Hera Rush completed on my NA account with a poverty option for mitigating the pre-emptive. Wish the account had the REM luck my JP account has had.
Blue Sprite on 2x is probably the most time and stamina effective. Wood Carnival is great if you also need the other skill ups.Best place to farm Winron.
Wood Carnival or blue sprite?
Wow, one shot gives a stone per floor, awesome!
Yolo rolled a Horus. Fat Chocobo + A. Isis gives me all colours already for A. Horus, probably through A. Orochi on there but idk what other subs to use. All of my fire subs work actively against Horus boards (Urd, Yamato, Uriel, Hino). Not sure its worth running him without Kalis.
Blue Sprite on 2x is probably the most time and stamina effective. Wood Carnival is great if you also need the other skill ups.
Otherwise you can also get skill-ups Mondays on the Wind Dragon Knight technical stage.
Best place to farm Winron.
Wood Carnival or blue sprite?
What teams are people running for floor 8? No dupes tends to break shiva, Ra might work with L.Kali , but it's not as powerful. Don't think bestcat can do it paired with another monster.
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
What teams are people running for floor 8? No dupes tends to break shiva, Ra might work with L.Kali , but it's not as powerful. Don't think bestcat can do it paired with another monster.
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
What teams are people running for floor 8? No dupes tends to break shiva, Ra might work with L.Kali , but it's not as powerful. Don't think bestcat can do it paired with another monster.
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Haha, yeah! Also felt a little pressure to not let RaDra rotate out and not be able to run the arena. Yeah lack of SBR is the biggest issue, but 80% is a high success rate plus the RCV multiplier can let me stall a successful bind, too. Wouldn't have bought RaDra without at least 1 DKali. RaDra just seems too good to pass up due to missing an extra DKali. Considered buying Courage instead to make that Awilda cheese team but had flashbacks of Luci tank teams and don't want to run that style of team on any regular basis.Haha, like how you went from being unsure about spending all MP for ShivDra to "Whoops, I bought Ra Dragon!"
Here's an excellent resource on RaDra latents setups:
Biggest issue I see with Fat Chocobo is the lack of skill bind resist, but I suppose it's manageable, especially if you're willing to eat a loss now and again.
Have pity for us DKali-less peasants. I would totally go in on the RaDra hype, but I'm not spending thousands more on the REM hoping to pull that one vital piece.
Thinking about going YomiDra as my eventual arena team since I have almost all the good subs maxed out, but curious what they'll spring on us for Christmas.
Nice - get those SnowglobesI just cleared Hera rush for the first time with Bastet. I was forced to use Verdandi on Hera Is because I messed up, but I stalled on Sowilo to get her back up. I made a 7 combo with 3 wood two prongs and 1 wood combo and Liu Bei hit for 2.6 million and cracked Extreme Metal King's defense. Feels good.
Had around 14k hp left on 3rd turn.
Fuck you GungHo, yeah dont go blindly to dungeon.
Had around 14k hp left on 3rd turn.
This happened to me as well -.-
Didnt look at the description because i thought lvl5 wont be an issue for Bastet...well shit.
In general it feels like Green teams are getting cockblocked in many of the latest challenges or Legend + ala Nordis/Scarlet. We are now paying the price for Liu Bei and Vishnu triple Dongs lol.
How is A Lakshmi going so far ?
Fuck you GungHo, yeah dont go blindly to dungeon.
Had around 14k hp left on 3rd turn.
Wondering how Final Fantasy Collab Collab on 2x + egg compares to 3x normals like KotG - anyone tried the FF stages yet ?
Fuck you GungHo, yeah dont go blindly to dungeon.
Had around 14k hp left on 3rd turn.
Well there are always the Endless 0 stamina dungeon to measure the teams performance.... she plays a bit different from your usual leader. Going from Verdandi to Parvati was a bit troublesome for me lol.Tbh. I havent tested it yet. No stones and no exp to level other units. Maybe I should do a testdrive in challenge dungeon with that _not_so_ready_ water team. Actually I will do that while I wait for sta to regen.
I've only been running the baby versions, but everyone except Kefka drops regularly. But they're not eggs with a + on them, so far. Does that chance increase on the harder levels too?
Wait...people use Gadius with Bei ? Dont you need hearts for his leader skill ?Gadius leading 4 liu beis is fucking crazy
Like, no thinking required
Too bad orb change options are so limited
And no defense from any Binds
Thought I'd give it a try after seeing the suggestion on padx lolWait...people use Gadius with Bei ? Dont you need hearts for his leader skill ?
Heh okay...never seen that setup before...but its always fun to play around with weird combinations.Thought I'd give it a try after seeing the suggestion on padx lol
Absolutely devastating when it worked
Liu bei's active was completely useless though, as you'd imagine
Fun but not a good setup
even after verdandi replaced one of the slot
Wondering how Final Fantasy Collab Collab on 2x + egg compares to 3x normals like KotG - anyone tried the FF stages yet ?
Also i just realized that i havent spend a single Fire Pi since i have played this game...most options were just lackluster so it didnt seem worth using Piis on them. Im thinking of starting/working on Goemon farming team - having Rodin and not using him for anything feels kinda wrong. I would use the Pii i have to max skill Goemon.
is what i had in mind...worth it razterik ? I know you run Goemon as well...or at least you did before ShivDra.
