This game is not as easy as I was thinking it would be. I guess it matters what you count as "dying". It doesn't really matter, since you're going to always have enough lives to finish the game. And the punishments for falling down a pit, and losing your heads, are about the same. That's the only way you're going to die, and if you just got picked up by some magical hand or something, we'd have something like Kirby's Epic Yarn.
So, I just count that as "dying" too, even though it technically isn't. That being said, this game seems about on par with the Klonoas in term of difficulty. I'm only in world 5 now, so I could change my opinion.
So, I applaud falling into pits. It's how you're going to die. Enemies are losers, just like in Klonoa, or the Rayman games.
Although I died a few times fighting the horse and cow boss.