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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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10+ Combos is luck driven and is why Anubis is considered the worst of the bunch. Getting a 4 Combo, or attacking with 3-5 elements? Absolutely within the realm of personal skill, though Ra is considered second worst despite the intense bonus because of the 5 elemental deal and is easily shut down in more difficult dungeons.

The multipliers on Egyptian Gods has raised the power ceiling quite high, 2x Isis/2x Horus is so comically powerful it's hard to describe, and they will literally carry you to end game. There are other monsters with similar abilities (FFCD Hunter/Fencer, Gambler Mage, etc) that find their use in the tricolor whiskey dragon dungeons as well.

I kind of one a Bastet, and the pet in your avatar. Weekend dungeons would be so hilariously easy.
I suppose but there will be instances where 4+ combos simply aren't possible so I just feel a static increase is better compounded with the fact that ADK's skill is way more versatile and useful than Isis or Bastet's, they just seem underpowered compared to Hindu and Greek Gods. But I've never used them maybe there are better applications I'm just not seeing.

Isis/Horus's applications are "you will never hit these numbers with this variety of active skills with an ADK team":
Isis/Horus's applications are "you will never hit these numbers with this variety of active skills with an ADK team":
That guy is on another level. I think I could make use of Isis. I would only be able to proc Horus about maybe 20% of the time--I mean this guy (whom is several levels better than I could ever possibly be) almost wiped and he had a 90% proc rate I would probably get crushed more often than not.


Those Egyptian Gods are awesome. Really hope I can pull one of those eventually. I'll atleast start saving my stones now.
Speaking of which, my new goal is to get 100 Stamina before the next 2 Heroes dungeon rolls around. I really, really want to be able to hit that dungeon 2x per bar of Stamina. Assuming I have a team that can steamroll it by then (which I think my 2x Parvati team will be able to do), I plan to run it nonstop in order to get a max skill Berserk and Green Spearman.
I'm hoping to do the same, regarding skilling-up my Siegfried and Green Spearman.

It looks like the 2x daily dungeon bonus will still carry through this weekend. If you have a strong ADK team, I love running the Master Tricolor dungeon during bonus events. The exp/stam is just okay at about 370 exp/stam, but the gold is ridiculous. Anywhere from 200,000 up to 300,000 gold per run or about 8000 to 12,000 gold per stam during 2x events. For comparison, the best gold/stam normal dungeon in the game is the last floor of Ocean of Heaven at about 2900 gold per stam. And the rate of completion is very fast, due to only being 3 colors which results in lots of combos and 1-turn sweeps for a strong ADK team. You also don't have to manage feeding monster drops since there are none, making constant runs even faster. For pure power ranking and gold farming, the 2x gold Tricolor dungeon is far and away my top choice. You can never have too much gold if you're maxing-out lots of monsters.

Ra and Anubis (5+colors and 10+combo, respectively) are widely considered the worst of the Egyptian gods because of how difficult their skills are to proc.

I got a Horus on my friends list and I'd say I activated his leader ability manually about 20% of the time and accidentally about 10% of the time. If I had a Horus out too that'd be a 16x damage modifier.

Bastet and Isis are super easy to activate. Consider that an ADK gives the same amount of buff as Bastet, but only to one type of monster, which constrains the types of teams you can build. Now consider that you can get that same buff but for any team for the low cost of a 4+ combo.
The Egyptian gods are certainly interesting, though they really do require a whole different playing strategy compared to most traditional ones. Board management outside of using orb changing skills seems to be non-existant. You can't really hoard orbs when you're constantly trying to make 4+ combo chains. And it's just obvious that you're not always going to be able to meet the criteria to trigger the leader skills. Some of the nice things about an ADK or other traditional multiplier team is that you can strategically hoard orbs for use later. You can sweep enemies with a single match, allowing you to preserve your strategically set-up board. Obviously, some players are capable of making these Egyptian gods work, but it does require a different play style and a player capable of pulling it off. It's like Viper in Street Fighter IV. She's a powerful character, but her play style is vastly different from most of the other characters and takes a very skilled player to effectively use her.

After seeing you guys' YT vids of people using the Egyptian gods, I found this vid of someone using the 6x ATK god to clear Zeus' special dungeon. On the killing blow, he depleted the last 30% of Zeus' health with 1 combo! The Egyptian gods aren't for everyone, but it's nice that GungHo created some monsters that reward the highest skilled players.



