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Puppeteer |OT| $40, No Strings Attached

I'm on Act 2 Chapter 1 so far. I think it's brilliant; the visuals and style is wonderful, it's very varied and creative and the controls are spot-on. I can't believe how overly negative some 'reputable' review sites were; I suspect had this been a Mario game they'd have praised the unique setting and creativity and fired off a bunch of nines at it.


I'm on Act 2 Chapter 1 so far. I think it's brilliant; the visuals and style is wonderful, it's very varied and creative and the controls are spot-on. I can't believe how overly negative some 'reputable' review sites were; I suspect had this been a Mario game they'd have praised the unique setting and creativity and fired off a bunch of nines at it.

Which reviews did you think were too negative?
I just finished it, what an awesome game. I just hope it gets the praise and attention it deserves so they'll keep making more games like this.

On the subject of difficulty, I think it was a relatively easy game. I don't however consider that necessarily as something negative.


act 4-3 was my favorite act by a mile. the guitar and the beautiful town were absolutely magical. I had one of those ahhhh moments in that level.
Which reviews did you think were too negative?

Eurogamer, mostly. They just seemed to focus way too much on negatives and didn't give it credit where its due for creativity and fun. And, for example, while reviewed by different people, they gave Rayman Legends 10/10 and Puppeteer 6/10. There's no flipping way that there's a 40% difference in the quality of these two games.
Finished it earlier today. Fantastic game! In fact I'm going to go one step further and call it a classic! A gem that will be looked back upon in times to come in great fondness. And we pray for a sequel. I think it was quite challenging at times, especially later levels. There's always a surprise around the corner and you visit many varied and colourful worlds. It's just a joy from start to finish. Loved every moment.

Such, charm, character and presentation. They really nailed it all. Boss battles were brilliant. The heads were too cute. I loved getting new ones. The music, art style and narration were spot on. Loved the script and banter of the characters/narrator.

The only negative I can say about the game is a head you may have needed is replaced by another pick up or you lost in meaning you couldn't do the bonus'. Considering the levels themselves can be quite long.


Junior Member
Act 6 curtain 2 complete. I love act 6 theme and 5 was just as good. If there's one thing they could improve upon, it would be the heads. I can imagine it's going to be annoying going back to previous levels and needing the right head to unlock stuff. It would have been good if you had a head inventory that you could manage, like you can take 10 at a time or something...


Act 6 curtain 2 complete. I love act 6 theme and 5 was just as good. If there's one thing they could improve upon, it would be the heads. I can imagine it's going to be annoying going back to previous levels and needing the right head to unlock stuff. It would have been good if you had a head inventory that you could manage, like you can take 10 at a time or something...

Yeah, that's one of the things I like that the Lego games do, you can bring all of the necessary skillsets when you replay a level.
Act 6 curtain 2 complete. I love act 6 theme and 5 was just as good. If there's one thing they could improve upon, it would be the heads. I can imagine it's going to be annoying going back to previous levels and needing the right head to unlock stuff. It would have been good if you had a head inventory that you could manage, like you can take 10 at a time or something...

when you finish the game and unlock Kutaro's head and use it, you can access any of the bonus parts that require a specific head.

Still it would be better if you could pick a load out.


A bit over a third of the way through my second run now, with the aim of filling some of the gaps in my head collection. I can usually add one or two that I've missed each time, though I don't think I've got 100% of the heads on a single Stage yet. Guess it'll take a third run, at some point!

I'm skipping the cutscenes this time, though I'm still loving the banter between the characters. They did a really clever thing in keeping the fourth wall visible to both us and the characters at all times, and it leads to lots of lovely moments that really give the feeling that you're having a show performed just for you.

when you finish the game and unlock Kutaro's head and use it, you can access any of the bonus parts that require a specific head.

Still it would be better if you could pick a load out.

Damn, wish I'd known this earlier! Spent the last two Acts with tons of spare Kutaro heads, but I never thought to use them as wildcards.


Yep, of all places I didn't really expect GAF to turn a blind eye on such a unique title.

