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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Just to be clear

The awakening itself guarantees a 20% chances an enhanced orb will appear when dropped. On top of that there is a 5% boost in attack.

so this should be the formula for a 3 match.

(1+0.06 x n) * (1 + 0.05 x a)

n equal number of enhanced orbs and a equal number of awakenings

5 match would be

(1.5+ 0.06 * n) * (1.5 + 0.05 * a)

So in your scenario of 16 awakenings

5 match
(1.5 + 0.06 * 5) * (1.5 + 0.05 * 16) = 4.14

3 match
(1 + 0.06 * 3) * (1 + 0.05 * 16) = 2.124

So basically the 16x enhance orb create a 1.80x effect on all attacks of that color from the awakening bonus alone?

Asking mainly for A Yomi. My planned team for her has 16 plus orbs

Yomi (3)
Zaerog(3)/Haku(2), Yes I have a lot of Hakus/DIza(1)/Okuni(1)/Bind Solver/Whatever


Thats means on activate its pretty much 100x damage guaranteed and with 5 extra seconds of movement (10 with Yomi active). Its going to be not that hard.

Also no where in the description does it say 3x works for the color with the plus orb. Does did mean you can 5 match any color and still get the multiplier for dark damage? Its a huge difference. Makes its much easier to TPA and activate.


5 match with enhanced is the color that gets 3x. So match 5 dark if you want the 3x to dark. Other 5 and + function this way as far as I'm aware.

There's no flat multiplier for enhanced orbs. The damage depends on how many enhanced orbs are in that particular match and how many enhanced orb awakenings exist on your team. It's way too confusing to calculate every attack, sadly.

Gift from Heaven is free 3k MP...eventually. Event dungeon confirms A.Haku coming at least. Would it kill us to finally have 2x coin dungeons?


Finally got a Medjedra! And got the last Divine green mask! All I need to do now is level him amd evolve him and Awoken Bastet is mine!


Man, Awoken Isis' utility cannot be overstated. I feel like my Awoken Ra team has become twice as strong just by adding her. Now I'm 100% Skill Bind resistant, I get an extra Skill Boost, she's unbindable, she can clear binds every 3 turns and she can proc Ra's 100x every 3 turns. Crazy. So glad I invested those Bubpys and tamas in her.


Just got an in-app update pushed on my NA account. Any dataminers out there? Wonder what the maintenance will bring.

Best hope: MP Shop
Minimum: Next Uevo set. Vishnu would be next right? Indian 2.0 buff.


Just got an in-app update pushed on my NA account. Any dataminers out there? Wonder what the maintenance will bring.

Best hope: MP Shop
Minimum: Next Uevo set. Vishnu would be next right? Indian 2.0 buff.

From puzzleanddragonsforum:

NA client art downloads:

Nordis, Zaerog Infinity, Ilya, Grizal, Music Dragon, Light/Dark Cat Dragons, Awoken Chinese, ult Dkali, Vishnu, Ganesha, Udon, Tengu, Nobunaga, Dragoncallers (all 5), Rodin, Diza, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, Cyber Dragons & Beasts, split Persephone


So uvo Tengu is an evo mat for 3 monsters now?

Yes, Awoken Susano, Orochi and now Yomi. Thankfully he's among the easiest to uevo.

Glad we dodged the bullet on uevo Dark Izanami. Bet they use her later, though.

Also, Ra Dragon uses Sopdet and Defoud for uevo.

Update info, credit to UPC: (edit, beaten)

Hope they dump all of it on us. We're almost three months behind again. Descends are even further, I think.

Bit of a PSA: If you need to farm spirit jewels from normal Descends, grab them now. Once Ilya and Grizal start invading, spirit jewels don't show up anymore. I think JP went a whole month without them being part of an event. NA may not be the same, of course.


From puzzleanddragonsforum:

Ready for a few of those, Vishnu and Persephone and rodin as well.

Was able to evo a few monsters today gadius and rozuel working on Rozuel for her bind resist and clearing ability. It is situational only but binds are a real weakness for shiva so that will come in handy.

Also evolved Gadius and levelled him a bit I have a few skill ups on him as well.


What's the consensus on Ilya and Grizal? Their actives, stats, and awakenings look good but 15 skillups to max looks like a pain.

I've seen them used on several teams. Ilya sees play on Kirin squads or anything else that used to use Verche. Grizal is less used from what I've seen, but he's very good on Panda or any other dark row squad. Skill ups, like you said, are a massive pain in the ass, especially since they are Descend invades. Their one main weakness.


Whoa I'm ready for all that new content

Everything they showed today looks great(besides new descend boss of course), I'm a little jelly of awoken yomi since I haven't rolled her. Also according to reddit gung ho confirmed kirin will receive her awoken form so I'm happy about that.


What's the consensus on Ilya and Grizal? Their actives, stats, and awakenings look good but 15 skillups to max looks like a pain.

Ilya far more used than Grizal from everything I've looked at. They really are quite good, although not irreplaceable, especially by more recent REM additions. Skill ups are a huge pain, and the invade rate is much like the old unboosted jewel rate in my experience. Lots of effort, almost rather farm piis instead of dupes for skill ups, although filling out the awakenings first is recommended.

