Anyone get any good pulls from the machine today? wonder if the increased rates help much at all...
(nope got a Dryad from my pull)
Anyone get any good pulls from the machine today? wonder if the increased rates help much at all...
(nope got a Dryad from my pull)
Ok that fight was longer than expected and no dropChanged my leader to Flare Drall, have fun. =p
Wow that's a pretty tough fight, didn't drop but got a tyrra which is cool I guess.
Edit: Hah and now I can't connect ... /facepalm
I got Susanoo. Probably not the best god but he has an ability to reduce damage by 50% for 5 turns. Guess he'll be useful for certain bosses where I need to buy time to recover.
hah, i should have quit while i was ahead in pulls, spent the last of my itunes store credit on two more pulls and i ended up with an Ivory Dragon 4 star and some weirdo 3 star dark dragon ball head thing. I think that's all the money i'm going to spend on puzzles and shenanigans for a bit. Now to just level junk up.
Am I crazy for thinking even though it is early in 2013 that this game is my early front runner for GOTY?
Am I crazy for thinking even though it is early in 2013 that this game is my early front runner for GOTY?
This is what I got. Seems like really bad stats but potentially useful....not sure and I never saw anyone on my friends list or explorer list using it.
I'm having difficulty with the special dungeons on higher difficulty, most all the ones that come along (blah blah dragon in the sky etc). I'm at the point where I can get by on expert on most of them, but master is just impossible. Dunno where I'm supposed to be headed now. The no RCV ones have become reasonable now with the 6* Amaterasu, but how the hell is anyone supposed to do master?
Also I have to chip away at the rainbow keeper's health for an HOUR, that just doesn't seem right.
Please tell me Rainbow Keeper is on a 3 turn attack rotation
and that it is a 100% drop
5 turn and not 100%.
Is my luck just terrible for does Metal Dragon dungeons suck.
I've done this 12 time now and I've gotten a total of 3 High Meral Dragons and 0 King ones.
Also I have 18 magic stones. Is now a good time to roll. Notice a lot of people rolling lately and the God bonuses seem pretty good.
Damn that's shitty luck. Have you at least seen a King in the dungeon? I've done Metal / Gold Metal Dragons about 6 times in total, and during those 6 runs I think I've encountered 4 Kings (two in one dungeon once) and 3 of the kings dropped.
Do you have to be max level to use the Ultimate/special evolution?
The boss of the Banquet of Temptation level in the dungeon Polar Night Tower is a Siren/Lilith pair. Can either of them drop from that and if so does anyone know what the drop rate is?
Anyone get any good pulls from the machine today? wonder if the increased rates help much at all...
(nope got a Dryad from my pull)
Did a few pulls.
Angel, Odin, Thor, Yomi, Echidna, Titan.
Best Buy reward points put to OK use!
Man ..... I cant imagine spending real money on a fake slot machine!
Yes, I do envy you guys who do though
EDIT: Yes, I am out of Stamina on both my games ...
Had I not received the money via Christmas and Best Buy, I wouldn't. But why the hell not?
Just got owned by my rare pulls.
Ivory Dragon, Mystic Stone Knight, Shandra.
Uh, Mystic Stone Knight turns into Ancient Dragon Knight, who kicks ass. And Ivory Dragon isn't half bad either.
lol damn this is gonna take hours. I'm not even to him yet. Theres a purple one on level 4/5. Taking foooooorever. Using a resolve team so I shouldn't die except by getting bored to death.
My rare pulls were Amu (which I had no idea was not that good until 6*) and the Marine Rider (which I am dissapointed with. All my gems outside of the first 5 went into getting my boxes to 60.
I have 3 gems right now ... if someday I get 5 I am not sure what I will do.