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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Can’t stump the diablos
How many days did it take you guys to roll a Horus or Lucifer?

I'm now entering day 5 of rerolling (maybe 10-15 times a day).


Zeus is guaranteed and a great accomplishment moment in the game but the game seems to have passed him by a bit. A lot of the newer Gods and top end teams rarely have Zeus as the lead. When we first got the game in the US he was the one guy to go after and was worth spending tons of stones to get him. I would say go after him for the achievement but don't expect him to to be an amazing leader anymore.


Is a Zeus Zeus combo team at least good enough for farming Hyperion lava flow tier dungeons?
Is a Zeus Zeus combo team at least good enough for farming Hyperion lava flow tier dungeons?
Zeus/Zeus is good enough for any dungeon currently in the game. Harder dungeons will require higher leveled teams and skillful gameplay of course.

Regarding the Poring dungeons, Master has better drop rates, especially for the boss Poring drop. I think if you don't need the big slime monsters, then Master will provide at least as good or better Poring/stamina drop rates over Expert. However, during 2x drop rate, Expert is the better pick. I'm planning on just running Master with available stamina throughout the event when I'm not farming the Descendeds. Then blitz Expert on 2x day for whatever remaining skill-ups I need. As for which is better for +eggs, it's probably just a wash and up to the RNG. I just got 4 Porings and a +egg from my first Master run.
Zeus/Zeus is good enough for any dungeon currently in the game. Harder dungeons will require higher leveled teams and skillful gameplay of course.

Regarding the Poring dungeons, Master has better drop rates, especially for the boss Poring drop. I think if you don't need the big slime monsters, then Master will provide at least as good or better Poring/stamina drop rates over Expert. However, during 2x drop rate, Expert is the better pick. I'm planning on just running Master with available stamina throughout the event when I'm not farming the Descendeds. Then blitz Expert on 2x day for whatever remaining skill-ups I need. As for which is better for +eggs, it's probably just a wash and up to the RNG. I just got 4 Porings and a +egg from my first Master run.
Time and difficulty-wise, though, I think Expert is the better deal. Not only do you get the big slimes, which may or may not be useful, they're also way easier to kill than the devils, which have way too much defense for what they are. You can do an Expert run in about 5 minutes, with no risk. Master takes more than twice as long.
Time and difficulty-wise, though, I think Expert is the better deal. Not only do you get the big slimes, which may or may not be useful, they're also way easier to kill than the devils, which have way too much defense for what they are. You can do an Expert run in about 5 minutes, with no risk. Master takes more than twice as long.
Ah, sorry. I didn't take difficulty into account. Was just thinking about drop rate and stamina efficiency. Obviously, people without a team that easily farm Master don't have much choice. Just like Starlight Sanctuary Zeus offers the best exp/stam in the game by far, but hardly anyone can farm it.
Time and difficulty-wise, though, I think Expert is the better deal. Not only do you get the big slimes, which may or may not be useful, they're also way easier to kill than the devils, which have way too much defense for what they are. You can do an Expert run in about 5 minutes, with no risk. Master takes more than twice as long.

very true, but unless you are dropping stones, then you have plenty of time between the 250 minutes or 500 minues...

devils are still a pain, especially when running a mono-RGB team... Expert is very nice because it is Valk 9x team friendly. Master is probably not because of those devils.
Ah, sorry. I didn't take difficulty into account. Was just thinking about drop rate and stamina efficiency. Obviously, people without a team that easily farm Master don't have much choice. Just like Starlight Sanctuary Zeus offers the best exp/stam in the game by far, but hardly anyone can farm it.
very true, but unless you are dropping stones, then you have plenty of time between the 250 minutes or 500 minues...

devils are still a pain, especially when running a mono-RGB team... Expert is very nice because it is Valk 9x team friendly. Master is probably not because of those devils.
Fair enough. I do wonder about the drop efficiency, though. Master's drop rate is higher, for sure, but both versions of the dungeon only have 10 rounds, 9 of which could drop useful monsters. Plus, there are some rounds where porings might not even show up at all. With Expert, you get 18 chances to get porings for 50 stamina, whereas with Master, you only get 9.
max skilled ChuChu...

Of Course I actually USE my Seigfried and Valkyrie....

I did get one skill up on Seigfried and Gigas (farming Expert), and got my Masterling (previously obtained two Porings). Saving all of the yellow porings for tomorrow to skill up Valk. I'm just not getting enough of those today to just throw them away.

Glad I have this for two weeks, This way I can wait until Wednesday for more, since I am not descending...
Still kinda new, still kinda suck. Feel free to add me though!


