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Puppeteer |OT| $40, No Strings Attached


I think I'm really bad at this. I have only found a bonus stage on the first level and almost all the time I haven't the necessary head. I'm on Act 3. I'm enjoying the game, even though it being very dynamic breaks the flow of the action.

edit: I'm now on the final act. It is the perfect game to play on the Halloween season. It is beautiful and cute. Also, I wonder why they didn't go for the 60fps 1080p. I'm starting to feel that this game could perform even better on the graphical side.
Just completed the game. Whilst it was beautifully presented, narrated, and featured some absolutely stunning looking environments and enjoyable boss fights, the game annoyed the crap out of me more than I could ever imagine.

I’d like to begin with the controls and the way it plays; the most important part of any game, and really the only thing that matters. Puppeteer did not play well. The controls are sleepy and floaty and I never felt like I was in full control of Kutaro. 30 frames per second doesn’t help, but the main issue is that I don’t think he feels that great to control, and considering this is a 2D platformer, I think its a massive issue. No jumps are ever precise, changing direction isn’t accurate, and some upgrades such as a directional shield are just annoying to use. He’s also just not that fun to jump about and play with, it feels almost lifeless (spare me the joke that he’s a frikking puppet).

Another problem for me was difficulty, or perhaps annoying frustrations in the game that I felt were either unfair or out of my control. Rope cutting jumps that for some reason would sometimes not be reachable, the unbelievably annoying blaster firing plants that required you to change direction of the crappy shield that ran out of juice too quickly and too long to recharge. I died a lot in the game, yet still managed to complete the game with 40 lives remaining. With that in mind, why did the game even bother with a lives system? It didn’t need one, and just led to more frustration as you hopelessly try to catch your last remaining head as it bounces away from you and vanishes within a ridiculously tight time limit. It feels like a game that the developer played and played all day and basically got used to playing around the annoying parts, and then thinking that it was easy to play and not at all frustrating. I know Sony focus test heavily, I’ve been part of it when I worked there, and to me this game feels like it didn’t have any external gamers play the game. Maybe they did, I don’t really care, but I found the whole experience infuriating at times.

Boss fights were generally the same in mechanics and patterns, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing 95% of them. A couple of them were damn right genius and very memorable.

Changing heads was kinda neat, but MUCH more could of been made of this. They’re entirely pointless in the game other than accessing bonus levels, unlocking Trophies (again, pointless) and the odd additional room or prize. If they had perhaps given Kutaro special abilities or access to different routes in the level, or had altered the buff on the scissors, that would of been cool. I understand and appreciate it would of made a much more complex game with lots to balance, but y’know, this IS Japan Studio here :) They were basically just skins for the character, a wasted opportunity I feel. Compare it to Mario where he collects suits that give him huge gameplay changes, I think something like that would of been awesome. Obviously you couldn’t have all of the heads then, but you get what I mean.

Presentation, graphics, music and spoken voice are OUTSTANDING in this game, absolutely first class top tier quality. Even the font used in the front-end was beautiful! It’s an incredibly attractive game to see at and hear. I don’t own a 3D TV but I would imagine it’s got some very nice 3D effects.

I dunno, I came away disappointed with Puppeteer because I didn’t think it was that great to play, and I was glad that I had finished the game so I didn’t have to play it again. That sounds really harsh because I don’t think its a particularly bad game, I just thought the controls and a few vital gameplay mechanics could of been improved upon.


Picked this up the other day thinking it would be nice to play with the lady over the weekend. I didn't expect it to hold our interest for more than an hour or so. Boy, was I wrong!

We ended up finishing the game in a couple of sittings. Everything about it was fantastic. The co-op mode is great, perfect for someone who isn't too great at games, yet it still provides the second player with enough things to do.

This is definitely a sleeper hit that everyone with a PS3 should play.


