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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Ugh...Used 5 stones on Legend. I didn't want to, but I did. Hera did NOT drop.

But Aldebaran, Nirai Kanai, and Helheim did. I can't complain getting 3 new dragons. So I guess I'll give it another go in a bit. I was having a LOT of trouble with hearts. I mean, there were rounds where I'd 6 combo the board and still have no hearts drop on Hera. I'm not pleased with that.

I'm going to see if there are other options in my box because that wasn't even fun.

0 for 2 on Hera-Is legendary with a Abyss Neptune/Hera/Hera/Siren/Echidna/Odin team. Had to use stones each time because of constant Freeze Blasts from Hera and not enough hearts. I will try 1 more time before I give up.


Ugh...Used 5 stones on Legend. I didn't want to, but I did. Hera did NOT drop.

But Aldebaran, Nirai Kanai, and Helheim did. I can't complain getting 3 new dragons. So I guess I'll give it another go in a bit. I was having a LOT of trouble with hearts. I mean, there were rounds where I'd 6 combo the board and still have no hearts drop on Hera. I'm not pleased with that.

I'm going to see if there are other options in my box because that wasn't even fun.

Same boat as you i just managed my first clear but it took all morning. No stones, but no drop, and a lot of stress in that dungeon. Heh.

Not sure if I am going to go again,
I'm gonna be too busy today to play much. Might even miss the Gold dungeon like I missed Super Metals yesterday. So, I took a Zaerog team to beat Mythical as quick as possible, and figured I'd just spend however many stones it took to beat it. Wasn't too bad. 3 stones total. Spent 1 on the first round because I obviously didn't have CDK or ADKs charged, and got a crap board with very little Wood or Dark orbs. Spent 2 stones on Hera. Used 1 ADK activation on the first turn before she could bind me. Took off about a third of her health. Then she bound and killed me. My other ADK and CDK still had another turn before activation, so that cost me another stone. Then, on the third turn, I activated both CDK and ADK, and killed her with a massive 12 chain combo.

I wasn't gonna even bother trying to farm for one, but I got super lucky getting the Cosmic Blizzard Dragon on my only Mythical run.


Here's the team I ran, along with another +297 Zaerog friend. This is actually the first time that I felt I could've used a third max skilled ADK. If I had another ADK activation instead of the Wind Mech, I may have saved a stone on Hera.



I'm gonna be too busy today to play much. Might even miss the Gold dungeon like I missed Super Metals yesterday. So, I took a Zaerog team to beat Mythical as quick as possible, and figured I'd just spend however many stones it took to beat it. Wasn't too bad. 3 stones total. Spent 1 on the first round because I obviously didn't have CDK or ADKs charged, and got a crap board with very little Wood or Dark orbs. Spent 2 stones on Hera. Used 1 ADK activation on the first turn before she could bind me. Took off about a third of her health. Then she bound and killed me. My other ADK and CDK still had another turn before activation, so that cost me another stone. Then, on the third turn, I activated both CDK and ADK, and killed her with a massive 12 chain combo.

I wasn't gonna even bother trying to farm for one, but I got super lucky getting the Cosmic Blizzard Dragon on my only Mythical run.


Here's the team I ran, along with another +297 Zaerog friend. This is actually the first time that I felt I could've used a third max skilled ADK. If I had another ADK activation instead of the Wind Mech, I may have saved a stone on Hera.


I am always in awe of your teams


Well I took in the Horus team seen in Jody's post. Charged as long as I could on the demons then powered through. Had to take a few times but that's ok since I did not have Orochi ready. Got hit by the strong attack on floor 3 and spent a stone. Then had to spend another on Hera since Orochi was not ready. But I got the drop! So overall between my failed mythical and successful legend run I spent 4 stones. Not terrible.

Really liked this team for this dungeon. I one stoned and zero stoned the first two runs. The third run I hit a 9x combo when killing one of the devils first turn which ruined the run. Had to wipe.

Anyone have a 200 plus egg Horus they can share or provide me the ID from their list? I spent a stone for two more attempts. But want to make them count.
Really liked this team for this dungeon. I one stoned and zero stoned the first two runs. The third run I hit a 9x combo when killing one of the devils first turn which ruined the run. Had to wipe.

Anyone have a 200 plus egg Horus they can share or provide me the ID from their list? I spent a stone for two more attempts. But want to make them count.
I can put up mine with 117. Not sure if that will be enough for you.


Zaerog team seems really fun. I've been farming Sky Dragons with all of my Stamina lately, I really want to put a team together with all color Sky Dragons and 2 leader Zaerog.

Unfortunately I've yet to get past Zeus, and Zaerog himself seems like a difficult task. :(


Fucking godfests.....grr

I got a Thanatos and a Fairlion. Are these two mobs even worth keeping?

Thanatos is underwhelming right now but he seems like the type of character that will get a busty soon enough.

Fairlion is getting a busty in the next update and while she's not the best pull having those dual resists mobs are often gateways to beating tougher dungeons.

I can put up mine with 117. Not sure if that will be enough for you.

