Well I hate farming trifruits so at least that's 1 less skill up for my new Ronia.
lol?Ronia max skill dropping to 12
So he is a Uvo of a Uvo like Karin and the Valks? Very nice... So he will probably keep his Awakenings and in addition to the improved leader skill.U&Y super UVO - Added x1.5 ATK multiplier to God after use a Skill
Yeah... I didn't recognize him at first.Wow. That izanagi art is lookin' good
AEgir Descended pretty easy, beat it first try no sweat.
I think that is a common thing now. They are making those descends a little easier so that people can awaken their Gods.
Harder dungeons are for rushes and high level challenges.
Kirin seems to get 2 turn haste on her active. Enough to bring her back?
Pretty sure that was a bind heal 2 not haste
So is Noah super giant now or are those tiny boats?
Not excited for anything announced. Some neat art.
Dat Fagan required for Awoken Sakuya
Yeah awoken Norse are a let down. 2x for element is weak and at 12 turns max is too high for that. I think that uevo tamadrapurin is better than awoken Thor.
Stuff like this kinda makes me hate this game... Working on upgrade after upgrade for Karin while a unit like GZL can't even get a simple Uevo. Also ghe Awoken Norse units all suck. I don't have any of them so it's not an issue for me but you would think they would need an upgrade more than Kirin.Kirin is gonna get buffed. Japanese naggers have won this round.
Also hope they buff Yomi dragon, I want at least one MP dragon and I already have Shiva on JP...
- Gimmick Hera clear in Normal Dungeons
- Gimmick Gift of the Lifetime clear (Dark Jewel)
- Brute Force Gift of the Lifetime clear (Dark Jewel)
- Todays Descend clear
So is it then first official clear, or is Hera counted as Descended nowadays?
I have thinked Athena few times, seem to be really good unit too. Any ideas where / when is her dungeon next time? Padx shows that there are multiple dungeons where Athena drops, but what should I look for them?
^^ One would think that its not so hard to boost other units. What bad would it do to give some uevos / awokens to other units? Would it be better and easier for GungHo to milk players if there are other great units besides those that get buffs after buffs.
Do they want that everyone tries to target Kirin or something else?
Edit: King Carnival today \o/
Guys, I wanna do Evo Materials Unite! tomorrow for the first time but I don't know if I can survive to get anything. Anyone got any tips I could use?
Any help would be appreciated.
I did have very different setup when I did that dungeon first time. Its not guaranteed win, but if you have friend that has or could put "Shining Lance Wielder, Odin" up.Check this padx link what kind of unit Grodin is.
^^ Atleast it should be (is there enough hp?) the key to win Rainbow keeper stage (5th floor). It will take time to grind, so be prepared to it.
Also you have Ogre -> Pad.wikia Resolve Team. Dunno if it works here.
Thanks for the tips. I gotta find someone with a Shining Lance Wielder, Odin. Give it a try with that. If not, try the Resolve Team.
There's so much to this game. So overwhelming, haha.
Thanks for the tips. I gotta find someone with a Shining Lance Wielder, Odin. Give it a try with that. If not, try the Resolve Team.
There's so much to this game. So overwhelming, haha.
No problems, Iam newbie myself in PADworld too. Just remember, that Grodin leader skill to work, you must have full hp. If you want you can add me: 347,976,340 as friend. I dont have Grodin tho :/.
If you are playing the U.S. version I can put up an Odin for you. Just post your ID and let me know when you need it.