I’d like to begin with the controls and the way it plays; the most important part of any game, and really the only thing that matters. Puppeteer did not play well. The controls are sleepy and floaty and I never felt like I was in full control of Kutaro. 30 frames per second doesn’t help, but the main issue is that I don’t think he feels that great to control, and considering this is a 2D platformer, I think its a massive issue. No jumps are ever precise, changing direction isn’t accurate, and some upgrades such as a directional shield are just annoying to use. He’s also just not that fun to jump about and play with, it feels almost lifeless (spare me the joke that he’s a frikking puppet).

I never had an issue with controlling Kutaro, but I do agree on the shield. I had trouble aiming the shots. That was probably the only source of annoyance for me.
I don't share the issues with the controls. I agree there's a lot of missed potential here, especially regarding the heads, which are really just an interactive health bar. Bigger issue for me remains having such long performance bits that I ended up just skipping every scene I could later on.

I felt the overall flow and use of abilities improves in the last four Acts. I'm disappointed mainly that the level design was so inventive but not very demanding.

I guess there won't be a sequel, which is a shame because a more refined and challenging experience could be born from this framework. Still, just on craftsmanship and overall feel I think this will end up on the tail end of my top 10 this year. Really enjoyed it.
Just beat it.


Reading some complaints about the controls above, I will agree that the controls could have been just a tad bit tighter, but overall, I found little issue with them. For example, towards the end where you had to use the shield to deflect in consecutive instances, I struggled a bit, but then as it went on, I started to improve my timing, and could imagine myself getting much better at gameplay elements such as this on subsequent play-throughs. A less long-winded way of saying what I'm trying to say is that as far as the controls go, it seems that practice might make perfect, or at least better.

Listening to the soundtrack in the background right now, most memorable soundtrack for a game I can remember in years. I really enjoyed this game and hope Sony continues to take chances on projects like this in the future.
Why did Sony not make the soundtrack for this available to buy? I want to give them my money but they won't let me. Shitty thing is I know that the soundtrack did come with the digital pre-order I believe, but I pre-ordered a physical copy.


Why did Sony not make the soundtrack for this available to buy? I want to give them my money but they won't let me. Shitty thing is I know that the soundtrack did come with the digital pre-order I believe, but I pre-ordered a physical copy.

I bought a physical copy from Amazon and as a pre-order bonus I got a code for downloading the soundtrack by email.
I do believe though that not all retailers offered pre-order bonuses, but you should probably check it.

Amazon said:
The Amazon Video Games team thanks you for purchasing 'Puppeteer' for PlayStation 3. Your purchase has qualified you for the Theatrical Pack.
I bought a physical copy from Amazon and as a pre-order bonus I got a code for downloading the soundtrack by email.
I do believe though that not all retailers offered pre-order bonuses, but you should probably check it.

Thanks, but I pre-ordered from a company(estarland.com) that doesn't do any kind of pre-order bonuses. I suppose they may still put it out there to buy at some point; as we know it was available in a form already where I'd imagine it wouldn't take much effort to have it as a product.


I really wanted to like this but didn't like this through 2-1. Cutscenes and tutorials EVERYWHERE and the voice acting was grating. When I did play the controls seemed floaty, especially scissor cutting and overall the game seemed too easy.

But for some reason at 2-2, it clicked. The tutorials generally dropped out, there were hardly any cutscenes during the level itself, instead there was just creative level design and fun platformer, action, and interacting with things. Really liked 2-2 & 2-3. Great music too.

I think, considering how often I get hit and lose a head, if there was a hard mode where you only had 1 head and couldn't pick it up (so 1 hit kills), the game would be a decently challenging action platformer. Also if they mixed the stuff up more like in 2-2, 2-3 there were plenty of bomb sections but not a single guard reflect section. Finally one of the worst things about the game is requiring specific random heads at specific points for special events. They should've indicated somehow heads you want to hold on to or something so you can get them on the first time through if you save your heads.

