I want to see the spanish emails.
Where I can find a copy of them.
Copy of Facebook page is at the end.
I want to see the spanish emails.
Where I can find a copy of them.
Is this the first noteworthy time a publisher has openly cited PS+ as a negative influence? I always assumed the deals they struck meant the publisher was rewarded adequately.
making things more complicated and the probability of the project being profitable to be even more difficult.
Hello Oscar, more than anything thank you for your email. I would like to make a comment that nothing based on predictions and politics for third-party subscriptions are neither objectively valid nor it will stop us for moving forward with our projects, as going by those fears video games can be considered dead, new brands would pass as anything short of a utopia and none of this is true. Video games are plainly growing above all thanks to us, Indie developers, and external publishers, such as ours, that have our days counted. However, allow me to explain, if you will, as I would love to give you three simple things to finish this:
First of all, as I said previously, rejecting projects in that same manner will only make enterpreneurs such as ourselves renounce you, the publishers, forever.
Secondly, thanks to rejection emails such as yours, we have opened our eyes with respect to what I have commented on my first point and to give a chance, as the moment of truth has arrived to renounce you, the publishers, as we no longer have a need for you. We are now able to publish the games ourselves for free and we no longer need the middle men of any kind. Let this be an example of insecurity on your part and even if you want to pay us we wouldn't want to work for you.
Lastly, as I've said earlier I thanked for your email not because it was completely useless to us but because as I said we no longer need you and I knew this beforehand, way before I started writing these words but you have no idea the satisfaction that left me in writing them. Thank you.
I hope that your higher ups read this as it is dedicated to Antonio Segarra Vela; founder, CEO, and game designer for NEOSAGA Game Studios in Barcelona, an entrepreneur for his fearless, small but great companyand one of many Indie dev teams with a pair of balls so big that it'll make his and his gamers' dreams come true and finally without publishers. Now you have a truthful reason to have fear and to shake in fear together.
Thank you very much for your time!
Antonio Segarra Vela
CEO & Game Designer
NEOSAGA Game Studios (Barcelona)
Additionally, based on our experience with downloadable games, we figured that the title will be trapped in a fire between free to play games and full-published games, making things more complicated and the probability of the project being profitable to be even more difficult. Not to mention the fact that Sony, like Microsoft, is giving away games via their Playstation Plus services like on Xbox Live repectively which makes things even more difficult.
I believe what this pub is saying is that PS+ is training consumers to only consume "free" or low price games in the sub AAA space.
Well as long as the game isn't broken, I'll buy it now. Loved this response.
He is not wrong, you know.
Hello Antonio,
The higher ups have given me their conclusion after checking out the material that you sent to us.
We have rejected the project because we are not sure as to what will happen when the PS4 is released, specifically with small publishers such as ourselves. Additionally, based on our experience with downloadable games, we figured that the title will be trapped in a fire between free to play games and full-published games, making this title to stand out form the others more complicated and the probability of the project being profitable to be even more difficult. Not to mention the fact that Sony, like Microsoft, is giving away games via their Playstation Plus services like on Xbox Live repectively which makes things even more difficult.
With that said, thank you for the information you provided us and sharing your passion.
Oscar Del Moral | Marketing Director | Kock media SLU.
Hello Oscar, more than anything thank you for your email. I would like to make a comment that nothing based on predictions and politics for third-party subscriptions are neither objectively valid nor it will stop us for moving forward with our projects, as going by those fears video games can be considered dead, new brands would pass as anything short of a utopia and none of this is true. Video games are plainly growing above all thanks to us, Indie developers, and external publishers, such as yours, have your days counted. However, allow me to explain, if you will, as I would love to give you three simple things to finish this:
First of all, as I said previously, rejecting projects in that same manner will only make enterpreneurs such as ourselves renounce you, the publishers, forever.
Secondly, thanks to rejection emails such as yours, we have opened our eyes with respect to what I have commented on my first point and to give a chance, as the moment of truth has arrived to renounce you, the publishers, as we no longer have a need for you. We are now able to publish the games ourselves for free and we no longer need the middle men of any kind. Let this be an example of insecurity on your part and even if you want to pay us we wouldn't want to work for you.
Lastly, as I've said earlier I thanked for your email not because it was completely useless to us but because as I said we no longer need you and I knew this beforehand, way before I started writing these words but you have no idea the satisfaction that left me in writing them. Thank you.
