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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Amaterasu looks like she'd be better paired off with somebody else like LMeta to get that healer HP boost. Her auto heal should probably be enough to keep the team over the 50% limit most of the time.

5 color matching isn't too difficult once you get used to it. I've been doing it quite a lot recently with my Kite team. It's just like the transition from trying to connect 3 orbs when TPAs started coming out and you had to change over to connecting 4 orbs. In this case you just have to have 1 set be 5 orbs and the rest can be 3.

I agree on A.Ama, but where's the Beelzebub HP boost equivalent? Because a 1.35x boost is barely anything with how low most healer HP is. Doesn't seem to put Amaterasu anywhere in range to be doing content that can't already be handled by these teams.

My experience with 5 match is mostly limited to playing around a bit with Sumire or pairing A.Shiva with Krishna, but I'm mostly concerned about the combo activation with A.Yomi. Hitting 7 combo and TPAs is hard enough for me. Trying to 7 combo with a 5 match and TPAs to increase sub damage seems difficult even with the time extends outside full board changes. I probably need more practice, but that's my concern at the moment.

Leaving my hyper D/D Byakko for now, especially with Dark Tron getting a little resurgence in the future. My max skill dupe may get changed to Awoken, painful as that might be. Would rather roll another dupe, but REM renewal doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon..


Look like Challenge Dungeon 10 will be part of the next event - of course you need to clear Lvl 10 for Woodpy. Dammit...
Feels like you always have the worst options when getting Woodpys...shitty fire based coin dungeon or the toughest Challenge Dungeons.

Good news for you. Since the dungeons and rewards have been out of sync since the last round, they are using the challenge dungeon 11 rewards. Which means Woodpy is the reward for level 9.

Regardless, you should try to clear level 10 as long as you can do it within a few stones. A skillup mob is worth a few stones and you get a stone back for clearing the challenge anyway.


D/D Haku is a star sub on my Ronia/Beelzebub and Dtron teams. She is so good that I'm hypermaxing her. I can't lose those dark rows. If I had a dupe I would make an Awoken Haku.

Yeah I have a max skilled Haku that I am considering switching over. It is a hard decision but ultimately I will probably go for it. I have another full board change for beelz/ronia and have only been running one of those anyways aside from ronia.

In regards to yomi subs I think that Anubis may be an ideal sub. Extra time extends combined with an orb change and unbindable. Seems like a solid fit. Combined with 2x awoken haku and you get an extra 6 seconds per orb match essentially guaranteeing combo threshold.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Good news for you. Since the dungeons and rewards have been out of sync since the last round, they are using the challenge dungeon 11 rewards. Which means Woodpy is the reward for level 9.

Regardless, you should try to clear level 10 as long as you can do it within a few stones. A skillup mob is worth a few stones and you get a stone back for clearing the challenge anyway.

Hah, thanks for the news...its kinda funny how this should be good news but looking at the stages on PDX...with that setup getting the Woodpy on Level 10 would have been better lol.

Lvl 10 with Hera Ur at the beginning, Athena healing you the round after that and Hera-Is as a Boss sounds quite manageable without having to spend stones.

L9 with all those Dragons and Zaerog at the end being No Continue probably means a lot of stamina will be wasted here unless i get lucky.

Would it be wise to "farm" Green Jewels to skill up A. Meimei or should i just hope for Piis down the line and coin dungeon luck ? I have been playing Coin Dungeon on and off for weeks now without a single drop...dont know how much stamina i spend but...kinda disappointing. Right now it looks like i can 1 Woodpy per months from an event.


Piis don't drop often unless you are using stones on coin dungeons.

Best case is 250 stamina per jewel, 4 jewels per skill up, 4 skill ups, so about 4000 stamina to finish with jewels if you don't have any leftover.

If you get more than one pii drop per 4000 stamina, you're above average. And I don't even want to get into worst case 10+k stamina per pii rates like mine.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Piis don't drop often unless you are using stones on coin dungeons.

Best case is 250 stamina per jewel, 4 jewels per skill up, 4 skill ups, so about 4000 stamina to finish with jewels if you don't have any leftover.

If you get more than one pii drop per 4000 stamina, you're above average. And I don't even want to get into worst case 10+k stamina per pii rates like mine.

Urgh thanks. Just from this calculation it seems like Coin Dungeons are still better for A.Meimei skill ups because you at least get more exp and fodder units to feed.

4000 stamina per Pii is kinda crazy...just thinking about makes me wanna stop playing the game. To be honest is just got my 1 Year PaD rewards and i have beaten some of the toughest stages (Rushes/Challenges)....so i cleared pretty much all i wanted to clear when i started.

