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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Decided to run Mythical right off the bat. It was going pretty well up until Goemon but I just couldn't outheal his damage. Got past the first few rounds but when he started to darken the board, I couldn't combo effectively. Ran with a mono water team with 4xHP and 4xRCV. Team was composed of Noel, Siegfried, Water Mech, Water Mechdragon, and Siren with a friend's Gabriel. Had about 65k hp and 1700 recovery. My monsters need more levels across the board but I definitely think its doable with 0 stones.
Yeah sure, let me clear a space. my ID is 362, 144, 203

Thanks. Time to give Goemon a whirl. I'll let you guys know how it goes, I'm sure that my team is the epitome of an underprepared goemon team, but I have dual resists!

Edit: I've burned three stones, but am going strong!

Edit2: Still only 3 stones, I'm on Mitsuki and I know that I can resist everything that goemon can throw at me. Seems good! Now it will just take me a few hours to chip away at their health haha.

Edit3: I've been on Goemon for like an hour. He can't kill me unless I am a total idiot, but I do almost no damage to him.


Saint Nic
Tried Legend, flopped on round 1 cause I brought Hermes instead of Gabriel and couldn't outheal four guys hitting me every turn.

That's almost the make or break round. I won't lie - the second time I did it, I used path and decision. I only had 4 water orbs, but I swept the round due to mega combo and falling luck. It saved me another stone, so I don't care.

E: Ended up having to stone on Goemon because of coin throw + no hearts or water. No biggie since he dropped. I will say that 2xGabriel or Gabriel + Noel are the best combo I've seen so far. Lakshmi just didn't feel safe enough this last time. Done running Goemon. 2x Horus simply won't be able to handle Goemon's damage for me to feel comfortable going in right now.


Got Goemon on Legend difficulty using a Noel and Hermes leader with a Siren, Siegfried, Idunn and Idunna, and the blue Ancient Dragon as subs. Definitely do not recommend this team, as the recovery was difficult and the extra damage wasn't worth the risk of dying against Goemon, vs replacing Idunn and Idunna with a second Siren/Water Mech and Hermes with another Noel/Gabriel.
Got Goemon on Legend difficulty using a Noel and Hermes leader with a Siren, Siegfried, Idunn and Idunna, and the blue Ancient Dragon as subs. Definitely do not recommend this team, as the recovery was difficult and the extra damage wasn't worth the risk of dying against Goemon, vs replacing Idunn and Idunna with a second Siren/Water Mech and Hermes with another Noel/Gabriel.

1/4/4 is the safest team you can do. The damage is a bust, but since its mostly against fire...you're really doing 2x anyway.

It's a marathon for sure, but really no worry of dying unless something important gets bound.


After 3 failed runs of Valk Legend I thought I'll give Goemon a chance just once.
Dropped on first legend run!
My team is pretty much an "REM trolled me hard"-team.
L: Duke Vampire lvl 43
Siren lvl 49 SL Max
Keeper of Rainbow
Awoken Hera lvl 49
Awoken Hera lvl 43
FL: SoD Lucifer Max +73

Pretty easy, but had to use one stone on Goemon, because he bound Lucifer, Keeper and Siren.
With a few more levels or better leader it would be an easy 0-stone. I can definitely recommend this team for anyone lacking good leaders, like me.
Going to try to give Goemon a shot, at least on Legendary. I don't have some some of the more popular choices at leader (no Gabe, Luci, Noel). Which of these would be my best shot:

Duke Vamp (44, max skill)
Siren tE (51, max skill)
Keeper of Rainbow
Awoken Hera (39)
Awoken Hera (34)


Megalodran (55, sl3)
Awoken Hera (39)
Keeper of Rainbow
Bowmore (51, sl3)
Lilith tWotN (32, sl3)

My typical blue team is:

FD Lakshmi (69)
Abyss Neptune (56)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (56)
Emperor Siegfried (59)
CAD (51)

I could swap CAD for either Bowmore (51), I&I (30, 5* version), the Siren or Megalodran.



I can only comment on your first team and I'd say your monsters' levels might be too low.
If you're unlucky and Goemon binds your friend leader and Keeper, you'll have to spend at least one stone as he'll one-hit you.


I can only comment on your first team and I'd say your monsters' levels might be too low.
If you're unlucky and Goemon binds your friend leader and Keeper, you'll have to spend at least one stone as he'll one-hit you.

Well, he also only binds on the second turn, so you just have to use rainbow keeper's ability right before he gets the chance to act and it should last the entire bind.

Edit: He might bind on first if you don't do damage to him to trigger the counterattack too, but unsure on that account.


Got own in the first stage doing Goemon on Mythical. Ninjas hit much harder and much harder to break defense.

