One roll - Perseus, One of the 2 heroes I don't have very happy.
I'm going to try to avoid pulling more. I need to level and skill the stuff I have. I've been pining for an Isis since the Egyptians were first released, I was really hoping...
Woke up at 4am, couldn't get back to sleep. Started running 5x Tech's, managed to pull 45 pluses, and got the two Dubs I needed to evo Noah, and finally evo Awoken Lakshmi. I have no idea how I'm going to use her, watching youtube videos now. She was the 2nd god I pulled in this game, I've never used her.
Also I thought I'd give Awoken Ceres a run through Hera-Sowilo Mythical. A.Ceres, Athena, G.Odin, King Woodsie, Meimei. It was like cheat mode, I really enjoyed it, 75% damage reduction, almost unbind-able team with bind clears. It's nice to have a team that makes you laugh at a descended dungeon.