I hope that your higher ups read this as it comes from Antonio Segarra Vela; founder, CEO, and game designer for NEOSAGA Game Studios in Barcelona, an entrepreneur for his fearless, small but great company and one of many Indie dev teams with a pair of balls so big that it'll make his and his gamers' dreams come true and finally without publishers. Now you have a truthful reason to have fear and to shake in fear together.
Thank you very much for your time!
Antonio Segarra Vela
CEO & Game Designer
NEOSAGA Game Studios (Barcelona)
Spidey, en mi casa yo elijo lo que es correcto y lo que no, y por supuesto pongo lo que a mi me da la gana. La gente tiene que saber lo que hay y no seré yo el que me esconda y el que lo deje estar. Yo me enfrento. Por que padezco las malas condiciones y el catálogo luego y no me da la gana de callarme.
Estos de Koch Media llevan un mes de retraso para contestarme ese correo y durante ese tiempo yo ya había abierto los ojos hacia la autopublicación, consagrada y posible la generación que viene con las nuevas consolas, pero me encabrona el trato igualmente y la dejadez. Ya no habrá editor que nos toque las pelotas, nosotros lo guisaremos y nos lo comeremos y por fin abriremos mercado en este puto país de importación constante donde no hay cultura del videojuego. Falta inversión a nuevos emprendedores y falta confianza para los nuevos equipos con grandes ideas y ganas de trabajar. Nadie nos dirá más que podemos y no podemos hacer.
Me la pela quien sea ese caballero, como si es el puto rey de España.
Gracias por el apoyo de todos modos.
Spidey (facebook poster), I decide what is right or wrong in my house, and I post whatever i want. People need to know what it is and I will not be part of hiding it and let it slide. I confront it. Because I endure the bad times and the repercussions[/B (not sure about this) later and I don't feel like shutting up.
They (Koch Media) took a month in getting back to me and in that time i opened my eyes to self publishing, sacred and the new audience that comes with the new consoles, but it makes me fucking angry the way they treat me (referring to Koch). There will be no publisher that will touch our balls, we will stew them and eat them and finally there will be a market on this fucking country, where everything is imported, with no videogame culture. Lack of investment and trust from publishers to our teams with big ideas and the will to work. No one will tell us what can we do or not do.
That sir makes me really angry and he believes he's the king of of Spain.
Thank you for all the support.
Además, viendo toda la mierda que sale; casual, clones y demás morralla, ya va siendo hora de que alguien diga algo. No son todos, por suerte, pero sí demasiados
Anyways, Looking at all the shit that comes out these days, Casual games, Remakes and all that shit. It is time someone said something about it. Luckily is not all of them, but too many games.
En ello seguimos hasta conseguir una demo explicativa para ke la gente vea de ke va la cosa y meternos por Crowd de cabeza por nosotros mismos. Es el camino más dificil pero será el más gratificante al final.
We are still working on a demo that shows everyone what the game is all about and go with crowd funding head on by ourselves. It is the harder road, but the one with the highest pay off.
What do you think? Do we really need so cocky developers?
And I will business suicide a thousand times before being a fucking donkey
Is this the first noteworthy time a publisher has openly cited PS+ as a negative influence? I always assumed the deals they struck meant the publisher was rewarded adequately.
Todos los demás que me rajais la respuesta, estais es vuestro derecho, pero no me conteis vuestra puta vida por ke no me interesa una mierda, ni me deis putos consejos que nadie os pide, solo mi equipo y yo sabemos por lo que estamos pasando y no voy a pasar ni una que pueda perjudicarles, por que este mundillo es puro enchufe y suerte, puro oportunismo barato, una jodida casa de putas y una maldita secta y si hay algo por lo que rebano cabezas es tener que depender de terceros para conseguir información, una información al parecer confidencial, que todo el mundo sabe y nadie dice, un top secret absurdo que ni las propias empresas comentan pero luego te piden que sepas, meses perdidos investigando por que nadie te informa de nada y luego sale cualquiera publicando su mierda, para que luego venga un pringao de despacho a tocarme las pelotas diciéndome lo ke vale y lo ke no, sin preguntarme una mierda de nada. Todo este tiempo sin nada regalado, currando gratis. Que cojones sabrá él de rentabilidad. Que le den por el puto culo! Así de claro.
Así que muerto el editor, matada la puta pérdida de tiempo y una ahorrada de pasta considerable. Nosotros seremos los editores y punto, sin rendir cuentas a nadie, nosotros ideamos, nosotros curramos y nosotros cobramos. Al resto que le den por saco. Lo único que importa somos nosotros y nuestros jugadores, lo demás nos sobra.