I think GAF is a pretty good reflection of the gaming community at large. There is a minority that are really interested in these niche titles and a majority that are into console wars, GTA, Call of Duty, and Madden.


My copy of this FINALLY arrived (protip UK guys: stop using Flubit for any kind of preorder).
The 3D isn't too good, I expected it to looker deeper and I had it on max depth so I'm playing this without 3D. Only beat 1-1 so far so not too deep into it at all but I love the way the game looks and am looking forward to playing some more later.
Just started this last night and meant to play just a hour. 4 hours later I'm still glued to my tv.
The game feels so fresh and is so beautiful it is dazzling.

Once you get the scissors it really fell into place for me. Absolutely adore it


Junior Member
Acts 6-3 and 7-1 complete. I'm keeping the last 2 levels for the next time, probably tomorrow. Again, the levels are always so good and interesting. It's like they keep outdoing themselves. I started getting most souls, heads and bonus stages in one go since act 6, also I started getting some of the funny trophies by accident
like Mr. Pink's endless jabbing
. I'm trying to resist going after the older levels before completing the game. The game's mechanics started to click at around Act 4 (it feels like 65% out of 100%) and things went only better during Act 5 (80%). It's a great feeling when a game does that to you. I can imagine Acts 1 up to 3 will go butterly smooth with all the power ups and getting used to the mechanics.

Yeah, that's one of the things I like that the Lego games do, you can bring all of the necessary skillsets when you replay a level.

Read Katana_Strikes' spoiler :)

when you finish the game and unlock Kutaro's head and use it, you can access any of the bonus parts that require a specific head.

Still it would be better if you could pick a load out.

That's good at least.

You know, it feels like the developers thought of everything to keep the game stress free. I like the touches where you can leave the level and you can still continue in sections last saved. I don't remember seeing that in other platformer games, kinda like a check point system a la FPS. Also it's nice that the game tracks everything that you collect from a level even if you quit from it. And you don't have to button bash with the hook weapon because it gives you time with its green glowy thing. So you can easily jump from boss attacks and continue using the hook shot. Really nice!

Booo seems that the picture book theme is not in the OST.

Poor Mr. Pink :(

They better have the one from Act 7-1 on there or else :( That one was so epic, very fitting for the last Act.


I think GAF is a pretty good reflection of the gaming community at large. There is a minority that are really interested in these niche titles and a majority that are into console wars, GTA, Call of Duty, and Madden.

Sigh, I guess you are right. :/ I was just hoping/wanting to believe that GAF is a more alternative oriented forum, but it turns out that GAF is largely just a glorified Gamefaqs forum, with only difference being that there are so many people here that all kinds of people with different interests will inevitably stumble upon this place.


The fact that this OT barely broke 1000 replies is depressing. This game needs more love, it's one of the best games this year.


The fact that this OT barely broke 1000 replies is depressing. This game needs more love, it's one of the best games this year.

Sony should have released it at a better time or on PS4 as a launch title. As it stands I've got too much to play and I know I can find it for under $20 next year or even later this year.
The shitty 30fps is really jarring after the beauty of Rayman Legends, but I'm still enjoying it. Really does look like the LBP engine though, the controls are much tighter however.


I really want to get this game but I'm tight on my expenses and probably won't be able to experience this game any time soon.
Such a shame too cause it looks like a lot of fun.
The shitty 30fps is really jarring after the beauty of Rayman Legends, but I'm still enjoying it. Really does look like the LBP engine though, the controls are much tighter however.

It's not that bad. It's not nearly as smooth as Legends, but then it's doing a helluva lot more so 60fps was likely never going to be possible on the PS3 and it's not really a fair comparison to make.

A sequel on the PS4 however should hopefully see it reach that target quite easily...
Doubt that will ever happen.

The sequel or it reaching 60fps?