Anyhow, despite complaints I really enjoyed 2-2 & 2-3. Probably going to enjoy the game from now on. Definitely could've not been so tutorial heavy early on but I get that it's for kids.


I really wanted to like this but didn't like this through 2-1. Cutscenes and tutorials EVERYWHERE and the voice acting was grating. When I did play the controls seemed floaty, especially scissor cutting and overall the game seemed too easy.

But for some reason at 2-2, it clicked. The tutorials generally dropped out, there were hardly any cutscenes during the level itself, instead there was just creative level design and fun platformer, action, and interacting with things. Really liked 2-2 & 2-3. Great music too.

I think, considering how often I get hit and lose a head, if there was a hard mode where you only had 1 head and couldn't pick it up (so 1 hit kills), the game would be a decently challenging action platformer. Also if they mixed the stuff up more like in 2-2, 2-3 there were plenty of bomb sections but not a single guard reflect section. Finally one of the worst things about the game is requiring specific random heads at specific points for special events. They should've indicated somehow heads you want to hold on to or something so you can get them on the first time through if you save your heads.

Anyhow, despite complaints I really enjoyed 2-2 & 2-3. Probably going to enjoy the game from now on. Definitely could've not been so tutorial heavy early on but I get that it's for kids.

Your experience matches that of a lot of others. Starts off slowly, but the game starts to pick up during the second Act and really kicks into high gear in the 3rd.


Finally cleared the game this afternoon since owning it at launch. I more or less enjoyed myself and while I'd like to see a sequel, I'd like to see a different approach in many regards. It took me along time to finish my first run because I was playing as thoroughly as possible. As soon as I acquired all of the ability heads I would try my hardest to uncover as many of the hidden heads and stage specific trophies as I could before moving on. Needless to say, I don't have too much to go back for to get my Platinum. Here's a few thoughts I had over the course of the game.

-While well written/acted and all that garbage, the game was WAY TOO chatty for me. Worse yet was the fact that there weren't any subtitles. I can't stand games without subtitles. The sun princess was pretty obnoxious for the most part too. None of the humor in this game is my style either. Not trying to sound like some cynical, "no fun allowed" tough guy or anything, but I can't recall laughing or even chuckling during my playthrough.

-Not going to knock the game for its easy difficulty because not every game needs to be super challenging (same reasons why I liked Kirby's Epic Yarn so much). But if I were to make this game more difficult I would have done away with the extra lives. Your lives should have been just the heads. There's such a frequent supply of heads during the stages too that it makes it nearly impossible to die. I would have made the Moonstones finite as well and would have tied them instead to a a secondary collectible. Gain 100/X amount, earn the Hundredsparkle, which gets displayed somewhere on the Act selection screen and be done with it. The completionist/OCD side of me can't stand the fact that the Hundredsparkles aren't recorded anywhere, but whatever.

-The amount of scripted events, unique dialogue and scenarios packed into each stage is ridiculous. There's so many secret animations, stage alterations, etc. game had attention to detail on MAX. So many bosses too. The amount of art assets used in this game is crazy-town. So many props and shit in the foreground/background. It's nuts.

If we do get a Puppeteer 2 (which I doubt) I'd love to see a different approach. There's so much cool stuff going on with this game. I'd just like to see it handled a bit differently next time. Less chatting, watching cut scenes, and more game-y stuff.
For what it's worth, I know there's subtitle options in there somewhere, because I turned them on and turned the voice to like 1 volume for the second half of the game.

Also, you can skip the chatty bits, you just have to go into the pause menu to do it iirc.


Just did 3-1 tonight and while it was nice, the hookshot seems extremely wasted. All you can do is grab things and pull with it? Really? All my dreams of swinging across stuff with the hookshot are shattered ;__________;


For what it's worth, I know there's subtitle options in there somewhere, because I turned them on and turned the voice to like 1 volume for the second half of the game.

Also, you can skip the chatty bits, you just have to go into the pause menu to do it iirc.