I am getting SLAMMED by fire forest Nerva. I can only even come close to beating stages when I use my friends Isis to help. Ugh :/ so much wasted stamina.
Question or two about adding plusses. I have +12 atk, +11 rcv, and +11 hp stored up on some small slimes right now.

A - What would be a good monster to put those on? Rose Valk? Frejya? Ares (though not the recovery)?

B - Is it recommended to put +30 on another monster and then add it to the desired target?

Question or two about adding plusses. I have +12 atk, +11 rcv, and +11 hp stored up on some small slimes right now.

A - What would be a good monster to put those on? Rose Valk? Frejya? Ares (though not the recovery)?

B - Is it recommended to put +30 on another monster and then add it to the desired target?


I'll answer B first, Yes but only if the first three monsters are not low level. Price to add + eggs go up with the level of the monster being fed, and the Food monster +1000 per PLUS Egg (I think). So you MAY save money, but probably not much.

A - My first thought was all on Rose Valk, but only if you use her in multiple teams (Healer and a light team of sorts, like Zues or Raphael 2/2/4 team)
Still kinda new, still kinda suck. Feel free to add me though!


I am getting SLAMMED by fire forest Nerva. I can only even come close to beating stages when I use my friends Isis to help. Ugh :/ so much wasted stamina.

Welcome. Post your box if you want some suggestions

Question or two about adding plusses. I have +12 atk, +11 rcv, and +11 hp stored up on some small slimes right now.

A - What would be a good monster to put those on? Rose Valk? Frejya? Ares (though not the recovery)?

B - Is it recommended to put +30 on another monster and then add it to the desired target?


Out of those 3? Valk.

Generally, I store mine up to +10 or +15 and then feed to my main. I'm sure its cost effective someone in there.
Question or two about adding plusses. I have +12 atk, +11 rcv, and +11 hp stored up on some small slimes right now.

A - What would be a good monster to put those on? Rose Valk? Frejya? Ares (though not the recovery)?

B - Is it recommended to put +30 on another monster and then add it to the desired target?

Of those choices, Valk is easiest choice IMO. She has the best active and leader skills and she's the most commonly used so there should be plenty of friends to pair her with.

For your second question, just feed it to your target monster. If you feed it to another monster first, you'll just be spending an extra 30K+ gold.
Welcome. Post your box if you want some help.



The second is just a team I mess with to take Keeper of the Rainbow out once in a while. I wish I had enough points to rotate him in my main team.


Someone went through the math much much earlier in the thread about cost efficient ways to feed your monster. The short of it is, the more times you need to fusion to put yours eggs together, the more gold it's going to cost you. With a maximum of +297, and a limit of 6 monsters being fused at a time, ideally we would want ~50 +eggs in your main target fusing 5 more monsters that have ~+50 each in them for the final fuse. The only problem with this is it takes a long time to reach +50 in one monster, let alone 5, so there's a huge gap in time for you to reap the benefits if you use this method. Any other method will give you faster gains at the cost of more money, so it's up to you. I would advise against feeding +eggs 1 at a time to a single monster, however.

For your second question, just feed it to your target monster. If you feed it to another monster first, you'll just be spending an extra 30K+ gold.

This is a fallacy. You say it's spending an extra 30k+ gold, but unless it's the final +egg feed, then that extra 30k+ is going to be spent anyway on the next +egg feed, and for every time after it's going to be fed a +egg.


Still kinda new, still kinda suck. Feel free to add me though!


I am getting SLAMMED by fire forest Nerva. I can only even come close to beating stages when I use my friends Isis to help. Ugh :/ so much wasted stamina.
I'm stuck here too, but my main problem is not having enough HP. :/

Edit: Oh, my party is just embarrassing compared to yours.


Really? Why's that?

And how do I go about backing it up?


Doesn't matter, just rerolled >_<. Damn my lack of impatience

Siren (Mermaid) and ADK (Dragon Knight) are decent staples, but they are frequently/easily farmed. So the rare egg result is not particularly rare, nor very useful for late game dungeons. They will be great for the early/mid game, but you will find yourself at a very steep wall if you chose to continue with that save.

In my opinion, it's not even worth backing up. Just reroll.


Really? Why's that?

And how do I go about backing it up?


Doesn't matter, just rerolled >_<. Damn my lack of impatience

I wouldn't have made a backup of this team anyways. Titanium is a popular app on android for backup up programs. Don't know about iphone/ipad. Reroll until you get a golden egg from the machine, at least. The two best options as starting monsters are Archangel Lucifer and Horus, respectively. Aim for rolling them if you have time and patience to continue replaying the tutorial.
Someone went through the math much much earlier in the thread about cost efficient ways to feed your monster. The short of it is, the more times you need to fusion to put yours eggs together, the more gold it's going to cost you. With a maximum of +297, and a limit of 6 monsters being fused at a time, ideally we would want ~50 +eggs in your main target fusing 5 more monsters that have ~+50 each in them for the final fuse. The only problem with this is it takes a long time to reach +50 in one monster, let alone 5, so there's a huge gap in time for you to reap the benefits if you use this method. Any other method will give you faster gains at the cost of more money, so it's up to you. I would advise against feeding +eggs 1 at a time to a single monster, however.

