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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Why bring heart breakers into a no heart dungeon?

Yeah, don't do that. lol I need to re-read my posts before I actually toss them up without thinking. Only do this if you wanna lose. Huge brain freeze there. Your spike damage leader of choice with Echidna on 10 turn CD and then fill in subs as needed. I can't really speak to Kirin or Horus's party setup here but, I think I'd Echidna, Parvati (8 turn CD on mine now) and my 2 highest attack stat subs of Water and Dark.


Oh wow, I thought Berserk and Highlander needed 4 million xp to hit their last evo, apparently that's the growth curve.

What a fucking relief.

Also very much regretting selling my metal and gold dragons, they were just sitting there for like four weeks so I got rid of them the other day :l.


Yeah, don't do that. lol I need to re-read my posts before I actually toss them up without thinking. Only do this if you wanna lose. Huge brain freeze there. Your spike damage leader of choice with Echidna on 10 turn CD and then fill in subs as needed. I can't really speak to Kirin or Horus's party setup here but, I think I'd Echidna, Parvati (8 turn CD on mine now) and my 2 highest attack stat subs of Water and Dark.

The team that tubegame uses for Kirin is probably the best you can do for Horus/Kirin teams.

Hera-IS for Gravity
Echidna because duh... she's on every team
Valkyrie - she's a heartbreaker but her stats and colors make her worth bringing and she'll be the only wood damage.
Verche for the dark to light orb change

Really strong team and it may become my new descended Horus team depending on element.


All his gravities are max skilled at 15 turns and they are still barely charged in time. You cannot realistically charge gravities or any other long skills when there are no hearts in the dungeon.

Kirin has 15 turn Gravity by default, so it's only the Hera-Is that is max skilled.

Damn Kirin looks incredible. I didn't realize her cool down was only 15 turns. Having two of those charged for the boss would be insanely useful. Congrats to everyone who has her. I hope there's another viable, low stone option for Satan.

Here's a vid of a Goemon running the dungeon:



All his gravities are max skilled at 15 turns and they are still barely charged in time. You cannot realistically charge gravities or any other long skills when there are no hearts in the dungeon.

Damn, didn't realize that Gravity capped at 15. I thought it was 25.

There is some time to stall in there but probably not 25.


Here's a vid of a Goemon running the dungeon:


Ugh max skill Goemon required. Man I suppose I should work on him next time he rolls around.

Atlanta beat me to it. This is a very tough way to run the dungeon. You need to have your RCV math figured out before you go in the dungeon. The 3 heart match you make cant take you over the HP threshold after the preemptive attack of around 6k. It's a small window to make things happen.

Plus the max skill goemon is going to be really tough to find. I'll take my chances with the Horus/Kiren team and spend some stones. A goemon team is either pass or fail. If you fall out of the 25x damage window you can't spend stones to get through the dungeon.
Any thoughts on what red monster to level next? Choices:
FSG Hino (29) - sure, high ATK is nice but not sure he does enough to get the xp just now
Freyr (70) - I like the extra attack the double red gives me
Goemon (39) - don't quite have the pieces for his team just yet
Minerva (30) - no real thoughts on her, haven't really used her
Gigas (42) - I have a max level Gigas already and do want a second to have them for Goemon team, but I don't have the 3rd Titan yet

Also have 2 extra Enchiladas and all of the dragons except the mech.
Any thoughts on what red monster to level next? Choices:
FSG Hino (29) - sure, high ATK is nice but not sure he does enough to get the xp just now
Freyr (70) - I like the extra attack the double red gives me
Goemon (39) - don't quite have the pieces for his team just yet
Minerva (30) - no real thoughts on her, haven't really used her
Gigas (42) - I have a max level Gigas already and do want a second to have them for Goemon team, but I don't have the 3rd Titan yet

Also have 2 extra Enchiladas and all of the dragons except the mech.
I vote Freyr. An excellent red leader and sub, and a perfect piece for a Goemon team.
Plus the max skill goemon is going to be really tough to find. I'll take my chances with the Horus/Kiren team and spend some stones. A goemon team is either pass or fail. If you fall out of the 25x damage window you can't spend stones to get through the dungeon.

