I hope nobody minds this, but I was looking to get some input on team suggestions or which monsters to level. I feel like I've finally reached a point where I have some options, but I don't really know where to start. I'll begin by posting the two teams I'm currently running as well as my monster box.
The mono dark is my main team and the one I have the best idea of how to improve. I recently got a Hades so he's going in once I evolve him. I'm currently trying to get D'spinas from the whiskey dragon dungeon, but who knows if I'll have any luck. If I do get him Vampire Lord is shifting to a sub. Speaking of, obviously I should evo him once I've got him leveled. So the main advice I'm looking for here is which monsters to drop?
For friend leaders I use Vampire Lords on dungeons I find moderately difficult since I have several on my list and use Loki, D'spinas, or Lucifer for harder ones.
My other team is basic ADK. I've got the final forms of all but the light ripper so I swap out based on the dungeon. I usually use a friend ADK or a ripper if I need the resist.
And that's basically what I've got. Any advice would be appreciated. On one last note I
still have my lv 20 gift if anyone wants to trade. If I can't find anyone soon I'll just throw it at a gaffer.