There are achievements in-game (some related to combo making). You can access them through the 'other' option and scroll down. IIRC.
I don't see this in mine....JP only?
There are achievements in-game (some related to combo making). You can access them through the 'other' option and scroll down. IIRC.
Just getting to work so I have time for questions...
1 - Metal dungeon or Thursday dungeon? I'm thinking metal as I can use those to boost more of my monsters.
2 - OP mentions that maxed Pendgras give 9k exp but evolved ones give way more. I have started the technical dungeons and did get a green pendgras. How hard is it to get the evo mats for them? Worth doing, or maybe just run those dungeons more to get multiples?
2 - OP mentions that maxed Pendgras give 9k exp but evolved ones give way more. I have started the technical dungeons and did get a green pendgras. How hard is it to get the evo mats for them? Worth doing, or maybe just run those dungeons more to get multiples?
Are chimeras worth keeping and evolving, or are they just food for the pengdras?
Lil Dragons have great stats, nuke breath as a skill, and their final leader ability is to halve damage from their respective color. A valuable leader skill in the later dungeons where Bosses can hit for 20k+ per hit.
They are much better than the starter dragons, imo.
There are achievements in-game (some related to combo making). You can access them through the 'other' option and scroll down. IIRC.
Also, i simply simply can't find that in-game achievement. You sure it's there. May be it's IOS only?
You get a guaranteed drop of either Highlander or Berserker, two good fairly rare orb changers. It will also probably kill your ass.What's special about this Heroes Descended dungeon?
I am going to disagree with anyone who says to sell low level evo mats when you run out of space. I've been trying to get a damn blue sperm for hours now. Hours. I've burned through my stam twice, not one. At least with higher level dungeons you're getting good money or XP, I'm getting nothing except frustrated. I JUST WANT TO EVOLVE MY DAMN AURORA DRAGON!
When you are doing the technicals, always do the first level because you will come across more Pendgras that way. Because there are less a variety of monsters in those first levels.
When you are doing the technicals, always do the first level because you will come across more Pendgras that way. Because there are less a variety of monsters in those first levels.
quick update for anyone that finds themselves in a similar situation. I contact Gunho through their website and let you them know what happened.
they promptly responded with an email asking for a lot of detailed info including:
exactly or best guess your progress in the dungeons, what rank are you, list the dates and times of the last dungeons you beat, photo evidence of stones purchased and invoice numbers from itunes receipts.
pretty awesome that they take this stuff seriously. i quickly provided as much as I could this morning and waiting to hear back. If you havent purchased stones, and this is the only way to guarantee that you can recover a lost account, go ahead and purchase one imo.
patiently waiting. had a shit ton of colored dragons and pengdras ready to evo with thursday dungeon and dragon plants. at this point just hoping to get account back with any amount of progress. after 100 hours starting over a grim prospect.
anyone know how they would push my account back to me? ive downloaded and reinstalled but have diff ID now. thanks.
I am going to disagree with anyone who says to sell low level evo mats when you run out of space. I've been trying to get a damn blue sperm for hours now. Hours. I've burned through my stam twice, not one. At least with higher level dungeons you're getting good money or XP, I'm getting nothing except frustrated. I JUST WANT TO EVOLVE MY DAMN AURORA DRAGON!
I am going to disagree with anyone who says to sell low level evo mats when you run out of space. I've been trying to get a damn blue sperm for hours now. Hours. I've burned through my stam twice, not one. At least with higher level dungeons you're getting good money or XP, I'm getting nothing except frustrated. I JUST WANT TO EVOLVE MY DAMN AURORA DRAGON!
Just what exactly did just happen? 3 metal dragon runs, 5 kings and 2 high? I won't complain!
Agreed. I'm sitting at 155 slots I think. I suppose at lower levels where you're pretty much auto-feeding the dudes you catch to other monsters, lack of space isn't a huge deal. But when you have to keep Pengdras of various colors, the dragons to evolve Pengras you don't have at the moment but whose Alert! only comes up rarely (like blue or red or green), the various evolve mats (because farming *lits is horrible)...This i why I don't understand how anyone can go with under 100 slots.
Its just too hard to play the game effectively. I keep at least one of every evolve mat. Wasting stamina trying to get a low level orb is not only stamina wasting but also space wasting since you need to keep the other 4 evolve mat. Plus the extra exp mats you about to spend on the character right after you evolve it.
Pengdra management and exp maximization alone takes like 30-40 slots.
*brofist* I feel your pain. I feel your pain.That's what's going on with me right now. I've been farming those blue lits for DAYS, and I have gotten 0.
Just ran the metal dragon dungeon thing for the first time. Two Highs and three normals.
Curious though, how much damage do you need to be able to do to punch through the High's defense? I was able to punch through a normal's, and do more than 1 damage, but I can't get over the wall on the Highs.
They don't do much damage, so it just takes a while.
That's what's going on with me right now. I've been farming those blue lits for DAYS, and I have gotten 0.