Fart, I didn't even realize there was a way to display subtitles. I'll have to check that out next time I boot the game up. About the chatty bits, no matter how cringe inducing/embarrassing a cut scene/voice acting is, I watch everything in games and never skip scenes (unless I'm on a subsequent playthrough/run, of course). So, even with having the option to skip cut scenes, it was still a conscious decision on their end to narrate/talk through the ENTIRE game (lol) and it just didn't click with me.

Just did 3-1 tonight and while it was nice, the hookshot seems extremely wasted. All you can do is grab things and pull with it? Really? All my dreams of swinging across stuff with the hookshot are shattered ;__________;

Yeah, I feel like the main problem with the heads/abilities in this game is the fact that they're so limited. Aside from their unique animations (which look great) they serve no other purpose other than triggering scripted events throughout the stages. I loved the fact that they hid so many stage alterations and unique dialogue and sequences through the use of the heads, but I feel like it would have been better to tie them all into the core gameplay somehow (other than the 4 ability heads, obviously).

Take the train head you can find. It would have been cool if you could jump on the train's back and ride it around and plow into enemies with it. I would have also littered miniature train tracks throughout the levels that the train could connect/ride on which also could have led to secret areas. I'm sure that's WAY more work than standing on a predetermined spot, activating your head, and switching on an unique event/bonus room, but it would have been way more fun and WAY more interesting. I guess they didn't want to take away from the focus on the scissors, for narrative purposes, being as important and vital to your little guy as they made it out to be. I don't know, it's probably a tough thing to balance.

I would have rather have had less heads that actually had gameplay applications than a 100-some heads that act as variables in predetermined spots on the stage. As you said, the ability heads should have allowed more freedom too. I also expected to be able to freely swing across gaps with the hookshot. I really do want a sequel to this game, but I hope it's WAY different if we do see one.
Just finished this game. Its an absolutely outstanding ride! The art direction, the animations, the witty dialogue is all top-notch! This is one case where I believe that the spectacle is better for being more prominent than the gameplay. Do not get me wrong, the platforming is sold too! I just absolutely adore the artistry of this game.

About the ending:
It made me feel feels. As I was defeating the Moon Bear King I started to feel sympathy for him. Then it turns out that he was misguided and out of control simply because his inner child did not have any friends. The happy ending absolutely made me smile. Loved it!!


I jumped on it for $20..super exicted to play it.
Havent really followed price drops on this game but considering reg price is $39 and its selling for $20 now i cant see it getting any lower.

Surely Amazon will correct the difference if it continues to drop


I found the last copy at Best Buy for $20 this evening. Really excited to start it up once I finish off my challenge mode run of the new R&C.


Junior Member
Sony should port this game to the PS4 asap. Release it only digitally and put a good price on it and I'm thinking it would sell quite good. I know I'b buy it for 25$ if it were to release on the PS4 PSN store tomorrow and I'm sure a lot of other people on here would do too.


Should I get this or Rayman Legends? Both should be good platformers but I'm leaning towards Puppeteer since its supposed to have a fun story?


Tough choice, they both have pros & cons. Lots of genius but held down by just not being ultimately engaging imo.

I'd lean towards puppeteer simply because it's something different and a unique experience. The story is actually kind of a con. It's very well presented, but the cut scenes are mgs4 style too long too often and the story stuff really is aimed at kids. If I had a kid I'd give them this game over anything else this Gen. It's a perfect kids game. For adults it can be a little waning. It doesn't hit that Disney "for everyone" note but rather feels like a Saturday morning cartoon for the sub-10 year old group.


Tough choice, they both have pros & cons. Lots of genius but held down by just not being ultimately engaging imo.

I'd lean towards puppeteer simply because it's something different and a unique experience. The story is actually kind of a con. It's very well presented, but the cut scenes are mgs4 style too long too often and the story stuff really is aimed at kids. If I had a kid I'd give them this game over anything else this Gen. It's a perfect kids game. For adults it can be a little waning. It doesn't hit that Disney "for everyone" note but rather feels like a Saturday morning cartoon for the sub-10 year old group.

