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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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So for the first time EVER I've made it to the Noble Mech itself on Master. Is there anything I should worry about? I really don't wanna die :(


I dislike you a tiny bit now :( HOW DO YOU DO IT? I suck so bad, can't beat Master...
If you're low on hearts just take your time and plan out the biggest possible combo, it's not a race. And don't waste a defensive skill unless you know there's a chance you can die the next turn.

What's your team?


So for the first time EVER I've made it to the Noble Mech itself on Master. Is there anything I should worry about? I really don't wanna die :(
He only attacks and maybe heals once when he's low, no special abilities. When his health is low he will also start using a stronger attack, be ready with a defensive skill if you go too low, and try to have your nukes back up to finish him off.


If you're low on hearts just take your time and plan out the biggest possible combo, it's not a race. And don't waste a defensive skill unless you know there's a chance you can die the next turn.

What's your team?
Thanks. I'm using Siren and Light/Water Neptune leaders, subs are Chaos Devil Dragon, Meteor Volcano Dragon, Echidna and Rainbow Keeper. Have had no trouble with healing so far (currently at the Noble Mech itself, but haven't started fightning it yet).
He can occasionally be a gigantic asshole with that stronger attack (13328 unreduced) and activate it multiple turns (I've heard horror stories of 5+) in a row, so be prepared for anything.

I've been running JP's Naga dungeon all day. Only one's dropped for me so far but on the other hand I've only been running it on Adept since I'm too squishy to do it on Expert.


He can occasionally be a gigantic asshole with that stronger attack (13328 unreduced) and activate it multiple turns (I've heard horror stories of 5+) in a row, so be prepared for anything.

I've been running JP's Naga dungeon all day. Only one's dropped for me so far but on the other hand I've only been running it on Adept since I'm too squishy to do it on Expert.
Yikes. I should probably save my Keepers active skill saved up if he does that (multiple times, can't really see it coming). I should probably leave the fire orbs alone for Siren to use in emergency cases. I'm gonna give it a try.


Thanks. I'm using Siren and Light/Water Neptune leaders, subs are Chaos Devil Dragon, Meteor Volcano Dragon, Echidna and Rainbow Keeper. Have had no trouble with healing so far (currently at the Noble Mech itself, but haven't started fightning it yet).
With only one resist his big attack will do almost 7k damage and he can spam it repeatedly when he's low, be ready for it.

Edit: beaten.


Oh my GOD! That was an INTENSE battle and I had some really close calls from that stupid Claw attack (he kept using it over and over and over and over.... like you guys said), but thanks to my Rainbow Keeper (to half the damage further) and Naga to delay his attacks, I finished him off!!!! THANK GOD!


I am so relieved and I am so glad I finally got him! PHEW! Thanks for your help, guys! Couldn't have done it without you :D


Got my phone back and have started the reset marathon for my first unit.

I started P&D last time with a Green Golem. First pull I get this time around - Green Guardian (Green Golem evo). :/

I've skipped a

1. Green Guardian
2. Siren the Ench
3. Mystic Knight of Light
4. Light Mech Golem
5. Anubis
6. Highlander
7. Mystic Knight of Earth
8. Blue Toy Dragon
9. Succubus (maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I've been wanting one for ages :/)
10. Drall
11. Dark Golem
12. Sylph
13. Lillith :(((((((((((((((((
14. Mystic Knight of Light
15. Highlander
16. Succubus :(

so far. They're all nice and all, but I figure since I've got unlimited pulls - I'm waiting for a unit I really like.

We'll see how long I last...
Got my phone back and have started the reset marathon for my first unit.

I started P&D last time with a Green Golem. First pull I get this time around - Green Guardian (Green Golem evo). :/

I've skipped a

1. Green Guardian
2. Siren the Ench
3. Mystic Knight of Light
4. Light Mech Golem

so far. They're all nice and all, but I figure since I've got unlimited pulls - I'm waiting for a unit I really like.

We'll see how long I last...

Depending on how long you're willing to wait, JP PAD is probably gonna hold a godfest for its first anniversary soon.