Well at least i can get a Pii from the next Challenge Dungeon but if the endgame just ends up being having to farm coin dungeons for skills ups for the best units it will get boring very fast.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
You could always farm pii hell/kaliseum :v

Heh....yeah that isnt happening lol.

The Pii you get there is probably random as well right ? Even if i were able to clear it i would explode if i would get a for me useless color. All that work for nothing xD


Heh....yeah that isnt happening lol.

The Pii you get there is probably random as well right ? Even if i were able to clear it i would explode if i would get a for me useless color. All that work for nothing xD

With all the power creep going on it's just a matter of time everyone can farm that dungeon.
Ult Kirin get.

Time to level and evolve my second Kirin for the other Ult incoming.

edit: Wow, Ult Kirin's damage is actually pretty insane. I suppose her regular team technically was already at x36 due to enhanced orb awakenings. But I'm hitting some very serious and impressive damage numbers. If she had any form of orb change as an active she'd be A+ lead material.


I agree on A.Ama, but where's the Beelzebub HP boost equivalent? Because a 1.35x boost is barely anything with how low most healer HP is. Doesn't seem to put Amaterasu anywhere in range to be doing content that can't already be handled by these teams.

My experience with 5 match is mostly limited to playing around a bit with Sumire or pairing A.Shiva with Krishna, but I'm mostly concerned about the combo activation with A.Yomi. Hitting 7 combo and TPAs is hard enough for me. Trying to 7 combo with a 5 match and TPAs to increase sub damage seems difficult even with the time extends outside full board changes. I probably need more practice, but that's my concern at the moment.

Leaving my hyper D/D Byakko for now, especially with Dark Tron getting a little resurgence in the future. My max skill dupe may get changed to Awoken, painful as that might be. Would rather roll another dupe, but REM renewal doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon..
There aren't really that many good partners for Amaterasu. LMeta/I&I/SQ seem like the best option at the moment without losing too much firepower and raising your HP a bit. The HP boosters like Angel and Unicorn (2x HP boost) don't really provide too much damage output at only 2x attack. Maybe GH will come out with some new card to give healers a helping hand or boost a current card.

With Kite I mainly try and focus on getting at least one color with 5 orbs (dark is my usual target) and trying to combo the rest. If I can get TPAs or 5 orbs for other colors too well that is nice, but my main focus is on getting that one done and getting my other colors set as well. It might be a bit different with Yomi as you have to get the 5 orbs and combo as well. I'd imagine if you are used to playing a combo lead it shouldn't be that difficult to try incorporating a 5 orb connection in addition to your usual stuff.

The good thing about the 5 orb boost is that you don't necessarily have to worry about your character having TPAs or not as they will still get a nice boost with the 5 orb connection. Kite doesn't have any TPAs or rows and he still has a nice attack when you connect the 5 dark orbs and get the 64x attack boost. Even better if you can get more dark combos in, too.
Just like Anubis and Ra don't have them either, but they can still output a lot of damage just from the high multiplier and multiple combos.

I happen to have Vegito on my Kite team right now and if I manage to connect 5 orbs and get a TPA in for him as well then he does massive damage all by himself.

With Bastet you're basically trying to get in as many TPAs as you can while comboing. With Yomi it looks to be very similar just trying to get in one 5 orb combo and comboing the rest however you want it (regular combos or TPAs.)

Connecting 5 orbs also has the bonus of damaging all enemies on the board.

Lately I've been using mainly color based leads (Vegito, Kite, LKali, Ra, sometimes Horus.) I need to get more practice in with combo leads again, once I finish up my Bastet.

Would it be wise to "farm" Green Jewels to skill up A. Meimei or should i just hope for Piis down the line and coin dungeon luck ? I have been playing Coin Dungeon on and off for weeks now without a single drop...dont know how much stamina i spend but...kinda disappointing. Right now it looks like i can 1 Woodpy per months from an event.
Sometimes you have good luck with jewels and sometimes you have bad luck with them. I fed my Mei Mei 5 Jewels and got nothing (2.5x event) so I ended up giving her piis. The same with my Haku, I've given her 10 jewels so far and I've only gotten 1 skill up...

On the other hand, I recently made my Awoken Leilan and I gave her 5 jewels and I went up 3 levels. (just need 1 more for max) Piis are the best option for a guaranteed skill up, but if you want to press your luck or have extra jewels lying around.