Does ANYONE in US have a max skilled Goemon?
I have a couple max skilled Goemons on my friend list. I intend to max skill mine some day, but I never have the time to farm it whenever it comes around. Same with Hera, Zeus, etc.. What's really crazy is that someone on my list has a max skilled Zaerog!


Tonner, start pouring exp in to Freyr, then get RGG and Goemon growing. Are you on my friend list? I need more Freyr buddies (Goemon too).

Tonner, start pouring exp in to Freyr, then get RGG and Goemon growing. Are you on my friend list? I need more Freyr buddies (Goemon too).

Just about to leave work so my phone isn't quite handy. I am on the spreadsheet if there is an easy link to it somewhere. Tonner@GAF. I have a max level Ares as my mono-red leader but I can easily change him to Freyr if you prefer.
Wow fuck the knights. I just went 1 for 20 on skillups. That's the most frustrating thing in this game. I'm super pissed right now.
Yeah, I just skip that shit now. I do need the skill ups, but screw the retarded drop rate.

I'm sure I'll regret it when something comes up and I really need max skill knights, but them's the breaks.


Wow fuck the knights. I just went 1 for 20 on skillups. That's the most frustrating thing in this game. I'm super pissed right now.

I just realized how lucky I was when it came to skilling up my Verche, what with all the reported frustration with the skill ups. Bless you Verche!


I recently got Amaterasu and would like to start feeding her +RCV eggs. Ocean of Heaven seems to be a recommended farming spot but is the type of +egg (RCV, ATK, or HP) completely random? Are some types more rare than others? It does seem like +RCV is a lot less frequent of a drop for me.


I recently got Amaterasu and would like to start feeding her +RCV eggs. Ocean of Heaven seems to be a recommended farming spot but is the type of +egg (RCV, ATK, or HP) completely random? Are some types more rare than others? It does seem like +RCV is a lot less frequent of a drop for me.

I have more +RCV than anything else :< But as a tip for Amaterasu, if you are going to max her out, you really don't need more than 20 +RCV eggs in her. That's what you need to complete all the normal dungeons up until Zeus with an ama+odin team if she's at max level. No real point in adding more beyond that because even a max level ama with 99 +RCV and odin won't heal through zeus' damage. Sure it'll help to have that extra ~400 hp healed, but it doesn't change the fact you need to match hearts each round.


I have more +RCV than anything else :< But as a tip for Amaterasu, if you are going to max her out, you really don't need more than 20 +RCV eggs in her. That's what you need to complete all the normal dungeons up until Zeus with an ama+odin team if she's at max level. No real point in adding more beyond that because even a max level ama with 99 +RCV and odin won't heal through zeus' damage. Sure it'll help to have that extra ~400 hp healed, but it doesn't change the fact you need to match hearts each round.

Ahh cool thanks for the tip. I should certainly get 20 +RCV eggs by the time I have 4 million exp pumped into her!


Since most of you here have multiple accounts, if you haven't used your friend machine single pull yet please share it with me..
Am in a dire need for some strong dragon starters : )


Shamelessly stolen from Giorno from the Puzzle and Dragons Forum:
from Murako twitter:
&#26469;&#36913;&#30331;&#22580;&#20104;&#23450;&#12398;&#26032;&#38477;&#33256;&#12480;&#12531;&#12472;&#12519;&#12531;&#12399;&#12289;&#9734;4&#20197;&#19979;&#12398;&#12524;&#12450;&#12522;&#12486;&#12451;&#12398;&#12514;&#12531;&#12473;&#12479;&#12540;&#12375;&#12363;&#12481;&#12540;&#12512;&#12395;&#20837;&#12428;&#12425;&#12428;&#12394;&#12356;&#29305;&#21029;&#12523;&#12540;&#12523;&#12391;&#12377;&#65281; &#35443;&#32048;&#12399;&#26469;&#36913;&#26376;&#26332;&#26085;&#12395;&#21578;&#30693;&#12375;&#12414;&#12377;&#65281;

new descend next week will have a special rule: can only be entered with team that consist of monster rarity 4 star and below. more info on coming monday.


