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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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I just took a look at Zeus. loool noope. I'm just gonna focus on leveling my valk team for hera and work towards getting berserker and highlander to their highest respective evolutions.


I just took a look at Zeus. loool noope. I'm just gonna focus on leveling my valk team for hera and work towards getting berserker and highlander to their highest respective evolutions.

Yeah, I'm not even going to bother this time around. Hopefully ill get through Hera on Friday and can focus on building her for the next run at Zeus.


WOW, wasted 80 stamina on Ancient Dragon Master. Drall + Isis Team... Every time the Devils first move was to bind my leader... I think my Water monsters are just too weak :(


So I have a plan for my +Att and +Rcv eggs but what has everyone been doing with their +HP eggs?

I was thinking about feeding them to my Enchilada since she is used in some high level dungeons but her HP is kind of a liability.


I tried my hand at an anubis team for ancient fire dragon expert.

Oh god it took forever. I wanted to quit but I couldn't bring myself to lose stamina. FUUU


So I have a plan for my +Att and +Rcv eggs but what has everyone been doing with their +HP eggs?

I was thinking about feeding them to my Enchilada since she is used in some high level dungeons but her HP is kind of a liability.

In my opinion the Eggs work on everything. If there is something you use often, then I'd say it is qualified for + eggs.

Only exception would be healers used in Resolve setup.

Echidna for example is often used in high-end dungeons so I'll definitely drop those Eggs on her sometime. I'll first work on a Zeus though. Then likely Parvati next, as she is a sub in Zeus team, aswell as a leader or sub in a green team.

So other than healers, just put it on whoever you use most, and plan to keep on using. It is quite a long term project so it would be a waste putting it on something you are likely to replace.


I tried the Master level of Ancient Fire Dragon. I got pummeled on level 5 with the 2 Magma Chimeras.

Any advice for this stupid dungeon?


I'm finding Ancient Dragon quite difficult at Master difficulty. 4 runs now and the dragon hasn't dropped.

The Chimera have wiped me a couple of times when they double strike as well.

I've tried various team combinations with double resist and can't find a good balance. It takes forever regardless.

ETA: ^ I commiserate with PB and would also like help/advice. If anyone could help with advice for team lineups and rough HP/RCV/ATK needed for the team that would be very kind.


I tried the Master level of Ancient Fire Dragon. I got pummeled on level 5 with the 2 Magma Chimeras.

Any advice for this stupid dungeon?
I'm stuck as well. My Lakshmi team can easily take out Expert without any problems. Not even close to dying. But Master is horrible, constant binding and the Chimeras also kill me instantly. It is just so annoying

I build a super defense team yesterday and had no problem but it took forever. I gave up st the boss as it would have taken me hours.


[US] Breakers return at midnight and opens for 24 hours.

Jewel Dragons (20 Stamina) 4/3/2013 PDT

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 8:00 Ruby 13:00 Sapphire 18:00 Emerald
B: 9:00 Sapphire 14:00 Emerald 19:00 Ruby
C: 10:00 Emerald 15:00 Ruby 20:00 Sapphire
D: 11:00 Ruby 16:00 Sapphire 21:00 Emerald
E: 12:00 Sapphire 17:00 Emerald 22:00


I ran Master with mono green. Took an hour on the boss, but I was never in any real danger except when Chimera binds hit a leader. Tricolor means health and combos are easy to come by. Mono red is probably the strongest team to take, since you won't get bound by demons, the boss can't steal your orbs, and you deal full damage. I would try to get at least 10k HP before the multiplier, to increase your chance of surviving an errant Chimera hit. You still might get unlucky on them, but focus on one and try to burn it down. Echidna will be really useful here.

Still thinking about how to take down Legend. Not willing to double 10 million HP with a green team.


So I have a plan for my +Att and +Rcv eggs but what has everyone been doing with their +HP eggs?

I was thinking about feeding them to my Enchilada since she is used in some high level dungeons but her HP is kind of a liability.

I'm dumping all of my HP into Valkyrie right now in prep for Friday. HP seems to be the biggest problem for this team. If you can take a few hits you can heal instantly.

