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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Fooled around with Ult Ult Kirin in Endless. After using Awoken Ra for so long, she's so easy to activate. Damage is still really impressive on non x36 turns because of orb enhance awakenings. I think the main thing holding her back is the active skill. It just doesn't mesh well at all with her Leader Skill.

Yea, I feel like Awoken Ra has made me pretty good at matching colors.

I was using mini kirin for xuanzang today and matching was trivial.


Tried my first descend in JP today

Holy fuck Juggler is broken

Did an incomplete combo with zero rows when there were supposed to be two and the 49x multiplier still fucking wrecked Goemon. I have been just putting exp pal pulls and random plus eggs into the team and doing the king fatty tama dungeon anytime it comes around to rank up. Literally zero effort in the account and I can take down early descends with ease.

Also 10x descend plus egg drop rate is amazing. Having every drop be a plus egg is so good.


I've started down this road too - I'm thinking (future)


I wasn't planning on getting the dragon, but I have no self control - and didn't prepare the evo mats beforehand so I'm still a bit fluid with what I'm using. I also haven't touched my ares yet so I have to go through skilling each which will be annoying.

on the positive side - you are correct about shiva dragon teams burning through farming content, it really makes everything so much less painful, and I can see how a developed team will tear through early - mid content.

I am currently using more of a tpa set up which I know is wrong, but its where most of my red/god investment has gone and it is still pretty tough - current team is


so many panic buttons and orb changes that it hasn't had much of an issue.

I don't know why people think TPAs on Shiva Dragon aren't a thing? He can do more damage than A.Shiva with them. The only problem is his boosted sub pool is more limited, no A.Kagutsuchi or Cao Cao ult. But red Valk and Urd are an excellent combo, and triple dong chibi Rodin can put out crazy numbers if you go all in on him. The Shiva Dragons themselves max at 2200 ATK and have double TPA.

That said, once triple row Ares hits, if you have him then there's little reason not to go row focus. He's easily skilled during 2.5x with red supers, which are coming tomorrow. I've been skilling up lots of dupe Greeks this event using the enhance egg machine as well.

Quantum, I don't think you're on my list anymore? Shoot me an invite if you want - 343 149 208.

Dammit Raz! I'm glad you convinced me on ult Goemon, but MP monsters are on a whole 'nother level. I'm not a heavy REMer anymore but I still farm. And I know Shiva Dragon would definitely make that more efficient. But I'd have to ransack my box after only getting to 124K after selling all my "safe" stuff.

*crying thinking about all the Grodins fed for attempted skillups back in the day*

Although I know I can get there if I stop being such a damn hoarder. Actually just realized while typing this that I have 3 Blodins. I never use my max-skilled ultimate one as is. What's the chance I need 2 dupes? That's 100K MP right there. Hmm. Decisions...

Sorry if I'm dragging you along, haha. I've rolled way too much lately, which is what got me Shiva Dragon without chopping apart my box. I could have gotten him (and way more) easily with all my old dupes I fused away. My ten Light Trons and a dozen Grodins alone would have been enough.

I tossed almost all dupe silvers, and some stuff that never got used anyway. Still hoarding too much, waiting on Hero/Norse future buffs. Saved my second Blodin for now, but he's useless. He's had a lot of work done on him lately, don't know that they can do any more aside from completely revamping him. I think the only reason they haven't dropped him and Grodin from the exclusives pool into normal REM is because Rodin is still so desirable. In your position, I'd sell the dupes if I thought I could make it to 300k MP with them.

I don't want to bait you, but I'd gladly drop my second BF on someone here always running a maxed out Shiva Dragon. Been looking around for a potential selection lately.

Maybe I Will take the plunge then. I am just nervous about choosing someone when mp points are so hard to acquire. That is my biggest worry.

It made me nervous, too! But out of all the MP cards released so far, he seemed like the best fit for how I play and what I spend the most time on. Already heavily invested in reds, I like lazy no-effort leads, and I am farming something 95% of the time. I have other ways of running content beyond Shiva Dragon's abilities and there's not a lot of that either.

Odin Dragon is junk. Neptune is nice for blue fans like myself, but I can pair my existing leads with a friend for that. Ra Dragon is amazing, but not my favorite play style, requires a card I don't have and probably won't pull, and is matched close enough by A.Ra outside Ultimate Arena. Wouldn't be surprised if Marionette style color change skills filter out to the normal REM eventually. Who knows on the dark dragon, but if he's Anubis-level combo based like I suspect, it won't be for me either.