Thanks AG. I found a 297 on the PAD DB that I'm running with right now. Hoping I can get another zero stone clear and she drops this time.


Ugh. 3rd run on Legend. No drop. 3 stones used total so far. One more try then I am through with this dungeon for now.

Just finished my 3rd run as well with no drop. Each time cost me a few stones when I couldn't heal back fast enough from the Freeze Blast. The rest of the dungeon was easy. I'm done for the day, I got Goemon to drop on the 1st try but I'm getting trolled by Hera-Is.


Saint Nic
3 Hermes from Godfest. I already have 1. No skillups either. My luck with skillups this event has been MISERABLE. I fed 26 devils to one of my other devils. Got 1 skillup. That's actually the ONLY skillup I've got during this event.


Well my Hera-Is attempt went poorly. I spent most of the morning waffling on if I should even try, but ultimately figured I'd give it a shot even though I knew I didn't have an optimal team, but worse I just didn't have the raw levels or +stats. I used:

Drawn Joker
Underlord Hades
Rainbow Keeper
Siren, the Enchanter (Max Skill)
Echidna the Red Empress (SL 3)
Green Odin (Friend)

It probably took me about 5 hours, though I did take several breaks. I made it up to Chaos Devil Dragon without a problem, but had to use a stone when I failed to combo enough to heal to max. On Hera-Is I got her down to about 50% before I had to use another stone because my healing couldn't keep up and I'd burned all my skills. Same thing happened again around 20%, but I flubbed a combo so that was was mostly on me.

Of course she didn't drop when she died, so basically I spent 3 stones for nothing. I knew that would probably happen from the very beginning which is why I agonized over each decision to use a stone, but it was disappointing none the less. On the up side I feel like I improved a lot as a player since I had to 6 combo a heal every time Hera-Is used Freeze Blast (which was all the time). Next time she rolls around maybe I'll actually be able to finish the dungeon in a reasonable amount of time.


Spent about 10 stones across 3 runs and finally got it. Ran with drawn joker and odin. Took awhile but it was relatively safe if I made a lot of matches.


I'm so close to saying Screw It, and just stoning the Mystical dungeon to death.

Well hopefully this gives you some incentive. This was the last few rounds of Hera. I just couldn't get the 7-9 combos strings going for real damage. Caught a big 8 on the last round of Viper delay and wound up like this:


Thought I'd have to burn the stone but...


Used enchidnas delay and finished her off. Even got the chaos blue dragon.


In total I spent two stones. One on the first attempt of the day for being dumb and one to refresh stamina. This dungeon was the most fun I've had with the game in a while. Every skill up and level were so important to the team, saved a bunch of stones as a result. Really impressed with how well they balance the game at times.

(Sorry for all the pics, long day and this definitely was a nice pick me up. Had to share.)


Jody, could you post a pic of your team showing their levels? I have most of your team but don't have an Orochi or Valkyrie. Could you beat the dungeon without Orochi? Also, are all your heartbreakers max skilled?


Jody, could you post a pic of your team showing their levels? I have most of your team but don't have an Orochi or Valkyrie. Could you beat the dungeon without Orochi? Also, are all your heartbreakers max skilled?

Here's the team. Added a few levels to Valk after just running Golden dragons. Echidna is max skill and the heartbreakers are all lvl 1. Pourings hate me.


Viper is a very big piece of the puzzle for this team to clear with zero stones. You may be able to get away with a mech or susano as a sub to clear the middle dragons and use echidna on Hera.

You want to clear one of the devils on the first wave and then tank 3 hits while storing hearts. Then full heal. Keep that going as long as possible. Do the same with the dragons just make sure you don't drop them below a special attack threshold. Last 2 runs I got to CDD with echidna unused so popped her here. CDD is the biggest threat of the dragons. Hera is the most hp by far and I needed 4-6 rounds to burn her just because of the blue color working against 3 red monsters. (With lucky combos I did it in 3 turns, last attempt took 7).

As long as you get to Hera with no stones and echidna it should be a zero to 2 or 3 stone clear depending on how well you match.


Here's the team. Added a few levels to Valk after just running Golden dragons. Echidna is max skill and the heartbreakers are all lvl 1. Pourings hate me.


Viper is a very big piece of the puzzle for this team to clear with zero stones. You may be able to get away with a mech or susano as a sub to clear the middle dragons and use echidna on Hera.

You want to clear one of the devils on the first wave and then tank 3 hits while storing hearts. Then full heal. Keep that going as long as possible. Do the same with the dragons just make sure you don't drop them below a special attack threshold. Last 2 runs I got to CDD with echidna unused so popped her here. CDD is the biggest threat of the dragons. Hera is the most hp by far and I needed 4-6 rounds to burn her just because of the blue color working against 3 red monsters. (With lucky combos I did it in 3 turns, last attempt took 7).

As long as you get to Hera with no stones and echidna it should be a zero to 2 or 3 stone clear depending on how well you match.

I was curious how you were stalling enough to get Viper's cooldown up. Thanks for the explanation.