I tried the Master level of Ancient Fire Dragon. I got pummeled on level 5 with the 2 Magma Chimeras.

Any advice for this stupid dungeon?

WOW, wasted 80 stamina on Ancient Dragon Master. Drall + Isis Team... Every time the Devils first move was to bind my leader... I think my Water monsters are just too weak :(

I had a sleepy run at Ancient this morning. I forgot it was tricolor and took a Rainbow Keeper with me (which actually ended up saving me). Full team:

Dual Meteor Dragon leaders (one was yours Parity)
Dual Siren
Blue Mech Dragon
Rainbow Keeper

The Dragon took FOREVER being down a damage character. I would have wiped on the chimeras if it weren't for the keeper, they bound both of my Meteor dragons at the same time reducing me to no resist. Survived with a few hundred health for the few rounds it took to recover.

As long as you bring dual red resist with this dungeon you shouldn't have any problem making it through. 1 or 2 siren and best blue damage dealers/orb changers should be enough. It will just take a while.
Anyone else go full offensive with the Ancient Dragon? Thinking of 2xShiva team. What HPs would I need to not die? Probably will still take hella long

edit : doing expert now with Shiva/Noel. doing some work right now. Seems not a lot of people got a fire Noel on sunday?


Oh what the fuck. I just got Ares in the godfest and now I'm gonna have to level my red team with freaking blue pengdras. Can they not fix this shitty bug already?

Yeah this is unforgivable at this point. Should it really take this long to fix? Why would the rest get to rotate but Group B stays the same EVERY time. I have a pretty nice fire team that's going to be a problem to level up because of this. Has anyone tried submitting a bug report?


Are the knights still in Satans Tower or was that just for the weekend? Ran it a few times but didnt see any

I kind of feel like the line from their announcement about being able to use these for skillups was part of an April Fools Joke. lol Their appearance rate is rather spotty. It took me quite a few runs to get the Fire Knight I needed. It just comes down to luck. I was hoping they'd show up a bit more frequently so I could try to skill up the Ice and Fire knights some but after taking 15 runs to see just 1 of the fire knights I decided I'd just be happy with getting 1 and move on.


I ran Master with mono green. Took an hour on the boss, but I was never in any real danger except when Chimera binds hit a leader. Tricolor means health and combos are easy to come by. Mono red is probably the strongest team to take, since you won't get bound by demons, the boss can't steal your orbs, and you deal full damage. I would try to get at least 10k HP before the multiplier, to increase your chance of surviving an errant Chimera hit. You still might get unlucky on them, but focus on one and try to burn it down. Echidna will be really useful here.

Still thinking about how to take down Legend. Not willing to double 10 million HP with a green team.

Can't stress that enough. I'm on whiskey dragon right now, but on the Chimeras one of my resist leaders got bound and I'm so glad I had 10k HP because they both double hit their next turn. The other thing is I brought a rainbow keeper in case both my leaders got bound like they did the first time I ran the dungeon -_-

Edit: So slow... 100 turns in and he probably still has 55% hp. Not even sure why I'm doing this as I got the drop from expert and my team isn't leveled up enough to do legend yet.
Well I maxed out my first monster lol.
Hopefully he becomes useful for some, perhaps the green whiskey dragon or something. I think most did the water version.
Well I maxed out my first monster lol.
Hopefully he becomes useful for some, perhaps the green whiskey dragon or something. I think most did the water version.


very useful. Actually useful in the fire whiskey dungeon as it makes color locking invalid. I just did expert with Shiva/Noel.

What's you id? not sure fi I have you on here


Ugh. So, today I was excited for since I am sitting on a handful of monsters ready to evolve, just need a few masks (mostly the lower level ones). Had to use 60 stamina on the low level Mask dungeon to get 1 dark, 1 blue, and 1 green mask for Knight evos. Ugh... still need to run the high level one for Mystic Masks to drop. Asdf.

Also for anyone attempting Zeus, I watched 1 video and cried and didnt even try.




First time I cleared Master and he dropped! This is AWESOME!

