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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Wow, judging buy the pulls on Puzzle and Dragons forum, and on the Facebook page, Gungho messed up big time. Do not roll.


Saw that too late.

4 Thanatos (1 Skill up)
2 Mythic Fire (0 Skill up)
4 Naga (0 Skill up)
2 Siren (0 Skill up)

Edit: I can only hope for some kind of compensation, but we'll see what happens. Aint gonna lose my shit over it like some of the folks on Facebook.


Bah, should've have read this after coming back from the beach. Did a couple of rolls, but I did get a Lucifer on my last one.
On the GungHo Facebook page:
*Important Notice*

We are aware that many users are reporting issues with the Rare Egg Machine.

We are confirming this matter with the operations team and will update you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.


Lol just pulled 15 times because I expect a compensation, Gungho is in trouble ohterwise: both lucifer, gabriel, raphael... Wow what a joke.
I just pulled once in case they do some sort of compensation... Cupid.

Same, except I got an MDK. Worksforme cause I actually never had one before.

EDIT: People are reporting more expected rates and Odins, but the REM still doesn't have the x3 GodFest text like how the Powerup button currently shows x2 skillup, so I'm wonder what exactly they did.
So, I don't know if it's fixed, but I've been farming Starlight Sanctuary and forgot about the god fest until now. Just did my first pull. Archangel Lucifer Lvl.30. Now I'm scared to pull more. But I also don't want to miss out on any compensations. I still want Raphael, though. Hmm...

Edit: Nevermind, I see it was supposedly fixed about 50 min ago, so no compensation for me. Though, getting Archangel Lucifer in 1 pull is probably better than any compensation GungHo will come up with. I hope the compensation works out for everyone who did pull earlier, though.

Edit 2: This is actually a pretty big fuckup by GungHo. People probably spent A LOT of money pulling rares before it was fixed. They really should refund everyone's spent stones and still allow them to keep all the rares they pulled. A bunch of duplicates or even 20 stones isn't gonna mean shit to the guy who pulled 50 rares looking for a Lucifer.
Super happy with my REM pulls after they fixed the godfest-got Archangel Lucifer and Raphael, and Hermes that will go great with my blue team led by I&I. I also was OK getting a Naga since I have had terrible trouble farming for one (hours and hours, no drop!) and needed one badly.


Managed to get Archangel Lucifer on my final pull.

Dunno what to do with the 3 extra Persephones I got though. Managed to pull duplicates of the 2.0 greek gods I already but didn't get any of the ones I was missing.

Hoping for my stones back from pulling at the beginning of godfest though.


Man what a mess! I can't believe they messed that up so badly. I'm glad I didn't end up rolling. Hopefully everyone ends up getting the stones they used back at the very least. I wonder how much work it would be to refund everyone their stones. I wonder if they'll fix the apparently broken skillup and king appearance increase as well. ;)

In two heroes related news it took me 6 runs before I finally got Highlander. 5 Berserk in a row and of course not one of those skilled up my King Siegfried. The last run was a doozy too the RNG gods starved me of green and heart orbs like crazy. I was down to my last 1k HP on more then one occasion and I went in there with 36k. lol Glad I won't have to mess with that anymore. Bring on the poring tower.
4/5 of my pulls were from the previous dark event going on. Not from the God fest. Better get some sort of compensation as the god fest does not seem to be fixed on my end. I mean 4/5 pulls being dark. Not a coincidence.

Who am I kidding. I won't get shit.

The shadow waltz event seems to have a much higher rate on my end. I knew I should have waited for a Godfest by itself.