To Everyone that criticizes my response, you have the right to do it, but don't tell me about your fucking life because I don't give a fuck, don't give me advice that i didn't ask for, only my team and I know what we're going through and I'm not going to let anything slide that can harm them, this world is only networking and luck, pure cheap opportunism, fucking house of whores and fucking sect and if there is one thing for which I rip heads off is for depending on 3rd parties to get information, one piece of information seems confidential, yet everyone knows it and no one talks about it, it is an absurd secret that even the companies don't know but they expect you to know, months lost because no one informs you of anything and then telling me what matter and what not, without asking me shit. All this time with nothing given to me, working(sp) for free. What the fuck does he know about the profitability of the product. Fuck him in the ass. Keeping it real.
So death to the publisher, fucking waste of time y considerable savings of money. We will self publish and that's it, without accounting to anyone, we think, we curate and we get paid. The rest can fuck themselves. We only care about ourselves and our playerbase, the rest we don't care about.
Must be annoying to be a dev in a country like Spain with little gaming culture and want to make a game for those taste.
And I will business suicide a thousand times before being a fucking donkey
This should be Iwata's response every time he gets asked about going 3rd party/iOS.
This got me.one of many Indie dev teams with a pair of balls so big that it'll make his and his gamers' dreams come true and finally without publishers
Tell me he didn't wrote that "thing" in english. My God!
Can't very english I write well. (Oh it was translated)
Also what the fuck is wrong with most spaniards?
Where the hell does that holier than thou attitude comes from?
I see in a daily basis in real life and videogames.
Feel free to point to a traditional crowd-funded (a regular Kickstarter) project that made more than $5 million. Now compare that to a $20-30 million budget for a typical AAA game. If you count Star Citizen, you have one but that model carries a lot more risk for the company than the traditional Kickstarter. Same goes for Greenlight and self-publishing.He's right though. Through crowd funding, Greenlight and console makers allowing for self publishing, who really need publishers anymore?
He's right though. Through crowd funding, Greenlight and console makers allowing for self publishing, who really need publishers anymore?
I guess it depends on the project. Crowd funding will not guarantee that you will be able to cover all costs. Ask too much and risk not meeting the goal, ask too little risk running out of money. Also, if I'm not mistaken marketing is mostly covered on the publisher side. I don't think I have seen a kickstarter that allocated money to marketing, but I may be mistaken. I understand that self publishing and crowd funding have changed the way games get made, but to say that publishers have no place in gaming anymore is a far stretch. At least for the foreseeable future.
This is weird because after getting denied by the publisher, he goes on to say "we don't need you anyway! We can publish for free!"
Then why inquire about about a publisher?
Its similar to the guys who holla at girls, and when the girls turn them down, the guy retorts "You was ugly anyway, hoe!!"
En ello seguimos hasta conseguir una demo explicativa para ke la gente vea de ke va la cosa y meternos por Crowd de cabeza por nosotros mismos. Es el camino más dificil pero será el más gratificante al final.
Lol, I love how this idiot thinks crowdfunding is a possibility to him after showing how much of an emotional trainwreck he is.
I don't give a fuck that you all are ass and crap
, but they will never call me asslickr or conformist.
And I will business suicide a thousand times before being a fucking donkey.
So that doesn't have any fucking logic and the negative things you now where I put them.
There will be no publisher that will touch our balls
we will stew them and eat them and finally there will be a market on this fucking country
but don't tell me about your fucking life because I don't give a fuck
fucking house of whores and fucking sect and if there is one thing for which I rip heads off is for depending on 3rd parties to get information,
What the fuck does he know about the profitability of the product.
Fuck him in the ass.
So death to the publisher
fucking waste of time y considerable savings of money.
The rest can fuck themselves.
Keeping it real.
Who's talking about AAA? They obviously would not be a part of this conversation for the reason's you stated. But for the guy in the OP, who I assume this relates to, crowd funding would be perfect and he really has no reason to need a publisher.Feel free to point to a traditional crowd-funded (a regular Kickstarter) project that made more than $5 million. Now compare that to a $20-30 million budget for a typical AAA game. If you count Star Citizen, you have one but that model carries a lot more risk for the company than the traditional Kickstarter. Same goes for Greenlight and self-publishing.
If you ask who needs a publisher, I'm saying AAA games. Simple as that. And probably everyone who can't test or market a game by themselves.Who's talking about AAA? They obviously would not be a part of this conversation for the reason's you stated. But for the guy in the OP, who I assume this relates to, crowd funding would be perfect and he really has no reason to need a publisher.