Most of them get harder every time until Challenge set 15, aside from your own team capabilities.
I have to resist the siren song of the PAD Academy REM. It seems the only thing there that would really be of use to me is Athena and the chances of getting one are pretty much zero. I'll be much better served hoarding stones for a 3K Godfest.
That chibi Chiyome with 3 two prongs would be great for my Krishna/Awoken Shiva teams. I have all of the other ninjas but Chiyome.
Nope.You're just a monster Zero
Just the names, it seems. Makes you wonder how far ahead the localization team is.Wha!? Just early data or art? I wanna see the art. Maybe it was a mistake. Those should show up in JP soon, I guess.
It's a tri-color dungeon, any average player can strike a 7-10 combo..
But owning a stylus DOES improve that!
How often does the Best Friend selector reset in Japan? At the part of the game I'm at now, I'm always desperate for a Gadius that's always up, but there's \ the possibility that leader will change. If I want to change Best Friends later on, how long will I have to wait?
Haha xDDon't even lie Zero you average 9-10 combos even if it isn't a tri-color. I see you bruh.
Man, I just fed 10 trifruits to Ronia. I probably should have checked before feeding since they rotated the skill. All that stamina wasted farming those red trifruits.
Haha xD
Seriously no! specially normal dungeons, I can trigger Bastet's combo almost every time, but that's pretty much it : )
I had the same problem on the 1st day only till I got used to the exact function of the stylus' "tip"..I picked up a stylus about a week ago, not pad themed but recommended by a pad youtuber. I have trouble grabbing the wrong orb, and dropping orbs while moving. Have you had any of those problems? I've struggled with consistent combos and I know the stylus makes it much easier to see what's going on. I just keep dropping orbs mid movement and dying in situations that I could have easily cleared without the stylus.
When comboing what do you look for? I have Karin on my main accout, and l.Kali team on an alternative account. With the activation goal I usually have no problem setting up 6 combos or better. When I play Bastet or other straight combo leads I think that lack of a specific goal makes it harder for me to see the board in useful way. Any tips?
got 5 fairies left and missing 1 skill up on wukong, my DQ max skilled easily during 2xJust went 5/10 on light fairies and max skilled Wukong, awesome. Just need 3 more skillups on mini DQXQ, don't have the regular version. Fruit dragons are taking longer, only Lemon is almost max skilled. Grape, the one I care most about only has 1 skillup.
You're jon@gaf right? I just best friended you for your beelz/ronia. I think you mentioned you'll be running awoken Shiva too which I'll hopefully have when I get a Phoenix.
Please don't delete me lol
Mini 3k gods.
Was able to do this recently. Don't think I posted it.
Not sure what I am going to do with her because I have awoken ceres as well.
Hey thanks man. Sorry that I already used up my best frd circle with another two gaffer here.
Yeah. I have a +297 Shiva, and Piis await
Challenges 6-10. Only one stone spent, on Challenge 10. Athena ate my hearts four times in a row, so I had to burst at 65% and hope for skyfalls. No such luck, got a Starburst. Might have taken her down with more power over Echidna, but she saved me trouble on Beelzebub, Ronia and Hera-Ur floors.
Wanted to run everything with Lakshmi for practice, but couldn't make it past 8 without a Skuld. 9 had Threedia, which was doable, but the rest was much better suited for Minerva. And couldn't find a decently plussed Neptune for 10.
Don't know why I didn't figure out that Parvati makes an excellent utility for 8 before this. Keeps you healthy early on and I used her to stash a heart row against Sandalphon before he bound half my team. Ceres leads come up a little short on his 10 turn bind.
i can make challenge 10 team, dont have disco hera tho any replacement?
you can always keep her in team slot 2 just for that one person.I had a week long absence because my phone broke... again, but I come back and find out that someone Best Friended me while I was gone. For Attackerasu, who I don't use except for S-Ranks and that I had been using when I stopped. Awkward.
Shiva or Freyr? Horus would be okay, but his awakenings and RCV are terrible. Ultimate Lu Bu might work, extra oomph on Ronia boards. Only used boost on Beelzebub, Athena, and Ur, but my team was full +297s.
Finally got my JP Challenge 9 clear! Goemon so strong. Now attempting Challenge 10 if I can find a Minerva friend.
And done. 3 stones. Beelzebub while trying to clear poison orbs and heal. Olympios for completely missing the eight heart orbs on my board during a row combo. Hera-Ur survived two solid bursts with a small sliver of health. Not my finest run, but my first Challenge 10 clear for my JP non-IAP account.
Angelits hate me. I have cleared Friday dungeon 27 times and only 10 angelits dropped. My LKali needed only 2 skillups to max and I only got 1/10 I didn't have much time to continue farming, it was 3 am here.
What to do with my devilits army? If I sell them now I'll roll DKali in the nearest godfest for sure lol.
I'm thinking about working on two green teams, one with Awoken Bastet with leader and one with Verdandi. Does anyone have advice for subs I should prioritize based on my box below?
That third one is actually one of those mini 3K gods. I'm mostly wondering if I should bother awakening/leveling all of my Verdandis and normal Liu Beis.A.Bastet/Verdandi/ALL YOUR LUI BEIS
I would kill for your green box ;_; Can't wait until 3k comes back, I might whale hard for some Liu Beis.
That third one is actually one of those mini 3K gods. I'm mostly wondering if I should bother awakening/leveling all of my Verdandis and normal Liu Beis.