :)

True, there's quite a bit of extended flexibility given the PSP bag of tricks with these particular accessories. I'm especially curious to see how that keyboard accessory works.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I could not find more info on that subject.

Anyways, even if tri-linear took two cycles, even though they said the GPU would not have a speed penalty for switching from bi-linear to tri-linear (even though it will use more bandwidth which might slow down other things, depending on the cases)... that would still be 332 MPixels/s with tri-linear which taking into account the difference in screen resolution would be worth ~730 MPixels/s with tri-linear on PlayStation 2(which does not manage more than 600 MPixels/s with tri-linear).

Tri-linear filtering might be faster or quite a lot faster than on PlayStation 2 which is a good thing IMHO.


There's still question of texture cache and how it affects the rendering performance whether it's bilinear or trilinear. Trilinear is pretty useable on PS2 IF you can fit the texture in a single texture page, which isn't exactly easy in most of the games.

I certainly hope the hardware clipper has improved but it's most likely still half assed...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
RuGalz said:
There's still question of texture cache and how it affects the rendering performance whether it's bilinear or trilinear. Trilinear is pretty useable on PS2 IF you can fit the texture in a single texture page, which isn't exactly easy in most of the games.

You have 8 KB and for tri-linear and this means you are forced to use the extra space for mip-mapping.

I was not aware that tri-linear took a single cycle on the GS, even if the texture fit in the cache (does the cache has the output bandwidth to push 8x32 bits texels to the texture filtering logic ?).

Sure, if you break the page, even with bi-linear you add an extra cycle as that is what it takes for the cache/buffer to be filled again.

I do suspect that they worked on the texture cache of the PSP GPU: it seems that they focused on several key areas of PlayStation 2 bottlenecks and tried to improove upon them.

I think the cache should allow single-cycle tri-linear and in the cases in which S3TC would behave better than CLUT we have more chances not to break out of the cache.

I certainly hope the hardware clipper has improved but it's most likely still half assed...[/QUOTE]

It cannot be half-assed compared to PlayStation 2 as PlayStation 2 has none ;).


No trilinear isn't free on PS2 even if all textures are on the same texture page. I was merely pointing out that even if trilinear on PSP is free texture cache breakage still would be a problem. It might not be such big deal with smaller screen size hence textures are usually smaller in most of the cases. But there are certainly times when able to use large texture makes it convenient.

The clipper... Since you still have to do work on it, handling the additional case hardware is providing is rather simple... It's pretty silly. But maybe they dump the extra sillicon for S3TC...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
doncale said:
it's sad that all modern hardware cant get tri-linear for free. Sega's Model 3 had it at no cost in 1996...

Are you certain of that? Model 3 games did not appear to use mipmapping at all. I know for a fact that two of the DC Model 3 ports were lacking mipmapping (VF3 and VOOT), so I'd imagine the originals were as well. I also don't recall seeing any mipmapping in any Model 3 title.

It has been a long time, however...


being watched
" Tri-linear and bi-linear Filtering without a performance hit: faster tri-linear performance than PlayStation 2"

And totally unneccesary on a handheld.


Doesn't the VU have a CLIP instruction or something? :)

(I know, I know, the rest of your clipping code doesn't write itself...:))


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
PSP grafx much too sharp for the human eyes!

Will damage eyesight. Cause migraine. Stay away.


" Tri-linear and bi-linear Filtering without a performance hit: faster tri-linear performance than PlayStation 2"

And totally unneccesary on a handheld.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
And totally unneccesary on a handheld.
Haha, yeah right. How did you arrive to that brilliant conclusion?

The clipper... Since you still have to do work on it, handling the additional case hardware is providing is rather simple...
Rugalz, do you have some, hmmmm, solid data about this ;) or are you basing this quote on the some of the older info (which sounded inconclusive) and Beyond 3D speculation about it.


Marconelly: Ya it's not based off the speculation at B3D. :p

And actually PSP does have smarter texture cache scheme.

But why does clipper have to be half assed... :p


Count of Concision
dark10x said:
Are you certain of that? Model 3 games did not appear to use mipmapping at all. I know for a fact that two of the DC Model 3 ports were lacking mipmapping (VF3 and VOOT), so I'd imagine the originals were as well. I also don't recall seeing any mipmapping in any Model 3 title.

