This game is fantastic. I love Mario Kart 7 (see avatar), but Pushmo has that great "can't put down"/"just one more try" quality that made Super Mario 3D Land so ridiculously addicting. And yet, if it weren't for GAF, I wouldn't know the first thing about this game, because I've seen all of nothing on it elsewhere. "Quality" isn't what I typically think of when I see eShop items; maybe it's because the shit presentation of the shop with the bulky icons and bizarre categorization makes it seem sloppy and cheap. But there's nothing sloopy about Pushmo.
I love the Katamari-esque art direction and the way the sumo-thong-clad hero jiggles as he jumps. I love the gameplay; it's like Catherine (one of the best games this year), but with no ledge hanging, and the ability to jump gaps and cross diagonally. I love the use of 3D, which works so well with brightly colored worlds like these and the Mario games. I love the clean presentation. And I haven't even touched Pushmo Studio yet, but I'm looking forward to nostalgia-fueled sprite renditions. (Someone should do Rex from Mario World.)
At $7, with 250 puzzles made by Intelligent Systems of Advance Wars and Fire Emblem fame, and the ability to create your own, this is an absolute steal of a deal. One of the best games on the 3DS, physical and non-physical media alike. Buy buy buy!