2x king my ass...5 runs, no kings appeared. I only caught regular ruby dragons to boot.
I think I have done 7 runs and seen 1 king, luckily it dropped. Those runs were on 2 separate accounts and on 2 different time slots.
2x king my ass...5 runs, no kings appeared. I only caught regular ruby dragons to boot.
Another newbie question: I was bored the other day so I decided to run the Poring dungeon and ended up with 4 of them. Whats the purpose of them? Are they just worth great exp or are they part of actual evolve fusions for some monsters?
2x king my ass...5 runs, no kings appeared. I only caught regular ruby dragons to boot.
Another newbie question: I was bored the other day so I decided to run the Poring dungeon and ended up with 4 of them. Whats the purpose of them? Are they just worth great exp or are they part of actual evolve fusions for some monsters?
Hera on Thursday is the one I am trying to prepare my team for.
Is this team at a good enough place to tackle Hera? And for how many stones, do you estimate?
Looks like I might need a beefier Orochi to meet the 9,000 suggested HP?
How slow will Hera be with Lilltih vs Neptune? I don't have one and really can't afford to take one as a helper with Dark Ripper + Awoken Odin combo.
I think I have done 7 runs and seen 1 king, luckily it dropped. Those runs were on 2 separate accounts and on 2 different time slots.
How slow will Hera be with Lilltih vs Neptune? I don't have one and really can't afford to take one as a helper with Dark Ripper + Awoken Odin combo.
I just had the same thing. 4 runs on my phone and no kings to be found at all, not even seen. Even made the mistake of feeding 3 Pengdras to the wrong (unevolved) Echidna. Damn you Gungtroll.
My GF has the green archangel and I really wish I could get it as I have FAR more Artemis friends than Hermes friends (and very vew I&I friends, so even if I leveled my Hermes it wouldn't change anything), but I'll take what I canI've been very short on cash these past few weeks so I couldn't splurge like I used to on the last 2 godfests (typically I buy 3 packs of 85 and pull like crazy, and even then I never got an Orochi or a Neptune
I noticed on Saturday with the poring tower that a very high number of the people on my friends list have either Hermes or I&I but run Ares/Freyr or Freyja/Artemis. All the sudden like 20 blue leaders popped up. I wonder why that is. In my opinion blue beats the pants off Green or Red in overall utility.
Blue has the best utility guys. Neptune beats Lilith handily. Orochi is better than Echidna (though Echidna is much easier to max skill). Orb changer availability is identical to other colors. And it's all within one single color for multiplicative Leader buffs.
Red's weakness is that Titan and Ares are both very low RCV. Evolved Titan even goes negative. And Ares is always at 0.
I'm not familiar with Green. But it seems to be the most common.
I don't think its as clearcut as blue having the best utility. Echidna's are probably the most useful utility you could ask for. Yes, viper's is stronger, but the cooldown is also a lot longer. Green can benefit from echidna as well, since she'll get freyja's buff.
Red has: armor break from shiva, echidna slow, horus for massive damage multiplier while retaining good stats
Green: Has defensive armor (susano) full heal from Ceres (long cooldown though) Parvati (top 5 creature in the game, once she can be skilled up) and can also bring healers along due to freyja
Blue has sirens, viper and the blue golem. I'd realistically say blue is the worst off, while red probably has it best for a mono color team
In my case, I have both I&I and Freyr as leaders, but end up using Red a lot more because my blue team doesn't have many good monsters besides the leader. I recently got Berserker and plan to use Blue a lot more once I bring him and a few more monsters up to a decent levels.I noticed on Saturday with the poring tower that a very high number of the people on my friends list have either Hermes or I&I but run Ares/Freyr or Freyja/Artemis. All the sudden like 20 blue leaders popped up. I wonder why that is. In my opinion blue beats the pants off Green or Red in overall utility.
Probably just matching up against Mastering, which is a Fire monster. Same thing for Sunday's Naga dungeon and today's Ruby dungeon.I noticed on Saturday with the poring tower that a very high number of the people on my friends list have either Hermes or I&I but run Ares/Freyr or Freyja/Artemis. All the sudden like 20 blue leaders popped up. I wonder why that is. In my opinion blue beats the pants off Green or Red in overall utility.
