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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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What happened to the dark knight dungeon?

I had everything prepped (Will level while running this) and need 1 more skill level to max level.

I guess its not a biggy since today is so jammed packed with pengdras and plants.

It was there earlier but has now disappeared. Never seen that happen before, strange.

I demand a free Lucifer or Kirin as compensation.



Ready to wreck some havoc on a certain dragon.
I need to get around to evo'ing him. He's just a little low on the Wood totem poll behind Dios, Asty, and a few others.

Dios is getting beastly. Does anyone run with him as a lead? Seems in between running with Zeus (full health) or Geomon (< 20%)


Ehh. Dark Night Sword's not even a serious loss.

If anyone wanted one, Mystic Knights are available in Castle of Satan and the Technical CoSitA, so it's not like there haven't been dark mystics going on all week.

Between the knights and pengdra drops from CoSitA, I would wager that it's actually better to run those than DNS. I don't feel like the invasion rate is that bad either, especially compared against the terrible drop rates from all of the knight dungeons.


Is there a point to keeping multiple Berserk/Highlanders? Got a few extra porings on my JP account that I'd rather sacrifice for box space.

I have two of each because I had so many porings that I didn't want to waste.

I originally was planning to use them as awoken material but that ended with the eggdra was announced and I calculated how ridiculesly pricey it was to fully evolve a berserk and highlander (2 million exp, plus a ton of hard to get evolve mats)
I have two of each because I had so many porings that I didn't want to waste.

I originally was planning to use them as awoken material but that ended with the eggdra was announced and I calculated how ridiculesly pricey it was to fully evolve a berserk and highlander (2 million exp, plus a ton of hard to get evolve mats)

Porings fuse for 15k xp a pop to same color...Hardly a waste by any stretch.
Ehh. Dark Night Sword's not even a serious loss.

If anyone wanted one, Mystic Knights are available in Castle of Satan and the Technical CoSitA, so it's not like there haven't been dark mystics going on all week.

Between the knights and pengdra drops from CoSitA, I would wager that it's actually better to run those than DNS. I don't feel like the invasion rate is that bad either, especially compared against the terrible drop rates from all of the knight dungeons.

Works for me. What's the appearance schedule for them today? Guess I'll be farming ice and dark knights.


Pengdra Village on plant day is such a common thing, I'm just used to it now.

The thing that really rubs me the wrong way is the fact that the community REM event is a carnival, NOT a fest. They did that intentionally, and it's bullshit.

what would that change? Drop Rates?

This is exactly why I won't be rolling. Every GodFest is also paired with whatever Carnival is going on. So if they stacked the voter poll with a GodFest some really highly coveted monsters might come out with decent luck. Kind of a shitty move by Gungho.


I was just thinking about that scenario this morning. I've never had that happen. I've gotten the 4 plant, and had 2 fruit invasion. But never the 4 plant 1 fruit scenario, that is indeed perfection.


Works for me. What's the appearance schedule for them today? Guess I'll be farming ice and dark knights.

Normal: http://pad.wikia.com/wiki/Castle_of_Satan
Technical: http://pad.wikia.com/wiki/Castle_of_Satan_in_the_Abyss

Basically the schedule is live for today and tomorrow, the last day of the event:

Floor 1: red
Floor 2: dark
Floor 3: light
Floor 4: green
Floor 5: blue​

Floor 1: light
Floor 2: green
Floor 3: blue
Floor 4: red
Floor 5: dark​


I'm actually really excited about the new droid dragon. I haven't looked close enough but the overall stats seem to be a bit better than the Mechs. Extra RCV and extra color for damage and the shiva skill. Going to fit nicely into armor break dungeons.
I need to get around to evo'ing him. He's just a little low on the Wood totem poll behind Dios, Asty, and a few others.

Dios is getting beastly. Does anyone run with him as a lead? Seems in between running with Zeus (full health) or Geomon (< 20%)
I can, if you want. I usually don't because no one else does. Just let me know.

Also, Top Droiddragon is bar none the best looking monster in the game. In case you guys aren't familiar with it, the two diamonds next to him are Google Play's icons for "Editor's Choice" and "Top Developer." I love how those are in there, just because (love the search bar, too).


What do you guys think about selling or eating up monsters you never use? I'm running low on space and it's really tempting to sell off some of the dragons, riders, or special event monsters... I'm probably never going to use them anyhow.


What do you guys think about selling or eating up monsters you never use? I'm running low on space and it's really tempting to sell off some of the dragons, riders, or special event monsters... I'm probably never going to use them anyhow.

You never know if they will get buffed with a new busty/ultimate evolution, or if there's a new dungeon with circumstances that favor those monsters. If it's not available for farm elsewhere, I suggest just spending some stones to increase capacity to keep everything.
As a recent example, just look at all the people who regretted binning their Droiddragons when his busty was announced because he used to be complete garbage. Luckily we got a second chance to obtain one.


Saint Nic
You never know if they will get buffed with a new busty/ultimate evolution, or if there's a new dungeon with circumstances that favor those monsters. If it's not available for farm elsewhere, I suggest just spending some stones to increase capacity to keep everything.


Having box space is amazing. But it's also a curse. I am CONSTANTLY at 600/600. I have 30-40 of each dragon (except ruby because I used them all), so anytime plant day comes, I can usually get 15-20 evolved pengdras for food. I also have somewhere around 175 GOOD monsters. While not all of them get used, I have pulled random monsters out for a specific use.

Good example - Bowmore. I had a level 1 King Woodsie, but I knew I needed more firepower. So, I grabbed him, bumped him up to 48, and viola! Green/Balance team capable of farming Legend! I never really thought I'd get much use out of him, but turns out he was a game changer.

