Man that feeling when you know you screwed up and lost 50 stamina...and still pull through. Did Keeper of Gold Mythical....killed Keeper of Forest too quick because of skyfall and didnt heal enough. Thought i was done because of the upcominh preemtive...then he showed up...first time ever for me - so good lol.
btw. Man PaD is kinda boring outside of events - as you clear more and more stuff there isnt much to do outside of events.
Yeah Ares is the need to have a skill ready to take him out in one hit after clearing the hidden board otherwise you are in for a lot of pain xD
Okay having to max skill all of them is probably too much for me- but Meimei as unit herself is very good for Bastet so the team could work out if i dont need to trigger the active every round. I might try Vishnuu + 3 Meimei lol.
Thanks, guess i wont be pulling outside of Godfests - good to know.
Just watched the System video, for the Zuoh team it makes sense to have all of them maxskilled since he needs a all those orbs to activeate his 36x LS. I think with Bastet as a leader you could have a strong team without the need to have them all max skilled and being able to use Bastet actives if there are already enough green orbs on the board.
Oh you are right about U&Y never realized that this was supposed to be his "sub" Uevo because his leaderkill is kinda strong. Really looking forward to his update now....a HP and dmg boosts for water units would be sweet. Same for Kushi...lets see how she will compare to Osiris Uvo and A. Bastet.
Nice...whats your plan for Gran Sonia...just for fun or is she essential for your Kite team ? She has all those OE Awakenings but not sure what she is really used for.

btw. Man PaD is kinda boring outside of events - as you clear more and more stuff there isnt much to do outside of events.
I think I always die once on Ares before remembering how to clear Vulcan :lol.
I believe galas are 1.5x or 2x while godfests are 3x. There are also a lot more green stuff boosted compared to pantheons/exclusives.
The idea is to cycle the actives one after another due to the haste addition so you'll want them all skill maxed. Happy jewel/pii hunting!
Yeah Ares is the need to have a skill ready to take him out in one hit after clearing the hidden board otherwise you are in for a lot of pain xD
Okay having to max skill all of them is probably too much for me- but Meimei as unit herself is very good for Bastet so the team could work out if i dont need to trigger the active every round. I might try Vishnuu + 3 Meimei lol.
It's not worth it, Galas were about 1.5x boost to that element? Last I remember that is. I've seen people say upwards of 2.0x but that seems a bit high.
Systems need everyone to all be max skilled or you'll run out of haste to activate every turn. I know of using a Meimei system with Zuoh or maybe a Leilan system with Ilm.
U&Y will likely not get more awakenings for now. Their first split worked on their awakenings, along with Kushinada-Hime while keeping their leader skills the same. Now it's time for the other three to get better awakening skills while the other two get better leader skills.
Thanks, guess i wont be pulling outside of Godfests - good to know.
Just watched the System video, for the Zuoh team it makes sense to have all of them maxskilled since he needs a all those orbs to activeate his 36x LS. I think with Bastet as a leader you could have a strong team without the need to have them all max skilled and being able to use Bastet actives if there are already enough green orbs on the board.
Oh you are right about U&Y never realized that this was supposed to be his "sub" Uevo because his leaderkill is kinda strong. Really looking forward to his update now....a HP and dmg boosts for water units would be sweet. Same for Kushi...lets see how she will compare to Osiris Uvo and A. Bastet.
I never thought I'd be able to run Sonia Gran multiple times, but I tried it with my Kite team and I was able to clear it multiple times in a row. I'd been holding off on evo'ing my original Sonia Gran (level 50 one in the pic) until I could get more to get the awakenings for her. I picked up 10 of them today. Hopefully I can raise her level a bit once there is a another skill up event.
I used a lot of my light jewels skilling up the Indra I picked up in the last GF which is why I only have 4 now.
Nice...whats your plan for Gran Sonia...just for fun or is she essential for your Kite team ? She has all those OE Awakenings but not sure what she is really used for.