Shiva Dragon makes the game more fun for me right now. I'll choose that instead of worrying over what could happen in the future. They'll always be aiming to pull people into IAPing more with MP cards, but I'm satisfied at the moment. Now if we see beach Claire and/or another event MP waifu...

Tried my first descend in JP today

Holy fuck Juggler is broken

Also 10x descend plus egg drop rate is amazing. Having every drop be a plus egg is so good.

Juggler singlehandedly brought us into the 25x/36x standard multiplier power creep we have now.

JP descends only on 5x rate currently. 10x is even more astounding. But Goemon was always a high plus dungeon anyway, so it's probably close to 4 drops per run even at half boost.
He's easily skilled during 2.5x with red supers, which are coming tomorrow.

Mine started 0/14 and just got a single skillup on my last super feed. I'm going to max level him before I reach the halfway point and waste so much red exp in the process since it doesn't look like Groove Coaster is coming back anytime soon.


The good: I'm 2 skill ups away from max skilling Apollo thanks to the carnival pal egg machine.

The bad: I keep failing challenge 7 after beating challenge 8. Also l.kali refuses to skill up I'm 1/10 so far.

Also cool to be getting a farmable dark/devil delay from the Batman collab.


Manged to max skill my A.Ra team yesterday. 10 skillups total on those LKalis. 1 on the DKali and 8 across my other 2 DKalis.

I also got and evo'd Shiva Dragon on Thursday. Still 5 million exp from maxing and only skill level 4. I'll probably use the two snow globes from the Zeus challenge for 4 million of it, then another million from the red metals tomorrow. Yamato and Ares are skill level 1 unfortunately. I'm going to try to max skill Ares tomorrow, but we'll see how my luck fairs. I've been running with Krishna in place of Ares at the moment.

Used my BF on Howie@GAF for his hyper Shiva Dragon.




Mine started 0/14 and just got a single skillup on my last super feed. I'm going to max level him before I reach the halfway point and waste so much red exp in the process since it doesn't look like Groove Coaster is coming back anytime soon.

I'd say this is better than Groove Coaster, since 2.5x exists now and you can level him at the same time. Super King Carnival provides even nicer rates on super king drops, whenever that appears.

Used my BF on Howie@GAF for his hyper Shiva Dragon.

Cool, thanks! Tag me here or in game if you need a specific lead and I'll try to assist. I think Shiva Dragon will always be up unless I'm switching teams around for some reason. Planning on adding latent resist awakenings when I can farm them in coin dungeons. Which will be at a quarter to never, heh.


Cool, thanks! Tag me here or in game if you need a specific lead and I'll try to assist. I think Shiva Dragon will always be up unless I'm switching teams around for some reason. Planning on adding latent resist awakenings when I can farm them in coin dungeons. Which will be at a quarter to never, heh.

Let me know too. I usually run hyper Urd, Shiva, Ra. I also occasionally run some other less common non-hyper leads like SS Isis, Krishna, Kiriko


2.5x skill up event has to be a trap of some kind. It almost feels like .25x skill up rate judging from the last two events.

I have been having decent luck with skills this event. Was able to max skill blonia 3/5 or so and then was able to max caocao as well. The only sore spot was 1/10 on Angelits for lkali. But thankfully I only needed a single skill.


Solution is to not have a Cao Cao.


Skill ups have been kind to me this event, though.

my new crazy theory is that each card has its own luck. Like a modifier on the over all percentage.

some cards I've had very good luck this event - some - nothing.

in full disclosure I'm working on skilling more than one cao cao, and each card is skilling at different speeds. It can just be the RNG, but I have certain cards that have skilled at a 50% rate and some a 5% rate.

my worst is still FAL. that was a nightmare - skilling feels much easier compared to that experience.

5/27 god damn. That was just painful. Sucked away so many stones...just why.
that is a 18.5% skill up rate btw. not terrible for this game (even during the 2.5x ~25% per)


I have two more levels to go for more Cao Cao. I don't think my skillup rate is that bad, but my drop rate is pretty poor....


Was looking at ultimate God rush for the upcoming Zeus challenge.

Plan on doing it with shiva/urd/Minerva/caocao/hino/friend shiva.