It has been a long time, however...

I'm almost certain that Model 3 had tri-linear filtering; I recall seeing it a few times in the specs for the board back in the day. Whether it was "free" or not is another story-- I have no idea.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Argyle said:
Doesn't the VU have a CLIP instruction or something? :)


(I know, I know, the rest of your clipping code doesn't write itself...:))

I heard it is lovely when you are doing multi-texturing too <insert random ps2 programmer imprecating and roaring>.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
" Tri-linear and bi-linear Filtering without a performance hit: faster tri-linear performance than PlayStation 2"

And totally unneccesary on a handheld.

On the contrary: graphics must be clean and sharp.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
RuGalz said:
Marconelly: Ya it's not based off the speculation at B3D. :p

And actually PSP does have smarter texture cache scheme.

But why does clipper have to be half assed... :p

So, it still only clips the front-clip plane only (as in the last GDC talk in San Jose), right ? (but... but... we have a big guard band.... IT IS THE SAME AS ON PS2 and IT WAS NOT ENOUGH).

That is a pain in the ass, you have to do object-space clipping before sending stuff to the GPU T&L unit.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
RuGalz, you are complaining about the clipper, but here I check and some people (HEY meee :p) still working in the salt mines (read PlayStation 2), while you have a platform with:

1.) fairly abstracted DMA Controller (although I'd like to qadapt my DMA class... it is so cute... I still have the pictures when it took it first steps and called me "dadda"... uh-oh, getting to close to my code again :() with Display List culling.

2.) Hardwired T&L (no micro-code to write and to manage: just writing it is fun... double buffering VUs outputs and inputs too, but adding to that micro-code upload starts to annoy me some ;)).

3.) Hardware managed multi-texturing (whether single or multi-pass I do not care at this point, but it would matter to peoiple doing custom T&L on the VFPU): I do not think you have to play with GIF registers and rendering contexts by hand ;).

4.) Hardware supported stencil-buffer.

5.) proper GPU Mip-mapping LOD calculations.

6.) CLUT and S3TC.

7.) single VFPU design sitting on co-op pipe (no VIF).

8.) 33 MHz more on the CPU.

9.) lower latency main RAM (using mobile DDR with embedded memory controller they should manage that, I'd think).

10.) more blending modes (I think you do have more blending modes than the GS).

11.) support for all Z-buffer tests: Equal, Never, Less than and Greater than (the GS decided that they did not needed all of them [why should we have Less Than ?]: of course that creates a pain for doing Carmack's reverse, but I am not doing stnecil shadows now, so the pain is not mine yet... ;))

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Marconelly: Ya it's not based off the speculation at B3D. :p
Ah, I see. Well, if what has been said in that specualtion, based on the SCEA presentation, is true, then yes, that's pretty half assed solution. I just hope VFPU or CPU is fast enough to handle proper clipping without significant performance hit.


Pana: Sure, there's a ton of things PSP does that's far more elegant. But they went so far with everything why not finish the job. :p For instance, I don't mind not having hardware patch support...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
RuGalz said:
Pana: Sure, there's a ton of things PSP does that's far more elegant. But they went so far with everything why not finish the job. :p For instance, I don't mind not having hardware patch support...

Yes, but without fractional LOD and the ability of using different LODs on different patches without cracks is it really that useful to you ?


The percent of games that *absolutely* need to use patch is about zero. Full clipping, scissoring implemetation benefits everyone.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
RuGalz said:
The percent of games that *absolutely* need to use patch is about zero. Full clipping, scissoring implemetation benefits everyone.

Problems with scissoring ??? I thought clipping was the major thing.

About the patch thing, well if you had fractional LOD and no cracks even if neighbouring patches had different LODs, I personally would use it all the time.

That would provide great dynamic geometry LOD.
I'm almost certain that Model 3 had tri-linear filtering; I recall seeing it a few times in the specs for the board back in the day. Whether it was "free" or not is another story-- I have no idea.

Technically, the N64 has support for trilinear filtering. It was never used, though.