EU got the scoop:

No supa Rodin or yandere Izanami yet. Boo.


Ilya far more used than Grizal from everything I've looked at. They really are quite good, although not irreplaceable, especially by more recent REM additions. Skill ups are a huge pain, and the invade rate is much like the old unboosted jewel rate in my experience. Lots of effort, almost rather farm piis instead of dupes for skill ups, although filling out the awakenings first is recommended.

EU got the scoop:

All those and no Vishnu? That's kind of a surprise. I'm mostly looking for D.Kali/D.Iza, so I'm half happy. Could UEvo 2 Sakuya, but I see no use in wasting those jewels when she's getting an Awoken in the next few months.

No A. Karin also sort of sucks.

D. Kali Uevo requires a red trifruit? Dammit. Why is the red one the only one I ever need? They are also the ones that drop the least for me.


Vishnu and A.Karin are later, although some of the skill changes are from their update. NA going random mishmash like usual.

Can't do Karin until next event has new Descend anyway.


Vishnu and A.Karin are later, although some of the skill changes are from their update. NA going random mishmash like usual.

Can't do Karin until next event has new Descend anyway.

Totally forgot that. Think it's safe to say we'll get the next big batch of evos once the next event hits.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
No Vishnu sucks but I'm happy for Sarasvati and Wee Jas active skill upgrades.


The Awoken Chinese gods are weirdly mixed as subs. Meimei and especially Karin went from not-ideal subs to the amazing subs for their prospective teams. At the same time Haku and Leilan went from great and widely used to situational.


A.Haku is the one that went weird. A.Leilan is even better for standard fire teams than she was before. She booted Ronia from most of my red teams in JP.


I thought the major fire squads were TPA based. That's probably personal bias from my main fire leads being Urd and Shiva. I guess Yamato, Goemon, Rodin, Krishna, etc. would do better with the row focused A. Leilan.

A. Haku is just really odd all around.


Any notable dungeons that A.Leilan will do well in as a leader with her new damage reductions?

Still kinda bummed that all my decent red monsters are split firmly down the middle between prong-based and row-based. Don't really have the pieces to make any single solid team that's focused effectively on one or the other.

I'll have to wait until Friday to Evo my Ganesha, but he might actually find a situational spot on my lazy Athena (or Izanagi) team. With Izanagi, Apocalypse, Ganesha and IheartPADbear, it'll be my first complete, non-mishmash/offcolour team that can run with 100% skillbind resist. That said, I'll probably toss it aside once I realise how dependent my Athena-ing is on Valkyrie and Verche.

Kinda excited for A.Haku, but that's also currently fantasyland. The 20-cost Xuanzang dungeon is a thorn in my buttock.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Man now i really need to fina someone with Hyper Sara...just took her for her spin, she was great before...now she is perfect. Krishna/Sara players rejoice.


Aw, my starter roll's nearly all growed up. One day I will finish +ing you, I promise. (Real talk though, I make no promises about ever max-skilling you.)



Seriously fuck the fucking thursday dungeon and its fucking inability to drop fucking red dragon fruits

three fucking stones down the drain

Please bring over the fucking MP shop so I can just buy the fucking mats, this shit isn't enjoyable at all


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Oh there is a Phoenix Encounter in Zhao Yuns dungeon...maybe some of us can get their drop this weekend.
Also do you have to do the fire based Skydragon stage for Phoenix to invade or can he show up in all Skydragon stages ?

PS. Need to try out Tengu this weekend as well - probably with a fire based team. Glad i havent evolved Chester yet.
Yep, loving the Krishna buff. Still need Laila/Belial skillups though. :|

Playing these high risk/high rewards leaders from time to time is really fun. Still trying to figure out the perfect team balance. Wish i had more orb changers with finger awakenings.


Wasn't MP shop introduced to the JP server on July? I wouldn't hold my breath that it would come any time soon given the 3 months+ discrepancy...

There are still things like 2x shop, infinite Zaerog, Ultimate Arena, etc, that are lining up.


Wasn't MP shop introduced to the JP server on July? I wouldn't hold my breath that it would come any time soon given the 3 months+ discrepancy...

There are still things like 2x shop, infinite Zaerog, Ultimate Arena, etc, that are lining up.

I don't think there is a clear rule book they are following - like the chibi uevo's appearing simultaneously - while you can pull them in the summer pad - what ever brings in the most cash.

I hope it still comes here and doesn't become like PadW

edit: I guess just still a bit frustrated about the absolute lack of communication. never knowing what to expect - aside from a random amount of time delaying content that is neither explained or planned. Would it be so difficulty to state a future release time table?


Oh, just checked out the new awoken forms. I'm definitely hyped for Awoken Yomi. He'll be a great addition to my Kite team. I've tried to keep it mainly as a dark team with sub-elements other colors, but dark/wood members are tough to find. My Zuoh destroys the board (makes it fire/wood/dark) so I can't use him as I need 4 colors for Kite. I had Goetia in there, but Yomi makes a much better addition. His 3 dark orb enhance awakenings combined with Kite's (1 of each color) means that all dark orbs that appear will be enhanced.