Neo Member
According to facebook it tomorrow

This weekend is your final chance to hunt down the Noble Mechdragon. His Dark Attribute counterpart, the Rust Mechdragon, is scheduled to descend at midnight Sunday -> Monday (February 18).

Just got into this game Friday. Does the above mean that monster's gone forever after tonight? If so, how often does stuff like this happen?
Just got into this game Friday. Does the above mean that monster's gone forever after tonight? If so, how often does stuff like this happen?

It'll come back in a few months, but another event dungeon will rotate in for 1-2 weeks tomorrow. These special dragons aren't really requirements in any endgame teams so you don't need to feel tooo bad about missing out on it.


Depending on how long you're willing to wait, JP PAD is probably gonna hold a godfest for its first anniversary soon.

True. I'm hoping the Murako-gacha is going to hook me up with a Valkyrie, Chiyome, or maaaaybe a Venus.

If not, then the Godfest is probably a safe bet. Still, with the new units and Valkyrie not being gods - I'll just keep cranking and hoping...

I've skipped a

1. Green Guardian
2. Siren the Ench
3. Mystic Knight of Light
4. Light Mech Golem

so far. They're all nice and all, but I figure since I've got unlimited pulls - I'm waiting for a unit I really like.

We'll see how long I last...

FUuuuuuuuuuuu, Murako just gave me a 6-star Anubis. I really could have used him the first time around, but now, his leader ability is just too hard to use. Maaan, he looks soooo good though. Active skill looks useful, but in truth I know it won't get much use. So sorry, Anubis.... ;.;
Just got owned in Clayus Prison

Punisher from Hell.

Couldn't beat stage 9.

3x Ivory dragon owned me.

Went Siren (Rippers) Odin Party but if two dragon attack at the same time, I'm doomed.

I think I really need a the Black/White Loki or have a Dark Mech dragon to complete it

Could just be u need more levels / more hp. I used a similar setup and was able to survive 2 attacks on the same turn. How much hp did you have?


Congrats, nice to see everyone getting him before he disappears! :)

I got a taste of the xelios life and used a stone to continue my 30 minute Master Noble run Xo I got the special attack and it ruined me, stoned and luckily when i beat him i got the drop :O
Inb4 1000+ stones. (saved up)

He had 106 stones going in. Got kicked out after he saw the first mob cause I got kicked out for a premium user (NicoVideo is terrible like that), but there were five dudes on a 1turn timer :lol

EDIT: hahaha holy shit dude almost threw his phone after boss disabled both leaders for three turns


Could just be u need more levels / more hp. I used a similar setup and was able to survive 2 attacks on the same turn. How much hp did you have?

To be honest I have no idea how I lost.

I just ran it again and won easily. Maybe it was three dragons last time.

Two dragons only did 6K damage which was easily remedied by siren auto heal and some heal orb conservation the round before. Two round of turns allowed me to easily kill the same counter dragon. Since I did 5 nukes on it. (30K + 40K +20K + 20K + 20K)

Rest was easy with odin and siren.
War Deity Saint Minerva (leader)
Demon Viper Orochi
6* Evo of Siegfriend which we don't have yet
Fenrir Knight Kamui
Awoken Zeus
Fortune Deity Lakshimi (friend leader)

I might try to screengrab it and upload to YouTube, because that was way more hype than a PAD stream had any right being.
Just got into this game Friday. Does the above mean that monster's gone forever after tonight? If so, how often does stuff like this happen?
Don't worry about it if you're just starting out. They'll come around again. I missed out on the Sky Dragon dungeons when I was just starting out and wasn't strong enough to take them on, and the Sky Dragon dungeons aren't even as hard as these Mech dungeons.

Anyway, I was able to beat the final Zeus dungeon.


