Cosmo Clock 21
Yes, it sucksDid JP stopped giving tamadras as gifts?
Yeah, mostly as a farming replacement for Athena. Nobody has stuck so far.Whats this operation all about? Trying to make light healers a thing again?
Yes, it sucksDid JP stopped giving tamadras as gifts?
Yeah, mostly as a farming replacement for Athena. Nobody has stuck so far.Whats this operation all about? Trying to make light healers a thing again?
Got 10 stones for my 100th day login. My boxes haven't changed much from the other day, I evolved a mermaid and that's it. Should I use the stones on the rare machine now?
Congrats !!
You probably wanna wait for the next Godfest with good featured units before pulling - we should get another end of the month.
Oh, nice. I can hold out for sure, heh. I'm still plugging away on the regular levels and at least making a little progress. Still nowhere near the level you guys discussed the last few days. Not for a long time.
Though, I did see that you can do ultimate evolutions whenever, and I had previously thought you needed to max their level first. Is there a benefit to doing it earlier or to waiting?
3x normals got me ~250 +eggs, all on natural stamina. Still undecided on who to use them on. The plan was Kagu, but I'm starting to think I should do DKali instead, just for her overall utility.
3x normals got me ~250 +eggs, all on natural stamina. Still undecided on who to use them on. The plan was Kagu, but I'm starting to think I should do DKali instead, just for her overall utility.
Well, at least she has one TPA. But yea, sometimes her active gives a board that is hard to deal with.
How many of your teams use or will use DKali ? I would max hypermax her asap if i had her though. Then again i might stop with hypermaxing and start increasing just the specific area were the unit needs it most.3x normals got me ~250 +eggs, all on natural stamina. Still undecided on who to use them on. The plan was Kagu, but I'm starting to think I should do DKali instead, just for her overall utility.
Seaway is much better - especially if you need two or tree of the Pirates and at weekends.Anyone have any experience farming pirates for skill ups, Legendary Seaway vs respective Pirate Dragon dungeons?
....How much Legend+ have you done, cause D.Kali is invaluable in the increasing number of instances where you need to both heal and go ham. I used to be mad that I rolled D.Kali and lusted after L.Kali but these days my opinion has pretty much flipped lol
Seaway is much better - especially if you need two or tree of the Pirates and at weekends.
Finished all of the challenge except for hera and the second and third. And those only because I am waiting for stamina. Took a few tries on devil rush because of bad board with urd on Beelz and my own errors. I am not sure how I can beat hera, my team doesn't have enough health for the preemptive unless I use kush but she is off color and I really value my orb changers.
I definitely have more teams that use Kagu, but they are mostly farming teams. I'm actually realizing that plussing him would really just be a luxury.
Kali, on the other hand, I actually use on higher difficulty content. I think I'm gonna go for it.
Cool, I guess it gets 1.5x drops on weekends? It actually provides pretty decent experience for my rank too, should be able to get a few runs a day.
With U&Y getting physical with his new super ult (is that the official name or a fan thing?) I took a look at physical enhancers... If DC is coming soon, I might try to get Aquaman out of the collab. As a bonus, he would replace my current planned Light sub (Siegfried). I don't know if the 5 or so rolls I could maybe come up with be enough though despite him being Silver though.
Anyone have any experience farming pirates for skill ups, Legendary Seaway vs respective Pirate Dragon dungeons?
Finished all of the challenge except for hera and the second and third. And those only because I am waiting for stamina. Took a few tries on devil rush because of bad board with urd on Beelz and my own errors. I am not sure how I can beat hera, my team doesn't have enough health for the preemptive unless I use kush but she is off color and I really value my orb changers.
I definitely have more teams that use Kagu, but they are mostly farming teams. I'm actually realizing that plussing him would really just be a luxury.
Kali, on the other hand, I actually use on higher difficulty content. I think I'm gonna go for it.
This was back when L.Kali was queen shit of the iron throne so yeah....
