Yeah. I don't think the game intentionally trolls me or anything like that. Though I can understand that perception can make it seem so. And I don't think there's any difference with feeding 1 or 5 at a time. I just do 5 to save time and because there's more of a chance of getting at least 1 skill-up at feeding time. So if I feed 20, 5 at a time, and get only 1 skill-up each time, I may be only getting a 20% rate, but I'm getting a positive outcome 100% of the time, which is satisfying. If I fed 20, 1 at a time, I'd still be getting a 20% rate, but I'd be experiencing failure 80% of the time. And it's impossible to get that, "Hell yeah!" feeling of scoring multiple skill-ups in a single feeding, if you feed 1 at a time. So, same in-game results in the end, but I'm human, so the 5 at a time method grants me that satisfying psychological bonus. And aren't games about having fun? =)