Shift Ronia left next to Kagutsuchi. Team order matters when facing color absorb. Drop A.Ra for almost any other red card, maybe a short countdown orb change like Minerva. A Shiva active or Kagu with TPAs is more than enough against fat metal. Use Cao Cao against Joan if you aren't confident you can take her down. You can stall and try to get her to make a bunch of red for you, but there's skyfall danger. Using Ronia or Kagu against Zaerog as final burst is very dangerous if he absorbs dark. I like Minerva to reduce the chance he gets to absorb. Otherwise a delay like Echidna would work to give you extra chances to finish him.
I forgot to mention, but Yamato is also a good choice. If you really want to use Ronia, he combos with her for a red/heart board that can kill Zaerog as long as there's no dark skyfall matches. I used to do that a lot in JP before I built up A.Leilan. Usually I would do a light combo first and take his 99% gravity hit. Then the red/heart board with Shiva enhance. If I got a bad setup or dark skyfall, I would have healed up for his 19k bind attack and could try again to finish him off before Black Disaster oneshot my team.
Present egg resets today later on. Anyone want to exchange?
Congrats on the clear !!Well I tried out Zeus and Hera for the first time since it's in the new Descend Challenge and...
Cleared it my first try. Thank you for the flampy. (also cleared Deus Ex again for the bubpy)
There are so many to try in the new one. At least I have a chance of getting quite a few latent awakenings.
I just wish that they didn't put the Noel reward for clearing the low cost Tengu descend. Maybe I should devolve my Bronze Saint, Ikki as he is a fire card and gives me 4x attack at max HP and he has a cost of 12.
Hermit if you haven't exchanged yet, i'll trade you
Evo Rush is a scam. Just do Scarlet Stone Dragon in techs. Not a guaranteed drop on non-Mondays but still better rates than Evo Rush.I'm down to trade with someone after the reset
11 runs of together at last evo rush and not one keeper of flame how is this possible. It's the only one I need so of course I don't get it.
Evo Rush is a scam. Just do Scarlet Stone Dragon in techs. Not a guaranteed drop on non-Mondays but still better rates than Evo Rush.
Thanks got the 2 I needed on my first 2 runs.
Time to decide who to sub out for cao cao on my Shiva team.
Ronia or Phoenix Rider, Ronia is the obvious choice right?
Yeah that's who I would cut. What is your team? Do you have board changers already?
Current sub's are
hino/ronia/phoenix rider/chiyome
So I'll be without a full board changer
I did the thing. My first hypermax! Who next is the question. It's between Liu Bei, Vishnu, and Verdandi.
Oh, and would anyone like to swap present eggs as well?[img][/QUOTE]
I would go with vishnu. With the 3 tpa the damage will outclass everyone else.
Verd is a decent option as well if you want to use her as a farming lead.
I probably won't farm for latents anymore besides maybe the resist ones, unless it also happens to be 10x descend +eggs. Has JPN ever combined the 2?
Anyway, I badly need 10x MP sell rates. Have a few hundred descend drops cluttering my box now.
I really need to work on my JP teams. I still have yet to compete a descend and that's just not acceptable. I keep seeing challenge rewards pass me by because I haven't put enough into the stuff. Where to all the JP players here find JP friends? Part of my big problem is my JP friends list sucks.
This is a long shot, but does anyone have an un-evo'd max level Green Arrow from the collab I could use for Tengu?Alternatively an unevolved Delgado.
I would go with vishnu. With the 3 tpa the damage will outclass everyone else.
Verd is a decent option as well if you want to use her as a farming lead.
I can put up my Delgado on Tengu day, I just need to level him up.
I think I will be doing Verdandi next, in celebration of her new Uevo. Since she works as a leader and a sub I figure that would be best.
Thanks for the info. Ugh at low possibility of 10x MP anytime soon. Will probably just have to start selling/feeding some off as space is needed.Normal event invades have only been combined with 5x descend rates so far. Those are nowhere near as good as 10x, but decent enough for farming something else.