This is a fallacy. You say it's spending an extra 30k+ gold, but unless it's the final +egg feed, then that extra 30k+ is going to be spent anyway on the next +egg feed, and for every time after it's going to be fed a +egg.
I don't know if you were referring to my post, but I did a detailed breakdown with several examples of how different +egg feeding strategies varied greatly in terms of gold cost. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=62188717&postcount=17405 So, I'm well aware of the escalating costs of feeding +eggs to monsters. I'm working on my third +297 monster myself. Tonner Cyn was asking about his specific situation where he already has +30 stats spread across several monsters and is asking about how to feed those this one time, not about general feeding strategy for future feeds. So, taking that into account, my advice is accurate.


Saint Nic

Start from #19660 and read the discussion after that. It should tell you what you need to look for.

If it's not on the list, it's not on the list.

For those who just want to see it (courtesy of Cosmo and SA):

New Something Awful IRC power rankings for starter rolls. Originally I was going to post about how I actually disagreed with this one quite a bit but after trying to write out why I realized I couldn't really think of good reasons.
God King Tier: Isis, Horus, Archangel Lucifer

GODS said:
Top Tier: Ares, Hermes, Artemis, Freyr, Idunn & Idunna, Freyja, Parvati, 'Incarnation of Suzaku, Leilan', 'Incarnation of Seiryuu, Karin', 'Incarnation of Byakko, Haku', Dark Metatron

Okay Tier: Shiva, Apollo, Thor, Persephone, Loki, Baal, Bastet, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Odin the War Deity (Blue Odin), Archangel Metatron

Sick of Rerolling Tier: Lakshmi, Odin (Green Odin), Siegfried the Blue Champion, Valkyrie, 'Incarnation of Genbu, Meimei'

SAVANT TIER*: 'Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya', Ra

My personal rankings and notes about new monsters are:
Isis down a tier. The top tier should be reserved solely for monsters that can handle endgame descended content on the highest of difficulties. Isis, while good especially when paired with Horus, falls short. Can't tell you how many times I've brought an Isis into a dungeon for the staggered 3x/12x damage multiplier then went "fuck I wish I brought a Horus instead".

Haku is definitely the best of the 3.5x Chinese Zodiac monsters due to her sharing colors with both Echidna and Orochi. I might bump Leilan and Karin down a tier because they share only one of the two colors but I don't have enough experience with them to pass judgement. Meimei is poop because none of her activation colors are fire or water.

Dark Metatron has a great buff and an activation condition you can work around. Light Metatron has sort of the opposite issue and you might as well just use Valk for an unconditional Healer attack multiplier. Speaking of Valk, I think her usefulness as a sub and her recently added busty ought to put her in at least "good" tier.

I don't think the Archangels deserve to be that high. Three of them are replaceable by Noel Dragons and really only Michael/Bleu has an established use in a descended dungeon.

Not sure why Highlander fell out of favor. Maybe the lack of good Balance subs?

Anyways, I'd like to hear your thoughts and maybe form our own tier list.

E: Long story short, get a Horus/SoD Luci/Isis (with preference being weighted away from Isis, but she is still VERY usable).


I don't know if you were referring to my post, but I did a detailed breakdown with several examples of how different +egg feeding strategies varied greatly in terms of gold cost. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=62188717&postcount=17405 So, I'm well aware of the escalating costs of feeding +eggs to monsters. I'm working on my third +297 monster myself. Tonner Cyn was asking about his specific situation where he already has +30 stats spread across several monsters and is asking about how to feed those this one time, not about general feeding strategy for future feeds. So, taking that into account, my advice is accurate.

Ah. Yeah, taking that specific situation into account, your advice is accurate.

The first part was just a general thing about +egg feeding since it was the topic of conversation. I'm also at the point where aside from special events to farm active skillups, the majority of my stamina is spent on farming +eggs so I've been thinking about my own strategy for that. It's somewhere along the lines of, get 6 monsters of 2x +2 and 4x +1 to create 6 +8 monsters, then combine them to create the +48 monsters that will be fed to my final target. Use a similar method to make the final target a +57 monster and then eat all the +48s to make a +297. This should cost ~800k total for just the +egg fees after all is said and done.