Thanks for the info. I think I might just wait until next time they are on sale. I usually don't mind long cut scenes but with them being very kid centric and long scare me a bit.


Thought I'd try here first, I've got a code for the theatrical pack if anyone wants it. It includes the soundtrack, a dynamic theme and some avatars. PM me if you're interested.

While I got this bumped, everyone should buy this game, it's great and should be cheap as Fuck now. ;p


Thought I'd try here first, I've got a code for the theatrical pack if anyone wants it. It includes the soundtrack, a dynamic theme and some avatars. PM me if you're interested.

While I got this bumped, everyone should buy this game, it's great and should be cheap as Fuck now. ;p

Just started recently and am up to Act 3 now. I'd love to get the theatrical pack if it's still available. Pm sent
Finished this one up. Really good stuff. Puppeteer should have been considered for best graphics and GOTY from the major game sites but I highly doubt any of them even played it. I mean in all my years playing games I've never heard a kids game bring up communism while your obese character sweats his fat off. Truly this game is something else.


Looking for Pants
I really wanted to like this but didn't like this through 2-1. Cutscenes and tutorials EVERYWHERE and the voice acting was grating. When I did play the controls seemed floaty, especially scissor cutting and overall the game seemed too easy.

But for some reason at 2-2, it clicked. The tutorials generally dropped out, there were hardly any cutscenes during the level itself, instead there was just creative level design and fun platformer, action, and interacting with things. Really liked 2-2 & 2-3. Great music too.

I think, considering how often I get hit and lose a head, if there was a hard mode where you only had 1 head and couldn't pick it up (so 1 hit kills), the game would be a decently challenging action platformer. Also if they mixed the stuff up more like in 2-2, 2-3 there were plenty of bomb sections but not a single guard reflect section. Finally one of the worst things about the game is requiring specific random heads at specific points for special events. They should've indicated somehow heads you want to hold on to or something so you can get them on the first time through if you save your heads.

Anyhow, despite complaints I really enjoyed 2-2 & 2-3. Probably going to enjoy the game from now on. Definitely could've not been so tutorial heavy early on but I get that it's for kids.

Good to know that it picks up. I just finished 2-1 and it feels like with the hour plus I've played 50% of that has been narrative and or tutorials. Not exactly challenging so far, but the controls are a bit slow to respond sometime.

Whoever wondered why they didn't target 1080p/60 is crazy. There isn't some magically switch to turn on that gives the GPU 5x power and the CPU 2x power (which would be required as its 720p/30). In order to reach that goal a lot of what makes the game aesthetically pleasing would need to go away (ie the dynamic lighting system).


I am hoping that you have already purchased it and are actively playing it now. If not, then that is a hint ;-)

I'm at work but when I get home I'm going to download the demo just to make sure the game suits my taste. Honestly I don't normally play non competitive single player/co-op games, but I've made exceptions for whimsical and unique things like Journey for example (which was my GOTY).

I really enjoyed Little Big Planet too and the screenshots and trailers I've seen looks sort of like that.


Got it on sale, I'm on act 2. Good lord this game has huge amounts of endlessly dull cutscenes. When does this get good?
I just made it to act 5. How much longer do I have left? Not really enjoying the game but I want to at least finish it. So many horrible mechanics and QTEs that I don't understand why this game gets any praise. Act 4 boss has QTEs at the end that if you miss one you have to re-do the whole fight, lol

I dunno why I was expecting anything from a 2D Sony platformer though, to be honest.


I just made it to act 5. How much longer do I have left? Not really enjoying the game but I want to at least finish it. So many horrible mechanics and QTEs that I don't understand why this game gets any praise. Act 4 boss has QTEs at the end that if you miss one you have to re-do the whole fight, lol

I dunno why I was expecting anything from a 2D Sony platformer though, to be honest.