I just feel bad afterwards sometimes. I used up all of my jewels on Haku and got nothing and now I need two dark ones for Awoken Yomi so I'm spending the day farming Cauchemar. I've picked up one so far...


So how good are those new Godfest exclusives and those new dragons? What do you think the next godfest is going to look like?

The mech-beasts are pretty meh. They have some teams they fit on, but I usually see them listed as non-optimal replacements. They hopefully will get Ults that might fix them up.

The Dragon Tamer 2's are pretty awesome subs and decent leaders. Red is kind of meh. She can slot in Gadius or other red teams, but there are better options. Blue is great on Lakshmi teams, Green is good for Bastet or Paravati, Yellow works very well on Kirin or L. Kali and Black goes great on Zaerog Infinite squads. I expect a bit of excitement over Black and Yellow in particular. Black is a 3 TPA dark sub. She'll fit in a lot of squads. Zaerog Infinite will give her a huge boost once black TPA teams become more of a team.
This is the team I'm hoping to run with the new Kirin ultimate:

Kirin, Valk, Apollo, chibi L.Meta, Ganesha, Kirin

Have to consider the new Apollo ult too and possible red substitute in the future. Overall, I think it's a decent team with what I have. Really hoping for a Ganesha skill up soon.
How has this not happened yet? Why would they just completely ignore one god in a pantheon? She would actually be pretty useful max skilled.


I'm not sure words can describe how much I hate Red Trifruits. I need them for my Ronia Ult, Ronia Skill Ups, Urd Skill Ups and D. Kali Ult. I've been farming them every Thrusday for at least 3 weeks and I've barely got enough for the two Ults. In the same time, I got enough Greens to probably max skill a Verdandi if I ever pull one and I managed to max skill Skuld, the Norn I don't use. Ugh.


Finally. Now I need Woodpy lol.

With no more three stars and toy dragons I have one question...

How on earth do we skill up Parvati and toy tops now? Is there some dungeon I don't know about that has toytops in it? I have a bunch of Parvati, and only one of those will get awoken likely.

Did gung-ho just make a three star dragon unavailable?


I had a good and bad day today.

Bad, I was having a great run with an Awoken Ra team on Hera Rush and could have beaten it for the first time but I messed up. I only did a 5 combo on Hera Sowilo instead of 6 (I was trying to save some light orbs) while Dtron's shield was up. I forgot about the 5 combo shield. At least I was close to a level up any way.

Good, I got a Phoenix invade on my 8th run of Fire Skydragon! Go to hell Zeus Vulcan, I'll make my Awoken Shiva despite you.



Bad, I was having a great run with a Ra team on Hera Rush and could have beaten it for the first time but I messed up. I only did a 5 combo on Hera Sowilo instead of 6 (I was trying to save some light orbs) while Dtron's shield was up. I forgot about the 5 combo shield. At least I was close to a level up any way.

I keep doing the reverse. I keep one shotting sowilo without activating shield. I've done it 4 times now - I am not going to try it again, next time.

I'd rather burn the stamina farming the damned lightning chaser (again) for bikinitron, the first time was torture - and, of course the two new drops are so painful to skill (bikinitron and summer pandora)

does summer pandora have a name yet?


Isis (lol), Sun Quan, Ronia, and Kirin without seeing her Awoken? No Orochi, haha, blue sucks. Still very good fest.

Got 8 rolls stored so far, can maybe take it to 10 if I push it. Probably rolling everything and hoping for less dupes this time.


After about 450 stamina used I finally got my Dkali ult evolved


Edit: Also is anyone gonna be running Awoken Amaterasu when she is available. Thinking of making her my new farming lead.

Team would be Awoken Amaterasu, Chibi Valk, Chibi Metatron, Chibi Valk, Supergirl.

100% SBR, two unbindable subs with bind recovery, autoheal covered by Amaterasu, TPA's for days.
I'm still not really sure what type of team A.Ammy will fit into. She's good on paper but I don't know what type of role she fits into that another one of my subs already covers, and I don't know how to evaluate that leader skill. I avo'd her anyways because why not, I'll get to keep more Yatagarasus cause they look cute.


Don't believe the words of this traitor. A.Karin is so disappointed in you.

Also, holy hell why do the 250k MP marionettes take FIVE jewels to evo! They gave you a discount instead of charging 300k MP, but then the evo cost is another 50k MP of materials. Are you kidding me with this shit...