I had only 8 jewels to begin with, didn't know about the supposed screw up and rolled.... got another damn naga, didn't even skill up me Echinda Red Empress. :\
Did some pulls after the fix. Along with a lot of crap I got:
Persephone (yes!)
Vampire Lord (dupe)
Artemis x3
Dark Dragon Knight (dupe)
Pierdrawn (dupe)
Apollo (nice)
Archangel Gabriel x2
Ares (nice)
Beast Rider x2


For the first time in a few months I spent a good chunk of money on rolls. I think I would've been pissed had I not rolled an archangel lucifer on my 2nd to last roll. Of the 18 rolls I did, the only notable rolls I got were Apollo, Lucifer, and Astaroth (???). I only really wanted Lucifer too, and was lucky to get him. Would have been an angry man had I not gotten it, but that's the REM for you.


bunch of crap, still have a few stones left, i'll pull later :

machine golem
machine golem+
dark dragon knight
mystic ice knight
archangel gabriel
beast rider +
mystic light knight


I got some interesting stuff. :)

Solar Deity Apollo
Fallen Angel Lucifer
Archangel Michael

Hattori Hanzo x2
Marine Rider
Gryps Rider x2
Vampire Lord x2


Nice, my pulls weren't bad and I got compensation. Did 2 more pulls and got MLK and Vritra.
Weird, first time since my first pull that I see a gold egg and none are even from the God fest.


Got 100 stones back even though I rolled when it was fixed. I guess I was right on the edge. Free Lucifer and raphael, hanzo lol


Rolled MLK, Lilith during the not-actually-god-fest.

Got compensated for those rolls.

Roll a Titan and MDK. Talk about bad luck! At least Titan is new for me, but I'm drowning in knights and Liliths here :(


WHAT. Didn't even really want to pull him either


BREAKING NEWS from PAD offical facebook:
Poring Tower will be rescheduled on 5/25 midnight - 11:59 PM (PDT).

Godfest Compensation:
Users who pulled the Rare Egg Machine on 5/18 between 8:00 PM and 10:15 PM (PDT)
will receive all of their Magic Stones back. Additionally, they will be able to
keep any Monsters which were obtained before the Godfest rates were corrected.

* Relog and check your in-game mail for the REM compensation.

Really pissed about poring. I needed that stone for a second rare pull today.
After the compensation problem last night and some very frustrating pulls this morning. I have to say I am feeling very "gungtrolled". Finally drew 1 God (archangel Michael). Thanks for giving me 1 gold king yesterday and still needing to finish leveling my Zues...

Granted the only color I still need a good god from is green, but it is very frustrating to pull so many 3-star pulls

Also where is my poring tower..?
Edit: never mind on poring...


Got my 5 stones back from my Basilisk pull last night and decided to pull 4 more times:

Mystic Flame Knight - dupe, got skillup
Mystic Light Knight - dupe, got skillup
Vampire Lord - already have max skilled Duke Vampire Lord
Mermaid with +1 Atk - already have 2 max skilled Sirens so just fused for + egg

I usually get 1 god out of 4 pulls in a godfest so that's not good.


I didn't even think about that. They better extend the skillup window.

Ah man! Was all ready to poring tower it up today. I guess I can just take a couple shots at Super King Dungeon later then instead.

Glad that Gungho did the right thing and reimbursed everyone their stones and let them keep whatever they got. Kinda makes me wish I had rolled but, tbh I was a little worried what their version of compensation might be.

How many people got Archangel Lucifer so far? I broke down and bought a bunch of stones I'll report back later after I take my rolls.


I've done my 6 lasts pulls and i almost receive only Dark (shit) monsters:

Mystic Dark Knight
Flame Golem

Not sure if there's still an issue going on with this godfest but i got trolled hard...50$ for 2 gods (vritra/gabriel)...this game cost way too much money to my taste..not buying any more stones, totally disgusted with this godfest, i think i've learned my lesson now but still looks like pulls done outside of a godfest to me.


[US] 5/19/2013
Legendary Dark Dragon 2x drop starting 12:00 PDT.
Weekend Dungeon with x1.5 coins
Super Metal King Descended 50 stamina, 5 rounds, x2 king appearance

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9).

This is listed in PDT time.

A: 10:00
B: 12:00
C: 18:00
D: 16:00
E: 14:00

~The schedule is subject to change~

*Forget Winter - Summer is Coming!*

Daily Free Magic Stone
[Duration]: 5/17, 4:00 AM (PDT) - 5/24 3:59 AM (PDT)
Magic Stones will be distributed as late as 4:00 AM (PDT) the following day.

