Yeah thats exactly why i used ronia, Hakus active ist just too unreliable without Hanzo. I think I will try using the actives on floor 2. I normally come out of floor 1 fully charged.
Edit: Ok, I'm at Threedia, everything is up, any advice? My team is the same i posted above, the one with Ronia
Sorry, was away. For Threedia, use both Hades and hit Ronia first. If it's at least half dark, probably a good time to use Dark Tron. Otherwise save her for a second burst with Hanzo. Match dark rows, but you're probably better off splitting up the red into separate combos if possible. Remember Hades will give you a lot of extra matching time to straighten things out, just don't try to get too fancy. He should go down in one or two turns, or else you're dead.
Fat Metal gives six turns to recharge, but be careful not to overshoot. I only cleared the board a little and healed while Rodin took him down. Shiva I would use as soon as you have enough orbs to take him out and your HP is mostly full.
Zaerog is all about cleaning the board for hearts to drop, even if you have to hit him during dark absorb. I tried to grind him down about halfway if possible, but don't be too conservative about unloading on him or you risk running out of health or having him convert hearts too many times. Wait for light absorb, use both Hades first, Ronia and enhance red and dark if the board is fair. Save Hanzo in case.