I used my Lakshmi team and had NO problem at all. NEVER got binded by the Devils/Demons because I killed them on the first turn. Chimeras were easy, boss was no threat, just took ~20 minutes. So happy!

First time I cleared Master and he dropped! This is AWESOME!

I used my Lakshmi team and had NO problem at all. NEVER got binded by the Devils/Demons because I killed them on the first turn. Chimeras were easy, boss was no threat, just took ~20 minutes. So happy!

Levels/members on your Lakshmi team?


Has anyone attempted the ancient dragon on Legend yet? If so what team did you use? It looks like it's really tough.


Levels/members on your Lakshmi team?

Lakshmi (lvl 52), Siren (lvl 60, max skill), Siegfried (lvl 41), Fenrir Knight Kamui (lvl 33), Viper Orochi (lvl 31) and riend Lakshmi (lvl max)

I hardly used Viper Orochi so substitute him for whatever else you have. A Crystal Aurora Dragon could be usefyl, I think.

As I sad I had absolutely no trouble. Had just over 22k HP but when the Ancient dragon starts using Blaze Ball you have to heal every turn (I can survive two of them, but would rather heal every turn). Otherwise the biggest annoyance is when he turns blue orbs into yellow.

So what CoS level is the dark knight on now?
ONLY for today. Tomorrow they have changed:

Lakshmi (lvl 52), Siren (lvl 60, max skill), Siegfried (lvl 41), Fenrir Knight Kamui (lvl 33), Viper Orochi (lvl 31) and riend Lakshmi (lvl max)

I hardly used Viper Orochi so substitute him for whatever else you have. A Crystal Aurora Dragon could be usefyl, I think.

As I sad I had absolutely no trouble. Had just over 22k HP but when the Ancient dragon starts using Blaze Ball you have to heal every turn (I can survive two of them, but would rather heal every turn). Otherwise the biggest annoyance is when he turns blue orbs into yellow.

Hmm, I am close to matching that. I have:

Fortune Deity Lakshmi (34)
Siren the Enchanter (48)
Siegfried (52 - working on evolving him)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (15 - just recently evolved him)
Crystal Aurora Dragon (51)

Sapphire dungeon starts for me in an hour and a half so I can try to load up on kings and improve some of those pieces. I might actually hold off on evolving Siegfried for now so I can focus on some of the other monsters.

I have had good luck on masks today. I could use 4 mystic masks and I have been 2/2 so far.


Hmm, I am close to matching that. I have:

Fortune Deity Lakshmi (34)
Siren the Enchanter (48)
Siegfried (52 - working on evolving him)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (15 - just recently evolved him)
Crystal Aurora Dragon (51)

Sapphire dungeon starts for me in an hour and a half so I can try to load up on kings and improve some of those pieces. I might actually hold off on evolving Siegfried for now so I can focus on some of the other monsters.

I have had good luck on masks today. I could use 4 mystic masks and I have been 2/2 so far.
Definitely focus on Kamui. Level him up a bit and perhaps Lakshmi a little bit, otherwise I think you're good to go. You shouldn't have too many problems, if any at all. Good luck :D


Neo Member
Has anyone attempted the ancient dragon on Legend yet? If so what team did you use? It looks like it's really tough.

I've beaten it. Used my green team (I guess I like challenges? Naw...just my only team really up to it)

Took in: Freyja leader, ADK, ADK, Susano, Wind Mech and an artemis friend.

All monsters are max level other than susano (around 75ish). Had something like 30000 hp, 4000 RCV
It's a glorious day guys. I evo'd my Ceres and finally can replace Marine Rider in my mono-green team.

Time to pour one out for my initial pull. gg Marine Rider


So these Whiskey dragons are pretty awesome. 25k damage on 9 turn cooldown. Might run expert a few times this week hoping for a couple skill ups.


Sometimes I really hate drop x2. For some reason, I can never get the big drops to drop.

I'm 0/6 on the Mystic Mask dungeon. 0/6! It's ridiculous :(


Neo Member
Sometimes I really hate drop x2. For some reason, I can never get the big drops to drop.