Plus his active skill makes the whole board enhanced which makes his skill easier to activate and gives you an extra 5 seconds to move the orbs on the board. Definitely awesome.

His leader skill sounds kind of similar to Kite's although Kite uses 4 colors (including hearts) for 4x attack and when you connect 5 of one color with at least 1 enhanced then that color gets an addition 2x attack. (8x alone and 64x with a Kite friend) I think Awoken Yomi might be my next 297 target. I'm glad I have 2 of them, I'll keep the one I've somewhat skilled up as is and evo the other one.

Amaterasu seems like a really great farm lead with that leader skill, attack as well as auto heal.

Artemis might not seem like the greatest green sub now that she has rows instead of TPAs, but she will be a pretty good sub on my Zuoh team. She can't make dark orbs, but paired with Zuoh the board will be all wood/dark although probably more wood than dark orbs. She's now going to be wood/dark as well which matches up well with Zuoh who is dark/wood.

She also works well with Ishida Mitsunari. The same Wood/Dark colors, she gets his boost by being Attacker type and her skill combined with his (board of wood/dark/hearts) makes an all dark/wood board as well.

Nobody answering the most important question!

Is Awoken Yomi a girl!?

Ra Dragon looks game breaking until you think about his best subs. A.Isis and 3 Dark Kalis? Sure, good luck, you can buy the whole MP selection first before you get there. Still probably wipes the floor with normal A.Ra, even with standard Lighr Kali sub team.

I don't know why they put a conditional on A.Amaterasu's 4x. Healers do crap damage anyway and she doesn't put out damage herself besides that single TPA. She might be a good lead for some of the more annoying dungeons, though the lack of HP will doom most of her teams.

A.Yomi is interesting as a buff to most color or combo teams, especially anything dark heavy. Very much an extension of her old role. Kind of hate her devil side, probably from that jerk Aamir? Lead skill is cool, but matching those 5orbs and still making enough combos sucks. I don't really like any of the match 5 skills, it's very cumbersome unless using the expanded 7x6 boards.

MP machines are okay, not sure they are really worth 250k with those lead skills and awakenings. Basically something else for whales to waste money on.

Had a feeling Artemis would get triple row after RB both went that way. Sad, my Bastet still unused.

I don't know about Gon, but I don't think that's true for PGronia when all her subs are attackers with multiple TPAs outside new Artemis. Even with her, not sure it changes. Setsu did a nice write up comparing her to Beelzebub/Ronia recently.

Amaterasu looks like she'd be better paired off with somebody else like LMeta to get that healer HP boost. Her auto heal should probably be enough to keep the team over the 50% limit most of the time.

5 color matching isn't too difficult once you get used to it. I've been doing it quite a lot recently with my Kite team. It's just like the transition from trying to connect 3 orbs when TPAs started coming out and you had to change over to connecting 4 orbs. In this case you just have to have 1 set be 5 orbs and the rest can be 3.


Dungeon Changes
- Dragon Knights and Samurai Dragons are now permanent technical dungeons

- Invades added to the permanent dragon dungeons

Legendary Dragons - Fairies
Sky Dragons - Mythical Beasts (Phoenix, Kraken, etc)
Ancient Dragons - Mythical Beasts
Mech Dragons - Chasers
War Dragons - Chasers
Dragon Knights - Fairies

So I should be able to get a Phoenix from fire Skydragon or fire Ancient Dragon? Zeus Vulcan has been a bust for me and I want to make Awoken Shiva.
My Haku will stay D/D since I need her as a devil sub :(
I'm still undecided. I find myself using my Roniabub team less and less often. The only dungeons that I feel I need to use that team are Tuesday Mythical and Zues Vulcan. But I'm sure I could put something suitable together for those.

I think I'm gonna hold off, at least until Zaerog8 comes out. I'll need to build a stash of badpys so I can max skill her asap, and I have no idea how I'm gonna get a Xuanzang.


I'm still undecided. I find myself using my Roniabub team less and less often. The only dungeons that I feel I need to use that team are Tuesday Mythical and Zues Vulcan. But I'm sure I could put something suitable together for those.

I think I'm gonna hold off, at least until Zaerog8 comes out. I'll need to build a stash of badpys so I can max skill her asap, and I have no idea how I'm gonna get a Xuanzang.

D/D Haku is a star sub on my Ronia/Beelzebub and Dtron teams. She is so good that I'm hypermaxing her. I can't lose those dark rows. If I had a dupe I would make an Awoken Haku.


Yeah, I left the hyper D/D Haku on my iPad just like that since I use her a lot on my Ronia/DMeta/Pandora teams.

I don't really run those teams on my main account so I changed her over to Awoken Haku. She's a great sub on my Vegeta team.


Was that skill up from a Flampy? Or did you get lucky with a red orb on 1x skillup rates?

Threw my one Flampy at her, as a treat.

As I was evoing her with the requisite three red orbs, a whimsical thought did cross my mind: it'd be sweet if these orbs could proc skill ups on the resulting card.
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