I think we might see a sequel, Sony aren't as quick to abandon under-performing (is it fair to say this as we don't know what their expectations were?) after just one game. I think we'll see a sequel, if not on PS4 then possibly on Vita.
I thought the game worked well as a solid one off title, they packed plenty into it and got full usage out of its various mechanics, basically I'm saying that this game doesn't really need a direct sequel in my eyes.
I'd like to see the same team tackle another platformer with different mechanics or maybe even see how they'd do with a 3D platformer.
This game is not as easy as I was thinking it would be. I guess it matters what you count as "dying". It doesn't really matter, since you're going to always have enough lives to finish the game. And the punishments for falling down a pit, and losing your heads, are about the same. That's the only way you're going to die, and if you just got picked up by some magical hand or something, we'd have something like Kirby's Epic Yarn.

So, I just count that as "dying" too, even though it technically isn't. That being said, this game seems about on par with the Klonoas in term of difficulty. I'm only in world 5 now, so I could change my opinion.

So, I applaud falling into pits. It's how you're going to die. Enemies are losers, just like in Klonoa, or the Rayman games.

Although I died a few times fighting the horse and cow boss.
Played through Act 1 last weekend, just did the first stage of Act 2 and I'm not really feeling the game so far. I love the puppet show motif, it looks and sounds great and it's mechanically sound, but I'm just not enjoying playing it. Not sure if it's the stop-start nature of the game so far giving it a complete lack of flow, but I'm not having fun.

Maybe it gets better, I'm admittedly still pretty early in the game, but I don't know that I'm interested in putting more time into it to find out.
Living the game so far.. Just finished act 3..
I might bite and pull a whole evening to finish this today.
Then it's off to another game!
Got so much to play it scares me!
Haven't had much time to play lately, but this game is great. Currently in the
world, which is awesome. I would play a whole game in that style alone.
Just beat it. I think I'm gonna go to bed and sleep on it but I'm pretty sure this was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had. Everything just, works.


Started replaying again after GTAV and it's just as mesmerizing and masterfully beautiful as when I left it. Currently at 6-1 and every head has been accounted for so far as well as their uses in the correct location aside from the Sheep and the Snake.

Does anyone know where either the Snake or Sheep head are used?
Started replaying again after GTAV and it's just as mesmerizing and masterfully beautiful as when I left it. Currently at 6-1 and every head has been accounted for so far as well as their uses in the correct location aside from the Sheep and the Snake.

Does anyone know where either the Snake or Sheep head are used?

Sheep head is used at the boss in the snow mountain bonus level IIRC.


Yeah I figured it would be used later on, but the Snake head has me massively stumped unless that isn't til much later on as well.

Where Sheep and Snake are used:
Sheep is used in Bonus Scene 7-1

Snake is used in Bonus Scene in the first act... i don't remember if 1-2 or 1-3.


Got this for my birthday. :)

Huge Nintendo fan here and everyone keeps saying how "Nintendo" this is, so I'm looking forward to diving into it when GTAV is done with.


Trying this game out in the next couple of days. Demo didn't floor me, but I trust many of the opinions here enough to give the game a chance. =)


Got the game and just finished the first curtain. I actually thought I had done the first act! Good length.


I fell in love from the title screen and it only gets better scene after scene. And I'm sure I've seen nothing yet.

For me it is easily goty material. I will replay it to death. I love how it keeps track of everything and gives hints for heads you missed or let you try the bonus rooms from the menu. Great for completionists.

Although it is a platform game for sure I wouldn't put it next to Rayman or Mario. It's very set piecy and I think it is closer (somewhat) to games like Heart of Darkness. Only totally awesome!


Although it is a platform game for sure I wouldn't put it next to Rayman or Mario. It's very set piecy and I think it is closer (somewhat) to games like Heart of Darkness. Only totally awesome!

Comparing this to Heart of Darkness is one odd fucking comparison, but to each their own.

Man I loved HoD


I only have a few more heads to get in Act 7 and one more in Act 4, and I'm done. Perfect objective for tonight.

After playing GTA V religiously, Puppeteer is still my GOTY. Such an incredible game. It never gets old.
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