I have to replace my second urd for Minerva to meet hp thresholds for Jupiter genesis. But aside from that I intend to stall on Gaia, then burst on the rest pretty much. Shiva and hino will take care of fat metal if he spawns and I will try to keep urd up for her full board change in case of beelz spawning.



^ Nice.

And I skilled Cao Cao relatively fast. I still never want to have to farm skill ups ever again, though.

...Why am I playing this game, again?

I feel really lucky to have gotten Cao Cao right before his survey dungeon.


I managed to skill up Cao Cao fairly fast also. I got at least one skill up from the chibi versions that I fed to my real one though,


3/21 on Cao Cao skillups. God damn this is brutal. What did I do to deserve this

2.5x skill up event has to be a trap of some kind. It almost feels like .25x skill up rate judging from the last two events.

I'm having problems with this too - frustrating when the luck is bad

5/27 god damn. That was just painful. Sucked away so many stones...just why.

Good luck man, I have had the worst luck today. Glad it's over.

Solution is to not have a Cao Cao.


Skill ups have been kind to me this event, though.

(Ok Iam trimming my wood team, but still thinking what kind of fireteam would be ok)

^^ Well my problem is that I have CaoCao, but its at level 30. This leads to another problem. I think (not sure :D) I have ok fire subs but I dont have fire leader:

My fires that I think are good / ok subs for fire team:

- Uriel
- Cao Cao
- Chiyome
- Fire Courier Mtsuki
- Echidna
- Phoenix Knight (max skill lvl)

Then I have some good cards but not good fire leaders...
- 2x Extant Ronias
- DH Suzaku Leilan

I also have
- Shaitan tFE
- Shaitan
- Phoenix

Yeah seems like I lack one Shiva or something (dunnon what), not sure what would be good leaders to those cards and how to make fire team. Also could I get fire leader outside of REM?
The Kalis are the exception. I'm pretty sure anyone else that has a board change of four or more colors has a cooldown in the double digits outside of Lumiel and Famiel. Even then, they're at 9 turns rather than 7. They're probably being conservative so they don't make cards as strong as those two again.


- got hera ur to drop from Hera rush, figured I didn't want to wait till next time it came around to evo shiva dragon.
- since I knew it dropped floor 1, I had a good run until I forgot to activate dmeta (as usual) and died to the pre-attack. (paid a stone for stupidity)
- other than that I have to wait for tues and red fruit, but went better than I thought it would.


Challenge Lv 10 no stone clear. Washed out first try with Athena Starburst. Second attempt went swimmingly. Flooded every floor with an orb change and sailed through.

Took more turns than you did but managed to use Shiva to complete C11 Lv10!

Guess 12 million dmg in 2 turns is not that hard for Shiva team.

The Kalis are the exception. I'm pretty sure anyone else that has a board change of four or more colors has a cooldown in the double digits outside of Lumiel and Famiel. Even then, they're at 9 turns rather than 7. They're probably being conservative so they don't make cards as strong as those two again.

Also Kali are GFE.
Also Kali are GFE.
This shouldn't be a factor. Gungho is generally pretty good about keeping analogous skills at the same CD. Just look at all the 2 and 3 color board changes. And as a counter argument, Gadius/Typhon actually have longer CDs than Lumiel/Famiel (which I also think is lame).
The Kalis are the exception. I'm pretty sure anyone else that has a board change of four or more colors has a cooldown in the double digits outside of Lumiel and Famiel. Even then, they're at 9 turns rather than 7. They're probably being conservative so they don't make cards as strong as those two again.
I can understand the idea that they see the Kalis skill as overpowered. But their skills are far more useful than Asmo's since DKali can be used to activate every color lead, and LKali only misses out on DKali and the 64x Ra condition.


Went 8/22 on my Ares. Managed to max skill him before max leveling. Also max leveled my Shiva Dragon and A. Horus.

I run Urd/A.Shiva/Hino/Chiyome/A.Ra/Urd for farming metals. Hino turn 1 and then a single fire match sweeps. Ra on the last floor to save some time, plus I'm usually out of fire orbs by that point. I can usually do 50+ runs in an hour depending on my focus and inventory space


Was looking at ultimate God rush for the upcoming Zeus challenge.

Plan on doing it with shiva/urd/Minerva/caocao/hino/friend shiva.