You probably get the most out of Hino. Then again, Minerva only needs two Flampy to be max skilled.
This was back when L.Kali was queen shit of the iron throne so yeah
Okay nothing for me with this update/changes but cool for our Shiva Dragon with Ares - should be plenty of fun xDNA card changes likely this week, KR already announced.
Ares split ult (yay!!)
Udon ult
Sonia/Avalon/Ilm max cool down reduction to 13 (Trifruits probably switching at start of next month, so this might be the last Thursday for a while to farm skill ups)
Awilda et al max cool down reduction to 5 (Still holding onto 10 dragons for this which was silly since they brought them back in coins again)
Dark Tron HP boost choo choo
Heroes minimum orb leader skill activation reduced to 4 orbs for 2x ATK
NA card changes likely this week, KR already announced.
Ares split ult (yay!!)
Udon ult
Sonia/Avalon/Ilm max cool down reduction to 13 (Trifruits probably switching at start of next month, so this might be the last Thursday for a while to farm skill ups)
Awilda et al max cool down reduction to 5 (Still holding onto 10 dragons for this which was silly since they brought them back in coins again)
Dark Tron HP boost choo choo
Heroes minimum orb leader skill activation reduced to 4 orbs for 2x ATK
^Some like to use Ceres,
But it seems like its doable with other green leads also.
Oh yeah I see why Awoken Ceres would be nice in this dungeon.
Quick clance to friend list and I dont see single Ceres leader :/. I propably try this dungeon in about 3h30min time from this post.
Kindly asking: If someone from my friendlist that reads this post has Awoken Ceres and could put it up in 3h time (I relog then). If not then I use Bestcatand fumble my fingers.
I have an Awoken Ceres I can put up. Fully awakened but only +1 and unskilled
Thank you, tossed fr. I have 80% skill bind resist so I guess that Ceres skill might be needed. Making my tries about 3h from this.
I did check friendlist and your Ceres is thereAdded. can you make sure you see her so I know I did it right
I always forget how that worked
I did check friendlist and your Ceres is there
Edit: 2 Tries, couldnt clear. First try with Ceres ended to Michael, second try ended to Raphael. Some mistakes were made on the road but nothing major. On first try I was sure I made alot more than 600k (yeah and they I understood that it has to be one unit that does it) damage to Michael but seems that I didnt cause it only took about third of his HP and then I died. Some day later on the road I try this again.
Well I finally managed to hyper the Ra on my iPad. I haven't been focusing on it too intently, but I'm glad I got him finished. My next target is Shiva. I'm still trying to get a Phoenix for him though. I've been playing the Red sky dragon dungeon a lot. Tried out Vulcan a few times in the challenge dungeons. Tried more times in the Zhou Yu one and still nothing...
Hmm...did you give it a shot with Bastet or Verdandi friends ? Bringing Echidna along can also be helpful for that stage if she is skilled up enough to be ready during Michael or Gabriel. You probably can clear the stage with the units you have.....just need to get used to the stage, also there are a bunch of other easier Desc you might wanna clear first.
I run Sandalphon with Verdandi/Bastet. Your team is pretty similar.Question: Would friend A.Bastet (hypermaxed) and this team be enough to beat Sandalphon Dungeon?
Or should I try some other friend leader and is the key to get Sandalphon near 50% and then kill it in one turn?
That would be great... And make Odin Dragon an even bigger ripoff lol.Random thought, but I wish Grodin had bind clear in his active skill. I would actually use him, rather than let him collect dust.
How did you manage to get past UmiYama with such a green heavy team?I hate wadatsumi. Worst descend by far.
Tried it with a verd team and stalling is fine, but missed the last combo needed got 7 needed probably 8 and left him with 5% health.
May try with a durga team.
Stalling the 10 turns on U&Y actually is quite easy if you bring along Echidna and a emergency heartmaker.How did you manage to get past UmiYama with such a green heavy team?
How did you manage to get past UmiYama with such a green heavy team?