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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Can someone put up a blue archangel (I think it's Gabriel) or a blue Noel? I want to try and run dragon rush legendary

Put up blue noel. Not sure if I added you yet. ID is 356, 137, 283. Let me know how well it works out for you. I might attempt it myself. Only worried about not dealing enough damage against the blue dragon.


Failed on Legend of Dragon Rush with Ra/Ra. Got my ass handed to me by Yggdrasil. Hit him with a huge combo only to see a bunch of 1s pop up on the screen. lol I guess I'll have to get that stone next time this comes around. Saving up my stamina for some early morning Hera-Is runs tomorrow.


Failed on Legend of Dragon Rush with Ra/Ra. Got my ass handed to me by Yggdrasil. Hit him with a huge combo only to see a bunch of 1s pop up on the screen. lol I guess I'll have to get that stone next time this comes around. Saving up my stamina for some early morning Hera-Is runs tomorrow.

Fyi, Ra's active skill will 1 shot him


Anyone trying to get the blue firedragon? I have the urge to do so but honestly it's a stupid trophy I won't ever use... and it'll cost me some stones to run legend.


Anyone trying to get the blue firedragon? I have the urge to do so but honestly it's a stupid trophy I won't ever use... and it'll cost me some stones to run legend.

Sounds like a lose lose situation to me. Having it as a trophy wouldn't itself be bad but even as a trophy the blue firedragon will take up space that otherwise could be used for a more useful monster; a pengdra for example.


Sounds like a lose lose situation to me. Having it as a trophy wouldn't itself be bad but even as a trophy the blue firedragon will take up space that otherwise could be used for a more useful monster; a pengdra for example.

Yea... I'm not really wanting to run it anymore aside from the fact that it has better exp than ocean of heaven... but I could use the masks right now.


I saw a suggested team for Hera-Is and it used Drawn Joker and Odin. How well does it work considering floors 2,3, and 4 have multi hitting monsters?


I am going with the Abyss Neptune/Odin strategy for Hera-Is. Is the Rainbow Keeper only used for protection during Hera-Is first bind? If so, i will replace the RK with a 2nd Hera and just use a stone to continue if I get bound and die. Having double gravity will speed up every fight so it seems worth it.


Anyone running a nice grodin for today? My abyss neptune is a lot better off than my odin... and my friends list has got about 7 neptunes atm and 0 odins.

Success! Took me two stones, one cause I did not notice that I was ~12 HP off full health on the Chaos Dark Dragon, and another cause I ran out of heal orbs on Hera-Is. If you're running the Neptune/Grodin team, you better be able to clutch out a 6+ combo matching the only three heal orbs on the board, cause she can and will use Freeze Blast multiple turns in a row.



This was a bit exhausting. I was expecting Hera-Is to not drop in Legend as nothing dropped for me in Legend Dragon Rush dungeon. Thankfully, I was wrong. Ended up using two stones with my mono Seraphim Lucifer crack team. Had to use first stone in the first turn of Hera where she froze all but one of my monsters and my HP dropped from 40K to 10,000. In second turn while I was still frozen she took me out with her normal 17K attack. Had to use a second stone when Hera reached 40% of her health and froze 3/5ths of my team, followed by blocking two color gems, followed by a more powerful version of her normal attack.

I will probably be skipping doing mythical for now. Most of my fully evolved monsters are still in 30-40 level range. My basic Lucifer team still can be improved.


Success! Took me two stones, one cause I did not notice that I was ~12 HP off full health on the Chaos Dark Dragon, and another cause I ran out of heal orbs on Hera-Is. If you're running the Neptune/Grodin team, you better be able to clutch out a 6+ combo matching the only three heal orbs on the board, cause she can and will use Freeze Blast multiple turns in a row.

How many times did you need to use RK's skill?


Got lucky and managed to 0 stone hera-is on mythical with dual lucifers. Didn't get any light binds during stage 1 although I saw 2 leaf binds. Also during her bind, she missed one of my lucifers so my hp only dropped by half. Then I just had to survive 35 turns for my lucifers to recharge.


Cleared legend but no drop. Used a stone because I'm an idiot. Dropped round 3 below 30% health and got hit by the big attack. Horus/Horus team crushed these guys. Just need enough time to stall for viper charge. Ended up clearing Hera with 2 rounds still on the timer. Gravity is definitely not needed, bring heartbreakers.



Spent 2 stones due to 2 slip ups against Hera.
First was when my RK wasn't ready for her second bind and both leaders were hit.
Second was me running out of hearts after I don't know how many Freeze Blasts.

But I got the drop on my first try, so everything is well.


4 stones. I'm very happy it dropped, because using stones on Legendary perhaps was not the best idea. But it was such a slow run with Odin/Neptune, that I hated to start over without atleast seeing what Hera-Is would have dropped.

I'm happy to have her and even more happy to never go back. I don't care for that stone in Mythical either.


My team can't handle mythical yet cause of my terrible echidna (Menace L1 sucks..) also had to use a stone in legend but no drop... I should focus more on leveling up my Susano next time..she's very good for those fights.


This could be the craziest luck I've had in game. I was on Hera with zero stones used and only had echidna charged, 3 rounds for viper. After the delay wore off this was her coffin bind attack:


Delayed for 6 rounds with viper and finished her off. Got really lucky with CDD the round before also. But the shit luck is that's 2 clears and no drop. Need to refresh stamina with a stone now. Sucks.
Went into mythical with dual Lucifers (62k HP) and made it to Hera no problem. Spent a stone on the bind but then I just couldn't keep up with even her normal attack. I was getting no hearts and she was essentially taking half my health every turn. So I backed out.