I was curious how you were stalling enough to get Viper's cooldown up. Thanks for the explanation.

Yeah, stalling is the hardest part. Devils hit for around 4k. 3 rounds is very easy to stall and then heal back up but hearts run out quick. The dragons hit for between 5 and 7k on 2 turn CD. The purple sky dragon on round 2 attacks every turn, he was a pain. Hope you get the blue one round 2. Their hard hit attacks start below 75% or 50%. Check the wiki to know for sure. The stone I spent I did too much damage right before an attack and got hit with a triple skill for 20k+ DMG.


Resisted the urge to pull on godfest, since I already have everything except ares and neptune.

I have been running hera-is in hopes ofa chaos blizzard or icemechdagon... I should probably just stop and focus on ocean of heaven :|


i think i wanna try hera is one more time. praying that the blue dragon is the 5th stage and not CDD. could somebody put up a high level abyss neptune one more time please? last time :)



I had no time to do Hera Is yesterday, managed only to do 4 legend 0stone runs and got no drop :( I really hope she will be back soon....
I have the mats to evolve one thing. Options are:

Zeus -> Awoken Zeus
I&I -> Twin Goddesses
Great Valk -> Princess Valk

I do not have a Horus and am basically running mono-color teams most of the time (probably in order of green, red, blue). Which should I evolve?


I'm just now learning about Kraken. What is it? How do I find this magnificent beast?

skydragon of water dungeon which is going on right now for two weeks! it's only found in expert and has a 100% to drop when it invades. hits kind of hard though, so make sure you have at least 22k health or 11k and blue resist so you don't wipe

also couldn't get hera-is either, but thanks for lending me your neptunes GAF :D
at least i got chaos blizzard dragon


If I were to run a Luci based team for Dk. War Dragon, what would be my second Leader? There is a stone I still have to get from this dungeon, and I rather not mess up. I had to skip the previous one because I kept dieing.

Hate these dungeons, but, free stone.. :(


I ran Hera-Is on legendary one last time before I went to sleep and finally got the drop. That was my 4th run.

Grats! Seems a lot of people had to run multiple times for the drop. Did you end up using Horus?

Not sure why I was so obsessed with getting her. She's not an amazing leader but will be a decent sub.


No, I didn't have enough confidence that I would match 4 colors every turn so I used a Abyss Neptune/Odin team with 2 Heras, max skilled Siren, and a skill level 3 Echidna.

These runs have sharpened my matching skills though and I want to start using a Horus team. Without a Viper Orochi, I only have 1 delay. I also have to use Awoken Zeus as the light team member since I don't have Valkyrie or a Light/Dark Hades. I have him up to level 59 now.

When the Valkyrie dungeon comes back I will try it on legendary with a Blue Noel team with Hera-Is as a sub.


Saint Nic
I took 2 pulls today for the "God-fest." What a POS!

1) Succubus
2) Mystic Stone Knight

I think I will save my final 20 stones.

Such a buzz kill.

I'm so tempted to try my luck again, because really, if I can pull a Neptune and a Hades, I'd be done with pulling for a VERY long time. I have nearly everything else I could want/need EXCEPT those subs. Desire sensor will kick my dick on those, but given that there are no other ways to get them, I don't know what to do.


Pretty good end of the weekend for me.

Started terrible and couldn't get Hera to drop on legend. Finally got her to drop at the end. Used 5 stones total.

Decided to do a random pull on God fest and got the one god I wanted the most from this God fest, Neptune (Evolved too),

Not bad 10 stones for a Neptune and a Hera Is.

Both are great for my 4/1/4 blue noel team.


Also got a Neptune and it only took 2 pulls, yay! Kinda wanna keep pulling but I'm sticking to my guns of only pulling until I get one guy I need per Godfest.


I ended up pulling twice too. Got a cupid and a mystic flame knight. Kind of want a Neptune but no way I am spending any more money on this game. More free stones will arrive in my mailbox over time. I can wait.

I do have a question about exp to stamina ratio. Which dungeon is the second best in this? The best one is probably Starlight Sanctuary - King of Gods. But this takes too much time and I still am not strong enough to 0 stone it. Is it Ocean of Heaven - Sea God of Heaven?


I was lucky and was able to get Hera-Is on Legend with one "full" attempt (died a couple of times before reaching Hera-Is/had to wait for my stamina to refill in order to make more attempts). Unfortunately no one on my friend's list was running Goemon, and I was having bad luck with Horus and matching orbs/charging skills, so I tried running with Wood Dominion Michael and Odin and got her after three attempts with this group. But this team made for an incredibly annoying experience with leaf binds/flash binds by the demons along with a lot of "luck" with heart orbs to avoid dying, so I wouldn't recommend doing this at all.


Did a tech dungeon to get a stone for one more roll:

Toytops to go with rider from yesterday. Done with rolls for quite a while. Friends list and box space are getting my stones going forward.


"Pfft. I'll never clear Hera-Is, I'll take my chance with God Fest. I don't have much, only 7 stones, but surely the RNG god will shine upon me."


Flame Golem.....

F U, RNG god.
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