Ra Dragon only 3x when not matching all elements and hearts. Meh, nevermind then.
Guardian of Life Karin is still her best form imho

Starting to fall behind on materials with all these new uvos and avos and REM rolls. Apparently I never ran Tengu on my JP account so I went and got one from coin dungeon Descended Carnival. Then I was like hells yeah time to avo Yomi but as it turns out I don't have a spare D.Iza lying around, so time to wait around for the opportunity to grab one of her. Running out of extra Noels too.
I'm still not really sure what type of team A.Ammy will fit into. She's good on paper but I don't know what type of role she fits into that another one of my subs already covers, and I don't know how to evaluate that leader skill. I avo'd her anyways because why not, I'll get to keep more Yatagarasus cause they look cute.

She appears to be a safer version of LZL at first glance but from reading her leader skill, it doesn't care about typing so you're free to make any kind of (Light)team, prong or row. Thinking more about it, it's like a flexible Wu Kong, kinda, well not really but whatever.

A little list of subs could be: Venus, Wu Kong, Raph, Indra, Apollo, Valkitty, Sandalphon, Thor, DQ, Baal for light rows.

Superman, Izanagi, Kanna, Kali, Ilya, Ariel, SCPLucifer, Cloud, Unicorn rider, Chibitron, Chibivalk for prongs.

Lots of utility in orb changers and damage blockers. You can even dip into off color stuff if needed and still do fine damage since A.Ama doesn't care about anything, just HP. Hell, take two Izanami and load up on light prongs after that and walk over everything.

But if it is just healer, she's just a better LZL for the most part.


Guardian of Life Karin is still her best form imho

Starting to fall behind on materials with all these new uvos and avos and REM rolls. Apparently I never ran Tengu on my JP account so I went and got one from coin dungeon Descended Carnival. Then I was like hells yeah time to avo Yomi but as it turns out I don't have a spare D.Iza lying around, so time to wait around for the opportunity to grab one of her. Running out of extra Noels too.

Izanami tomorrow, so picking up a spare for the evo and getting the final skill level on my maxed one for team. I couldn't even run Tengu in JP if I wanted to. Haven't built a low cost team because I hate that stuff. I'm aiming to grab one from Descended carnival as well, but it will take a while before I can get him leveled and evolved twice. A.Yomi in the near future hopefully, not sure what I'll run on it yet. Iza and Panda, my Z8 is pitifully fresh and a barely evolved Zuoh. Don't use darks enough.

Meanwhile in NA, I'm crying because I forgot to save a Yin Ping for A.Leilan. Want to +297 her and shove her on my A.Shiva team already. Have to wait five days.

A.Ama isn't healers only!? Well, that changes everything. Apocalypse/Indra systems go.

JP KotG on 1.5x exp for next six hours.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
lol....my Pii luck is so bad that i didnt even get a single Pii encounter during Challenge Lvl 5 - first time that it happened. Brought Shiva along for nothing xD
With all the power creep going on it's just a matter of time everyone can farm that dungeon.

You are probably right - but i still dont think normal people will be able to beat that stage anytime soon. EVen if you can put out enough dmg there are plenty of rng things that can screw you during such a long stage.

But we will see...a couple of month ago doing Lvl 9/10 Challenges also sounded crazy for me.

Sometimes you have good luck with jewels and sometimes you have bad luck with them. I fed my Mei Mei 5 Jewels and got nothing (2.5x event) so I ended up giving her piis. The same with my Haku, I've given her 10 jewels so far and I've only gotten 1 skill up...

On the other hand, I recently made my Awoken Leilan and I gave her 5 jewels and I went up 3 levels. (just need 1 more for max) Piis are the best option for a guaranteed skill up, but if you want to press your luck or have extra jewels lying around.

I just feel bad afterwards sometimes. I used up all of my jewels on Haku and got nothing and now I need two dark ones for Awoken Yomi so I'm spending the day farming Cauchemar. I've picked up one so far...

If i could get 2 skill ups for 5 Jewels i would be very glad, but 0 would probably kill me considering how much stamina i used to get them. I probably will still give it a shot if i get enough Jewels....but i also read that Jewel Invade Events wont be a regular thing anymore...so it might be wiser to hold on to them for evolutions down the line.

Finally. Now I need Woodpy lol.
Very nice - congrats !!!

Is that another Players Choice GF ? Thought they only happen in June and December.

Will we get the same GF ?

Good, I got a Phoenix invade on my 8th run of Fire Skydragon! Go to hell Zeus Vulcan, I'll make my Awoken Shiva despite you.

All Hail Shiva hehe. Nice pickup...i hope i can get Phoenix from Zhao Yuns stage.

After about 450 stamina used I finally got my Dkali ult evolved

Worth it - i would give up my whole box for DKali. MVP Card.


