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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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What's been the consensus on Poring? I got 4 blobs after clearing the dungeon. Not sure where I should spend my time, expert or master.
Seeing as this is the first time we're getting the Poring dungeon, and I don't know how often it will come around, I think it's worthwhile to hoard my Porings until the 2x skill-up event. This is the first time we've gotten a way to skill-up Cu Chu, Siegried, and Valkyrie all at once, so I want to maximize it even if it means skipping Dragons and Plants every day until the event. Also I forgot that some people might want to farm Expert not just for lower stamina cost, but because they can also skill-up Siren, Fairlion, Vampire, and Gigas. The only one I still needed to complete was Fairlion, so I jumped to Master as soon as I maxed it out. Sucks reading some of you are having bad luck getting Poring to drop on Master. I got the drop on every one of my last 8 runs. I'd love to evolve 4 more of them to play around with, but I don't want to waste Porings before I skill-up my monsters.
Wow that's insane. Even if this was a 2x event that would be pretty awesome luck. Now I'm wondering if I should wait or just go for it.

Yeah I also got a skill up on my dual dark hades this morning as well(level 3 now)

I went 0/4 on berserk last Saturday, and 0/15 on vamp a week ago Friday. I guess RNG finally swung in my favor


So I fed every non poring drop I've gotten today (clear of each level plus 2 expert runs), not one skillup. Freaking ridiculous.

Even if they're going towards leveling a dark monster?

And do I just need to max out the pengdra or evolve it for the bonus XP?

Metal dragons don't give much exp on their own. Feed them to low level dark monsters but as the monsters get higher level it just becomes a waste. Higher level pengdras give more exp than low level but you want to evolve them to maximize the effort.


So I fed every non poring drop I've gotten today (clear of each level plus 2 expert runs), not one skillup. Freaking ridiculous.

I did the same. Nothing. I've lost track of how many thing I've fed my 2nd vampire and my Gigas. The Gigas just needs 1 more point and I'm sure I'm somewhere near 30 attempts at getting that last point without any luck. The Vampire I've fed like 8 other vampires and a number of Big Baddies without 1 single skillup. lol RNG doesn't love me in this aspect of the game that's for sure.
Wow that's insane. Even if this was a 2x event that would be pretty awesome luck. Now I'm wondering if I should wait or just go for it.

Looking back I've gotten pretty lucky on skill ups. I have max skilled two sirens and an ADK. I have got a level 27 light big demon, a level 3 red mystic, level 3 blue mystic, level 3 echidna, level 3 vamp, and a level 7 Titan. Those plus the skill ups I got today.
Looking back I've gotten pretty lucky on skill ups. I have max skilled two sirens and an ADK. I have got a level 27 light big demon, a level 3 red mystic, level 3 blue mystic, level 3 echidna, level 3 vamp, and a level 7 Titan. Those plus the skill ups I got today.
I've got a good number of skill ups. Maxed ADK, CDK, Gigas, Vamp, 2 Sirens, and a few random level 2's. But other than The second siren (about 10 goblins) they all took awhile. I really hope I have better luck with these porings. I have 10 ready for Siegfried and Cu Chu and 5 for Valk. Should be good for at least a few skill ups.


I did the same. Nothing. I've lost track of how many thing I've fed my 2nd vampire and my Gigas. The Gigas just needs 1 more point and I'm sure I'm somewhere near 30 attempts at getting that last point without any luck. The Vampire I've fed like 8 other vampires and a number of Big Baddies without 1 single skillup. lol RNG doesn't love me in this aspect of the game that's for sure.

Same here with Gigas. My last skill up for Gigas have been going on forever.

Vampire, I went through 30+ baddies until I just got a skill up yesterday.

Golems? I must have used 30+ keepers and still no skill up.

I do have godly skills skilling up dryad though. 3 for 5. Its just great having a good skill up rate for the worst healer in the game. Watch it take 40 for Enchilada.

I'm not expecting much from these porings either. Makes thing worse is that I need one more poring for a mastering but I have no more stamina.


I got one skillup for lillith and one for sigfried and two for gigas. Should have waited but got impatient. Figured I didn't have that many of the little buggers so why not? Turned out better than expected though.


So I fed every non poring drop I've gotten today (clear of each level plus 2 expert runs), not one skillup. Freaking ridiculous.

Metal dragons don't give much exp on their own. Feed them to low level dark monsters but as the monsters get higher level it just becomes a waste. Higher level pengdras give more exp than low level but you want to evolve them to maximize the effort.

