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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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I think running special dungeons outside of 2X drop is a waste of time... I just wait for that 2X and get the drop then.

Well my teams aren't strong enough for heroes/hera/zeus so my plan was to run expert whiskey for the 400 xp/stam ratio to rank up + moltdras since I have a lot of red monsters to level up. I've run the levels in Castle of Satan + in the Abyss about 7-8 times and I haven't even seen a mystic knight :/. Additionally, more whiskey runs means more chances at it dropping (x2 drop rate means I just run it twice as much for the same amount of chances right? :p) which could mean more skillups for my whiskey dragon.
Doh! My boss came and invited me to lunch right at noon. Kind of hard to say, "No thanks, I need to run the sapphire dungeon a few times." Managed to get two runs in but only 1 king and 2-3 highs. I guess it is ok - I wanted to level my water team up for the red whiskey dragon but I have already got it so...


It seems GungHo made a mistake regarding special dungeons tomorrow. Some people from the Facebook group time travelled and saw that the special dungeon was Hera instead of Zeus, who was supposed to come tomorrow. The news feed does say Zeus though, so it might be a mistake that will be corrected before tomorrow.

Some people speculate that they moved Hera up before Zeus so more people could give Zeus a go. I hope not as I'm not completely prepared for Hera yet.

EDIT: Reply from GungHo:

I will confirm this as soon as possible. Zeus was the one originally scheduled, and we will let everyone know if this has changed. As we mentioned, event schedules are subject to change but we will keep everyone informed once we can.

Hopefully it's still Zeus.
It seems GungHo made a mistake regarding special dungeons tomorrow. Some people from the Facebook group time travelled and saw that the special dungeon was Hera instead of Zeus, who was supposed to come tomorrow. The news feed does say Zeus though, so it might be a mistake that will be corrected before tomorrow.

Some people speculate that they moved Hera up before Zeus so more people could give Zeus a go. I hope not as I'm not completely prepared for Hera yet.

EDIT: Reply from GungHo:

Hopefully it's still Zeus.
GungTrolled again, just like Group B


Anyone think that a isis/horus/etc team would be viable if you ran a mono color team but with dual color monsters? The leader descriptions says it activates when you attack with X att. monsters, which sounds like it works the same way that 2x blue ATK works in that if they are sub blue they still get doubled on the main dark attack.

Anyway, what I'm saying is a team with all four final evolutions of Tiamat as subs should be able to proc the leader skills of isis/horus/ra just by matching a single dark match. No clue exactly how viable that would be, but I mean you could run Isis leaders with orb changers to blue and put in a couple of leviathan subs. /shrug
That wouldn't work, would it? If you make a single Dark Orb match, the only thing that'll light up is the dark orb, as the counter tallies up the elements you match off in a turn.


Anyone think that a isis/horus/etc team would be viable if you ran a mono color team but with dual color monsters? The leader descriptions says it activates when you attack with X att. monsters, which sounds like it works the same way that 2x blue ATK works in that if they are sub blue they still get doubled on the main dark attack.

Anyway, what I'm saying is a team with all four final evolutions of Tiamat as subs should be able to proc the leader skills of isis/horus/ra just by matching a single dark match. No clue exactly how viable that would be, but I mean you could run Isis leaders with orb changers to blue and put in a couple of leviathan subs. /shrug

Dual colours work decently with Isis, I'm running Minerva/Dark in my Isis team and Isis procs fine on say a Red/Dark/Blue match. But you still need to make an individual match. Tempted to Ult upgrade my Leviathan and swap him in instead of the light dragon, but dont have enough upgrade material on hand to get Levi's stats up
Got my 4th Mystic Mask of the day. That should let me evolve Siegfried, Valk, Artemis, and Persephone when the time comes. Going to a soccer game tonight so I will probably miss green and red dungeons :(. I guess it is ok - I still have a good number of colored dragons saved up so tomorrow I can get plants and pendgras. I think I have a Hera team so if that runs tomorrow I would be okay with the schedule change; it might even allow me to get a Zeus on Saturday.


Jesus H. Christ. What is it with the rare gacha and golems? I got like 3-4 golems in a row now. Light golem, dark golem, fire golem. Screw you Gungho.


Mystic Knights sure have gotten shy since the weekend. Skill up rate sure has dropped as well.
This is my experience as well. More than 20 runs of Dragon Puppets for an Ice Knight and NOTHING. I would've gotten 2-4 in that amound of runs this last weekend. Sucks, man
Dang. Missed my Ruby Dragon hour. Now, I have to sit with these Ruby Pengdras clogging my box from farming Mystic Knights in COSITA.

