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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Decided to waste my last 10 stones .... Got Susano and Lakshmi.

So, 3 pulls and 3 gods (got my second Odin earlier). Which s very lucky, but oddly I don't.feel that way. :)


Victory over Master Weekend Dungeon finally, failed about 4 times. Won with a flame drall leader, a blue and green ripper, alarune, dino rider, and odin helper. I only met the boss one previous time and it was 2 green carbuncles with a 1 timer each that one shotted me. This time it was one blue and one green on alternating turns.
Ok so I only used my two initial pupils and have been saving stones all game. I had seven pulls and got:

Suzano + 1

I like Odin but getting two dupes Feels bad. Really wanted an Amaretsu. Sucks because it should have the highest chance of dropping.

Pal pulls:
Keeper of dark x2
Green and blue divine mask
Dbl dublit
Rainbow dublit
Red dragon
Red dragon +1
Green dragon
Lil green dragon
And a bunch of pendras

Had about 25 stored.


Did the rest of my pulls. My third Orochi, sorry Blackflag. Didn't get any skill ups from feeding the dupes I got. That's the first rider I've seen so far. Susano and Lakshmi, ugh! Second Lakshmi for me. Valkyrie would be good if I didn't have two Great Valkyrie already.





I did 14 Gacha pulls. Was really hoping for an Amaterasu or a Shiva. Did get a Blue Odin and another Viper Orochi that I have no idea what to do with. I went crazy and bought some stones, I still have 15 pulls to do, but I'm going to do them later.

Max one Orchi and keep the other low for resolve purposes is the general consensus.
When I try to buy stones I get an error telling me to contact iTunes support :( I fear they won't fix it in time worst day it could happen :(

Happened to me. Did you buy 3 times in a row? They fixed it the next day for me, but sadly that may not be soon enough for you



Ran my three saved pulls and got

Ivory Dragon (2nd one)

Two of the worst Gods in the game and a repeat that I never use anyways.


only one pull with stone from completing dungeons and got a 6* Hino Kagutsuchi - does extra damage as leader i think of about 500%. Not sure how, or when to use this dude. Not really going to help me with expert mech or shit like that.

i dont know how to play this game without a resit and healer or dual resist combo. wish i could break out my shell but nothing else seems viable unless you want to stress about getting one hit killed.
Yeah, I did it twice on the same day :( Jyst got an email saying they can't fix it and won't say why. Wtf!

Thats weird cuz they fixed it for me. Write back and ask? Are you using credit card? I have a hard time understanding why theyd tell you basically "you can never make another purchase on the app store again"


I heard yomi is good with some leader from the Xpac. I can't see how but I guess we'll see. Damn you guys getting so many orochi a and green odins

Ran my three saved pulls and got

Ivory Dragon (2nd one)

Two of the worst Gods in the game and a repeat that I never use anyways.

Yomi is one of the best gods in the game for a dark team. And vritra's skilldoes like 100k damage at low hp, which is great for a resolve team


Thats weird cuz they fixed it for me. Write back and ask? Are you using credit card? I have a hard time understanding why theyd tell you basically "you can never make another purchase on the app store again"
It's really weird. I'm using gift cards and have funds in my account. Here's what they said:

Michael, I have consulted with a Senior Advisor and after reviewing the circumstances of your case, we are unable to make the necessary adjustments to your account "myappleid". Also, we are unable to provide further information regarding this situation. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Please review the Apple's requirements for using the iTunes Store, please refer to the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions:


I hope this email has been helpful. If you'll have more queries, feel free to reply to this email. Have a wonderful day, Michael! Thank you for the chance to improve your iTunes experience.
Great job improving my iTunes experience
It's really weird. I'm using gift cards and have funds in my account. Here's what they said:

Michael, I have consulted with a Senior Advisor and after reviewing the circumstances of your case, we are unable to make the necessary adjustments to your account "myappleid". Also, we are unable to provide further information regarding this situation. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Please review the Apple's requirements for using the iTunes Store, please refer to the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions:


I hope this email has been helpful. If you'll have more queries, feel free to reply to this email. Have a wonderful day, Michael! Thank you for the chance to improve your iTunes experience.[/qoute]
Great job improving my iTunes experience

Are you outside the US?
I am. Could that really be why? Urgh. How annoying


This iTunes Service is available for individuals aged 13 years or older. If you are 13 or older but under the age of 18, you should review this Agreement with your parent or guardian to make sure that you and your parent or guardian understand it.

The iTunes Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the iTunes Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.

Pretty sure this is it. I fear you may be screwed :(


So my GF got 3 Vampires - 1 from rare egg and 2 from pal machine (so damn lucky there)

Is there any point to having more than one?


only one pull with stone from completing dungeons and got a 6* Hino Kagutsuchi - does extra damage as leader i think of about 500%. Not sure how, or when to use this dude. Not really going to help me with expert mech or shit like that.

i dont know how to play this game without a resit and healer or dual resist combo. wish i could break out my shell but nothing else seems viable unless you want to stress about getting one hit killed.

for me it depends on how hard the dungeon is, i rebelled and did expert light dungeon with a lil light dragon leader and a vampire helper and brute force through it. The harder the dungeon the less options i seem to have though.