I don't understand. Why don't you wanna level-up and run Brachys? It has the same leader skill as Freyja. The ultimate starter dragons are awesome substitutes for people who don't have the Norse/Greek 2.0 gods.I wish I had a green leader...
I see all of those Artemis and Freya friends, and I look in my monster box and see Wind Prodigy Sasuke, Chu Chu, Susano-o, & an ADK from my dragon team days and I wish I could run a mono green team...
Sadly, that will probably never happen, and I really, REALLY do not want to try and run Flowerdragon Brachys... (especially since she is really underdeveloped)
I wish I had a green leader...
I see all of those Artemis and Freya friends, and I look in my monster box and see Wind Prodigy Sasuke, Chu Chu, Susano-o, & an ADK from my dragon team days and I wish I could run a mono green team...
Sadly, that will probably never happen, and I really, REALLY do not want to try and run Flowerdragon Brachys... (especially since she is really underdeveloped)
I don't understand. Why don't you wanna level-up and run Brachys? It has the same leader skill as Freyja. The ultimate starter dragons are awesome substitutes for people who don't have the Norse/Greek 2.0 gods.
A bunch of people run Light teams, but almost all of them lead with Zeus. I only lead with Thor against easy dungeons like Metal Dragons, where I don't need the 9x ATK and taking damage doesn't negate his leader skill against the Metal Dragons that attack every turn. You know you can always still run your Light leaders with a Zeus helper, too. It doesn't always have to be dual Zeus leaders. Thor/Zeus would make a 1/6/2 team. Raph/Zeus would be 2/3/2 which is arguably better than the 2.25/2.25/2.25 Indian teams that were all the rage.
As for Tower of Jewel, I've actually had very good luck with +eggs this time compared to the first time we had the dungeon. I'm averaging about 1 +egg every 1-2 runs. So, I'm happily running it whenever I have time today.
On a side note, has anyone ever gotten anything good out of "Tower of Jewel"? That dungeon is a huge waste of stamina.
That dungeon is a huge waste of stamina.
Cant agree more. Sometimes, like today, I see it as a nice break to dump some stamina into non-event related dungeons for a minute.
Yeah I had shit luck too. I think I went 3/10. I feel like the 2x event wasn't active. Did anyone have good luck with more than a few runs?Oh and btw, 2 Kings in 10 runs for ruby dragons today. Yuck! Was hoping to max out Echidna and dump any extra pengdras/kings I had onto Horus but I decided to hold on to my stones for a subsequent king event when the drop rates seem better.
Yep, never gotten a darn thing from it. Some people seem to at least have half decent luck with the + eggs but I've never even gotten that. No dub-mythlits and I've obviously never seen any Super King Gold dragons.
Oh and btw, 2 Kings in 10 runs for ruby dragons today. Yuck! Was hoping to max out Echidna and dump any extra pengdras/kings I had onto Horus but I decided to hold on to my stones for a subsequent king event when the drop rates seem better.
Yeah this is why my echidna is sitting around lvl 60. I really don't use echidna enough to justify putting a bunch of EXP into her. Then again if I actually put a bunch of +eggs into her, she would have pretty decent stats.Is it worth it to max Echidna? My Echidna is at level 50 and it will take over 3 million more xp to max her. All that xp will only give me about 300 hp, 200 atk, and 100 rcv. I would rather use that xp on my Horus or Ares.
Is it worth it to max Echidna? My Echidna is at level 50 and it will take over 3 million more xp to max her. All that xp will only give me about 300 hp, 200 atk, and 100 rcv. I would rather use that xp on my Horus or Ares.
Hi all, started playing last weekend and finally made it past Castle of Satan.
Does anyone still have the rank 20 gift and want to exchange?
I hate mask dungeon expert. 5 times and no mystic mask so far... I need 1, and would like 2, but this is ridiculous.
I spent all of yesterday running it in JP and only got two dropsI don't know why I even blow stam on Sword dungeon today. 3 runs with no luck yet. Not going to spend anymore stam on that junk.
I hate mask dungeon expert. 5 times and no mystic mask so far... I need 1, and would like 2, but this is ridiculous.