Cosmo Clock 21
Japan introducing a new difficulty level above Super Hell / Legendary soon; "Heaven" difficulty
Japan introducing a new difficulty level above Super Hell / Legendary soon; "Heaven" difficulty
Wait just kidding I got my difficulties mixed up. Heaven difficulty will probably be between Master and Legendary in difficulty.
Very little motivation to play now that the event is over. I hope another one comes soon...
2 for 17 in Vampire skill-ups today. This isn't much fun, guys!
2 for 17 in Vampire skill-ups today. This isn't much fun, guys!
0 for 26 here....why do i always have the worse luck for boring farm in this game...
384 134 290
Huh? save up eggs man! so you can rip through 20 pal eggs when a new event rolls around and get trolledsome sweet evo matsfor free
[US] 4/25/2013
-Legendary Light Dragon is open.
-Thursday Dungeon
-Sapphire Dragons 20 Stamina, 5 rounds
Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)
The times are listed in PDT.
A: 9:00 14:00 19:00
B: 10:00 15:00 20:00
C: 6:00 11:00 16:00
D: 7:00 12:00 17:00
E: 8:00 13:00 18:00
LotsOfPeople said:Lots of bad luck with Vampire skillups
So sad about Sapphire dragons being today. I wanted to do one last batch of pengdras for my blue stuff but gotta use all of today's stam on the Thursday dungeon. So I guess I'm switching gears and going to get Susano leveled up and try to get him ready for a spot on Ra's team.
I do agree with you all the game is much more fun when you feel like you're actually making progress. I've got a bunch of stuff now I want to work on maxing and trying to do that without a 2x King event is beyond brutal. Maybe an event will start next Thursday?
Just picked up a new phone, didn't have a backup that wasn't 3mo old. Just going to start anew now that I know the game well enough. Looking forward to getting back into it. Look for invite from Hildy@GAF![]()
It's theoretically against the TOS and you could get banned for it, but I've never heard of it happening before.For those who have tried it. If I transfer my data file from the iPad to the iPhone, are there any complications playing the same account on both?
I'm going away for five days and I'd like to at least be able to check in at some point so I don't lose my entire friends list.
Ok, thanks. I'll give it a try.It's theoretically against the TOS and you could get banned for it, but I've never heard of it happening before.
As for technical complications weird stuff might happen with your stamina and rank as the different devices try to sync up with the server, but it's all client side so your account should still be fine.
Even if you have a 5 month old backup of puzzle and dragons, it's good enough. The game just stores your user ID, some monster box bullshit (what you encountered, your favorites etc) rest is stored server-side. Thus if you had any backup of your puzzdrag at all, it would suffice.
I know, but I didn't know what I was doing first time through and was burning stones on stamina at low level, didn't do monster pulls, only had a couple goodgets, and was over all useless. I've been playing on my iPad a bit and reading a lot more and found some local friends to help me understand the more advanced things that I was struggling with and made me quit the first time.
I'll consider that first run an exploratory study. Now I'm ready for battle![]()
Next run after posting that:Just got 2 plants in 7 runs, wtf?
Next run after posting that:
I think it's safe to say that this game does not utilise an RNG at all. There's clearly someone sitting at the other end fucking with us.
I'm working my way through Starlight Sanctuary, up to Hera now. Does anyone have an Amaterasu with 681 RCV I can borrow? None of my Ammy friends are up at the moment.
386 745 214
Okay, this has to be some kind of record. 15 Sapphire runs with 0 Kings. I only saw 1 King, and it didn't drop.
Okay, this has to be some kind of record. 15 Sapphire runs with 0 Kings. I only saw 1 King, and it didn't drop.
I'm working my way through Starlight Sanctuary, up to Hera now. Does anyone have an Amaterasu with 681 RCV I can borrow? None of my Ammy friends are up at the moment.
386 745 214
Sent you an invite.
I'll send you one too.
I don't think I will ever get my Lil Black dragon.
Also can Keeper of dark only be obtained on Tuesdays?
I don't think I will ever get my Lil Black dragon.
Also can Keeper of dark only be obtained on Tuesdays?
Blah!. I got the lil white dragon from pal. My pal drops have been absolutely abysmal of late.
Sometimes I wish this game had trading but then people would reroll and gift themselves gods all day.
Thanks guys, Hera down. Only Zeus left now but Odin doesn't work on him so that's gonna take a whole different team. I think I'll wait for the dark whiskey dungeon and pick up a couple evolved chimeras there. Might be able to clear Endless corridors with that team as well.
He hits for 25k every turn so Odin+Ammy doesn't work. You can use Odin but then you have to manually heal every turn. Since he has 5.3m HP and 7k armour the fight takes a long time, you don't wanna have to manually heal all that time. Resolve team is the way to go, though I wish I had a low level Hera to speed things up.Why does Odin not work for the final Zues Dungeon in Starlight? Is it not a regular dungeon? Or does he just hit for a ridiculous amount of damage? What about Resist + Dual Light Venus? (should be 80% damage resist from everything, not just the first hit)
the fight takes a long time, you don't wanna have to manually heal all that time. Resolve team is the way to go, though I wish I had a low level Hera to speed things up.
5 Marine Goblins and counting. I'm going to stock the shit out of these things for the next skill-up event. Two max level Siren's will really help me I imagine.
Yeah that's exactly it, you use a healer that can cover 50%. That way you can match gems super fast without any worry and charge up your nukes over and over to kill the boss. I don't have an Ammy but my Siren has a lot of +RCV eggs so she can cover a pretty decent team if you use low HP monsters like chimeras. The hard part is getting past the trash waves.Why wouldn't you have to manually heal for a resolve team, unless your healer is able to recover 50% of your HP per turn? ._.
Serious question, as I don't know all of the team-building strategies for end-game content.
Yeah that's exactly it, you use a healer that can cover 50%. That way you can match gems super fast without any worry and charge up your nukes over and over to kill the boss. I don't have an Ammy but my Siren has a lot of +RCV eggs so she can cover a pretty decent team if you use low HP monsters like chimeras. The hard part is getting past the trash waves.
Where you farming them at?
I've been almost exclusively in polar night tower for the last couple days but don't have many goblins to show for it.
Man I may need to do some friendslist purging.... I have a serious need of I&I and Persephone friends, and no one seems to run them anymore.