When Mass Attack is active all orb matches count as AoE attacks. So instead of needing to match 5+ of a color to AoE, just match 3.
Thank you, that's actually an okay skill.
When Mass Attack is active all orb matches count as AoE attacks. So instead of needing to match 5+ of a color to AoE, just match 3.
My Pulls:
-Dragon Rider (Got trolled hard)
-Yomi (Dupe)
Didn't get what I really wanted, but this is better than what I realistically expected.
welcome, brother.
Against my better judgement I rolled again, I got another Siegfried, the Blue champion. 2 gold eggs out of 2 pulls isn't too bad even if one is a dupe and the other isn't very useful to me.
Here is my bullshit method that I tried to get better pulls. I figured hey, before I pull I'm gonna play one dungeon (AWD Expert), then pull. Got a gold so I figured I'd close out of the game, run the same dungeon, then pull again. Got another gold egg. So far so good. Question is, should I try it one more time?????????????? I'm gonna get burned if I do. I just know it.
Actually it was a beast rider as I already have a dragon rider. Am I still welcome? lol.
Edit: No skill up on Yomi -_-
Green Crystal is from the Final Fantasy collab dungeon, which we have a very very small chance of getting someday. Generally speaking most collab dungeons provide fodder that skills up REM exclusive monsters, which is why it sucks that we haven't gotten any.Speaking of riders, they are getting some tweaks in 5.1 iirc(sub-types, bonus HP)... anyone know if they are adding a more easily obtained mob with the Rider actives? Its pretty much their main purpose, hell I use Marine Rider in my blue team sometimes because I dont have a Siegefried. Just wish I could level his skill up.
Edit: Apparently these things do: http://puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=471
Guessing those are from very late Tech dungeons?
Yeah I'm at 86. I need to decide on the best use of leftover 36 stamina. I was thinking getting in some rainbow keeper runs, but those take a little too long I think. I could just try running Oceanus Falls or something but that will take time too. I'd like to fit in as many super kings as I can.I'm currently at 95 max stamina which kinda sucks since the super metal dungeon costs 50. If I could get it up to 98-99 then I could run the dungeon several more times within the one hour. That's an awful lot of ranks to gain in one day though. In theory I should be able to rank up from four legendary blue dragon runs with one stone spent per rank, but I don't actually have that many Shiva friends.
Green Crystal is from the Final Fantasy collab dungeon, which we have a very very small chance of getting someday. Generally speaking most collab dungeons provide fodder that skills up REM exclusive monsters, which is why it sucks that we haven't gotten any.
Yeah I'm at 86. I need to decide on the best use of leftover 36 stamina. I was thinking getting in some rainbow keeper runs, but those take a little too long I think. I could just try running Oceanus Falls or something but that will take time too. I'd like to fit in as many super kings as I can.
Yeah, I'm at 88. Sucks. I think I can complete Rainbow Keeper pretty damn quick and get 2-3 runs in. Wish I had 100 staminaYeah I'm at 86. I need to decide on the best use of leftover 36 stamina. I was thinking getting in some rainbow keeper runs, but those take a little too long I think. I could just try running Oceanus Falls or something but that will take time too. I'd like to fit in as many super kings as I can.
I think I recall somebody on Something Awful gunning for a Hades during a Roman Godfest. Hades dropped... $400 later.
Thanks, that makes it a lot easier.I think I recall somebody on Something Awful gunning for a Hades during a Roman Godfest. Hades dropped... $400 later.
That's amazing. Congrats!ok 4 pulls so far.
Yomi (ok...)
Sun Diety Ra (ok...)
lv 30 Shardran (skill up)
Hermes (first water 'leader' I've gotten)
hard to stop on a gold egg....3 gold 1 silver. Pretty good, but not much of these do much for me.
That's amazing. Congrats!
I'm actually contemplating switching Lakshmi for my new Idunn & Idunna. I don't like Lakshmi. Would rather have 4/2/2 and Lakshmis active skill sucks. I do also have Hermes, but I&I is lvl 30 versus Hermes lvl 6 and I have more Hermes friends.
Will need to find many more Hermes friends though (and less Lakshmi)
I knew i was in for some bad luck with the Dragon dungeons sooner or later. For all of the sky, legend dragons thus far I got them on the first run of Master every time. I'm up to 3 runs on Master Water Ancient thus far... hope this doesn't get ugly.
May I recommend Abyss Neptune? That way y ou get 50% dark resist as well.SUPER METAL DRAGONS DESCENDED GO!!!!
Ammy leader
Light Mech
6* light starter
Ra (new)
and either Neptune abyss or double dark Hades (depends on what is out there)
Just got to wait on those skills...
EDIT: got it first try... to stone or not to stone...
That sounds great! I have to level up my I&I as well, just got her today. Meanwhile I will use Lakshmi/Freyja/Freyr. Do I have you already?I can help you with Hermes, but it'll take me a bit to get my lv. 30 Hermes evolved. In the meanwhile I could put up my evolved lv. 46 I&I or blue noel for you if you ever need it.
That sounds great! I have to level up my I&I as well, just got her today. Meanwhile I will use Lakshmi/Freyja/Freyr. Do I have you already?
May I recommend Abyss Neptune? That way y ou get 50% dark resist as well.
That sounds great! I have to level up my I&I as well, just got her today. Meanwhile I will use Lakshmi/Freyja/Freyr. Do I have you already?
Any obscure reason to keep multiple Anubis or should I just cannibalize?
Just ran the Super King dungeon with my mono-green team, subbing Shiva in for my second ADK. It was a little hairy at times, but it worked.
Wave 1 was simple, just a bunch of highs.
Wave 2 was a super by itself. It had me worried as Shiva was obviously not charged, but it only does 10k damage every 2 turns so I was able to heal while I waited.
Wave 3-5, because of Shiva, were cake.
End result: 2 highs, 1 king, 2 super kings
How much exp do you get from the Super King dungeon? I wanna try and set it up so I'll level and I can run it twice.
Downloaded the apk a few days ago.. played it. Liked it. Now i want to play it and it requires and update which i cannot do since im out of region. UGH.
How much exp do you get from the Super King dungeon? I wanna try and set it up so I'll level and I can run it twice.
Updated APK, I think:
1552 EXP at worst, more if you get better dragon spawns.
I hope I can get a level up on my run. I'll have exactly 50 stamina when my dungeon comes up and I need 1746 experience to level up. Hope it goes better than my pulls :/
So do you guys think I could do AWD on master with this team and a Megalodran?
Has anyone run Super King dungeon yet, trying to figure out my lineup and want experience from others. Have 3 stones left and will blow all of them to evolve my vamp and heras.