I have a full ADK team, but I think I lack levels. I guess that dungeon won't be for me then? They are all below level20. Max skilled though.


Anyone else been binging normal dungeons since the announcement of the of the god rare pull event to get magic stones?

Done about ten since the announcement.

The Technical dungeons don't get any harder. They're all about the same difficulty. Simple ADK + Healer wins every stage easily. I'm holding off those until tomorrow since I have too many pengdra and not enough dragon plants and dragons.

Normal Dungeons get pretty rough. You need double resist for some of the dungeon or some major prep work. The 3 level 2 swordman/lev 1 dual element dragons fights right before the boss that's opposite element are always rough. You basically need to prep with nukers and enchilada/rainbow keeper to survive the iniitial onslaught.

Right now doing Frozen Soil of Prosell and 4 of the last 6 stages have an enemy with like 10K+ defense.


Anyone know how long is the God event?

Originally I though it was 2/28 to 3/2.


the official site says its only 2/28 or does that mean when the two event overlap.

Hopefully its 2/28 - 3/2 since I can get another pull with the 2 extra bonus stones and two extra days for me to finish more dungeons.

Plus I don't want it to overlap with the current event since everything in it sucks except for Neptune and Hades.
Anyone else been binging normal dungeons since the announcement of the of the god rare pull event to get magic stones?

Done about ten since the announcement.

The Technical dungeons don't get any harder. They're all about the same difficulty. Simple ADK + Healer wins every stage easily. I'm holding off those until tomorrow since I have too many pengdra and not enough dragon plants and dragons.

Normal Dungeons get pretty rough. You need double resist for some of the dungeon or some major prep work. The 3 level 2 swordman/lev 1 dual element dragons fights right before the boss that's opposite element are always rough. You basically need to prep with nukers and enchilada/rainbow keeper to survive the iniitial onslaught.

Right now doing Frozen Soil of Prosell and 4 of the last 6 stages have an enemy with like 10K+ defense.
I've already completed all the available normal and technical dungeons for the U.S. version, as well as the current special dungeons. So, no clear stones for me until the next special dungeon rotation or 5.0 update. I agree, the later normal dungeons are really hard compared to the earlier ones. My standard ADK team can't beat half of them.

I can't really do much at the moment, until Plant day arrives and I can clear my box. I have the max 450 spaces, and between my monsters, jewel dragons, Pengdras, and a couple of evo mats, it's maxed out. I have to sell/fuse anything I get immediately. I tallied how many Dragons I have and I have 66 Ruby, 133 Sapphire, and 89 Green. Perhaps not surprisingly, those numbers clearly reflect the strengths and weaknesses of my ADK team, which is majority Wood. During the last Jewel Dragon day, I ran each dungeon as many times as I could within the hour. With Wood doing half damage to Fire and double damage to Water, it's not surprising I was able to complete over twice as many Sapphire runs as Ruby runs. And Wood being neutral against Wood, it makes sense that Emerald runs would fall somewhere in between. Again, not surprising, but interesting seeing the statistics work out in practice.

I got the Dark Mech expert blues ... So many runs and no succubus to choose...
Heh. That's what I've been running today whenever I have enough stamina. I fused my 4th Lilith in an attempted skill-up(didn't work), but now I'm regretting it. I want a 4th one just to make those Mask/Sprite dungeons that much easier/quicker. I've been feeding all the drops to my Dark monsters.

Anyone know how long is the God event?

Originally I though it was 2/28 to 3/2.


the official site says its only 2/28 or does that mean when the two event overlap.

Hopefully its 2/28 - 3/2 since I can get another pull with the 2 extra bonus stones and two extra days for me to finish more dungeons.

Plus I don't want it to overlap with the current event since everything in it sucks except for Neptune and Hades.
Supposedly, the original schedule was incorrect. It's just 2/28.


Supposedly, the original schedule was incorrect. It's just 2/28.

That sucks.

I have 25 stones.

I was expecting 3 more free stones.

Plus one for Frozen Soil of Prosell since I should be able to do with a fully evolved Shandra.

Plus one for the Shrine of Blazing Woods tech dungeon

Totaling to 30 stone.

Whats the Last tech dungeon in the US version?


I never get tired of how luck plays out in this game sometimes, was just trying to get marine goblins for my siren.


