Dude. I've had mine up. Look up a couple posts.
Missed it. I'm in now. Thanks
welp that didn't work. lol
Dude. I've had mine up. Look up a couple posts.
I personally think 1 is plenty for most situations, especially now that we got additional orb changers like the new Greeks and Ninjas. There simply aren't enough team slots to roster more than 1 Cu Chu or Siegfried. If I were to consider duplicate orb changers on a Wood team, for example, I'd rather have 2 ADK or 2 Sasuke since they convert garbage orbs instead of useful Hearts. So, either 2 ADK/1 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu or 1 ADK/2 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu. And that's assuming I'm going full offense. There are also defensive options like Susano and Parvati. The leaders are already set with Freyja+Artemis(which overlaps ADK and Cu Chu skills) so you really only have 4 team slots to play around with. Any way I look at it, I don't see any situation where more than 1 Cu Chu would be optimal. The same applies for Siegfried.Also, is it worth to have more than one highlander/berserk? I got one of each, but I'm wondering about the viability of 2 of each on a team.
I have a few metal kings around, should I feed them to some of my dark monsters or use them to evolve my Orochi?
This is my team for Zeus:
Thanks Slottm (and the community in general of course) for the advice. After a couple of stones spent on stamina, I was able to come away with about 10 king metals. I fed some the team and this is what I am at now:
Awoken Odin - lvl 33 - hp 2625
Siren - lvl 48 - hp 988
Siren - lvl 25 - hp 852
Echidna - lvl 38 - hp 900
Hadar - lvl 46 - hp 2650
This puts the team at 8015 hp plus the friend Abyss Neptune. Based on what Slottm is saying, I should be able to take Hera. I'm holding him to it.
I'm starting to regret this. It is a totally safe strat though, with 8500 RCV and two Sirens it's basically impossible to die unless you forget to heal. Unfortunately that's a very real danger since this takes several hours...
Were the demons an issue with this strategy or were you able to heal enough for most of their attacks?
Unless you're near max level, feed them 5 at a time. There's no way to predict if you'll get a bonus. Sure, you may get more bonuses feeding one at a time, but what if you got a bonus feeding 5? It all balances out and is up to luck. I've even gotten 2 Supers in a row before. I would've been kicking myself if I only fed 1 King at a time and got 2 Supers in a row. That's a difference of 8 free Kings. Also, it's more gold efficient to feed more at a time, since the higher your monster's level, the more expensive it is to feed. If you feed 5 Kings to a level 1 monster, it only costs 500 gold total. If you feed it 1 King, it costs 100 gold. But it'll raise your monster past level 20, making the second King cost over 2000 gold, and so on. It's the same principle that makes it more cost efficient to feed +1 eggs in bunches rather than 1 at a time, only the cost curve is much steeper with +1 eggs.Oh and also, how does everyone feed Kings? I mean, it would be awesome getting a bonus on doing 5, but its unlikely. If I feed them all, once at a time, there is a much higher chance of getting a slight bonus.
I personally think 1 is plenty for most situations, especially now that we got additional orb changers like the new Greeks and Ninjas. There simply aren't enough team slots to roster more than 1 Cu Chu or Siegfried. If I were to consider duplicate orb changers on a Wood team, for example, I'd rather have 2 ADK or 2 Sasuke since they convert garbage orbs instead of useful Hearts. So, either 2 ADK/1 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu or 1 ADK/2 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu. And that's assuming I'm going full offense. There are also defensive options like Susano and Parvati. The leaders are already set with Freyja+Artemis(which overlaps ADK and Cu Chu skills) so you really only have 4 team slots to play around with. Any way I look at it, I don't see any situation where more than 1 Cu Chu would be optimal. The same applies for Siegfried.
Wave one is always dangerous when you don't have a damage multiplier but this team is probably better at handling it than a quad resist team. Still, if you run out of hearts in the first few runds you will die.Were the demons an issue with this strategy or were you able to heal enough for most of their attacks?
I hope that I can get a decent Zeus as second leader. I could also use my Echidna, but Like yaari, I'm still unsure which one to use...
I really don't know If I should even try Valkyre.
My team for Hera is going be
Ammy Ohkami l.90 (I have a few friend spots if ppl need her as a sub)
Wood Mech Golem Asgard lvl 69 (HP + Skill)
Rainbow Keeper (HP)
Rainbow Keeper (HP)
Shiva the Destroyer l.52 (to get rid of the Neptune!)
Friend Odin (preferably evolved and maxed for HP and skill)
I'll have to hunt around a good Odin friend.![]()
That's the setup I'm planning on making my first attempt at Hera with. I have an Awoken Odin that's level 75 and has 3735 HP. I've opened a spot on my friends list if you need it. 396,139,295.
Dang... if only I had thought about the Double Noel Strat earlier. I could have done exactly what you did Otix except I could have brought a Viper Orochi and a Neptune. Oh well next time.
Despite saying I wouldnt go into it again I gave heroes another try, 9 stones (only had a drawn Joker and a friends Neptune so Highlander make shit of me), got vampire and Cu, so slightly less "expensive" than two pulls. I really wanted a vampire for my main account so Im happy enough with that. Though I am definitely not trying for Berserker
Anybody trying a "poverty resolve" team for Hera? Is it worth upgrading Harpies to their new 3rd form (does this reset their bomb skill?)
I haven't even looked at the dungeon details, yet, but I'm determined to clear it once. I already have 2 Valks, so don't need another one. I'm still too anxious over Zeus' dungeon to worry about Valkyrie yet.I'm curious, is anyone going to try Valkyrie dungeon this Sunday? Watching this video makes me cringe at the # of stones needed. Hopefully with Double Zeus, it will not be as bad.
