Very nice. You shouldn't have any problems, though Neptune might take a while with Shiva instead of Neptune.
Just leveled my Light Mech up a bit with 3 Ruby Kings and a high (in 3 runs, too!) and he's now level 40 and I have just over 13k HP. The Mechs gains HP like crazy!
I know. It sucks a bit but I just cannot for the life of me get a Neptune. So Shiva will have to do - it'll take longer, but it's still stupidly safe.
As far as dual-colored gods go, I have
2 Minerva
2 Ceres
2 Venus
but zero Hades and zero Neptunes

Even during the last event, I spent god knows how much money, hoping that I could at least get a Hades (dark event + greek gods!) but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I don't know why. I seriously believe there's something with their RNG - I had pulls where I got like 4 vamp lords in a row, or 3 succubus in a row, stupid stuff like that.
At least I got (2!) Persephone, so that will be useful in a dark team, eventually. Considering I have a Hattori Hanzo, I will have a pretty powerful team (Persephone, Vamp Lord, Hattori Hanzo, CDK) - that would most likely work quite well on Zeus, but they are all vastly underpowered, and I didn't have enough time yesterday to farm metal dragons like a whore so I could level/evolve what I need to do.