I think running special dungeons outside of 2X drop is a waste of time... I just wait for that 2X and get the drop then.
It depends on the specific dungeon and what I'm trying to get out of it. Dungeons with Legendary difficulties have guaranteed boss drops, so no need to wait for a 2x drop rate unless you're trying for one of the sub bosses like Healer girls or starter Dragons and such. I agree with dungeons like the Sky Dragons, since they only go up to Master which doesn't have a guaranteed drop. But, so far I haven't had to run any of those more than 3 times to get the boss drop, and I just like to get it out of the way, instead of forgetting about it or not being able to farm it last minute and completely missing it. Then, there are dungeons like the Dragon Guardian dungeon for farming MSKs. I couldn't risk waiting until the final 2x drop day, since I might not have been able to farm enough to max skill both of my ADKs. I definitely could have saved some stamina stones if I did wait, but again, didn't want to risk not farming enough, and then having the dungeon go away.

Of course, if you're unable to clear Legendary, and have to resort to a lesser difficulty, then yeah, might as well wait for 2x drop rate.


Dual colours work decently with Isis, I'm running Minerva/Dark in my Isis team and Isis procs fine on say a Red/Dark/Blue match. But you still need to make an individual match. Tempted to Ult upgrade my Leviathan and swap him in instead of the light dragon, but dont have enough upgrade material on hand to get Levi's stats up

Ahh damn. Would've been really cool if you could proc your Isis just by matching red/blue or blue/dark.


Here's my team for Hera:


Look at that team cost! Thanks to the rank up I just got, I could BARELY fit in everything. Amazing!

12786 HP + a max leveled Odin friend at 4229 HP = 17005 HP. Just barely hit the 16.5k HP as well. FEELS GOOD!

I hope Hera isn't tomorrow as I'd like to level them up a bit more with the plants from tomorrow. But if she is, I am ready!


Here's my team for Hera:


Look at that team cost! Thanks to the rank up I just got, I could BARELY fit in everything. Amazing!

12786 HP + a max leveled Odin friend at 4229 HP = 17005 HP. Just barely hit the 16.5k HP as well. FEELS GOOD!

I hope Hera isn't tomorrow as I'd like to level them up a bit more with the plants from tomorrow. But if she is, I am ready!

This is mine -

I'm starting Ruby Dragons right now so I should have plenty of Kings to level up my Shiva even more!


Hmm I don't think I have enough HP to run Hera like you guys team.

This is the best I have so far:
lvl 38 SDH Neptune
lvl 30 UA Hades
lvl 48 max skill siren
2 Rainbow Keepers
(Friend leader CDK or Odin?)

Is this even a legitimate team structure for her? Not sure what I could switch around, I have a Green Odin but no Ama, and I only have 124 team cost total.
I want Zeus instead of Hera tomorrow, but for a different reason. I need to dump all these Gold Dragons onto him to clear box space for those precious Dragon Plants. At least if we have Jewel Dragons today, that means tomorrow is probably Metal day. It's brutal when GungHo schedules Jewel Dragons on Plant day.


Doh! My boss came and invited me to lunch right at noon. Kind of hard to say, "No thanks, I need to run the sapphire dungeon a few times." Managed to get two runs in but only 1 king and 2-3 highs. I guess it is ok - I wanted to level my water team up for the red whiskey dragon but I have already got it so...

Ha! I have this same problem happen. Sorry, can't go to this meeting dragons to farm.


This is mine -

I'm starting Ruby Dragons right now so I should have plenty of Kings to level up my Shiva even more!
Very nice. You shouldn't have any problems, though Neptune might take a while with Shiva instead of Neptune.

Just leveled my Light Mech up a bit with 3 Ruby Kings and a high (in 3 runs, too!) and he's now level 40 and I have just over 13k HP. The Mechs gains HP like crazy!


Anybody have a low level orochi I can borrow right now (and for Hera)? Wanted to do some shakedown runs in endless to prep.

I'm not sure why everyone wants low level orochi for Hera? I've been having the debate if I should finish leveling mine (he's currently 36). If you look at Orochi health curve he doesn't scale that high and you get the added benefit of more ATk/rcv. If you're running the Valk team all you would need is 3 hearts and one combo to get over the 50% resolve barrier. I'd prefer the extra HP for the earlier rounds.

Here's my Hera team, was really hoping it would be Friday and let me get some extra levels into the team. Will this be enough? Have a max viper on my iPad that ill use and a 36 Orochi on this one. Ill swap out Valk if I find a really strong Valk on my list.



I'm hoping its Hera tomorrow as that gives us peasants a small chance at taking a shot at Odin if he's moved to the weekend ;)
I'm not sure why everyone wants low level orochi for Hera? I've been having the debate if I should finish leveling mine (he's currently 36). If you look at Orochi health curve he doesn't scale that high and you get the added benefit of more ATk/rcv. If you're running the Valk team all you would need is 3 hearts and one combo to get over the 50% resolve barrier. I'd prefer the extra HP for the earlier rounds.

J0dy. This is precisely why I asked to borrow someone's low-lvl Orochi.