I ended up going with a Resolve team after all. Seemed like the most brainless setup to go with. Unfortunately I got a little too lax playing on auto-pilot and royally screwed-up when I activated Vritra's skill with full HP. Had 2 Demons on the same counter and couldn't kill one with Vritra's skill doing the minimal 3000 damage instead of 50,000 if I had just waited to get attacked once first. It resulted in death, but since one of the Demons was now low on life and I didn't want to have to wait for another Amaterasu to be available, I went ahead and spent a stone to continue. Well, those damn Demon's have some damn high defense (1980), and I died again before I could kill one. It ended up taking me 4 stones just to kill 1 damn demon. After that, I was on auto-pilot again, never again forgetting to wait until I had 1 HP before attacking with Vritra. I did have to spend 1 stone on Zeus when my finger slipped and I failed to make a match. This team is pretty damn potent, and best of all, I don't even have to level any of the monsters. Viper Orochi, Vitra, and the 2 Heras are all the base level that I acquired them at. And even though my Chaos Devil Dragon was leveled-up, it didn't need to be. I think I'll keep the Heras at base level just for this team. I wish I would've farmed 2 more Heras now, so I can have both low level and maxed out Hera pairs. She's amazing against these mega HP bosses.



Everyone ready for the last mech dragon? In terms of difficulty, it seems like its on par with the flame mech but the dark mech hits a bit harder. Probably run the standard 2 resist leaders, 2 rainbow keepers, siren and a light dragon.
Everyone ready for the last mech dragon? In terms of difficulty, it seems like its on par with the flame mech but the dark mech hits a bit harder. Probably run the standard 2 resist leaders, 2 rainbow keepers, siren and a light dragon.

Was thinking about Odin instead of a ligh ripper. Not sure. Ripper is good, but a) it can be locked, and b) your'e usually more worried about killing 1 enemy fast than doing large scale AoE damage. Plus Odin has higher HP


Was thinking about Odin instead of a ligh ripper. Not sure. Ripper is good, but a) it can be locked, and b) your'e usually more worried about killing 1 enemy fast than doing large scale AoE damage. Plus Odin has higher HP

With the team I suggested, having light monsters disabled shouldn't be too bad since you only have 1 of them. Also, I'd only consider using Odin if his ability can do more than 30,000 damage.
With the team I suggested, having light monsters disabled shouldn't be too bad since you only have 1 of them. Also, I'd only consider using Odin if his ability can do more than 30,000 damage.

Should easily do more than 30k. Since you'll be up against a dark monster, and his ability is light based, that's actually only 15k. And since his ability does 20x his attack power, you would only need his attack power to be 750. Factoring in defense, maybe add a little extra attack, so like 775ish. In reality, your Odin's ATK is probably going to be closer to 1000. So it's more like 40k damage from his ability.

OTOH, if you were talking about the Noble Mechdragon, then definitely that wins. Thought you were talking about light ripper though


Just as I got two pulls I wanted for a fire team (titan, mystic red knight,) I surprisingly get a CDK, MDK, DDK, Loki, Hades and MSK

Been running with a dark team for a few rounds, things are finally looking up!
I forgot about the new Dark Mech dungeon and used all my stamina farming Oceanus Falls before calling it a night. When I saw the dungeon appear I went ahead and popped a stone to refill my stamina, even though I only had about 12000 exp to go before my next rank-up.

Started with the normal difficulties of course, then I got lucky getting the boss drop on my first Master run. I brute forced the normal difficulties with an ADK team. Since I had plenty of stamina left, and I was too lazy to make a new team, I figured I'd try Master with the same team and see how I do. I pleasantly surprised myself by beating it with 0 stones.


As for my team, it's a variation of my usual ADK team. I took out the Chaos Devil Dragon and Chaos Dragon Knight and swapped in Echidna and Noble Mech for weakness matchups and time stops. Both of my ADKs and my helper ADK had maxed out skills which really helped keep the green orbs coming.


I came close to death against the Mech Dragon, and would have had to use a stone because Echidna wasn't charged up before what would've been the death blow. Luckily, the Mech used its charge skill to power its next attack, which gave me the extra couple of turns I needed to kill it. Stupid mech. :D

I'm not sure what team to use against the Legendary dungeon, but I'm not gonna try it tonight. I'm satisfied with getting the boss egg for now, and I'm just gonna drain my stamina in Oceanus Falls again.