Alright, I fed my Moondragon D'spinas 5 metal dragons, 3 of which were high so now he's level 49. Going to rank up/progress in order to get to the pengdras and use my other regular metal dragons that way.

Need to wait until Tuesday to get my keeper of rainbow x 2 and keeper of wood to get my dragon knight to ADK. I'll go for at least two keeper of woods since I think I'm going for two ADKs but I'm not so sure. A keeper of dark and light would also be nice to evolve my Archangel Lucifer.

Also, is the only way to level up Lucifers skill by fusing him with another Lucifer? Because that'd be pretty ridiculous.


Also, is the only way to level up Lucifers skill by fusing him with another Lucifer? Because that'd be pretty ridiculous.
Yes, most gods can't be skilled up in a farmable way. By the way, if you're having team cost problems then a dub-mythlit makes an excellent sub on a dark team, good stats and only 1 team cost.


I did the same. Nothing. I've lost track of how many thing I've fed my 2nd vampire and my Gigas. The Gigas just needs 1 more point and I'm sure I'm somewhere near 30 attempts at getting that last point without any luck. The Vampire I've fed like 8 other vampires and a number of Big Baddies without 1 single skillup. lol RNG doesn't love me in this aspect of the game that's for sure.

I spent a stone and ran 4 more times. No skillups. I kept doing it just for the hysterics of it all. I was laughing each time it didn't happen.

Alright, I fed my Moondragon D'spinas 5 metal dragons, 3 of which were high so now he's level 49. Going to rank up/progress in order to get to the pengdras and use my other regular metal dragons that way.

Need to wait until Tuesday to get my keeper of rainbow x 2 and keeper of wood to get my dragon knight to ADK. I'll go for at least two keeper of woods since I think I'm going for two ADKs but I'm not so sure. A keeper of dark and light would also be nice to evolve my Archangel Lucifer.

Also, is the only way to level up Lucifers skill by fusing him with another Lucifer? Because that'd be pretty ridiculous.

The highs and Kings will always be worth feeding, it's just the small metal dragons that aren't worth much. To give you the full perspective, a metal dragon gives 1000 exp, High Metal Dragon gives 10000 and King Metal Dragon gives 50000.


[US] 5/26/2013
Metal Dragons 15 stamina, 5 rounds

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I was busy working on house projects most of yesterday, so I didn't get nearly as many runs in the Tower of Poring as I wanted. But, here's what I was still able to come away with. I also used a set to create a Mastering, but I'm kind of regretting that now, since I probably won't even be using it. But it's a giant pink blob named Mastering! How could I resist? I haven't fused any, but out of curiosity to see how much exp they yielded, I went halfway with a fuse. They give 15K exp! What a waste that all my monsters I'm going to feed them to are already max level, except for Lilith. Though I'm not gonna bother skilling up any of my Liliths. I'll use the Porings and Ghostrings for exp.



I was busy working on house projects most of yesterday, so I didn't get nearly as many runs in the Tower of Poring as I wanted. But, here's what I was still able to come away with. I also used a set to create a Mastering, but I'm kind of regretting that now, since I probably won't even be using it. But it's a giant pink blob named Mastering! How could I resist? I haven't fused any, but out of curiosity to see how much exp they yielded, I went halfway with a fuse. They give 15K exp! What a waste that all my monsters I'm going to feed them to are already max level, except for Lilith. Though I'm not gonna bother skilling up any of my Liliths. I'll use the Porings and Ghostrings for exp.

I ran those Poring Towers to try to get that giant pink blob. I sadly could not get another red blob or a ghost to drop to evolve one. :(

It's nice to see someone make one, though. :D


I was busy working on house projects most of yesterday, so I didn't get nearly as many runs in the Tower of Poring as I wanted. But, here's what I was still able to come away with. I also used a set to create a Mastering, but I'm kind of regretting that now, since I probably won't even be using it. But it's a giant pink blob named Mastering! How could I resist? I haven't fused any, but out of curiosity to see how much exp they yielded, I went halfway with a fuse. They give 15K exp! What a waste that all my monsters I'm going to feed them to are already max level, except for Lilith. Though I'm not gonna bother skilling up any of my Liliths. I'll use the Porings and Ghostrings for exp.

You bring up a good point George. Do I really want to attempt to skill up Lilith? She might fit in my valk/healer team in 5.2 but otherwise she serves no purpose for me. Might just drop the 6 I got from poring on dark monsters.