Can I just ask a really noob question? Why do you even need clipping at the sides of the screen?
I can understand front, and to a certain extent far plain clipping, to avoid ugly degenerate polys "sticking trough" the viewpoint. But isn't view frustum clipping and scissoring only there to avoid spending fillrate/setup on invisible polys?
With polygons becoming smaller (and therefore "easy" to just cull), and fillrate being quite high - even on PSP - wouldn't it be possible to halt the drawing of polys in the current strip or fan, when it crosses the screen boundary?


Fafracer forever
Cockles said:
And totally unneccesary on a handheld.
I could say the same for most 3d features on new handheld chips, and that doesn't stop respective makers from hyping them to death ;)

Panajev said:
I was not aware that tri-linear took a single cycle on the GS, even if the texture fit in the cache (does the cache has the output bandwidth to push 8x32 bits texels to the texture filtering logic ?).
What you're talking about is the eDram bandwith (what page buffers output). To my knowledge there is another layer of texel cache(much smaller then 8K) - which gives you stuff like 32bit bilinear for free.

It cannot be half-assed compared to PlayStation 2 as PlayStation 2 has none ;)
Actually it Can. When I write a clipper on PS2 it's at least in the Right place of the pipeline for one. And frankly, the one real complaint I have about writting my own clipper is that GS doesn't accept H-space coordinates, so my shader pipeline is less straightforward than it could be.
Still orders of magnitude better then doing object space clipping or any similar horror though.

single VFPU design sitting on co-op pipe (no VIF).
Ok, enlighten me, how is that a good(or better) thing in a single issue (CPU&FPU) design? Mind you I'm not dissing VFPU (it's my favourite part of the machine so far), but you seem to be making the assumption here, so let's hear it. :)

Yes, but without fractional LOD and the ability of using different LODs on different patches without cracks is it really that useful to you ?
That's kinda the point no? If you are correct, it's also a half assed feature that doesn't make much sense to use. Why would anyone want that, over a full implementation of the most basic functions, is beyond me.

Squeak said:
With polygons becoming smaller (and therefore "easy" to just cull), and fillrate being quite high - even on PSP - wouldn't it be possible to halt the drawing of polys in the current strip or fan, when it crosses the screen boundary?
That's what pixel scissoring does (and pretty much all chips support it). However, the rasterizer has limitations of its internal viewport (guardbands) which in case of PSP are 0-4096 pixels wide/tall.
If polygon crosses those borders, attempting to draw it causes visual anomalies (on most hardware that had this issue, it looks ike random crap splodging over the screen).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Squeak said:
Can I just ask a really noob question? Why do you even need clipping at the sides of the screen?
I can understand front, and to a certain extent far plain clipping, to avoid ugly degenerate polys "sticking trough" the viewpoint. But isn't view frustum and scissoring only there to avoid spending fillrate/setup on invisible polys?
With polygons becoming smaller (and therefore "easy" to just cull), and fillrate being quite high - even on PSP - wouldn't it be possible to halt the drawing of polys in the current strip or fan, when it crosses the screen boundary?

Because of this:





GAF's Pleasant Genius
Ok, enlighten me, how is that a good(or better) thing in a single issue (CPU&FPU) design? Mind you I'm not dissing VFPU (it's my favourite part of the machine so far), but you seem to be making the assumption here, so let's hear it.

I am not saying this is better than CPU + FPU, besides the PSP CPU has both the FPU and the VFPU :p.

What I am saying is that the VFPU sitting on the co-op pipe is easier to use than VIF + VU in micro-mode.

Also, VU0 in macro-mode basically pushed you to a single issue design already.

My preference would be a dual issue core that allowed you to pair integer instructions with either scalar FP or Vector FP instructions: basically both VFPU and FPU would be co-processors (they might even share resources to save space) and you could issue only to one of the two each cycle, an acceptable compromise.


Fafracer forever
What I am saying is that the VFPU sitting on the co-op pipe is easier to use than VIF + VU in micro-mode.
VU0 is sitting on the same co-op pipe.

And I don't see PSP GPU sitting on a co-op pipe, so don't go telling me stories about VU1. ;)
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