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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Had some eggs stored up...

Dragon Knight
Incarnation of Genbu, MeiMei
Ice Golem

I'm more of a Red or Blue player. The Amaterasu is nice but difficult to level up. Is MeiMei and Astaroth pretty good pulls?
I may go to vegas tonight.Pulled a Serafim Lucifer, Metatron, and 4 out of the 5 Chinese Gods.Got 2 Kirins to boot. Don't know if I should try for the fifth Snake Chinese Chan god ( the one I missed,)


Had some eggs stored up...

Dragon Knight
Incarnation of Genbu, MeiMei
Ice Golem

I'm more of a Red or Blue player. The Amaterasu is nice but difficult to level up. Is MeiMei and Astaroth pretty good pulls?

MeiMei is a chinese god, all 5 are great pulls. Astaroth is a great pull too, you just have to gather up other Devil type team members.
Post box plz I need to see these shenanigans

Here is pic of said Shenanigans.I didn't get a Serafin Lucifer,just a regular Lucifer though.



Pretty sure I got trolled:

Sarutobi Sasuke
Mystic Light Knight

Any of these worth making a team leader? My earlier post

Sasuke has leader potential, but you have to use Attacker type monsters as subs to take advantage of his leader skills. All your pulls except cupid are great sub members for mono colored teams however.


MeiMei is a chinese god, all 5 are great pulls. Astaroth is a great pull too, you just have to gather up other Devil type team members.

Thanks, i'll look into that. I keep hearing of Astaroth so there's probably something nice I can do when I build a team.

Too bad MeiMei seems to need a team of my weakest colors!


Thanks, i'll look into that. I keep hearing of Astaroth so there's probably something nice I can do when I build a team.

Too bad MeiMei seems to need a team of my weakest colors!

Your whole team doesn't have to be Wood, Light, and Dark monsters, you just need monsters that attack when you match wood, light, and dark orbs. So including MeiMei, you just need one light, and one dark monster (or one light or dark monster with a light or dark sub type), and the other team members can be what ever color you want.


Anyone familiar with Kirin? Trying to think of a good Kirin team with my current roster. Best I could come up with is Kirin, Echidna, Gabriel, Chu Chu and Valk. Echidna for the delay, Gabriel + Valk to get rid of all the dark and heal orbs (although Gabe is on a 13 turn cooldown) and Chu Chu as another heartbreaker. I'm sure I could swap out Chu Chu with Siegfried or Gigas depending on the dungeon.


I've been saving free stones for months, I have 16 pulls. Pullin til I get Lucifer or bust.

Edit: Bust. Got a Michael, Suzako and Byakko so I guess it could've been worse but still pretty bad for 16 pulls.
I was weak. Did one pull. Got a Haku! Should be fun to mess around with but not really game changing. Still I'm super happy that was my first roll!


Anyone familiar with Kirin? Trying to think of a good Kirin team with my current roster. Best I could come up with is Kirin, Echidna, Gabriel, Chu Chu and Valk. Echidna for the delay, Gabriel + Valk to get rid of all the dark and heal orbs (although Gabe is on a 13 turn cooldown) and Chu Chu as another heartbreaker. I'm sure I could swap out Chu Chu with Siegfried or Gigas depending on the dungeon.

If you have Mystic Light Knight, I'd throw him into the mix to get rid of dark orbs vs Gabriel (especially with his dungeon coming up this week so you can skill it up), but then you'd also need another good blue orb member (maybe Hera-Is instead of Chu Chu).


If you have Mystic Light Knight, I'd throw him into the mix to get rid of dark orbs vs Gabriel (especially with his dungeon coming up this week so you can skill it up), but then you'd also need another good blue orb member (maybe Hera-Is instead of Chu Chu).

Thanks. I have a Verche but I completely forgot it could change Dark Orbs to light.
As a no IAP player I was obviously hoping to get luck with my one saved up pull and TADA it's a gigas... oh well saves me from farming him and another red orb changer is always welcome.


Pulled a bunch, good stuff was:

Mochizuki chiyome

Looks like I can get a ghetto 17.5x Leilan/kirin team goin now. Also, ceres would be nice for Lucifer, so after some thought not too bad.


You can give somebody your data048.bin file. Technically illegal yes, but I don't think most people care. Login files aren't cross platform so you should specify if you're iOS/Android.
You can do this? I've been rerolling at least 1 time a day trying to get a AA Lucifer and have saved up a ton of accounts, including 3 accounts with Kirin today alone. I'd be willing to give away most of them.

15 rerolls so far today, and still no Lucifer. D:


Did 4 Hera-Is runs today with Horus+Ra, only used one stone total, due to a flubbed Ra combo against Hera, finally got the drop.

Then was at the coinstar this afternoon, turning in a mess of coins I had saved up, noticed you can turn it directly into iTunes gift codes, so got 100$ worth and was ready to buy myself a lucifer tonight.

Did 3 rolls with free stones:
Light Metatron
Archangel Lucifer.

Guess I'll keep this gift card for something else. Might try a couple more rolls just to get a chinese god but it's all gravy at this point. :)


Soooo, i pullend 1 Time and got dark metatron... I really want kirin, but im afraid I will never pull him! And Metatron isn't a bad pull:)


Got all the chinese but MeiMei, the only dark thing i pulled is Haku and Hattori Hanzo (dupe) so no lucifer or dark Metatron.
I also got Ceres, Parvati, Amon and the Light Ninja, which i didn't have before, also got Archangel Metatron, not sure i'll even use her.