Shamelessly stolen from Giorno from the Puzzle and Dragons Forum:

I think I am going to avoid all these new dungeons with weird restrictions like the one you posted and ones allowing only 10 - 15 cost monsters. I have spent so much effort into evolving and leveling my monster posse and now Gungho wants us to assemble a new weak ass crew just for these new special dungeons? Nuh uh. Not happening.


Ease yourself, none of those restricted dungeons have appeared in the US version yet.
These are for people owning a beefed up team and searching for new challenges!


Kind of annoyed right now. Went into Legendary Dragon Rush thinking I had enough HP to take a hit from the first dragon only to realize the numbers on PDX were incorrect and I got my face melted. 6 Hours until I can attempt again. ARGH!


Kind of annoyed right now. Went into Legendary Dragon Rush thinking I had enough HP to take a hit from the first dragon only to realize the numbers on PDX were incorrect and I got my face melted. 6 Hours until I can attempt again. ARGH!

I pretty much stopped going to PDX after the last PadGuide update. All the information at your finger tips, no load times and accurate (so far at least).

Before I try Legendary dragon rush, can someone figure out the math for me on Gaiadragon? What do I need to break the 280,000 defense? Or am I just better off bringing max skill lilith with 939 attack?

Edit: Scratch Lilith, she won't have enough damage to kill him in 5 turns.


Saint Nic
Legendary Dragon Rush cleared with my Goemon team. I had one scare when I had a heart match, but it wasn't enough to push me over the threshold. I DID have to heal up to take a hit from the last dude to trigger Goemon. Just need to clear Master or whatever for my free stone!


I pretty much stopped going to PDX after the last PadGuide update. All the information at your finger tips, no load times and accurate (so far at least).

Before I try Legendary dragon rush, can someone figure out the math for me on Gaiadragon? What do I need to break the 280,000 defense? Or am I just better off bringing max skill lilith with 939 attack?

Edit: Scratch Lilith, she won't have enough damage to kill him in 5 turns.

Yeah I wanted to stall a bit on the first dragon so I could use Ra's skill to blow up Gaia. Gonna really pump up my HP the next try to make doubly sure I've got myself in the safe HP threshold.


Saint Nic
Kind of annoyed right now. Went into Legendary Dragon Rush thinking I had enough HP to take a hit from the first dragon only to realize the numbers on PDX were incorrect and I got my face melted. 6 Hours until I can attempt again. ARGH!

Wait, what? I had 18201 HP and took one hit that put me somewhere around 480-500 HP. That lines up exactly with PDX on Legendary. Were you looking at the wrong difficulty?


Legendary Dragon Rush cleared with my Goemon team. I had one scare when I had a heart match, but it wasn't enough to push me over the threshold. I DID have to heal up to take a hit from the last dude to trigger Goemon. Just need to clear Master or whatever for my free stone!

Hmmm that might make more sense. I tried Legend without armor break and couldn't crack Gaia. Really should have setup the board better. Matching 2 red sets and 6-7combo just wasn't enough.


Saint Nic
Hmmm that might make more sense. I tried Legend without armor break and couldn't crack Gaia. Really should have setup the board better. Matching 2 red sets and 6-7combo just wasn't enough.

Max skill Gigas, Vamp, and Valk. Odin was there because his HP was higher than my Hera-Is (since I need the mats to evo her still). Heartbreaking is key. Otherwise, it's ez. If you can sub in another high attack fire monster, even better. My Chu and Sieg aren't evo'd yet, so they aren't on my rainbow teams.

For size said:


Saint Nic
According to PDX it's 17717. I went in with 17735 HP and died.

Oh wow, I guess it could be off by a tick or two, then. That's shitty. Then again, I make sure to go in with as much threshold as I can to still trigger accordingly. :p

But I imagine I should download PadGuide since I would prefer a quick and efficient app to do my work for me.