Worth raising it so I can run two at the same time, or should I just toss her in with the goblins in hopes for another skill up?
Keep it; two Sirens are useful in certain teams (mostly the Valkyrie team). Having both of them at max skill level means you pretty much never run out of heal orbs, too.


Def keep it. 2 sirens and 2 nagas can be very useful in certain situations.

Speaking of naga, I was able to get my second one through a PAL pull. I had 4 of them, got 1 naga, 2 high metal dragons and a flame golem. The golem is junk, but its still a rare pull .. Crazy luck there.
Been trying to skill up one of my 2 StE. Shit is time consuming. I managed to get her from a base of 11 rounds down to 8 rounds. Not much but hey, it's a start.
Whats the Last tech dungeon in the US version?
U.S. version goes up to Shrine of Blazing Woods in the technical dungeons. It looks like there are 7 more technical dungeons past that in the Asian wiki. Normal dungeons go all the way to Starlight Sanctuary, which also looks to be the last normal dungeon in the Asian wiki.


Pulling now......COME ON ISIS!

Pull 1: Mystic Knight of Light

Normally I'd be happy but we've got the Mystic Knight of Light dungeon up RIGHT NOW and I got one on the first try. :/
Guess they work well in multiples...

Pull 2: Mystic Knight of Darkness

Yeah well, before the Mystic Knight of Light dungeon (see above) we had the Mystic Knight of Darkness dungeon up and yeah, I got one from there too.

So much trollage....

Pull 3: Succubus

My second pull in this game was a Lilith so.... ;.;

Pull 4: Venus


Pull 5: Fairlo


and that's it for me for the foreseeable future. :/

I'm running a balance team with Chiyome, so the two Mystic Knights only help me up to their second evolution. At least I can sort of use them. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go from there though.
So before the skilll up rate goes down, is there any reason to have two Odins or Susanos? I have a Parvati but assume two would be overkill.

3 Pulls

Red Ice Leviathan
Sea Diety Neptune
Siren the Enchanter

Me gusta, still want a Hades though...


Made some pulls since the godfest was just activated. Got mystic dark knight, susano, green flame infrit, naga and Lakshmi.


I got yomi, which is cool since I have no idea what I really want and that works for me. Debating whether or not I wanna spend more money on stones...


I only had enough for one pull and got Amaterasu. Good pull? Was kind of hoping for a Parvati or Neptune or something, but I'll take whatever gods I can get.


Got a nice paycheck today so I decided to treat myself to a good chunk of pulls. I got

Mystic Stone Knight x 2
Flame Golem
Blue Golem
Dark Golem Mk II
Green Odin (YAY)
siren the Enchanter
Amaterasu (my third)
Ceres x 3 (jeez)
Freyr (what?! But I will take it!)
Neptune x 2 (yes!!)
Viper Orochi (got one already, but noe I can level up one and keep the other low)
Yomi (got her evolution)

Overall pretty happy, but a Hades or Parvati would have been even nicer! I can use a lot of it. Second StE is great as Zi haven't leveled my other Mermaid yet. Another Ama.. Eh, I'll feed her to my Ohkami. I can now get both versions of Minerva, Ceres and Neptune, so that's pretty cool

Really happy with my second Viper Orochi. Now I can use one for my blue Lakshmi team and keep one lowleveled for Resolve
I pulled once for shits and giggles and got MLK, bit since i already have 80% of the monster book, gonna pass on the rest and cut my losses short.

5.0 is going to be a different story though


Told myself I wouldn't pull cuz I only want a Viper Orochi and Venus. Did 2 pulls with saved up stones. Got Venus. Can't complain. Still really want an orochi damnit.

2x skill up end tomorrow?


So, I did a couple more pulls and ended up getting Shiva the Destroyer (hoooly crap,) Amaterasu, and some some other non-useful stuff.

I did get another hades though. Is there any use in having two of them? The only thing I can think of is having two different ultimates, but it seems redundant if you can reverse an ultimate evolution anyway.s


So, I did a couple more pulls and ended up getting Shiva the Destroyer (hoooly crap,) Amaterasu, and some some other non-useful stuff.