The real challenge are the dragons. Dear lord...I just counted - I have 34 dragons (on the low side...Not counting some of the unevolved ones I have sitting around). They're almost exclusively trophy monsters.


As a recent example, just look at all the people who regretted binning their Droiddragons when his busty was announced because he used to be complete garbage. Luckily we got a second chance to obtain one.

Yep. My fiancé got rid of him because he was useless, and I already kept mine because I'm a hoarder.


Point taken guys. Still, I can't imagine ever using dragon riders x.x

Dragon Riders may not be useful now, but we don't know when Gungho will introduce an ultimate evolution to them (which is what happened with the Android Dragon). You should just assume any monster in this game that doesn't have an ultimate evolution, will get one at some point and could possibly be made useful.

If you are really tempted to get rid of trophy/unused monsters and don't want to spend stones on space, then start by getting rid of monsters you can get back in case they do get ultimate evolutions later that you would want. The Dragons are at the top of this list since you just have to wait for their dungeons to show up. After that, you can get rid of monsters that drop/can be farmed/have dungeons you can get them.


God damn it Apple.

I tried to update to iOS 7 and failed so I had to restore. Lost my PAD saves so time to contact GungHo. It had to happen on a Pengdra village + plant day too...


So, this game popped up on my radar after listening to the Cruncheons rant about how they should be given $5 gift cards at work so that they can "feed the dragon." It's been a slow summer for me game-wise so I downloaded it to see what was up on Sunday.

...it's now Thursday and I'm $30 in the hole, thus confirming my status as a IAP dirt person =(. Got a decent dark team for my pain, at least: Thanataos/Dark Golem II/Chaos Dragon Knight, a Succubus in the tutorial REM roll and a Persephone I can't use yet because I don't have a high enough team cost. Burned two rolls on the Pink machine before I realized the drops were poop from a butt, though.

Stealth bragging aside, is there a "rule of thumb" for when to start taking on some of the advanced Special/Technical dungeons? I'm 34 and recently cleared Castle of Satan, so I'm wary of burning stamina on getting curbstomped even though I already have a decently formed team through IAP.


Yeah, I got my Zeus and Satan with Marine Rider. The Grass/Blue typing allows you to build a variety of teams with Horus/Ra/Kirin (notably adding extra gravity users), the active skill is decent, and the 1500+ attack is awesome, especially for attacker/devil teams.

So, this game popped up on my radar after listening to the Cruncheons rant about how they should be given $5 gift cards at work so that they can "feed the dragon." It's been a slow summer for me game-wise so I downloaded it to see what was up on Sunday.

...it's now Thursday and I'm $30 in the hole, thus confirming my status as a IAP dirt person =(. Got a decent dark team for my pain, at least: Thanataos/Dark Golem II/Chaos Dragon Knight, a Succubus in the tutorial REM roll and a Persephone I can't use yet because I don't have a high enough team cost. Burned two rolls on the Pink machine before I realized the drops were poop from a butt, though.

Stealth bragging aside, is there a "rule of thumb" for when to start taking on some of the advanced Special/Technical dungeons? I'm 34 and recently cleared Castle of Satan, so I'm wary of burning stamina on getting curbstomped even though I already have a decently formed team through IAP.
Bookmark puzzledragonx.com
It's an amazing site that lists each dungeon and what the monsters' stats are, so you can game plan before wasting stamina.


Bookmark puzzledragonx.com
It's an amazing site that lists each dungeon and what the monsters' stats are, so you can game plan before wasting stamina.

I'm actually already using it to max out my stamina use. My only concern is that right now I only have one X->dark color changer without friend monsters, and while I've been able to mostly tank through most dungeons thanks to Thanatos x2.5 HP bonus I'm worried about getting luck boned against monsters that hit for 5k each turn. Trying to grind out a Vampire in Castle of Satan, but so far I've only seen two and gotten no drops so this might take a while.

Oh yeah, haven't used my level 20 present yet so if anyone wants to swap PM me.


Wtf is the drop rate on farming shit?

Did like 50 dungeon runs of the Earth Golem with nothing to show but a shitton of dragon flower.


It is really low. Like 5% at best. Better to just keep trying to advance through dungeons than to try to farm most rare drops. Usually you end up pulling them from the REM or PAL machines eventually anyway.


I need a dark and light guy from shrine of spirits expert but I just got destroyed by battle 4/5 with tricolor big guys and lost 25 stamina. ugh


12 stones bought. 17 total.

First pull. Silver!

Pierdrawn. Fuck.

Second pull. Three star.

Toytops. Fuck!!!!!

Third pull. GOLD.

Come on come on...




I need a dark and light guy from shrine of spirits expert but I just got destroyed by battle 4/5 with tricolor big guys and lost 25 stamina. ugh

Have you done the puzzdroid dungeon "mysterious visitors" yet? Level up and evolve puzzdroid to his final form. With his skill the friday dungeon will be a cakewalk. Meanwhile, get a shiva friend and run this dungeon if you need Dub topalit and amelit ASAP.


Have you done the puzzdroid dungeon "mysterious visitors" yet? Level up and evolve puzzdroid to his final form. With his skill the friday dungeon will be a cakewalk. Meanwhile, get a shiva friend and run this dungeon if you need Dub topalit and amelit ASAP.

I have not but ill do it as soon as I get 10 stamina back. I'll also check for to she if I have a shiva in my friends list.

edit: I see reduce defense and carry over and with the dublits low hp it should be easy to carry over. my I'd is 372,665 269 if anyone has a shiva otherwise it can wait till next week.
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