Here's the reason ill never run the Wednesday dungeon again, Ocean Of heaven with 1.5x.


I've gotten 3 masks today, + eggs, evolved Fenrir and great exp. Wednesday dungeon really feels like a waste of stam now.


Here's the reason ill never run the Wednesday dungeon again, Ocean Of heaven with 1.5x.


I've gotten 3 masks today, + eggs, evolved Fenrir and great exp. Wednesday dungeon really feels like a waste of stam now.

Yeah, I've been doing the same. For whatever reason this is the only place I've been able to pick up +eggs lately too. Now if I could only find somewhere that I could get dub-mythlits more easily. I have had absolutely zero luck with Iris Hill. Has anyone ever farmed the Starlight Sanctuary levels and come up with them there? The Friday dungeon has been tormenting me for weeks now. I have a pile of dub-amelits and that's about all I have to show for my stamina use there. lol
I wish I could find someplace where mythlits actually fucking dropped; after being swamped by like 8 of them after first unlocking technicals I don't think I've gotten one in months of play.


I wish I could find someplace where mythlits actually fucking dropped; after being swamped by like 8 of them after first unlocking technicals I don't think I've gotten one in months of play.

If you are looking for the regular mythlits try Polar Night Tower on weekends when it's on 1.5x drop. When I was farming marine goblins for my sirens I got a number of mythlits there. I still have 6 left.
ok thanks.. Is there particular sub level in Hyperion Lava Flow?
I'd say the 3rd or 5th sub level would be best. 3rd has the highest exp/stam. 5th has the most floors with a chance to catch one. Make sure you bring poison or armor break for the boss of the 5th level.


I think I am all Dragon Towered out this weekend at rank 44.

fucking dragon seed won't drop i want to evolve my blue dragon ;-;

Is farming Red Dragon from Volcano of Vulcan actually viable or should I just go for Lil' Red Dragon? Which map is best for him? Same with Lil' White Dragon.


It's now been at least 4 weekends of farming Giant Guards trying to get a Titan for red team. I _am_ in the correct dungeon, right? I've gotta be close to 100 runs so far :-/


New Japanese Evangelion dungeon and gacha are up - I pulled once and got Shinji

They are all 1.5atk or 2.0x Atk based, some of the regular mobs have some interesting skills

I am curious if it is possible to pull an attack based squad out of this
Ran dual double dark Hades for ancient dark master. 0-stone, and really not that slow due to the double gravity for Lilith and the dragon. I probably will add in Zues to the green/red Allstar team for a third gravity.

I hope I can get it to drop on master. Pretty sure this will not fly for legendary


Ran dual double dark Hades for ancient dark master. 0-stone, and really not that slow due to the double gravity for Lilith and the dragon. I probably will add in Zues to the green/red Allstar team for a third gravity.

I hope I can get it to drop on master. Pretty sure this will not fly for legendary

Yeah, looks like another weak master dungeon.
Gahh, can't wait for x2 skills up time, so many marine goblin just piling up this last weekend.


[US] 5/27/2013
Ancient Dark Dragon opens at midnight!
Sapphire Dragons 20 stamina, 5 rounds

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Is he the hardest right now?

On his first run through on the first turn Highlander bound all his fire monsters (so 5/6 of his party) for ten turns, then Berserk cast darkness on his field. Hera and Zeus also use the latest in bullshit PAD tech where they pre-emptively attack before you even get a turn.

It certainly seems up there with Valk and Zeus in terms of magic stone vending machines but at least he doesn't heal like Valkyrie.


Via advice directed at me and at other new players in this thread, I managed to level up 74 this weekend and had enough team points to equip my best monsters and beat Castle of Satan. But just when I thought that I was going to breeze through next several dungeons, I got my butt whooped all over the place in Tower of Flare. This is currently what's in my box:

I went into tower of flare with Lucifer as main, and dspinas, water dragon, vampire, and rainbow keeper as sub. For friend I tried another Lucifer, Thanatos, and chaos knight (I think); all these combinations failed to get past the first floor. Currently I am planning on farming for evo materials needed to evolve Lucifer and Dspinas. But judging by how poorly my team did in Tower of Flare, I am not sure if having a stronger version of Lucifer and Dspinas will be enough. Are there any particular monsters I can catch at this juncture in order to strengthen my team?
That jump in difficulty between Castle of Stan and Tower of Flare is sort of intentional. Try clearing the first few Technicals, which are at a more reasonable difficulty, and level up/evolve some mons.
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