I find that I have to combo the exact same amount, whether it's a low lvl Orochi or a High level one. In fact, I think I do a lot better pairing with a 2nd Form mid lvl Demon Orochi than a lowbie one. The extra attack power from it helps me out, too.

Probably going to run with a friend's demon viper orochi when Hera is released (tomorrow?).
Rule no.2 : Expect a Rider of some sort with at least one of the pulls.
I almost have the full set. Just missing the light/dark. Last 'fest I pulled two in a row.

I'm still not set on which team I should run for Hera. I'm really nervous going in with Odin/Ama without a mechdragon. But I also don't want all the pressure of the Valk team healing every turn. If the dungeon is still on Saturday, I might be able to level my Odin more and fit in a ripper on that team. Be it would be close.


J0dy. This is precisely why I asked to borrow someone's low-lvl Orochi.

I find that I have to combo the exact same amount, whether it's a low lvl Orochi or a High level one. In fact, I think I do a lot better pairing with a 2nd Form mid lvl Demon Orochi than a lowbie one. The extra attack power from it helps me out, too.

Probably going to run with a friend's demon viper orochi when Hera is released (tomorrow?).

I have a max non evolved on my iPad. Feel free to add him. I have him up all the time and will try and refresh him throughout the day.

I can understand wanting to keep Viper low level for budget team strategies. When you don't have the rcv to cover the 50%. In a Valk team the higher the better. Will probably evolve both of mine soon.


Very nice. You shouldn't have any problems, though Neptune might take a while with Shiva instead of Neptune.

Just leveled my Light Mech up a bit with 3 Ruby Kings and a high (in 3 runs, too!) and he's now level 40 and I have just over 13k HP. The Mechs gains HP like crazy!

I know. It sucks a bit but I just cannot for the life of me get a Neptune. So Shiva will have to do - it'll take longer, but it's still stupidly safe.

As far as dual-colored gods go, I have
2 Minerva
2 Ceres
2 Venus

but zero Hades and zero Neptunes :( Even during the last event, I spent god knows how much money, hoping that I could at least get a Hades (dark event + greek gods!) but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

I don't know why. I seriously believe there's something with their RNG - I had pulls where I got like 4 vamp lords in a row, or 3 succubus in a row, stupid stuff like that.

At least I got (2!) Persephone, so that will be useful in a dark team, eventually. Considering I have a Hattori Hanzo, I will have a pretty powerful team (Persephone, Vamp Lord, Hattori Hanzo, CDK) - that would most likely work quite well on Zeus, but they are all vastly underpowered, and I didn't have enough time yesterday to farm metal dragons like a whore so I could level/evolve what I need to do.


Ha! Finally got my dark knight. I'm debating on trying for the light knight as its the last one I need. Then I could run an all knight team. Lol. Though right now I guess I could run a pretty boss dark/green team. CDK leader with ADK/green ripper/dark ripper/vampire with an ADK friend!


I think everyone will have to go through the disappointment of non-Godfest pulls theirselves, eventually you will realize why you should hold onto the stones ;).


I used my Lakshmi team and had NO problem at all. NEVER got binded by the Devils/Demons because I killed them on the first turn. Chimeras were easy, boss was no threat, just took ~20 minutes. So happy!

Hey MicH can you post your Lakshmi team composition for this? I'm trying to do master but having some troubles. Thanks.


Neo Member
Uhhh... all these event are happening and yet I don't have enough stamina or pet level to try any of them :( I got all the required pets but I know they are not strong enough :(

Just have to wait it out for the next event..


Hey MicH can you post your Lakshmi team composition for this? I'm trying to do master but having some troubles. Thanks.
Sure. I posted this earlier. Here's what I used;

Lakshmi (lvl 52), Siren (lvl 60, max skill), Siegfried (lvl 41), Fenrir Knight Kamui (lvl 33), Viper Orochi (lvl 31) and riend Lakshmi (lvl max)

I hardly used Viper Orochi so substitute him for whatever else you have. A Crystal Aurora Dragon could be useful, I think.

As I said I had absolutely no trouble. Had just over 22k HP but when the Ancient dragon starts using Blaze Ball you have to heal every turn (I can survive two of them, but would rather heal every turn). Otherwise the biggest annoyance is when he turns blue orbs into yellow.


So I get my 5th stone tomorrow. Any reason not to pull?

If you're looking for something of the appropriate colour (in this case Dark) and arent set on a god then there isnt a huge difference between pulling now and waiting for a godfest (cant imagine there'll be another godfest for at least a month or two - which is a long time to wait if you could really do with an upgrade)


Sure. I posted this earlier. Here's what I used;

Looks like my main issue is really my golem needs evolve + some levels dumped into him. Everything else about equal minus I dont have a max level lakshmi friend... Yours is the highest one on my list. (Thanks by the way!) :)
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