Got nothing out of pal pulls

My rare pulls were

Viper Orochi
Genie the Elemental
Ivory Dragon

The Viper Orochi is nice. Is it better to keep it at lvl 1 for low hp resolve or to level it?
Wow I have the worst luck. Pure crap, it really is discouraging. Never gotten anything better than a 3 star in over 20 pulls.
Another dryad


Decided to give it one more go...got a Succubus to go with my earlier Lilith. At this point I should have learned to avoid the rare gacha!
I think you're right. Oh well. Saves me money I suppose

I almost wish the same thing would happen to me, lol. I think I'm done pulling the machine for a long time though, at least until an update comes out. Hopefully that gives me enough time to recover from the past month :)


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Well I did a bundles worth of pulls (85 stones) and the gods I got that I didn't have:

Green Odin
Minerva #2 (to dual element into the other)
Low level Orochi (my others were lvl 30 or evolved from the water event)

Besides that everything was duplicate gods or crap, like getting a Great Valkyrie after I just evolved one? Thanks for the joke. The only pullable gods I'm missing now are Hades, Ceres, Venus, Blue Odin, Thor, Idunn(a) and Freyr.


12 pulls:

Dark Golem
Mystic Flame Knight
Toytops (actually not mad about this one)
Viper Orochi
Ivory Dragon
Mystic Ice Knight
2 Rare pulls for today :

Shiva the Destroyer
Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight isn't a god, but will help me run a 2ADK dragon team. Plus I'm really lacking in the Green department. Don't think I'll buy any stones, consider this good luck and move on.

edit : did anyone else get a 6* Shiva?


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
That feel of accidentally feeding your +5 RCV fodder to your ADK instead of your Ammy. Feels bad man. -_-


2 Rare pulls for today :

Shiva the Destroyer
Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight isn't a god, but will help me run a 2ADK dragon team. Plus I'm really lacking in the Green department. Don't think I'll buy any stones, consider this good luck and move on.

edit : did anyone else get a 6* Shiva?

Nice! Mine was just regular Shiva level 6


Soooo I finally decided to do my pulls and ended up doing 11 of the 12 I had possible. I didn't end up getting the Valkyrie I so desperately wanted but I think I did pretty well overall. I hadn't done any rare gacha pulls since the last time they had a godfest and during that one I got 3 3* monsters. These are the non doubles I got today Green Odin, Vritra, Viper Orochi, Ceres, Undine, Vampire, Drall, and Angel. The doubles were Dryad (2nd of the day after the one I got in the Pal machine ;;), Mystic Dark Knight (got a CDK already), and a Succubus. I question how useful Ceres or even Vritra are in the end but Odin and the Viper Orochi are extremely useful so I'm happy even if I didn't end up with a Valk.
Had two rolls an got a light/dark rider and a Valk.

I loaded up mor monies but not sure if I want to plunk down for more stones. What do you guys think?


Well 33 pal pulls and 3 rare pull later I got two things useful.

Lil Red dragon and dark divine mask.

The game kept trolling me by giving me rare divine mask and double orb spirits of colors I already have 2 or more of.

Been getting fantastic luck with drops though. Got like 4-5 + stats drops and got a cupid(I didn't have one since I only did one expert noble mech dragon before) on a random noble mech dragon expert because I had 25 stamina and need only 600 exp to level so I wanted to maximize exp to stamina.

Suck about the no 2x drop for the mech dragons though. They've been super stingy with them lately. Last week they didn't have it for the water mech dragon either.

Next should be dark mech dragon right? Boy am I going to go psycho on that. The dark mech dragon is the one I want the most and succubus is the only healer I don't have and its also the healer that I want 3 or 4 of.


Yeaaaaaaah no more.

I ain't buying no more stones for a little while now.

Today I decided to do 2 85 stone pulls. This morning was horrible. I figured I could get better luck this afternoon (I really want either a Shiva or a Viper Orochi).

My second one today? I ain't even listing it all because it's absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Best 2 pulls were an Amataresu and a Mystic Stone Knight.

I got a fully evolved Lakshmi (whatever, I pulled a normal one this morning).

The rest? EVERY. SINGLE. PULL. was a 3-star rare. No silver eggs. I got 2 gold eggs and FIFTEEN star eggs in 17 pulls.

That's it. I'm fucking giving up on this shit. At least I now have mid-term goals to evolve my Stone Knight into an ADK and my Ammy so I can get an incredible healer (I already have a fully evolved Siren but the Ammy is even better).

This is fucking horseshit. Oh and I got my Ammy as my very last pull, too. Talk about fun.

Oh and just for fun: I got 3 nagas and 3 succubus too. At least the Succubus I can play with a little bit and make an all poison team so I can just tear through a lot of the weirder dungeons (and they're all healers, so I could do fun stuff) but that's about it. The nagas I already have an Echidna and I don't know if I need 3 more...

I guess that's what I get for pulling a Great Valk earlier this week... :(
My wife is addicted to this game too but she refused to buy stones but she keeps talking about how she hates how all these people get all lucky. So I went onto her phone and bought 85 stones without her permission and now I'm in trouble lol.

She pulled a Valkyrie though, and is STILL complaining just because the egg wasn't gold, lol.


Wow, reading all of your experiences with the god fest was interesting. There's too much gambling involved for me to consider spending money. I saved up two pulls and got a Great Valkyrie and a Pierdra
Next should be dark mech dragon right? Boy am I going to go psycho on that. The dark mech dragon is the one I want the most and succubus is the only healer I don't have and its also the healer that I want 3 or 4 of.

Someone already set their clock forward and determined that tomorrow is NOT the dark mech dragon dungeon. It's an ADK dungeon, similar to how a few weeks ago was Blade of Justice with the mystic light knight


Man, that's painful

Someone should have posted that YouTube of that Asian kid who did 25 pulls and got almost nothing. It would have been a good learning lesson for people that weren't around back then.
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