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PSP - post E3 developers' quotes + four new photos of the unit (HAWT)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Quotes are taken from the article in the last month's issue of US OPM. Photos are from the pre-last month's issue of EDGE (courtesy of our friend TTP)

What do I like most about the PSP?
Yannis Mallat: Producer, Ubisoft (Prince of Persia)
What I like the most is the immediate appeal it creates! When you see it, you want it. This is an amazing toy for adults, and I think Sony is just re-creating the walkman effect with this piece of hardware. You have to have it if you're cool. Now, the screen and it's huge resolution combined with the powerful capabilities of the machine altogether make it a real breakthrough in visuals and gaming experience for handheld consoles.
I would definitely see myself playing PoP game on PSP rather than a poor 2D platform game on any other handheld.

Yuji Naka, Director, Sonic Team, Sega:
The WiFi capabilities and the 16:9 aspect ratio are brilliant. You can play wireless online everywhere. Puyo Pop Fever, my first PSP game will be the first Puyo Pop Fever game to support online play on consoles or handhelds. It utilizes the Widescreen, so you'll be able to play with your friend face to face by holding one PSP from both sides.

Bob Stevenson, President, Planet Moon
After seeing and holding the PSP at E3, I had one of those rare moments in this industry when you say to yourself, "This is just really, really good; I must have one now!" It looks as sexy as an Ipod, the screen clarity is better than anyone expected, and the size of the unit and it's control placement feel just right.
The PSP is the first handheld that is technically strong enough for us to make the kinds of games we want to create without having to make huge compromises. From a production standpoint, we should be able to make one great game every year, or even two or three games with multiple teams, rather than having one gigantic team working on one concept for three years. It will keep us fresh creatively. Also, from a creative and technical standpoint, the PSP is better fit than Nintendo DS for the types of games that PlanetMoon builds.

Alex Ward, Creative Manager, Criterion
What do I like most about PSP? That I'll own one in a few months time! Frankly, I'm astonished by this hardware. Some of the Criterion engineers shot video of the machine at E3. All you can hear on this tape is them talking about how amazed they are by the screen quality. This video sent a wave of excitement through the Criterion office. It's certainly the most exciting machine since the arrival of the original PlayStation back in 1995.
We are going to make some great titles for this system. Image quality on the screen is near HD quality, so we think that's our favorite thing about PSP right now.

What are it's weaknesses
Yannis Mallat:
It's going to be easy to develop regular PS2 games on PSP, which could lead to developers to quickly port their games on it. Thus, in terms of creativity, original content, and handheld design approach, I think consumers may have to wait a little or pick up a reduced choice of good games to fully benefit from the gaming part of the machine. In the meantime, if you already have your games on the PS2, do you really want to pay for the PSP versions?

Yuji Naka:
The price might possibly be the problem It is my hope that Sony is preparing the pricing strategy that will make everyone happy.

Bob Stevenson:
The main perceived issue is the assumed cost of the PSP itself. There tends to be a knee-jerk reaction that such a price point would be too high to compete in the handheld space. However, Sony is clearly hoping to create a new market for handheld gamers, much in the same way they did in the console market with PS1 and PS2.

Alex Ward:
I suppose with any portable device, the big question is always going to be, How long the batteries will last? But I'm more than confident that Sony has some cool solutions for this. They said the same about the portable DVD players a few years back, yet we're at the stage where five or six hours of play is not a problem.






PSP is hands down the most attractive piece of gaming hardware ever.

I would definitely see myself playing PoP game on PSP rather than a poor 2D platform game on any other handheld.



"It utilizes the Widescreen, so you'll be able to play with your friend face to face by holding one PSP from both sides."

OMG the dual-screens on one screen innovation!!!!!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I can't get over the control stick positioning. I mean look at it! Absolutely ridiculous. I guess I better hope the PSP does have a short battery life if I want my thumb in any sort of decent condition when I'm older.


I would definitely see myself playing PoP game on PSP rather than a poor 2D platform game on any other handheld.

Did he say that or was that your opinion on his views?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I need it, I want it, I gotta have it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
If it was the developer who said that 2D thing, then it's pretty damn stupid. It's just so irrelevant, of course you'd prefer to play it to a poor 2D platformer, I'd prefer any decent game to a poor one!

Is he referring to some specific game or something?


works for Gamestop (lol)
It sounds like he's referring to PoP on the GBA...heh. At least that's how I interpreted it


Mama Smurf said:
If it was the developer who said that 2D thing, then it's pretty damn stupid. It's just so irrelevant, of course you'd prefer to play it to a poor 2D platformer, I'd prefer any decent game to a poor one!

Is he referring to some specific game or something?

He's taking a jab at the GBA and/or DS with that comment.

Kandinsky said:
Is that the Analog Stick?!

That's the microphone for Sega's PSP version of Seaman I think.


needs to show more effort.
human beings have evolved to such a high state and yet in the end all we really want are shiny objects...