Oh wow, I guess it could be off by a tick or two, then. That's shitty. Then again, I make sure to go in with as much threshold as I can to still trigger accordingly. :p

But I imagine I should download PadGuide since I would prefer a quick and efficient app to do my work for me.

Yes, it was silly of me to go in that close to getting blown up but, I had my Ra Heartbreaker team and, didn't have any of my maxed out 297 Ra partners available so I gave it a shot and paid for it. Won't make that mistake again.


Saint Nic
Yes, it was silly of me to go in that close to getting blown up but, I had my Ra Heartbreaker team and, didn't have any of my maxed out 297 Ra partners available so I gave it a shot and paid for it. Won't make that mistake again.

Interestingly enough, PadGuide gives the exact same damage number. So either it's wrong or you went in with less HP than you thought?

Whatever the case, I'd suggest we get the right number in place as I don't want to fucked next time I go in.


I just took a hit from the first dragon in Legend.

19005 HP
1288 HP remaining.
17717 HP damage dealt.

Something else must have happened? =/


Man... I don't understand what went wrong then. I guess I'll find out in 4.5 hours when I can try again. Of course the person who's Ra I used swapped to something else so I can't double check what my HP was but I really thought I made sure I had it right. Obviously I just made a mistake... again. Gah.


Neo Member
Man... I don't understand what went wrong then. I guess I'll find out in 4.5 hours when I can try again. Of course the person who's Ra I used swapped to something else so I can't double check what my HP was but I really thought I made sure I had it right. Obviously I just made a mistake... again. Gah.

Maybe a strong encounter?


According to PDX it's 17717. I went in with 17735 HP and died.

Oh wow, I guess it could be off by a tick or two, then. That's shitty. Then again, I make sure to go in with as much threshold as I can to still trigger accordingly. :p

But I imagine I should download PadGuide since I would prefer a quick and efficient app to do my work for me.

I just took a hit from the first dragon in Legend.

19005 HP
1288 HP remaining.
17717 HP damage dealt.

Something else must have happened? =/

Was going to post that Pad Guide had it at the same total. Did he use the 2x strength skill on his first turn? That happened to me and I had to clear him.


Saint Nic
Maybe a strong encounter?

Nah, I had strong and took a hit similar to PDX.

There's a good chance Radev just slipped his addition or something silly. I've had it happen FAR too many times. Thankfully never with a Goemon team where HP is critical. It's usually my Valk team when trying to break the 10k mark so I can take a 9999 hit.
Max skill Gigas, Vamp, and Valk. Odin was there because his HP was higher than my Hera-Is (since I need the mats to evo her still). Heartbreaking is key. Otherwise, it's ez. If you can sub in another high attack fire monster, even better. My Chu and Sieg aren't evo'd yet, so they aren't on my rainbow teams.

Thanks for the team, finally able to crack Master level Legendary rush with this team. I had previously used a persephone/Lucifer high HP team for Legendary level, but the Blue dragon was really rough on Master for some reason.

So not to terrible, got no drops on legendary but two on Master, still have not seen that blue fire dragon, maybe with this levelup I will get lucky

EDIT: anyone want to refresh a decently leveled Goemon?


Thanks for the team, finally able to crack Master level Legendary rush with this team. I had previously used a persephone/Lucifer high HP team for Legendary level, but the Blue dragon was really rough on Master for some reason.

So not to terrible, got no drops on legendary but two on Master, still have not seen that blue fire dragon, maybe with this levelup I will get lucky

EDIT: anyone want to refresh a decently leveled Goemon?

Mine's level 56 if that's enough for you.



Saint Nic
Thanks for the team, finally able to crack Master level Legendary rush with this team. I had previously used a persephone/Lucifer high HP team for Legendary level, but the Blue dragon was really rough on Master for some reason.

So not to terrible, got no drops on legendary but two on Master, still have not seen that blue fire dragon, maybe with this levelup I will get lucky

EDIT: anyone want to refresh a decently leveled Goemon?

Glad it helped! I'm trying to get my Goemon leveled above 70. 52 is just too little HP. Need more red stuff!
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