Waste of 50 Stamina. Not trying that again.
Going to try to give Goemon a shot, at least on Legendary. I don't have some some of the more popular choices at leader (no Gabe, Luci, Noel). Which of these would be my best shot:

Duke Vamp (44, max skill)
Siren tE (51, max skill)
Keeper of Rainbow
Awoken Hera (39)
Awoken Hera (34)


Megalodran (55, sl3)
Awoken Hera (39)
Keeper of Rainbow
Bowmore (51, sl3)
Lilith tWotN (32, sl3)

My typical blue team is:

FD Lakshmi (69)
Abyss Neptune (56)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (56)
Emperor Siegfried (59)
CAD (51)

I could swap CAD for either Bowmore (51), I&I (30, 5* version), the Siren or Megalodran.


I would say the 2nd team, but with a Siren instead of lilith. Max Skill Siren is invaluable. Used many times during the fight when RNG trolls you.


Just in case anyone else needs a 60+ blue angel: 303,245,213

Just beat him on Legend with absolutely no difficulties at all but no drop. Will take another pass at him later today.


Got own in the first stage doing Goemon on Mythical. Ninjas hit much harder and much harder to break defense.

Waste of 50 Stamina. Not trying that again.

Yeah I calced the damage you take from the devils in round 1 to be 32k a turn unmitigated. It's pretty ridic, and trying to kill one of those things w/o multipliers or actives is a bitch since they have 3k defense and 12k hp. I'll do Mythical the next time Goemon comes around.
Japan got updated with Clash of Clan mobs; looks like there are 12 of them.

[JP] CoC Collab Monsters info

Most Stage 1 only have Leader Skill, and Stage 2 will have Active Skill + same Leader Skill. Most are for skill up Norse Gods (make sense since SuperCell is from North Europe)

720/721 - CoC Barbarian - Light Element, Physical Type, Max Lv.25
Active Skill: Same as Thor!!! (721 only)
Leader Skill: 1.5x attack for Light Subs

722/723 - CoC Archer - Fire Element, Balance Type, Max Lv.25
Active Skill: Same as Freyr!!! (723 only)
Leader Skill: 1.5x attack for Fire Subs

724/725 - CoC Goblin - Wood Element, Attacker Type, Max Lv.25
Active Skill: Same as Freyja!!! (725 only)
Leader Skill: 1.5x attack for Wood Subs

726/727 - CoC Angel - Light Element, Healer Type, Max Lv.25
Active Skill: Same as Angelion!!! (727 only)
Leader Skill: Heals when matching orbs (similar to Siren/Angel)

728/729 - CoC Dragon - Fire Element, Dragon Type, Max Lv.50
Active Skill: Cause fire damage based on 50x own ATK toward 1 single enemy
Leader Skill: 2x ATK for Fire & Dragon subs

730/731 - CoC PEKKA - Dark Element, Demon Type, Max Lv.50
Active Skill: Cause damage based on 20x own ATK toward 1 single enemy, and heal the team as well.
Leader Skill: Similar to Ogre


What friend leader should I use with that team? I think I saw people pairing up with Flare Drall?

With that setup Flare Drall would be best. It's another guard stance that you're going to want and will give you 75% fire resist and 50% grass resist. As MMBoss said, you're probably better off swapping the Lilith with your Siren, as she's higher level and max skilled. I used Lilith because my Megalo was max skilled so I felt I was safe enough that I could use the extra damage more, and I thought she would help more with the medium ninjas. Turns out I didn't need her at all and could've probably done better with my other hera for damage.

Your team however, is like 20 levels lower than mine and doesn't have max skills so the Siren is probably the better choice for staying alive. The hardest part of Goemon is the first round, and the rest is pretty standard. The first team you listed (duke) will help you out more for the first round, but it won't be as stable against the RNG for the latter part. Then again, the latter part should be fairly short if you have herax2 + lucifer for a finisher. The second team (megalodran) will struggle a bit with Round 1, but it's smooth sailing from there. Just have to concentrate.


Just in case anyone else needs a 60+ blue angel: 303,245,213

Just beat him on Legend with absolutely no difficulties at all but no drop. Will take another pass at him later today.

Also, I never needed to use vipers delay at all. With a maxed StE, 2 gabes, AND a water mech on the team, healing was never a problem. I never even needed to pop the mech as a defensive play, only did knowing when a bound was incoming to help mitigate that.

Going to swap VO for neptune next run. Poison will speed up taking down the bosses and mine is 10 levels higher than my VO so he has a nice stat lead.


Wiped twice on the first round. Just didn't have enough to power through it with dual lucifers and a haphazard black/blue team.
I beat Legendary Goemon, after ~ 3 hours of mind numbing gaming. No drop. Wow, last time I zombie through something like this. I'm pretty sure that I was wrong earlier and that I actually used 4 coins total in there.