So I just evolved my Noel. Does it qualify as a dragon? Cause dragon is in the name but seems to be classified as enhance material.
Also is there any chance I could do the whiskey Master level?
I must be doing something wrong then, what exactly would I have in those boxes other than low feeder monsters? Half the time I feel like I'm playing wrong in the first place lol.Man, your lack of boxes is melting my brain. I had 220+ boxes at that rank!
Attack seems on the low end, especially if you use a Parvati friend. Vampires would be really tough. If you use a Parvati friend, might not have enough attack to burst a vampire down quick enough. With an Artemis friend, might not have enough RCV to heal through the dungeon. Might be tough to take down a vampire quickly with Artemis regardless with only 13800 ATK.
I'm assuming you mean Loki. I just put him up for you. If it was really Lilith you needed, let me know.Hey GC, could you toss your Lilith up for 5 minutes again? No rush if you're busy.
I must be doing something wrong then, what exactly would I have in those boxes other than low feeder monsters? Half the time I feel like I'm playing wrong in the first place lol.
I'm assuming you mean Loki. I just put him up for you. If it was really Lilith you needed, let me know.
Sorry, if it's late. Was busy running dungeons myself.
I personally think 1 is plenty for most situations, especially now that we got additional orb changers like the new Greeks and Ninjas. There simply aren't enough team slots to roster more than 1 Cu Chu or Siegfried. If I were to consider duplicate orb changers on a Wood team, for example, I'd rather have 2 ADK or 2 Sasuke since they convert garbage orbs instead of useful Hearts. So, either 2 ADK/1 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu or 1 ADK/2 Sasuke/1 Cu Chu. And that's assuming I'm going full offense. There are also defensive options like Susano and Parvati. The leaders are already set with Freyja+Artemis(which overlaps ADK and Cu Chu skills) so you really only have 4 team slots to play around with. Any way I look at it, I don't see any situation where more than 1 Cu Chu would be optimal. The same applies for Siegfried.
Sheesh, good catch. I'm brooding that I have no poison for Hera and have Lilith farming on the brain.
Speaking of, I assume the Dark Sky Dragon Dungeon on Master would be the best place to attempt it? I've never tried farming the Sky Dragon dungeons for the minibosses.
Edit: Grabbed the Loki btw, thanks again.
The more money you spend to accelerate the game, the more boxes you need. I could probably fill up 1000 boxes with useful fodder if GungHo let me. But free players can only farm so much with limited stamina, so they can get away with much less box space.Nah, you're just freakishly good at managing your resources. I think most of us have a ton of box slots in order to save up penguins/jewel dragons/evo materials/etc.
So it seems like the chances of seeing a mystic knight are between 1/8 and 1/10, just based on people's experiences. It's a good event for people who need at least one of each, but it's not useful AT ALL for getting skill ups. 108-120 stamina just for a chance at a skill up sucks.
You're welcome. And yeah, the Dark special dungeons are probably your best bet for Succubus, though the drop rates are still frustratingly low. But still better than any normal dungeon for sure.Sheesh, good catch. I'm brooding that I have no poison for Hera and have Lilith farming on the brain.
Speaking of, I assume the Dark Sky Dragon Dungeon on Master would be the best place to attempt it? I've never tried farming the Sky Dragon dungeons for the minibosses.
Edit: Grabbed the Loki btw, thanks again.
Congrats! Also, Woody is Commish on GAF.Really big thank you to Woody@GAF (not sure who this is on the forums). Their Neptune was the only reason I could do the last 2 runs.
Oh, totally didn't even think of Chiyome. Probably because I still haven't come across her. Never even seen her on my friend list. You're right, Wood and Fire don't have very good synergy. And regarding PKH, I actually do hold onto 2 of each of the Mystic Knights, and would do the same for the Ninjas if I ever get any. The offensive garbage converters just seem more useful to me.The exception here, especially in the case of Cu Chu, is Chiyome. If you're running a balance team with a heavy wood element for water dungeons - then having two Chus is pretty big. You can even bring an orb → heart changer to help. Problem is that synergy is a bit lacking. Now Phoenix Knight Homura on the other hand....
Any other way to run Wednesday Dungeons without Resolve or Poison/Shiva? I hate saving gems for each round, and would like an easier way to go through.
Would a Parv/Parv team work? I'd have enough health to a hit.
Any other way to run Wednesday Dungeons without Resolve or Poison/Shiva? I hate saving gems for each round, and would like an easier way to go through.
Would a Parv/Parv team work? I'd have enough health to a hit.
Alright. I've decided to give-up on skilling-up my Cu Chu and Siegfried. Out of 5 Highlanders and 2 Berserks I got 1 skill-up for Cu Chu and none for Siegfried. I got 3 MDKs from COSITA using the leftover stamina after farming Heroes. They yielded 1 skill-up for my CDK. I'll finish up my CDK whenever its special dungeon rolls around, and I'll just have to wait for the Poring dungeon(if we ever get it) to skill-up Cu Chu and Siegfried. There's just too little reward for the 50 stamina it takes to run the Heroes dungeon. I basically spent 3 stones for a single skill-up, and the gold/exp per stamina is crap. Instead, I'll take advantage of the guaranteed drop event to bag a few more Rainbow Keepers to stash for a rainy day.
Well, we can probably give up on the Crystal Defenders collaboration. Most recent update for CD+:
"Features associated with the Puzzle & Dragons tie-up campaign for the Japanese region have been removed."