I think it might finally be time to break up my devil team. Awoken yomi looks way too good. Might feed my hyper beelzebub whenever they bring him/her around. Then I can awaken haku and persephone and not feel bad about it. I should start working on leveling another beelzebub in the meantime to keep kog farming team intact.

Crazy damage:



I had a good and bad day today.

Bad, I was having a great run with an Awoken Ra team on Hera Rush and could have beaten it for the first time but I messed up. I only did a 5 combo on Hera Sowilo instead of 6 (I was trying to save some light orbs) while Dtron's shield was up. I forgot about the 5 combo shield. At least I was close to a level up any way.

Good, I got a Phoenix invade on my 8th run of Fire Skydragon! Go to hell Zeus Vulcan, I'll make my Awoken Shiva despite you.

Warning for you Jagernaut. You wouldn't have cleared Hera Rush with that team even if you got through Sowilo. Hera has a 30k preemptive damage attack that needs to be accounted for. She would have wiped you just by going into the next floor. You need to bring a damage reduction or have more HP.

Nice time for me to have 40 stones on JP. :)


Warning for you Jagernaut. You wouldn't have cleared Hera Rush with that team even if you got through Sowilo. Hera has a 30k preemptive damage attack that needs to be accounted for. She would have wiped you just by going into the next floor. You need to bring a damage reduction or have more HP.

Nice time for me to have 40 stones on JP. :)

I had Dtron's 35% shield up so i would survived if I had made 6 combos and killed Sowilo like I was supposed to.


Looking forward to the upcoming PCGF. With the recent events giving you a stone everyday it's been fairly easy to gather up a decent amount of stones. I'm going to pull a lot on both of my accounts. I'm glad I didn't pull on the EVA REM.
If i could get 2 skill ups for 5 Jewels i would be very glad, but 0 would probably kill me considering how much stamina i used to get them. I probably will still give it a shot if i get enough Jewels....but i also read that Jewel Invade Events wont be a regular thing anymore...so it might be wiser to hold on to them for evolutions down the line.
I actually got 3 skill ups on my Leilan from the 5 orbs which is really nice. I went from level 1 to level 4.
Haku has been killing me though. It's never wise to use all of your jewels to try for skill ups. I used all of my jewels on Haku (with no luck) and then I find out that I need 2 for Awoken Yomi! That's why I spent most of today playing Cauchemar. Luckily I was able to pick up 3 dark orbs from the invades.

Warning for you Jagernaut. You wouldn't have cleared Hera Rush with that team even if you got through Sowilo. Hera has a 30k preemptive damage attack that needs to be accounted for. She would have wiped you just by going into the next floor. You need to bring a damage reduction or have more HP.
That's why he brought along DMeta. Her skill reduces damage by 35% for one turn (and enhances dark orbs.) With that active, he would have been able to take the hit from Hera as it would've been about 20k damage with her skill active.


Maybe after Summer REM is over.

I would not put it past Gungho to wait till its over to announce the next godfest just to get a few last day/minute pulls from Summer REM.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Challenge Lvl 9 cleared - Woodpy get. Took me only 2 attempts which was nice, will take my time with the rest.
Anybody know when the next NA Godfest is?
2 days from now - PDX has Day 1 as speculation up already.

GF Day 1 - Chinese/JP2/ 5 Dragoncallers
You can tell our PCGF apart because ours will have 1000% more Lucifer in them.

I dont have Lucifer yet - from what i read he used to be a big deal earlier in PaD life. That was before i started playing though.
I actually got 3 skill ups on my Leilan from the 5 orbs which is really nice. I went from level 1 to level 4.
Haku has been killing me though. It's never wise to use all of your jewels to try for skill ups. I used all of my jewels on Haku (with no luck) and then I find out that I need 2 for Awoken Yomi! That's why I spent most of today playing Cauchemar. Luckily I was able to pick up 3 dark orbs from the invades.
3/5 is very nice hehe....lets see how much mileage i can get from my orbs. I will use them for skill ups if i can gather more than 5 green orbs - otherwise its too risky.
It's usually on the last day/first day of the month.

Maybe after Summer REM is over.

I would not put it past Gungho to wait till its over to announce the next godfest just to get a few last day/minute pulls from Summer REM.

2 days from now - PDX has Day 1 as speculation up already.

GF Day 1 - Chinese/JP2/ 5 Dragoncallers

Interesting. Thanks guys. I have a few stones (15) to play with at the moment. Hopefully I can grind out 5 more before it gets here.
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