In case anyone is curious here is the team I took it with:
Flare Drall lvl 35 No skill ups
Siren Enchanter Lvl 30 no skill ups
Rainbow Keeper No skill ups
Empress Echidna lvl 30 No skill ups
Blue Ripper lvl 28 No Skill Ups
Merc's Megalodon lvl 60 something Max Skill

Merc's Megalodon made the whole thing possible. I had no clue how important skill ups were until I started this thing. I would not recommend this strategy to anyone. Not unless you want to get bored to death with P&D. :)

It would be possible to do this without coins by the way, you'd just need luck with mob spawns and orbs in floor 1, which I had neither of. With that the dungeon would be pretty easy.


Fuck yes 0-stone Mythical!


Thanks go to Kyle@GAF for having the only Gabriel on my friends list at the time.

Got lucky with blue orbs on the first turn and after that it was smooth sailing. Very slow grind on the boss, was a little worried about the last 25% but with careful orb management (those precious red orbs) I didn't even have to use the mech skill.


Fuck yes 0-stone Mythical!

Thanks go to Kyle@GAF for having the only Gabriel on my friends list at the time.

Got lucky with blue orbs on the first turn and after that it was smooth sailing. Very slow grind on the boss, was a little worried about the last 25% but with careful orb management (those precious red orbs) I didn't even have to use the mech skill.

congrats! I did the same:


2 Lucifers + 3 Gravity + RK = 0 stone baby!


Neo Member
I tried a resist team with Megalodran + Flare Drall, cleared Legend with 1 stone (got oneshotted while Megalodran was bound), but no drop :( Honestly, it took so long that I don't know if I want to try it again...


Saint Nic
I tried a resist team with Megalodran + Flare Drall, cleared Legend with 1 stone (got oneshotted while Megalodran was bound), but no drop :( Honestly, it took so long that I don't know if I want to try it again...

I won't lie - Goemon is worth the trouble. He is SUPER good for endgame farming. Double Goemon = 25x damage, no combo necessary.
I took those damn little ninjas for granted and wiped in the first round on my first Mythical run. Beat it on my second try, but made sure to kill off a couple of ninjas early. When I got it down to 1 ninja left, I used it to charge all my monsters. The first round is definitely the hardest of the non-boss stages. The stage 9 sub-boss was a pushover. Goemon wasn't too much trouble with my party and careful strategy. I knew that he wouldn't start doing his Coin Toss attack until he got below 20% health. I activated both Hades, Amon, Lucifer, and finally Drawn Joker to recover the life I lost to Lucifer's skill. With Amon's counterattack doing over 100K damage per turn for 5 turns, I came dangerously close to putting Goemon below 20% health too soon. Luckily, I was able to stall long enough so that his Coin Toss was triggered only 5 turns before both Hades were active again. I came close to dying a couple of times once he started tossing money at me. Once Hades were active, I popped both along with Amon. Goemon tossed coins one last time and died to Amon's counterattack. I didn't even need to use Lucifer again. Also, he never blacked out the board on me. I wonder if that's triggered by a certain number of turns. I know I beat him in 30 turns, because I started by activating Gravity, and ended with Gravity once it was recharged. IIRC, some other bosses had special skills that only activated after 40 turns.

Now to beat Legendary for the stone, and I'll be done. Although, I'm contemplating if I should try skilling him up. I'm too busy today to go for a max skill-up, but like Hera, Zeus, etc., Goemon should be a regularly recurring dungeon for a while.
Fuck yes 0-stone Mythical!

Thanks go to Kyle@GAF for having the only Gabriel on my friends list at the time.

Got lucky with blue orbs on the first turn and after that it was smooth sailing. Very slow grind on the boss, was a little worried about the last 25% but with careful orb management (those precious red orbs) I didn't even have to use the mech skill.

use and abuse my friend....glad to help out


Saint Nic
I took those damn little ninjas for granted and wiped in the first round on my first Mythical run. Beat it on my second try, but made sure to kill off a couple of ninjas early. When I got it down to 1 ninja left, I used it to charge all my monsters. The first round is definitely the hardest of the non-boss stages. The stage 9 sub-boss was a pushover. Goemon wasn't too much trouble with my party and careful strategy. I knew that he wouldn't start doing his Coin Toss attack until he got below 20% health. I activated both Hades, Amon, Lucifer, and finally Drawn Joker to recover the life I lost to Lucifer's skill. With Amon's counterattack doing over 100K damage per turn for 5 turns, I came dangerously close to putting Goemon below 20% health too soon. Luckily, I was able to stall long enough so that his Coin Toss was triggered only 5 turns before both Hades were active again. I came close to dying a couple of times once he started tossing money at me. Once Hades were active, I popped both along with Amon. Goemon tossed coins one last time and died to Amon's counterattack. I didn't even need to use Lucifer again. Also, he never blacked out the board on me. I wonder if that's triggered by a certain number of turns. I know I beat him in 30 turns, because I started by activating Gravity, and ended with Gravity once it was recharged. IIRC, some other bosses had special skills that only activated after 40 turns.

