Is it worth evolving a Viper Orochi into Demon Viper Orochi?
If you plan on using him in a resolve team, you shouldn't even be leveling your viper orochi.
Probably not "worth" it, unless you have nothing else to do. I don't see anything different between them on the wiki, besides a difference in max stats.
Heads up, big god promotion today on the rare machine, increased chances for all Norse and Japanese gods, chance at 6* versions of them, and the Light promotion appears to still be active.
If you're planning on using it at all, now is probably a good time.
And Keeper dungeons are 2x drop today, time to try for another Keeper of Rainbow...
Is there a full list of bonus Gods in there?
Also, any tips for Keeper dungeons? I need the Green Keeper...
Is there a full list of bonus Gods in there?
Also, any tips for Keeper dungeons? I need the Green Keeper...
It really seems like you should level one of each lil' dragon to get the resistances. Lots of screen shots I see of others being successful in dungeons have there as leaders.
Meh, with all these gods and light with extra chances, I tried a pull and got a Toyceratops. Oh well, it has +RCV so I'll feed it to a Amaterasu if I ever get one.
So just to get this right, if my stamina is depleted and i want others to have a chance play with my orochi, I have to set it as my leader, right?
Toy dragons could be a better option they have 50% reduction to two elements, they aren't as easy to get though, gacha only I think.
So you have to use gems to hope for them? That really stinks. Its hard enough to even try to level up my Amu (OK, seems impossible). I was trying to level up some of my lil's, but I never seem to have enough stamina to get things to level them up.
Ah really? I was hoping to someday get lucky and get a toyceratops from that technical dungeon that has 2 babies and 1 big one as a boss.
Toy dragons could be a better option they have 50% reduction to two elements, they aren't as easy to get though, gacha only I think.
They are good when fully evolved see above.
Ah really? I was hoping to someday get lucky and get a toyceratops from that technical dungeon that has 2 babies and 1 big one as a boss.
All of your puzzlemon leveling should be done with Pengdras from the technical dungeons, or colored dragons (evolving Pengdra with them if at all possible)
So I should power through to the technical dungeons? I can try that because my main is Amu and leaving her at level 30 is probably not the best idea. Although I do not know if I can move too much further with my team.
i think you only need to get through the first 3 for the diff colored pengdras. i farm floor 2 but maybe someone else has a better floor per dungeon. eventually you can clear them in 5 min or less with a power team of the dominate color.
I am on the Fire Forest Nerva, first floor. On my cell account.
My team ...
Amu / 5* / level 30
Tyrannos / 4* / level 25
Marine Rider / 5* / level 20
White Knight / 3* / Level 22
Black Dragon / 3* / Level 14
Backups ...
Red Ogre / 2* / level 14
lil' Green
Big Flamie
Big Woodsie
Not really sure if I can push through with this team. Any suggestions?
i only have one friend with an Amu. feelsbadbro. (397.532.290). Running an Echinda now, see if people like that
picked up the Red and Light keepers today, should be able to evolve to Firedragon today (assuming i can get some evo materials easily...)
that awkward moment where your phones battery makes you stop playing instead of lack of stamina
‎[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 1/15/2013 PST
Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)
A: 10:00 15:00 20:00
B: 11:00 16:00 21:00
C: 12:00 17:00 22:00
D: 8:00 13:00 18:00
E: 9:00 14:00 19:00
Can someone explain how to read this? Do the times correlate to a specific time zone or is it specific to your device?
I need a good dark orb changer besides my Vamp Lord. Any suggestions on who/what to farm?
If your friend ID is 123,456,789, you would take the 3rd digit on the left (so in this case, 3), and that would put you in group D. The times you see are PST.
Chaos Knight.... but i dont think my team is ready to conquer the dark sky dragon on expert yet...![]()
my team is far shittier than yours and i pushed through relatively easily. Had to use a friends' healer and i'm running a 3fire/2water team. shouldn't be an issue. Although using Echinda to delay attacks is pretty crucial at times
How? I couldn't even do enough damage to get the last boss of the Fire Forest Nerva, first floor, 1/2 way down and I died. (Just tried it)
I brought along a vampire lord with the hopes he could do damage ...
Yup - my Freyja is just hanging out in my box. I re-rolled like, 10 times before getting her. I now have a Mandrake (which will suffice for a healer later), my Vamp Lord, and 4/5 Lil' Dragons in 3rd form (can't find that damn water). Whatever - it's nice to have a God, even if I won't use her haha
i'm kind of bummed i didn't reroll (didn't know about it at the time) to get a better starter. Havn't even been using my marine rider all that much since i don't use wood at all
i can't get a decent 6 star monster..
REROLLED OVER 100 times and got max a 5 star..
getting tired of rerolling..
i can't get a decent 6 star monster..
REROLLED OVER 100 times and got max a 5 star..
getting tired of rerolling..
The expert dungeon is primarily Dublits, so you'll have a hard time finding a Mythlit there. Adept is still probably your best bet.Yay! Was very happy to finish my first Tues. dungeon and find it was really easy. I'll definitely be doing it as many times as I can today to fill up on keepers and take advantage of the increased drop rate. First run I got a Keeper of Water and Keeper of Light. Water is going towards my Siren which all I need now is a mythlit and I'll be able to evolve her.
I'm worried that mythlit is going to be the bottleneck. I ran the fri. dungeon a bunch last week and didn't get one to drop. Maybe they're easy to get in the expert dungeon? I was only running the lower stamina one because I needed a bunch of the -lits.
Sucks having to wait until thursday to get two dragon flowers so I can free my box a little, there was a time I was filled to the brim with those.
Dragon Flowers drop pretty easily in the Tower of Giants. If you have some extra stamina might think about trolling there.
Yeah I probably will, I always do that for the basic __lits and get them on a first run, but the flowers decided to become too elusive the last times I tried haha.Dragon Flowers drop pretty easily in the Tower of Giants. If you have some extra stamina might think about trolling there.
This is the drop list for normal dungeons:地下城一览表(普通)
This is the drop list for special dungeons:地下城一览表(特殊)
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