I think I'll be giving my Plus Eggs to Echidna. I pretty much use her for every team I use.
I've before had put everything on a leader who then gets benched and I end up with 240 plus eggs on something I don't use too often anymore (Zeus).

If I manage to pull a Kirin I might consider giving them to her, otherwise maybe RCV to Echidna, HP+ATK to Goemon.


Saint Nic
Is Kirin worth pulling for? I'm tempted to skip the Chinese Godfest. I can't decide if any of the monsters will be staples for endgame teams or not given the vast array of monsters already available.


I don't really believe she, or any of the Chinese gods, offer something not yet available nah.
Some fun teams to be made with them, but thats it, pretty much.


Saint Nic
I don't really believe she, or any of the Chinese gods, offer something not yet available nah.
Some fun teams to be made with them, but thats it, pretty much.

Good enough for me. I've said it before - I need Neptune, Hades, SoD Luci, and Viper Orochi to be done pulling. I have Echidna at slvl 3, so she's OK...But double delay would be very nice (with the blue option).


Good enough for me. I've said it before - I need Neptune, Hades, SoD Luci, and Viper Orochi to be done pulling. I have Echidna at slvl 3, so she's OK...But double delay would be very nice (with the blue option).

Let me go through the REM-noteworthy monsters that I have... Amaterasu, Thor, Chiyome...and I started with the Amaterasu :/. Everything else is a mystic knight or toy dragon or something I farmed, like hera/cu chu/siegfried.

Edit: Oh I have Persephone too but I never use her either, like my Thor. -_-


Saint Nic
I don't want to be "that guy", but...

With all of these upcoming Descended dungeons coming up, any of you Horus/Ra users who feel that their combo skills aren't 100% spot on MAY consider spending $1 on the Path and Decision app. I'm sure some of you guys would consider it taboo or whatever, but it has saved me a LOT of stones and game overs. When I'm in a REALLY tight spot and NEED to make that 4+ combo, Path and Decision really has saved my ass.

Take it for what it's worth, but I know a few of us use it here and it's DEFINITELY worth the investment.
I don't want to be "that guy", but...

With all of these upcoming Descended dungeons coming up, any of you Horus/Ra users who feel that their combo skills aren't 100% spot on MAY consider spending $1 on the Path and Decision app. I'm sure some of you guys would consider it taboo or whatever, but it has saved me a LOT of stones and game overs. When I'm in a REALLY tight spot and NEED to make that 4+ combo, Path and Decision really has saved my ass.

Take it for what it's worth, but I know a few of us use it here and it's DEFINITELY worth the investment.
Seems it would be a slippery slope for me to be tempted to use it more and more. Also, with no threat of failure, I personally feel the game would be less fun.

Also, might as well add Anubis to SAVANT TIER, as well. If you're good enough* to use his skill consistently, it pays off big-time.

No one is that good.


Saint Nic
Seems it would be a slippery slope for me to be tempted to use it more and more. Also, with no threat of failure, I personally feel the game would be less fun.

Also, might as well add Anubis to SAVANT TIER, as well. If you're good enough* to use his skill consistently, it pays off big-time.

No one is that good.

Yeah, it takes a bit of "control" not to rely on it. I use it only when it IS one of those "match or die" moments.
I tip my hat to you nicoga. Not many would admit to use that app. I would wanna download it just to see how it works, and for plain old curiousity.

Truth is, though, I'm way too impatient to plan stuff out. Even if something is telling me what path to take. I'd be too nervous in forgetting what to do, etc.

And freaking Anubis... When I'm down on Stamina, I head into endless just to mess with him. I haven't hit a 10 combo in 20 runs. But I hit x9 about 10 percent of the time. He'd be pretty buff if they reduced it down to a 9-combo.
IMO, the Archangels kick the shit out of the noels. They have the same leader skills, but the active skill goes to archangels. Having the ability to switch light/dark in a mono color team is pretty awesome.

I fed the noel to Gabe and never looked back
Seems it would be a slippery slope for me to be tempted to use it more and more. Also, with no threat of failure, I personally feel the game would be less fun.

Also, might as well add Anubis to SAVANT TIER, as well. If you're good enough* to use his skill consistently, it pays off big-time.

No one is that good.
Anubis isn't in Savant tier for one simple, important reason: he needs a 10+ combo to activate. There are 30 orbs on the field. Do the math.

Happy 20,000 replies PAD thread! My new apartment doesn't have Internet access. :(
Poor Raphael, he's not even on the list. That's okay, you'll always be my leader Raphael-san.
Raphael's awesome. All the Archangels just get overshadowed by Lucifer. Not sure why all the Archangels don't make the list. I'd take any of them over Blue Odin honestly. I'd also take Green Odin over Blue Odin. The list isn't infallible.
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