Cosmo Clock 21
Today I learned I pulled an Evil Knight Creuse at some point in time in the past.
When is Descended Carnival going to come to US?
It will be the only way I will get a Tengu.... the regular stage is too hard.
I need Tengu for Ultimate Evo...
I hit 1000 days today and have never pulled a Kali (or Ltron). I only have 215k mp and can't spend it all on H Kali. I'll just hope to pull a L Kali eventually.
Welcome!Hiyo, first time on PADGAF, and I have a question. What are the best subs for Awoken Ra at the moment? I finally maxed him out and I'm starting to build a team for him. It seems like H. Kali (mmmmmm :3) and L. Kali are good fits for him, but I'm not sure who else I'd add. I usually run a brain dead easy multi-TPA Green Attacker team so I'm really trying to broaden my horizons here. I also have an Awoken Ra best friend so that helps a lot. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hiyo, first time on PADGAF, and I have a question. What are the best subs for Awoken Ra at the moment? I finally maxed him out and I'm starting to build a team for him. It seems like H. Kali (mmmmmm :3) and L. Kali are good fits for him, but I'm not sure who else I'd add. I usually run a brain dead easy multi-TPA Green Attacker team so I'm really trying to broaden my horizons here. I also have an Awoken Ra best friend so that helps a lot. Any help would be much appreciated.
You're looking at D.Kali and A.Isis along with L.Kali to fill the team.
Dark Kali, Awoken Isis along with the rest of the slots going to light kali or any other utility sub you need for the dungeon. Dark kali along with A.Isis makes it so you can always activate Ra since all the colors will be covered by unbindable awakening cards. If you lack a dark kali, anything dark like: Tsukuyomi, Hkali and dark Izanami can easily fill that slot.
Time to level & evo Phoenix & Theurgia. Awoken Shiva here I come.
Yeah, I'm glad to have him done!Good to see you Levi Hypermaxed.
Wondering when we will get the 10x Decs Events - seems like they are even better than 3x Normals/Star Vault. Which team did you use to farm Hera-Sowilo ? I think i could use my Verdandi team with a little modifcation to get through the stage fast....esp. once she gets her Uevo.
The hardest part you've already conquered and that is pulling Isis and especially D.Kali so feel good about that bit.Dark Kali I'll need to level up and such. Awoken Isis... guess I'd better look into getting Cleopatra and Medjedra then. I have a spare Sphinx but I think I used my Medjedra on Bastet. Thanks guys. :3
My only weakness in my Ra team is that I don't have an unbindable blue card.
That and the lack of +eggs and skills
Solid B/B+ card. Well-rounded stats, staple active skill, good leader skill, relevant awakenings. What keeps him from an A rating is the not-endgame viable leader skill and lack of awakenings, but that's probably not even useful for you at the moment.Yolo rolled Halloween REM since I decided I'm just going to IAP when players choice comes around. Got a vampire lord. anyone know if it's good?
Finally beat Two Heroes and was rewarded with a Berserk drop.
He is going to begrudgingly replace Lovely Maiden, Princess Valkyrie on my Physical Blonia team. When I finally get to his ult evo, which of the two is considered the better of them? B/L or B/R.
And randomly A.Yomi, A.Ama, and ult Artemis are up now.
Finally beat Two Heroes and was rewarded with a Berserk drop.
He is going to begrudgingly replace Lovely Maiden, Princess Valkyrie on my Physical Blonia team. When I finally get to his ult evo, which of the two is considered the better of them? B/L or B/R.
And randomly A.Yomi, A.Ama, and ult Artemis are up now.
Let's go!
Welp. I guess that's one way to get me to waste all the stamina I had to get all the keepers I needed for that Tengu.
Once emeralds come tomorrow morning I'll have the XP to evolve Tengu and evolve Awoken Yomi!
I need a Kaguyahime tomorrow, is there an easy method for beating her dungeon?
Come, descended carnival. I want my (relatively) easy Tengu
We are way overdue for it.Yeah. I am in dire need for it as well. hopefully it comes next event, but I am not holding out hope. When did it come out in jp?
Oh trust me i had my share of subpar rolls the last couple months xDyour luck is absolutely insane.
Sweet !!!And randomly A.Yomi, A.Ama, and ult Artemis are up now.
Let's go!
June iirc - so yeah they really took their time with this one.Yeah. I am in dire need for it as well. hopefully it comes next event, but I am not holding out hope. When did it come out in jp?
Yeah, I'm glad to have him done!
I've basically been using my Kite team to farm it. The only time I might have to delay a bit is on Venus with her Dark absorb. If I avoid dark orbs, I can usually take her out in 1 or 2 turns. I can usually go through the dungeon pretty quickly besides that. Most floors are just 1 turn.
Been doing okay farming for plus eggs for LKali #2. Still need a lot more ATK eggs. I'm at HP 99, RCV 99 and ATK 51... -_-
Decided to use all of my MP (selling some stuff as well) and bought my first MP shop character... D.LKali! Now I need to skill/level her up and start giving her plus eggs. (can already start with my excess HP/RCV ones) Going to have to alter my Ra team to fit her in though.
Once I get her up then I'll start trying out Ra/LKali/LKali/D.LKali/ and probably A.Isis for the bind clear and to cover blue/green. SQ would also work, but he doesn't help with binds. Neither of them have plus eggs.
Yeah. I am in dire need for it as well. hopefully it comes next event, but I am not holding out hope. When did it come out in jp?
Stupid idea, may totally do it. What if I blew 300k mp just to swag out my Asmo-Deus team's light sub element?
Asmodeus is good, and strong, and my friend.
Zeus-Dios took 3 tries to get it. Now I have all the mats for Awoken Ceres. Sadly Iam missing Ceres. These evomaterial gods take so much my inventory space. Selling them aint the solution either.
And randomly A.Yomi, A.Ama, and ult Artemis are up now.
Let's go!
You farmed all the evo materials for a god that you dont have?![]()
You farmed all the evo materials for a god that you dont have?![]()
^^ Basically this.I have them too, just incidentally. I dont really want to sell them just in case. What a curse.
And randomly A.Yomi, A.Ama, and ult Artemis are up now.
Let's go!
No I havent farmed them for that reason. Iam doing Descends to clear them for the first time and well to clear some of these challenges. At the same time Iam getting these Gods that are evomaterials for different rem units.
Cause I didnt know what kind of unit Zeus-Dios I went to look it from padx and notice ah its fodder for A.Ceres thus I also happen to have Hera-Beorc and all the other evomats too.
I dont want to sell these units, cause its not my plan to rerun decends that I have cleared unless I need a drop from those dungeons or they are part of Challenges.
^^ Basically this.
I knew I should have farmed more Keepers of Rainbow yesterday. Sorry Yomi, you'll have to wait.
As for Amaterasu, what's the best choice for a friend leader with her? Double A Ama is some pretty ridiculous RCV, but I would imagine some sort of HP booster would be better?
That feeling when your alarm goes off while you're trying to combo after using LKali.
Stupid idea, may totally do it. What if I blew 300k mp just to swag out my Asmo-Deus team's light sub element?