I do believe that 10x has been active when color resist invades appeared in 5x4 versions of descends in coin dungeons. Definitely worth farming those if you have a team to handle them. Of course, NA is so ridiculously far behind on coin dungeon changes that there's no telling how far out those could be.
10x MP sell rate has happened just once in JP. I'm not very hopeful that it will appear soon or at all in NA.
You on my friends list? I use Verdandi and A Parvati. Saving stones for Bastet again.
I did the thing. My first hypermax! Who next is the question. It's between Liu Bei, Vishnu, and Verdandi.
Oh, and would anyone like to swap present eggs as well?
This is a long shot, but does anyone have an un-evo'd max level Green Arrow from the collab I could use for Tengu? I'm looking to try using this team for Master difficulty at least. Alternatively an unevolved Delgado.
With upcoming 3x normals, I think I'm going to try and fully attack plus my Orochi. An extra 500 attack is going to go a loooong way on quad TPA.
Well I switch between her and Trunks depending on what I need. LMeta gives me a nice RCV boost as well as bind protection with her skill and an emergency almost 7k heal when I need it. Helped me out when I didn't get any heart drops and needed to survive the preemptive attack on stage 2 during Sonia Gran. (First stage boss hit me with 99% attack.)Congrats on the clear !!
Thats a fine team...i think its the first time you used LMeta on your Kite squad.
Oh they start putting low cost dungeons in Desc, Challenges ? Urgh....
Yeah some of these low cost dungeons are the worst - but seeing that Challenges will include them in the future i should better come up with some team that can handle at least a couple of them.Well it's the first time there has been a low cost dungeon in the Desc. Challenge I believe. This one has so many in it though, which is probably why they had to dig further than before to fill out the list. I just wish that the reward was something different for that one as I'd really like the Noel, but I don't want to do that dungeon.
In addition to the site Cosmo gave, there's the JP section in PadGuide,, and really need to work on my JP teams. I still have yet to complete a descend and that's just not acceptable. I keep seeing challenge rewards pass me by because I haven't put enough into my stuff. Where do all the JP players here find JP friends? Part of my big problem is my JP friends list sucks.
In my first skill up, I went 2/2 on l.meta skills. It's nice!
Who wants to present swap?
I think this is my first 1* unit that I cant evolve and I will favourite it that I wont accidentally sell / merge it.
To use Flampy or not. Maybe at somepoint when I use unit that leader skill activates from skill use.
Also ready to trade presents - anyone interested ?
94 fire damage on all enemies ...that active is quite powerful - dont sell him short l xD
94 fire damage on all enemies ...that active is quite powerful - dont sell him short l xD
Alright incoming !!I'll trade, Static@GAF. achievement i guess xDWhat if I have 2 of them?
Changed presents with one player and both were Tyrra-beans.
We are already friends! Zipgaf@pf
Present sent
Alright incoming !! achievement i guess xD
Alright incoming !! achievement i guess xD
Thanks - i got a brachys and a green snow globe.I sent mine. I got a dark snow globe and a Tyrra bean.
Well maybe its better than getting one of those Lil dragons. Ofc we all want Snow Globes but blah.
Should be 50%. You either get coins or the drop. Yes this is the best spot. You save lots of mets from evolving the first form.Ultimate Dragon Rush is active right now....since is still need 3 versions of the boss to evolve Z8 at some point. Whats the drop rate like at the final stage ? I know its not 100%...but more like 50% or 10% ? Or better said, just stamina this the best spot to get Zaerog drops?
Thanks - i got a brachys and a green snow globe.
Green Gods still on my side (lol).
Heh true...actually this is the first time i got a Snowglobe from the present feature - probably the reason why i never really cared about it before.
Me me me.Any one want to exchange gifts? Kwhit@gaf 344,231,384