Now for the garbage : shardan was trolling me hard, rest of 3* are useful titan/naga (2 nagas which gave me a skill up on my echidna, nice) but since all monsters come with a +, you at least get something for your stone so overall i'm happy.

Now i have to work on my Kirin team.


Completed Zeus Dios dungeon and got him + archangel. Took 7 stones with my dual Lucifer team. 3 stones for first four floors and 4 for Dios himself. On fourth floor Hera's gravity bomb move where she does around 60K damage or more glitched out on me because when I put up Anubis' counter - attack just prior to her move she killed me with Gravity bomb without Anubis ever counterattacking her. I revived myself and two moves later she killed me again with Gravity bomb not reflecting back. Thankfully, the third time counter attack did triggered, as intended and took out Hera. I thought I was screwed for a second there.

For Zeus Dios; he is one of those bosses who just hits really hard and a bad orb drop and/or slight screwup can mean the end of you. That is what happened to me against him four times. Overall a manageable dungeon.


So here's where I'm at for Zeus dios:


Was able to one shot highlander and have been stalling on berserker. Thinking I'm going to use echidna if I need to and hopefully have viper charged before leaving round 1.


Edit: done! 3 stones total and could have been a zero stone clear. I got an unlucky proc on berserker with 3 turns left on delay that sent me into round 2 low on health, gryphon preemptive wiped me. I used one stone each on Hera and Zues because of the worst color drops ever. Blue just completely dried up. Going to dump stones in the gacha now and not feel so terrible about more mystic knights. :)

Edit roll update: mystic white knight (troll)
Drawn joker (not terrible didn't have him)
Haku!! Got a Chinese god. Happy, but no clue where she ranks on the list or if I can make her work.

Definitely a good PAD day.


Neo Member
7 pulls on the phone,
Dark metatron

Msk and toytops were dupes. I wanted a kirin but I'm pretty satisfied.


Ivory dragon
Yomi (dupe)

I guess Michael is ok and I didn't have Shardra but overall these are some awful pulls.

Edit: pulled one more time since this is the best godfest possible. Pierdrawn, dupe. :(


Okay, im, set, i rolled 4 times... Dark Metatron, raphael(dub), mystic dark knight and... Drum Roll: Kirin!!!
I spent so much money to get a Horus which always evaded me, but now I finally got a good, fun god! Wohooo!


Already theory crafting on Haku teams. Am I missing anyone? Not sure what this team could beat though. The orb changers are nice but weaker characters. And this team will have a lower end rcv.



Okay, im, set, i rolled 4 times... Dark Metatron, raphael(dub), mystic dark knight and... Drum Roll: Kirin!!!
I spent so much money to get a Horus which always evaded me, but now I finally got a good, fun god! Wohooo!

Wow, those are some incredible results.
Soooo, i pullend 1 Time and got dark metatron... I really want kirin, but im afraid I will never pull him! And Metatron isn't a bad pull:)
Congrats on pulling what might be the rarest monster in the game? The super whale Oronin pulled I think like 1000 times and only got one Dark Metatron, and this is a guy who max skilled Blodin.

You can do this? I've been rerolling at least 1 time a day trying to get a AA Lucifer and have saved up a ton of accounts, including 3 accounts with Kirin today alone. I'd be willing to give away most of them.

15 rerolls so far today, and still no Lucifer. D:
Yeah, as long as they're the same platform/region. I did this for some JP people in the past.


Well I used all the stones I had.. could have gone better:

SoD Lucifer (2nd, but still great)
Viper Orochi
Byakko Haku (Dark one)

Highlander (Dupe, no skill up)

Mystic Fire Knight x2 (no skill up)
Mystic Green Knight x2 (maxed already)
Naga (no skill up)
Pierdra (Not terribly upset at this one)

I REALLY want Karin... but I could live with Haku considering its just Dark/Blue/Green vs Dark/Blue/Red. Red is probably my weakest color, but I suppose if I just throw Echidna in the team things will work out.


So I pulled twice and got:

Mystic Ice Knight

Well, that changes everything.

Quoting myself because I just cleared a bunch of normal dungeons to get another 5 stones, and I pulled...


What luck. I guess I am going to stay away from the REM machine for a while now.


OK guys, need some advice. First post in the PAD thread ^_^

I thought now might be a good time to reroll on my iOS account, which is my secondary account. Little lower rank (only 42) but I have an Ares and a Ra on this account, which were my first two rolls.

Thought I'd get greedy and try rolling for a Kirin. I backed up first of course in case I want to go back. On my 3rd or 4th reroll, I got a Byakko Haku (dark one).

Would you say it's worth keeping Haku and sticking with the reroll or going back to my Ares/Ra account? Or should I keep rerolling and go for Kirin?

I could make a secondary backup for Haku just in case, but anyway, what's your opinion GAF? (non-paying player btw).

My main account, I rolled a Dk Golem MK 2 (already had the 3 star one from a previous roll), a Naga, and a Ceres. Happy about Ceres since I already have a solid green team to put her on. My main account has a Viper Orochi, Siren, Marine Rider, Parvati, Vritra, Anubis and Ceres at Rank 65.
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