Godfest at the Rare Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/18, 8:00 PM (PDT) - 5/19, 7:59 PM (PDT)

The following Gods will have 3x UP rate:

Ares 5★
Hermes 5★
Artemis 5★
Apollo 5★
Persephone 5★
Archangel Uriel 5★
Archangel Gabriel 5★
Archangel Michael 5★
Archangel Raphael 5★
Archangel Lucifer 5★

Awesome Daily Bonuses
[Duration]: 5/17 – 5/24
x2 King appearance rates for the Metal/Gold and Jewel Dragons
[We may even have a special visit from the Super King Metal Dragons again!]
x2 Drops/x1.5 Coins for special daily Dungeons
x2 Skill Up rate
Rare Evo Materials at the Pal Egg Machine - Including the Keeper of Rainbow

And each day of the event we will have special Event Dungeons available:
(Each lasting for 24 hrs)

5/20 - Dark Night Sword (CDK)
5/21 - Blade of Justice (Verche)
5/22 - Dragon Guardian (ADK)
5/23 - Tower of Jewel (Plus... eggs...?)
5/24 - Hera Descended (...Boobs)
5/25 - Tower of Poring (Skill ups!)

*Event Compensation Update*

1) Godfest Compensation:

Users who pulled the Rare Egg Machine on 5/18 between 8:00 PM and 10:15 PM (PDT) will receive all of their Magic Stones back.
Additionally, they will be able to keep any Monsters which were obtained before the Godfest rates were corrected.

Compensation began as of 5/19 2:00 AM (PDT).
Users should receive an in-game message titled "Compensation."
There may be some delays in the delivery of this message.
Exit and reload the app to make sure it has not already been received.
Your patience is greatly appreciated.

The current Godfest will also continue for an additional 24 hours, ending on 5/20 7:59 PM (PDT).

2) Poring Tower Rescheduled:
We will be holding this event dungeon on 5/25 midnight - 11:59 PM (PDT).

3) General Compensation:

We will be giving out 3 additional magic stones to everyone.
These will be delivered between 5/20 midnight - 5/20 11:59 PM (PDT). Please be aware, as with any free Magic Stones, there may be some delays in receiving them.

We sincerely apologize for today's event-related issues, and we greatly appreciate your support. We hope you continue to enjoy Puzzle & Dragons.


Got a golem and a star egg on rerolls so I am now restarting my account. Which starter should I go for anyway?

Edit: rolled a Hermes. I think Ill just keep rerolling til I get Ares.


Since I got my 100 stones restored, I think I'm going to max out my friendlist. I did some more pulls but only crap, and there really is not too much I can even get from this event anymore.


Got compensation back from pulling yesterday (didn't even realize there was a glitch in the pulls, just thought I had bad luck), so with the pulls from yesterday and this morning's compensation pulls I got:

Archangel Michael
Dark Golem Mk III
Mermaid - (skilled up my second Siren)

Regardless definitely happy with pulling Archangel Michael, and the other two dark monsters aren't bad either.


Saint Nic
Alright, so I'm trying to get my iPad data transferred to my iPhone. How do I do that with iFunBox? I copied the data from my device, but I can't seem to copy the data TO my device.

E: I think I figured it out...We'll see!


4 Thanatos (1 Skill up)
2 Mythic Fire (0 Skill up)
4 Naga (0 Skill up)
2 Siren (0 Skill up)

Quoting self to add to my previous broken pulls, cause I made out pretty well <_<;

Green Ninja
5* Thanatos (jesus, another one)
And my last pull: Archangel Lucifer

Blue Golem
Mystic Blue
Dryad (Skill up!)


Decided to pull 2 more times and got a Green Odin and Apollo. I wanted Odin, but Apollo is my least wanted Greek 2.0 god since my light team is the weakest of all my mono-color teams. I only have Verche, Light Golem Mk 2, Angel, Lightning Holy Dragon, and Ancient Light Dragon.
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