You should link them after they are passed through google translater![]()
Tell me how. I linked the translated pages, google auto translate in chrome does not change the url
You should link them after they are passed through google translater![]()
Waiting til Friday for -lits is gonna suck. I know I'm gonna cave and spend a stone to upgrade my box.
What does the "8 HR to go" mean when you're selecting friends from the explorer list?
It's so hard to level up characters from levels 45-70. You almost have to throw all your focus into doing one at a time, otherwise you will never get it done.
Well yesterday I asked whether I should keep my ADK or Amaterasu Ohkami as leader to help friends the most. Amaterasu is the clear winner as she's been used 30-40 times since last night, lol.
I will be switching to ADK when farming dungeons though, don't panic.![]()
Alright I have a question about when people can use my leader. Is it once each time I log in? Multiple times as long as I'm playing? I'm not sure myself, I've noticed I could use some people over and over while farming the gold dragon dungeon, but I dunno if they were logging in and out like me or what.
There's a timer that says how long they can be used for on the select explorer screen. When that player logs in again, the timer resets. The initial length of the timer depends on the difference in level between you and them.Alright I have a question about when people can use my leader. Is it once each time I log in? Multiple times as long as I'm playing? I'm not sure myself, I've noticed I could use some people over and over while farming the gold dragon dungeon, but I dunno if they were logging in and out like me or what.
There's a timer that says how long they can be used for on the select explorer screen. When that player logs in again, the timer resets. The initial length of the timer depends on the difference in level between you and them.
Keeper dungeons feel so good. <3
Flame Knight and Keeper of Flame get!
You're about at the point where you can attempt Expert, but keep in mind Expert/Master/Hell difficulty is less about stats and more about having the specific strategy to clear the dungeon. The Keepers are probably on the low end of the Expert difficulty curve cause all you really need to worry about is the Keeper's high attack.What level of dungeon do you need to defeat to start doing Expert dungeons? I'm currently on Flare after defeating Satan but seem nowhere near ready for Expert lvl. Trying to get a good gauge for when I can start doing Expert.
What level of dungeon do you need to defeat to start doing Expert dungeons? I'm currently on Flare after defeating Satan but seem nowhere near ready for Expert lvl. Trying to get a good gauge for when I can start doing Expert.
You're about at the point where you can attempt Expert, but keep in mind Expert/Master/Hell difficulty is less about stats and more about having the specific strategy to clear the dungeon. The Keepers are probably on the low end of the Expert difficulty curve cause all you really need to worry about is the Keeper's high attack.
I just beat Satan the other night, but my team is reasonably strong enough to take them on. The real trick is having a good healer for either your leader or your partner (for the lower level ones at least). You should go in with around 5k health and a "greatly heals HP when orbs are matched" ability (E: for keepers...Others will depend on strategy). From there, it's just a matter of making matches every turn.
My current team:
Vamp Lord 26 (Leader)
Blood Demon 46
Lilith 24
Black Dragon 25
Volcano Dragon 27 <-- I switch him out for other elements based on what dungeon I run. He will be an orb changer when I get one.
My partner is typically Archangel, Siren the Enchanter, Alraune, or Amaterasu Ahkami. I've never had a problem to this point.
What level of dungeon do you need to defeat to start doing Expert dungeons? I'm currently on Flare after defeating Satan but seem nowhere near ready for Expert lvl. Trying to get a good gauge for when I can start doing Expert.
And any advice on my team listed above and trying to get further along? i.e level up something? Or just try to push through?
O______O worst metal dragon luck today, killed 3 kings and didn't get a single egg drop from them, 3 dungeons worth of standard metals![]()
0-o I've never had a King not a drop an egg. Are you sure you are not confusing a king with a High metal dragon? King's appear by themselves and the High metal ones appear with two smalls.
they were kingly kings, i've had them occasionally not drop an egg for me, but never three times in a row Xo. Puzzle gut punch.
Xelios, whats your dmg output at rainbow keeper? Do you think I have a chance with my Orochi and your Amaterasu as leaders and then just take hades and a few dark mobs?
Anyone know a good way to get an indigo divine mask?
I know I could try the Wednesday dungeon but I can't survive it since I have no poison characters. (Speaking of which any easy to get characters with poison?)
Any other place with the drop?
Finally rolled Amaterasu on my second account! Whoo! It came with +hp but I'll let it slide.
I kinda wanna try the Tuesday Dungeon or maybe the Metal Dragons one but I'm not sure if it's worth the stamina. I'm Rank 22 but I know one run of the Tuesday Dungeon would wipe out my Stamina for half the day. Hmmm.
Anyone know a good way to get an indigo divine mask?
I know I could try the Wednesday dungeon but I can't survive it since I have no poison characters. (Speaking of which any easy to get characters with poison?)
Any other place with the drop?
Which of these should I set as my leader to be the most helpful to the largest number of people?
You dont need a special group for the mask dungeon.
Put an oger or orochi as leader, a 5* healer as second leader and 4 of the lits as dmg dealers. All mask have only 15 live, so it doesnt matter if you have low dmg output. The orochi/oger will negate the hits, the healer will give you invincibility. Just beware of mask that attack at the same turn! (The perfect team would be: Orochi, 4 saphilite, Siren 5*)
Xelios, your Amaterasu helped me clear the expert Sky Dragon of Darkness! Too bad I only have 48 stamina and can't attempt the Master level, yet, though I don't know if I'd even be able to beat it if I did have access.
Glad to hear, gonna keep her for a while judging by friend usage when I sign in.
Also, I'm extremely jealous of people who have Hades or whatever for running this rainbow keeper; I have to chip away sooo slowly. The only comfort is a Vritra attack coming very 20 rounds, and I MUST have Amaterasu and Viper as my leaders to survive. -_- Any ideas on what could help with him besides that?
How bad is the dungeon leading up to him? I have a Viper on my friend's list, so I could potentially give it a shot. And is it JUST a resolve leader that you need? Because I have a resolve and a number of Siren and Amaterasu's that I can use instead.
As long as I'm enjoying my time with the game I try to not pay too much mind to all this high level stuff beyond a "wow, this looks cool" while focusing on not screwing up the monster feeding. Let's all celebrate our small victories!seeing the badass monsters you guys have makes me pick up my phone and start playing....and then looking at my sad ass group of lackeys