There are 7 acts.


I just made it to act 5. How much longer do I have left? Not really enjoying the game but I want to at least finish it. So many horrible mechanics and QTEs that I don't understand why this game gets any praise. Act 4 boss has QTEs at the end that if you miss one you have to re-do the whole fight, lol

I dunno why I was expecting anything from a 2D Sony platformer though, to be honest.

Let's call it what it is. This game is hot garbage.
Let's call it what it is. This game is hot garbage.

yea I beat it last night and have zero desire to go back to any level. Probably getting deleted from my HDD today actually. Gorgeous graphics, borderline terrible gameplay mechanics and extremely questionable level design. I'm done listening to GAF on Sony platformers.


Let's call it what it is. This game is hot garbage.

The game isn't garbage, but it is what it is: an interactive movie platformer. It's closer to Beyond, Ico or any of the non-game art games out there than Mario or Crash. LBP is more of a "game" than this is.

But that doesn't make it bad, just different. I'm enjoying watching it, but not enjoying playing it...if that makes any sense. I feel like I'm going through the motions while watching this insane production (seriously, this has to be one of the most expensive games I have ever seen in 25 years of gaming; the amount of art assets and animations is nuts) play out.

It makes me smile to watch, but it's boring to play; which is why I can't play more than a single 20 minute stage per session and am still on 6-2 after playing it for the last month every few days.

I appreciate the game and that it exists...even if it's not all that fun; basically how I feel about most good artsy games.


Finished this last night. Was really charming by the end. I wanted to clap too.

The gameplay is alright, there's plenty of moves but the 30fps + motion blur makes it feel weird and the level design under uses the mechanics.

But the levels are pretty darn neat to go through. Just tons and tons of cool little interactions in the background (loved the running gags like the kids from the first world showing up throughout), lots of bonus stages that get better and better, and the narration and constant breaking of the 4th wall either through dialogue or the characters actually leaving the stage is very original and neat. It's a happy lovely game that makes you feel happy if you let it.

Could've used fewer cutscenes for sure and each level could've been half the length (the latter which is the same problem the other Sony Japan Studios game from 2013 had) and the game is certainly flawed and not for everyone, but it's also a really nice experience that's nothing like anything out there and is absolutely charming and worth checking out.

I'd hate to be a reviewer for this game as I really couldn't give it a number score that'd accurately reflect it. Everyone should at least give it a try with an open mind and see if it's for them, and for kids 6 and under this is a must play.


I'm slowly working my way to the Platinum trophy, using a gargantuan checklist as each level is full of little things I never noticed on my first playthrough. Now this is how you make a game that's rewarding in all aspects! Even though I'm skipping most cutscences as my trophy hunting time is limited, I'm still finding the game as charming as ever, when it's not making me smile from ear to ear. Of course, I do rage occasionally too (damn Ice Dwellers!), but I even managed to unlock some trophies I wasn't going to attempt, like the no-damage ones. Given how cheap this game is now, I really encourage you to try it out :)
Let's call it what it is. This game is hot garbage.

Since I agree with you more frequently than many people on this forum, and since we both liked Journey for some reason, could I trouble you to expand a bit more on this? I'm trying to figure out exactly how I enjoyed at least the back half of this game when so many people I'm usually fairly in line with really hated it. Or are we just talking about the obvious of the interminable (but skippable) chatty bits and QTEs?

I know the beginning was more interested in giving you one ability to deal with at a time like an overlong tutorial, but I really felt like basically everything from the Bull and Horse boss fights on mixed abilities together pretty well and was fairly enjoyable. Again, barring the obvious.


Since I agree with you more frequently than many people on this forum, and since we both liked Journey for some reason, could I trouble you to expand a bit more on this? I'm trying to figure out exactly how I enjoyed at least the back half of this game when so many people I'm usually fairly in line with really hated it. Or are we just talking about the obvious of the interminable (but skippable) chatty bits and QTEs?