Good luck Mech hunting to everyone else!
Decided to pull the slot machine since i realized theres actually 3 dark monsters i want - loki, yomi, and hades. Didnt get any of them, but i did get a second neptune (yay, both ultimate evolutions), a kagutsuchi (is this guy good for anything?) and a bunch of toytops/dralls.

Im actually fairly excited about the toytops / dralls. I can use the toytops to evolve once and then feed to my parvati for skillups, and i can do the same with my drall/flare drall. Skillups on parvati are highly coveted, so the fact that i got multiple toytops is pretty nice.

Didnt get what i ultimately wanted, but im happy nonetheless


At what point did you guys start doing expert level on the special dungeons? I wanna try to go for the dark mechadragon but here's what I'm rolling:

Vamp Lord lvl 30
CDK level 30
DDK lvl 30
DDK lvl 30
Siren lvl 21

I also have Loki, Siren, and Hades, but the Siren isn't leveled (skill lvl at 4)


At what point did you guys start doing expert level on the special dungeons? I wanna try to go for the dark mechadragon but here's what I'm rolling:

Vamp Lord lvl 30
CDK level 30
DDK lvl 30
DDK lvl 30
Siren lvl 21

I also have Loki, Siren, and Hades, but the Siren isn't leveled (skill lvl at 4)

You could easily do expert level with Hades+healer/2xdamage or your own vamp lord and a dark ripper


I am still not quite sure about the color dragons of group A and B. Sorry for the inconvenience!

[US] Jewel Dragons (20 Stamina) 2/18/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 11:00 Ruby 16:00 Sapphire 21:00 Emerald
B: 12:00 Sapphire 17:00 Emerald 22:00 Ruby
C: 8:00 Ruby 13:00 Sapphire 18:00 Emerald
D: 9:00 Sapphire 14:00 Emerald 19:00 Ruby
E: 10:00 Emerald 15:00 Ruby 20:00 Sapphire


Just got into this game Friday. Does the above mean that monster's gone forever after tonight? If so, how often does stuff like this happen?

Nope, you just missed this run of the dungeon. They'll be back eventually.

I have 11 stones, what do?

Buy box space. Can never have enough space. Only time I'm ever pulling that Gacha machine again is during god fest (maybe).

Kosh said:
I am still not quite sure about the color dragons of group A and B. Sorry for the inconvenience!

You have the B group correct (I'm in it) and the last two times it has started with Sapphire and ended with Ruby. Works well for me since my red teams are extremely lacking. Going to throw some mroe levels at my Siren today.


Alright, time to pick up the dark mech dragon. The mech dragons are really nice if you can get them. Once you pump some xp into them their stats are awesome. Their high team cost sucks but I just finally got to the point where I can fit one into my ADK team and they're great even at a low level.

I wonder if we'll see the update at the end of the dark mech's two weeks. I think we'll have rotated through all the dungeon drop only dragons after this one right?
gotten lucky so far w/ skill ups.

1 MSK to Dragon Knight : 1 skill up
2 Marine Goblin to StE : 1 skill up

Seems like pretty good odds, given some of the horror stories in here
First run of master level and I got the mechdragon drop. So the only one I am missing is Fire mechdragon Betelguese... Though not for lack of trying 50+ times on expert, I did not have a lil 'red at the time and that made it difficult. Next time I will have the Meteor Volcano Dragon and I will be prepared...


gotten lucky so far w/ skill ups.

1 MSK to Dragon Knight : 1 skill up
2 Marine Goblin to StE : 1 skill up

Seems like pretty good odds, given some of the horror stories in here

I hate you! ;)

I fed 10 MSK to my ADK and NO SINGLE SKILLUP :(
My Siren is also at lvl 1, I think skillups dont exist in my game


Damn, finished and did not get the mech or black dragon. I did get Lilith which is really nice. I will have to keep running it because I need my last lil' dragon! The mech dragon is a plus if I were ever to get one to drop for me on Expert.

So if I get multiple Lilith's, should I keep them or try to skill up a single one?
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