I have to replace my second urd for Minerva to meet hp thresholds for Jupiter genesis. But aside from that I intend to stall on Gaia, then burst on the rest pretty much. Shiva and hino will take care of fat metal if he spawns and I will try to keep urd up for her full board change in case of beelz spawning.


Pretty much it.

Just 1 tip:
Use an orb changer on Athena in that you want a full health team towards the floor of Zeus Dios. And you have two turns at Dios.

This team will most likely earn you an S-rank in a non-challenge God rush as well.


Pretty much it.

Just 1 tip:
Use an orb changer on Athena in that you want a full health team towards the floor of Zeus Dios. And you have two turns at Dios.

This team will most likely earn you an S-rank in a non-challenge God rush as well.

Sweet thanks for the tips.

The things I am worried for is the consistent amount of burst needed especially if Beelz spawns owing to the fact I only have one full board change. But we shall see how it goes.
So I took some time to more thoughtfully prune my box including a bunch of idle trophy monsters (sorry Hello Kitty), and welp...


Even after the culling was over and I had more than enough for Shiva Dragon, I was still hesitant. There isn't anything it would let me clear that I can't already clear with my existing teams. But at this stage, 90% of this game is farming and speed is the key. I have enough leftover MP for latents but I'm not even sure what latents I'd want on any of my monsters and with them eventually being farmable, I have some time to think about it.
BTW, I don't know if you guys already knew, but the colored jewels that appear in the rush dungeons aren't random. They rotate every 3hrs, so if you need a specific color, you can wait for your color's time slot to farm them. I was short 1 red jewel to uvo Shiva Dragon so I waited until noon to grab one from Hera Rush.

I found this handy spreadsheet online to determine rush jewel rotations. Today is the 10th day of the event.



BTW, I don't know if you guys already knew, but the colored jewels that appear in the rush dungeons aren't random. They rotate every 3hrs, so if you need a specific color, you can wait for your color's time slot to farm them. I was short 1 red jewel to uvo Shiva Dragon so I waited until noon to grab one from Hera Rush.

I found this handy spreadsheet online to determine rush jewel rotations. Today is the 10th day of the event.


- amazed (and thanks)


dairy product

Hello Kitty, nooooo! I'm only saving the two golds, rest is getting sold next round. I should cull more now for the box space, but my heart isn't ready yet.

I see my evil plan worked, heh. You shame me with your apt team names. Congrats, we're now BFs. (And then almost unfriended because dear lord why run Ronia as a slot!)

Absolutely would not blow MP on latents since they are eventually farmable at roughly jewel invade rate, which is way cheaper than MP cost. I'm pretty sure I'm going for resists only, everything else is rather poor outside very specific cases, ie RCV latents to boost leader skill heal on A.Amaterasu.

Already knew about jewel rotation. The sheet is great, but needs to be an app or whatjewelinvadeisitrightnow.com or something. I get a headache trying to figure it out every time.
Had to use a stone to beat challenge 10 with Bastet, but it's done. I basically traded a stone for a stone and a pii, so it was definitely worth it. That makes this my first completed set of challenge dungeons, not counting the descended challenges. Hopefully I can manage to do it without stoning in the future.
Had to use a stone to beat challenge 10 with Bastet, but it's done. I basically traded a stone for a stone and a pii, so it was definitely worth it. That makes this my first completed set of challenge dungeons, not counting the descended challenges. Hopefully I can manage to do it without stoning in the future.
Challenge 10 victory still eludes me but I don't think I care enough about a Bubpy to stone for it. Maybe when Dmeta gets her HP boost, I'll stand a better chance since most of my +eggs are on that team. Or maybe I'll pull a Ra or Liu Bei someday :lol
I see my evil plan worked, heh. You shame me with your apt team names. Congrats, we're now BFs. (And then almost unfriended because dear lord why run Ronia as a slot!
OH HO HO! Au contraire. It is YOU who took my bait! Now to put Shiva Dragon back on the bench! =P

Ronia is just there because some of my BFFs use her and she's hidden from non-BFFs. But now with Shiva Dragon I may need to displace her. So many hypermaxed farm leads between Shiva Dragon, Rodin, Goemon, Ronia. And of course Ra is still my strongest lead. Shiva Dragon and Rodin will probably be available 98% of the time while I shuffle between other leaders depending on what I'm farming.
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