I am going to disagree with anyone who says to sell low level evo mats when you run out of space. I've been trying to get a damn blue sperm for hours now. Hours. I've burned through my stam twice, not one. At least with higher level dungeons you're getting good money or XP, I'm getting nothing except frustrated. I JUST WANT TO EVOLVE MY DAMN AURORA DRAGON!
Just ran the metal dragon dungeon thing for the first time. Two Highs and three normals.
Curious though, how much damage do you need to be able to do to punch through the High's defense? I was able to punch through a normal's, and do more than 1 damage, but I can't get over the wall on the Highs.
They don't do much damage, so it just takes a while.
You do realise that its sprites tomorrow right ?
I ran The Cave Master like 5 times this morning, finally got one blue lit thingyamabob.
Just looked, and it's at half stamina right now, which is nice. But I want more metals!
I've taken some time off just farming for evo mats. How are technical dungeons unlocked? By rank, or through progress in the Normal dungeons? As it is now, I only have the wood technical dungeon unlocked.
You have to complete the wood to unlock ice / water and then complete that to unlock fireI've taken some time off just farming for evo mats. How are technical dungeons unlocked? By rank, or through progress in the Normal dungeons? As it is now, I only have the wood technical dungeon unlocked.
I've haven't necessarily hit a wall, but I could use some advice. I'm up to the 4th Tech dungeon and the 3rd dungeon after Castle of Satan. My team of monsters is pretty lackluster, though, so I haven't done any of the harder special dungeons, except for one Keeper dungeon. I was hoping you guys could help me utilize my time wisely. Where do I go from here? Here's my team:
Echidna lvl 41
Flame Guardian lvl 38
Megalodran lvl 30
Lakshmi lvl 30
Plesios lvl MAX
Deep Chimera lvl 22
Flower Chimera lvl 24
Mandrake lvl MAX
Dragon Rider lvl 26
Holy Dragon lvl 25
Dark Golem Mk.II lvl 35
Volcano/Devil Dragon lvl 1
I have a divine fire mask and a fire keeper, if that helps.
I want to bring this post up again in hopes of getting some help. Also, my ID is: 384,134,290 if anyone wants to add me. I'm not sure anyone needs my lame monsters but I'll put them up if someone asks.
I am getting to the point I have to juggle 50 box spaces with 450 total, I'd go nuts with less.
Just a consideration. I know it's hard to hold back if you really need to use your Siren, but if you plan on maxing her skill and RCV, you might consider keeping her low level while you feed her Marine Goblins and monsters with RCV bonuses. The only benefit to doing so is saving a ton of gold, so if that doesn't matter to you, feel free to level away.Amazing PAD day continues, hopefully it's a GAF Karma thing and we all have amazing stories to report. After getting my 2 lackluster egg pulls I decided to give Voice of the Siren another shot.
FINALLY!!!! Her name is "Seanna" and she is my muse. I will be leveling her as fast as possible to finally open up my friend list to something other than healers.
To anyone looking to go for a Siren. DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT run Mermaid Feast. You would think that since there are three chances for her to drop and low cost to run it would happen quickly. IT'S A TRAP!!! Voice of the Siren of the Ice Mech Dungeon are the way to go.
I get a bunch from farming today's dungeon, too, but don't sell the Fruits. You only get 120 gold per, while they're worth 5000 base exp as a feeder and 7500 exp to Green monsters.Really, I have way too many and end up selling all the new ones i get, although today I have started using them to level up my pengdra's as they give 5k XP.
Actually, 150K base and 225K for same color bonus. So, even better!5 evolved Pendgras given to the same colored pet is worth 175,000 exp.
Actually, 150K base and 225K for same color bonus. So, even better!
I want to bring this post up again in hopes of getting some help. Also, my ID is: 384,134,290 if anyone wants to add me. I'm not sure anyone needs my lame monsters but I'll put them up if someone asks.
I want to bring this post up again in hopes of getting some help. Also, my ID is: 384,134,290 if anyone wants to add me. I'm not sure anyone needs my lame monsters but I'll put them up if someone asks.
Just a consideration. I know it's hard to hold back if you really need to use your Siren, but if you plan on maxing her skill and RCV, you might consider keeping her low level while you feed her Marine Goblins and monsters with RCV bonuses. The only benefit to doing so is saving a ton of gold, so if that doesn't matter to you, feel free to level away.
I wouldn't worry about it until she's in her final form though. Skills reset to level 1 when she evolves. stat + don't though.
Not Siren's. The skill only resets if the name of the skill changes. Generally for orb changers, this isn't the case. As long as the official name of the skill doesn't change, her skill level will remain through evolution
Not Siren's. The skill only resets if the name of the skill changes. Generally for orb changers, this isn't the case. As long as the official name of the skill doesn't change, her skill level will remain through evolution
Speaking of which, how come I do not see you on my helper list? Is it because you are too high level? Your on my friends list.