I know the beginning was more interested in giving you one ability to deal with at a time like an overlong tutorial, but I really felt like basically everything from the Bull and Horse boss fights on mixed abilities together pretty well and was fairly enjoyable. Again, barring the obvious.

To be fair I haven't finished the game, I think I'm at 4-1. It's very simple, these days I'm pretty tired about constantly interrupting cutscenes, especially in this game where every single time they considerably wear out their welcome, and are just not interesting or entertaining at all to me. They're just too many, too long and too boring. The whole presentation philosophy of this game is made worse by the fact that gameplay-wise is just not very compelling. I wish it was, but it isn't for me. It's not very fun, and it's not challenging. I don't really mind the QTEs, they provide some nice candy, which for me is the only thing this game has going on that is of any merit: the visuals.
To be fair I haven't finished the game, I think I'm at 4-1. It's very simple, these days I'm pretty tired about constantly interrupting cutscenes, especially in this game where every single time they considerably wear out their welcome, and are just not interesting or entertaining at all to me. They're just too many, too long and too boring. The whole presentation philosophy of this game is made worse by the fact that gameplay-wise is just not very compelling. I wish it was, but it isn't for me. It's not very fun, and it's not challenging. I don't really mind the QTEs, they provide some nice candy, which for me is the only thing this game has going on that is of any merit: the visuals.

Thanks for the reply. Can't really argue with you, especially regarding the difficulty, but I guess it just somehow appealed to me. I think some similar frustrations of mine were vented at the beginning of last year with Tomb Raider, and this had the benefit of coming much later.


Just finished the story and will have this Platinum-ed by the end of the weekend. Thought that the game was pretty good and had a wonderful sense of humor usually - "The Credits have been added to Act 7! A lot of people worked hard on this game and now you can pretend to care about them whenever you like!". I can't help but think that this started life as a LittleBigPlanet project.
Going through the game now after getting it free on ps+. Man, if I knew just how excellent this game turned out to be, I would have payed full price for it. Almost feel guilty, lol. For those of you who label it as an 'awesome to watch, but tedious to play' kinda game, I completely disagree with y'all. The game has actually been surprisingly enjoyable to 'play'. Of course the presentation amplifies the fun and so far it is on my most underrated game of last gen list. Can't wait to finish it. Btw, if bumping an old thread like this is frowned upon or heaven forbid, against the rules, I apologize. Just felt compelled to give credit to a game that has been unfairly overlooked.


Going through the game now after getting it free on ps+. Man, if I knew just how excellent this game turned out to be, I would have payed full price for it. Almost feel guilty, lol. For those of you who label it as an 'awesome to watch, but tedious to play' kinda game, I completely disagree with y'all. The game has actually been surprisingly enjoyable to 'play'. Of course the presentation amplifies the fun and so far it is on my most underrated game of last gen list. Can't wait to finish it. Btw, if bumping an old thread like this is frowned upon or heaven forbid, against the rules, I apologize. Just felt compelled to give credit to a game that has been unfairly overlooked.

You were right to bump the thread. You reminded me to put this on my list of games to re-play once my backlog is done.


Occasionally, i start up my PS3 to play of few acts from this game. For everything other than gameplay, this ranks amongst my favourite games ever. The presentation is just insane. The visuals, the animation and the flow from scene to scene is just amazing. Also, it has one of my favourite soundtracks ever. Voice acting is good and the characters are fun. You can clearly see that a lot of work, love and passion went into the presentation. The attention to detail in every scene is crazy.

Gameplay wise, it has it's fair share of problems though. If this game had the same controls as Ori and the Blind Forest and matching level design, it would have been an amazing game.

I keep wondering if Gavin Moore is still at Sony Japan Studio. I had hoped we would have seen a new game announced from him by now.
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