Tag of Excellence
That knob things looks so horribly designed. Well I've never touched the unit so I wouldn't know how well it controls.

All the talks about the screen clarity, these people do know that Sony has reduced the screen quality, right? Or have they seen the redesigned screen and are commenting on that?
Honestly, when I see it I don't want it. I come from a background where the system has to reflect the aesthetics of video games. This device (PSP) looks a little too broad in style and doesn't quite have the video game appeal I'm looking for. I understand it'll play great games but its design just doesn't attract me. I prefer the GBA SP design over this. Doesn't mean I won't buy it though. Please, bring on the flames. I'll piss all over them.


TekunoRobby said:
That knob things looks so horribly designed. Well I've never touched the unit so I wouldn't know how well it controls.

All the talks about the screen clarity, these people do know that Sony has reduced the screen quality, right? Or have they seen the redesigned screen and are commenting on that?

I would assume they have a little more insight than we do on a message board.


Tag of Excellence
kpop100 said:
I would assume they have a little more insight than we do on a message board.
Judging from when the article was and the quotes I'd probably assume these are from June or shortly after E3, before the screen announcement.


Bluemercury said:
So where is the supposed analog stick?

They were kidding that is the analog stick.

It's underneathe the D-Pad.


The analog stick is amazing. Aside from the screen it is the most innovative part of the design in my opinion. It works really well. I actually think it's a better design than the ones on the Playstation controllers.

The screen clarity at E3 was brilliant. It was better quality than anything I've ever seen on any type of handheld device. Playing games on this system with 16:9 and a screen this clear would be a step up from my current home console 4:3 s-video setup.


TekunoRobby said:
Judging from when the article was and the quotes I'd probably assume these are from June or shortly after E3, before the screen announcement.

That could be true also...but honestly I think the "downgrade" in screen quality will end up being a myth.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
All the talks about the screen clarity, these people do know that Sony has reduced the screen quality, right?
Announcement? That was some silly rumor that people from Sony laughed at saying that they intend to actually improve the screen even further.

Btw, if you hold a device of this size (try the original GBA) I find it really easy to move the thumb to a position where the analog stick is located. You just bend your thumb on it's first join, and there it is. What's the problem?
Marconelly said:
Announcement? That was some silly rumor that people from Sony laughed at saying that they intend to actually improve the screen even further.

The Sony guys do a lot of laughin. And we'll just see about this screen enchancement you speak of.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
The analog stick is completely worthless. Aside from having barely any capacity for movement, it's placement is awful. I think it would take triple joints to manipulate the damn thing.

I'm sorry, I think the device looks wonderful but I just can't imagine myself enjoying games on it. Why didn't they put a nice analog stick where the d-pad is and place a small d-pad where the analog stick is? It's not like every game that comes out for it won't require 3D control.

aoi tsuki

This thing needs to be a a deep red with a really glossy finish. i'm not that interested in PSP, but if it were red, i don't see myself being able to resist buying one.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
And we'll just see about this screen enchancement you speak of.
Too bad the screen price will obviously jump with the enhancement, from the $600 (that the rumor claimed prototype unit's screen cost) to, I'd say about $900.
Minotauro said:
The analog stick is completely worthless. Aside from having barely any capacity for movement, it's placement is awful. I think it would take triple joints to manipulate the damn thing.

I'm sorry, I think the device looks wonderful but I just can't imagine myself enjoying games on it. Why didn't they put a nice analog stick where the d-pad is and place a small d-pad where the analog stick is? It's not like every game that comes out for it won't require 3D control.

It sure looks like its in a hard to use place..........


Has problems recognising girls
Is it just me or did the PSP gain a few more pounds around the stomach?

Maybe to fit in those giant batteries so it'll last for 2 hours. It's funny to see it modelled like some super model though hehe


evilromero said:
Honestly, when I see it I don't want it. I come from a background where the system has to reflect the aesthetics of video games. This device (PSP) looks a little too broad in style and doesn't quite have the video game appeal I'm looking for.

Huh....what the hell does that mean exactly? I own a GCN, Xbox, and PS2. I'm more concerned about something that goes into the console. They're called games.

Bash the PSP all you want but at least find a credible reason. Hell, I'd take "I hate Sony" over whatever the hell you meant by the above.
I love all the hate regarding the analog stick.

1. How many of you have actually handled it personally?

2. It's a portable system and having things protrude is always iffy at best. I think it's a pretty good solution actually.


Lisa Lashes said:
Huh....what the hell does that mean exactly? I own a GCN, Xbox, and PS2. I'm more concerned about something that goes into the console. They're called games.

Bash the PSP all you want but at least find a credible reason. Hell, I'd take "I hate Sony" over whatever the hell you meant by the above.

I think he means that it looks like it's trying to be an all out media device, he's wondering how exactly it'll handle as a video game system (wondering if it'll be comfortable, I assume).
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