I did get another hades though. Is there any use in having two of them? The only thing I can think of is having two different ultimates, but it seems redundant if you can reverse an ultimate evolution anyway.s
You're gonna farm six dub mythlits every time you want to change the colour of your Hades? That's pretty hardcore. :)


I pulled once for shits and giggles and got MLK, bit since i already have 80% of the monster book, gonna pass on the rest and cut my losses short.

5.0 is going to be a different story though

I got Parvati and Fertility Deity Holy Ceres. Having just gotten the last of My Lil' Dragons, I'm about to turn this around from "well the only green I got is Alraune and an unevolved ADK" to being a full-time green machine. Just as soon as I have the levels to use my green stuff, that is.


I pulled Neptune, Vritra and Lilith the Witch of the Night. Super disappoint that I got her again. I pulled a Lilith before and got a succubus from mechadragon dungeon. What do I do with all of my Lilith now? Also Light or Dark Neptune is more useful?

I also did a few pull on my brother's game because he stopped playing but I log on when there are free stones. I always pulled crap with that account. I pulled naga, toytops and sylph.


Shiva (Had one already)
Beast Rider
Lakshmi x4 (WTF! Team Lakshmi? Hmm)
Siren Enchantress lvl 30 (Need 3? Got max skill 6* already and 6 turns on a 5*, might try for skill up, even if it'd be useless)
Undine x2 (Already had one...these will be skill up food, I think)
Parvati (Yes!)
Dragon Rider x2
Darkdragon Vritra

15 pulls. Wanted a Neptune, but he's conditional anyway. Felt like way more gold eggs popped out this Godfest than the last. I'm not planning on pulling again till way into 5.0, unless something amazing like this comes up. Focus on crunching out a tough green team. Have green ripper, mech, dragonette, toytops, max skill ADK, and 7 turn MSK waiting. Anyone have thoughts on how viable a Parvati/ADK leaders team would be with all green dragons? Not as strong as either doubled, but might be a good balance.


Here's my pulls, in the exact order I'm getting them.

+1 Susano
+1 Alraune (+RCV too..)
+1 Echidna the Red Empress (+ATK) (at this point, I'm like WTF, my first 3 pulls are +1 gold eggs????)
+1 Mermaid (+RCV!)
+1 Echidna the Red Empress (+ATK) (2nd one, wow)
+1 Minerva (+HP)
+1 Shiva (+HP)
+1 MDK (+HP)
+1 MDK (+RCV)
+1 Alraune (+ATK)
+1 Shardra (+HP)
+1 Cupid (+RCV)
+1 Lakshmi (+HP) (is there a point to having 2?)
+1 MDK (+RCV)
+1 Vritra (+ATK) (2 for resolve teams!)
+1 Kagutsuchi (+RCV) (how good is this?)
+1 MLK (+HP)

That's it for this morning. This is pretty funny now, the last god fest was a complete bust for me, and in this one I get a bunch of good stuff and gets me ready for my great valk team like there's no tomorrow (I'll have 2 Sirens + 2 Echidnas, wow). I've never seen this many gold eggs pop though, and a lot of the extra crap (the MDKs, for example) have good + stats that I can feed to my main Siren.

I still want a Viper Orochi though. There's very few of them on my friends list, and I'm tired of using a Golem and hoping for the best whenever I do resolve dungeons.

Overall it's great, though. 2 Vritra means I can blow through a LOT of resolve-based stuff, and I'm slowly going towards having a Great Valk team fully ready.


I pulled Neptune, Vritra and Lilith the Witch of the Night. Super disappoint that I got her again. I pulled a Lilith before and got a succubus from mechadragon dungeon. What do I do with all of my Lilith now? Also Light or Dark Neptune is more useful?

I also did a few pull on my brother's game because he stopped playing but I log on when there are free stones. I always pulled crap with that account. I pulled naga, toytops and sylph.

I think Dark Neptune is more useful, personally, but I haven't had a chance to use many Light ones (seem rare). Multiple Liliths works well for mask/sprite dungeons if you can't or don't want to use the Shiva strategy.


There's definitely more gold eggs this time around. The Healer girl event helps with this as well as the 7* Greek Gods. Congrats on your great pulls, everybody!


No pulls for me, holding off till 5.0. Not easy, but I'll manage. I've been trying some rerolls on JP though, I'd like a Egyptian God to play with there. No luck so far.

Hopefully they will start talking about the update soon, considering Korea already has a date. I hope they atleast give us some more direct info soon.
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