Not really sure what to do now. I'm really hesitant to spend stones on legend with no guaranteed drop but I guess I'm stuck with it.
My GrOdin / Neptune team made it to Hera without a hiccup. Had to use two stones, though because of not having my skills up. No drop, but I got CDD and water mechdragon to drop.

I didn't think Hera was gonna use that freeze blast so damn often.
Well I took in the Horus team seen in Jody's post. Charged as long as I could on the demons then powered through. Had to take a few times but that's ok since I did not have Orochi ready. Got hit by the strong attack on floor 3 and spent a stone. Then had to spend another on Hera since Orochi was not ready. But I got the drop! So overall between my failed mythical and successful legend run I spent 4 stones. Not terrible.


Went into mythical with dual Lucifers (62k HP) and made it to Hera no problem. Spent a stone on the bind but then I just couldn't keep up with even her normal attack. I was getting no hearts and she was essentially taking half my health every turn. So I backed out.

Not really sure what to do now. I'm really hesitant to spend stones on legend with no guaranteed drop but I guess I'm stuck with it.

Did you have any defensive subs in your team? Having Wood Mech Asgard definitely saved me from burning stones against Hera on a couple of occasions. Including Asgard lowered my team HP from 50K to 40K but the defensive benefit was made clear on a couple of situations where my Lucifers got frozen and my HP dropped to around 10K.

Edit: Well this post is now moot since you got the drop. And I continue to be jealous by all these damage multiplier teams. One needs to have perfect combination of monsters in order to make it work. Still no Echidna here.
Not sure how to tackle this Tengu dungeon in JP. As far as I can tell all 12 cost opens up over 10 cost is the third form of the rippers, and 30% against one element is useless when the dungeon is mixed element.

It's a lot harder than the ADK Slime dungeon; I tried my 2/2.5/1 team that worked on slime and got promptly stuffed on wave 1. Back to the drawing board...


Saint Nic
Ugh...Used 5 stones on Legend. I didn't want to, but I did. Hera did NOT drop.

But Aldebaran, Nirai Kanai, and Helheim did. I can't complain getting 3 new dragons. So I guess I'll give it another go in a bit. I was having a LOT of trouble with hearts. I mean, there were rounds where I'd 6 combo the board and still have no hearts drop on Hera. I'm not pleased with that.

I'm going to see if there are other options in my box because that wasn't even fun.


Ok, so I had saved up enough stam that when I woke up this morning I had 100 stamina ready for 2 attempts. I was also close enough to leveling up that I could level up if need be to get more runs in. I went in with:

Ra/Ra Leads - Dark Chu Chu - Parvati - Echidna - Siegfried

First floor on first attempt couldnt get the damn orbs to make Ra's combo... fail. 2nd attempt swept through to Hera beat her no drop. Ok, refresh stamina. 3rd attempt first floor fail again just like the first couldnt get the orbs. 4th attempt, swept each round until hera. Killed her in two turns almost one shot her thanks to the Chu Chu's hearbreak and I got the drop! I might give mythical a shot later tonight just for kicks and to see if I can get my stone back that I spent. So glad it dropped that second time.


Killed her twice on Legend but no drop. Used two different teams:

Drawn joker

This team has 29k HP and 3.6k RCV and can oneshot wave 5. The problem is that the defensive skills have such long cd. Used two stones because I couldn't keep up with healing.


Turns out Odin was a lot more useful than I had thought since Heras multihit is only two hits. 0 stones with this team.

Think I'm gonna try mythical with my Zeus team just to see how it goes. I really don't feel like grinding away at Legend all day and maybe not even getting a drop.


Sometimes I feel like I get all the luck, got 2 Hera Is and stone for zero-stoning both dungeons with a Zeus-Horus team. I had some lucky events during the mythical run, killed the demons too fast, but was able to burn down the mechdragon so much that he auto-recovered instead of attacking.


Sometimes I feel like I get all the luck, got 2 Hera Is and stone for zero-stoning both dungeons with a Zeus-Horus team. I had some lucky events during the mythical run, killed the demons too fast, but was able to burn down the mechdragon so much that he auto-recovered instead of attacking.
What team did you use? High levels?


Thanks to Colby's neptune I got her to drop on Legend after the 3rd try. I must have been really tired last night, since my first round took 4 stones (no drop :| ), second time I went without anything charge up for CDD and got owned so had to quit, then the third try this morning didn't take any stones at all.

By the way, anything can drop in that dungeon right? I want the ice mechdragon and chaos blizzard dragon but none of them have dropped for me


Yeah, Mostly high levels, Zeus, Hera, Valkyrie, Verche, max-skilled Echidna, Horus. Lots of +stats all over the monsters.
That's a bit of an odd lineup. You have nothing blue for Horus, which means you can't use Verches skill. You must have been very lucky indeed to 0 stone Mythical with that team.
Is there any reason to have two Hera-Is? My original plan was to go for two but it doesn't look like I'll be able to zero-stone it so not sure if I should bother.


Is there any reason to have two Hera-Is? My original plan was to go for two but it doesn't look like I'll be able to zero-stone it so not sure if I should bother.

One thing I've heard is to have one unevolved and one evolved, just in case you have a dungeon where dark can be bound. I don't know if it's really worth it though...


I'm at 0/5 legend runs so far....so boring i think i'll just go mythical and burn stones.

1/6, knew i had to come whine on GAF to make it drop :D also got Ice Mechdragon, dropped all the dragon but the blue SkyDragon, never saw Chaos Blizzard Dragon once...
First run through legend, 4 stones, expected 1 due to ice coffin. Three due to loss of hearts. Probably could have avoided those three if I had max skilled echidna.

She dropped though. So I guess after my disastrous valk runs my drop luck has turned.

So what else is coming this week? Anything else fun? Love regular Hera to try and get some skill ups.
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