I'm 0/6 on the Mystic Mask dungeon. 0/6! It's ridiculous :(

I got one Mystic Mask when it appeared in stage 2 (so it was a 100% drop anyway). Besides that, all I got today so far are lots of green and yellow divine masks (coincidentally, the two colors that I definitely don't need :D).

I had a 0 drop run Mask run last week though, so even these crappy drops beat that at least...


I can't wait for plants tomorrow! My box is filled with dragons and maxed Pengdras ready to evolve. I'm gonna get SO MUCH experience and so much free box space. It's gonna be glorious!
So these Whiskey dragons are pretty awesome. 25k damage on 9 turn cooldown. Might run expert a few times this week hoping for a couple skill ups.

can't wait. Stats look really good as far as dragons go...except dat team cost

I can't wait for plants tomorrow! My box is filled with dragons and maxed Pengdras ready to evolve. I'm gonna get SO MUCH experience and so much free box space. It's gonna be glorious!

Ran the Emerald dungeon about 8 times today. I think I have about 30 dragons waiting....Going to be awesome. Green team is really rounding out, might even try 2Heroes next time it comes around.


Sometimes I really hate drop x2. For some reason, I can never get the big drops to drop.

I'm 0/6 on the Mystic Mask dungeon. 0/6! It's ridiculous :(

Yeah the odds of getting a Mystic Mask from that dungeon seems to have taken a dive recently. It's kind of annoying. I've taken to trying to farm them in other places like the Ocean of Heaven levels on the weekends or you can try the temple of trailokya technical levels on Mondays with the increased drop rate. I did pretty well the last time I farmed for them in the Ocean of Heaven getting 3 in 7 or 8 runs.


I can't wait for plants tomorrow! My box is filled with dragons and maxed Pengdras ready to evolve. I'm gonna get SO MUCH experience and so much free box space. It's gonna be glorious!

Yeah, I'm seriously considering dropping a stone or two to fill up my inventory with dragon plants. I've got a crapload of Pengdras ready and a lot of stuff that could use the XP.
Anyone have an accurate Mystic Knight schedule for the Castle of Satan normal and tech dungeons? I read the original one was inaccurate. Thanks.

Has anyone attempted the ancient dragon on Legend yet? If so what team did you use? It looks like it's really tough.
I used an Isis team which was really effective since its a Tricolor dungeon. Only came close to death once due to the board lacking Hearts to heal. If I brought along my Siren as a sub member it would've been even better. Isis/Wind Mech/ADK/Fire Mech/Echidna/Isis. Doing it again I'd replace Wind Mech and Echidna with a couple more Water monsters including a Siren. And swap out ADK for a Ceres, Parvati, or Susano for the extra defense, since its skill is useless on an Isis team. You only need 1 of each color to trigger Isis' leader skill and Echidna's active skill is useless against the boss. Only my Wood monsters and Echidna were max level, but the only thing you really need to make sure about is that you have enough team HP to tank the boss' special attacks as well as a way to heal or mitigate damage when the board fails to provide hearts.

There are much safer teams with HP and RCV multipliers you can use also. I just prefer the quicker high ATK multiplier method if I have a team that can pull it off. I 1-shotted all the mid bosses and beat the boss in about 36 turns. I guess I could've also run an Idunna&Idunna + Hermes team, but I just opted for Isis since Tricolor suits her perfectly.



Anyone get the Ancient Dragon to drop on Expert and how many runs? I really want to avoid Master just because it'll take for-freaking-ever

I got Whiskey to drop on my second expert run soooooo it happens, but having it drop on the second doesn't really tell you much in terms of probability. It's got +RCV on it too so I really want to feed it to my amaterasu haha.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I think running special dungeons outside of 2X drop is a waste of time... I just wait for that 2X and get the drop then.

Anyone get the Ancient Dragon to drop on Expert and how many runs? I really want to avoid Master just because it'll take for-freaking-ever

I ran Master after I already beat Legendary and got my second Whiskey on that single Master run. This is the second time that's happened to me. I know it's baloney, but it feels like the game knows I already beat Legendary and got the drop, so it gives me a useless second drop in a single Master run. I just used the second Whiskey as exp fodder since I don't expect to ever use it, so I didn't bother trying for a skill-up.
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