Now to beat Legendary for the stone, and I'll be done. Although, I'm contemplating if I should try skilling him up. I'm too busy today to go for a max skill-up, but like Hera, Zeus, etc., Goemon should be a regularly recurring dungeon for a while.

Reading this makes me think Amon is VASTLY underrated as a sub. I love him, and I plan to level him like mad after I finish my other blue subs.


I think his board blackout is just really rare. He only used it on me twice and I must have taken over 100 turns.

Not sure how useful Goemon really is for hard dungeons. With 0 RCV you can't charge your skills and with higher RCV you run the risk of accidental hearts. You die in one hit and you can't use a stone since you'll be at full health. Even just activating the multiplier without dying is gonna take some luck in most cases. He only works in very specific dungeons and everything has to go your way.


Goemon GET (Legend)

I spent 5 stones, all told. 2 in Round 1, because Round 1 sucks, 1 in Round 2, because I miscalculated, and then 2 on Mitsuki because I got lazy and tried to play on autopilot without healing/using Actives. Goemon himself was just a long grind.

Round 1 is definitely the most lethal.


I think all the Archdemons have the same counterattack skill and are underrated. Amon was good for Goemon because of water's 2x attack to fire. Amon did 60k x 5 damage to Goemon on Legendary.

Seems like he counterattacks for around 3x the damage received which becomes 6x against fire monsters.


I don't have noel, hermes, or gabriel. My water team is quite weak frankly.

I'm thinking of trying Goemon Legend with

Fire Drall - Leader
Ice Mechdragon Aldebaran
Water Mech Warrior Midgard
Crystal Aurora Dragon
Siren, the Enchanger - maxed skill


This should give me 20k HP and more than 2k RCV with fire/wood resist and midgard/siren insurance.

Does this seem plausible to you guys? Or should I just skip him this time.

Wasted one stone to restore stamina to do this dungeon.
Success with this set up, 0 stone legend Goemon. Never have a lack of Heal orb. Unfortunately, he didn't drop :(


Saint Nic
I think his board blackout is just really rare. He only used it on me twice and I must have taken over 100 turns.

Not sure how useful Goemon really is for hard dungeons. With 0 RCV you can't charge your skills and with higher RCV you run the risk of accidental hearts. You die in one hit and you can't use a stone since you'll be at full health. Even just activating the multiplier without dying is gonna take some luck in most cases. He only works in very specific dungeons and everything has to go your way.

Have you watched videos on YouTube of Goemon teams? It's silly how much damage you can do.


He did blackout on me right after the first attack and bind, nearly cost me a stone, but I was lucky and managed to remember the heal orb placement:)


Have you watched videos on YouTube of Goemon teams? It's silly how much damage you can do.
Absolutely, with Goemon, Horus/Phoenix and Freyr skills you're looking at over 800xATK damage minimum. But how are you gonna charge the skills? There are very few hard dungeons where it's even possible to use Goemon and there is still a lot of luck involved.

Edit: Hearts are square so you can see them even with blackout. The blackout is actually great since it's a free turn to heal.


Saint Nic
Absolutely, with Goemon, Horus/Phoenix and Freyr skills you're looking at over 800xATK damage minimum. But how are you gonna charge the skills? There are very few hard dungeons where it's even possible to use Goemon and there is still a lot of luck involved.

Edit: Hearts are square so you can see them even with blackout. The blackout is actually great since it's a free turn to heal.

There's a video of some guy using a high RCV red team. It's a smart way to charge skills and wreck shop.


Absolutely, with Goemon, Horus/Phoenix and Freyr skills you're looking at over 800xATK damage minimum. But how are you gonna charge the skills? There are very few hard dungeons where it's even possible to use Goemon and there is still a lot of luck involved.

Edit: Hearts are square so you can see them even with blackout. The blackout is actually great since it's a free turn to heal.

the bigger problem is that new dungeons are being added where monsters have first strike, effectively making it impossible to run Goemon.


How often are the hera and other descended dungeons running in the US servers now? If I can get him in another 3, 4 weeks when I'm better leveled I'll just skip it this time around.
Yeah, Goemon is completely unappealing to me as a multiplier. Ra seems easier to use than him.

false. Paired with Gigas and his -RCV, you basically force under 20% and then have an unconditional 25% multiplier regardless of orb matches. He's the ultimate glass cannon.


Fuck, I did Goemon again with the same set up, screwed over by the first and Goemon himself this time, have to 3 stones it X(

Luckily he dropped. I guess that's a good news?
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