Lucky you - one of the best Halloween pulls.I found Masquerade Guest, Izanami in my box the other day. Must've forgotten about it during the Halloween event. She seems pretty decent, 4x attack for god and balanced types, but recovery is halved. Might roll with her for the next little while.
Going to guess that the weapon skill up drops nullify any real plus egg gain 2x brings to FF collab. It's nice if you pulled the collab REM, but probably not very useful otherwise.
If your Goemon team is aimed at farming King of the Gods, then that's an excellent setup. For some harder content, you're short a couple skill boosts to get Goemon up first floor. Subbing an extra Goemon isn't something I would usually suggest outside specific farming builds, so feel free to replace him.
While still an excellent choice for farming 3x normals, Goemon has declined greatly in general usage after Shiva Dragon arrived. He's just far less flexible when tackling anything beyond medium difficultly content. That isn't to say he's useless. In fact, I recommend anyone who is serious about farming plus eggs have at least one max skill Goemon on hand because there's nothing yet that compares to his active's ability to clear trash with the 200k nuke and follow that with a floor kill from the red board.
With 10x Descends in mind, having two Goemon is almost essential for button push farming of Zeus/Goemon/Valyrie, especially if you lack multiple Rodins. This is what the team I posted on the last page is built for. By being able to sub one or both Goemon, I can pair with whatever lead I need to fill in for holes in my own team. Some builds need a decent amount of plus eggs, though. If you're only running 10x descends normally, this is far from necessary, although Goemon still makes it easier to cheese through some dungeons to save time and effort.
Awoken Astaroth please! Since the archdemons already have two row awakenings it would be a natural fit. Hopefully they do more with their actives than they did with Anubis...With Michaels and Artemis Uevos and GungHo trying to bring back Green Rows i wonder why they didnt just make the green MP dragon like ShivDra or NeptuneDra...these subs need a Top Tier leader.
Awoken Astaroth please! Since the archdemons already have two row awakenings it would be a natural fit. Hopefully they do more with their actives than they did with Anubis...
Still need to do Snowvalley and Skyway. Just too much of a stamina sink that I keep on delaying it lol
Also how many of you are going to be running A. Sakuya?
Still need to do Snowvalley and Skyway. Just too much of a stamina sink that I keep on delaying it lol
Also how many of you are going to be running A. Sakuya?
Tbh. I havent tested it yet. No stones and no exp to level other units. Maybe I should do a testdrive in challenge dungeon with that _not_so_ready_ water team. Actually I will do that while I wait for sta to regen.
Yeah, whats good to have skill bind resist at all when the enemy uses other ways to bind. Sadly my Wee Jas is at level 6.
-> I think I will add Snow White to my green team and use its skill in last floor.
That reminds me. Anyone know if Japan implemented the no-dupe rule change to allow dupe leaders? Wondering when we'll get it.Lv8 one shot dungeon
No dupes AND twinlits round1?
End of the road for me
It seems like they have. I just ran the newest Ranking dungeon on both of my accounts and I was able to use the same leader on both. It's a no dupe Ranking dungeon.That reminds me. Anyone know if Japan implemented the no-dupe rule change to allow dupe leaders? Wondering when we'll get it.
I don't think it's that. You just need to add in the necessary subs as needed. For binds like that, G Wee Jas makes a good sub as he can bind heal. A.Ceres as well with her 3 turn bind clear and now A.Amaterasu with her 4 turn bind heal. All of them are bind resistant as well.This happened to me as well -.-
Didnt look at the description because i thought lvl5 wont be an issue for Bastet...well shit.
In general it feels like Green teams are getting cockblocked in many of the latest challenges or Legend + ala Nordis/Scarlet. We are now paying the price for Liu Bei and Vishnu triple Dongs lol.
I will def. give Sakuya a shot. Ra just wasnt for me, but i think i could get sued to A.Sakuya.
I'll be max skilling with the piis I have, if I like her enough I'll invest 200+ eggs I have saved. (may do that regardless for the potential pal points)
Thank youRixa, your a freaking genius! Never thought of using snow white as a healer in my verdandi team!!!
Pulled her also not to long ago, just like you, if I remember correctly.
I don't think it's that. You just need to add in the necessary subs as needed. For binds like that, G Wee Jas makes a good sub as he can bind heal. A.Ceres as well with her 3 turn bind clear and now A.Amaterasu with her 4 turn bind heal. All of them are bind resistant as well.
In my situation the damage output is lower compared to my Bastet team for a lot more effort.I know he is good and i have a solid team for him...but having to match all 5 colors just to kill scrub enemies and getting orbtrolled from time to time kinda sucks.I'm curious about what you didn't like about Awoken Ra. I think he's incredible, I just lack the Kalis to make a top notch team. I use him for no rcv dungeons and the power is impressive.
Def. are worse things you could spend +eggs on - thanks to her Awakenings/Anti-Bind she can be a useful subs as well on other teams.I'll be max skilling with the piis I have, if I like her enough I'll invest 200+ eggs I have saved. (may do that regardless for the potential pal points)
Congrats - have you played around with Buffed up DMeta yet ? Is that a team you are interested in ?Well I've done okay on skillups so far. I was able to max skill my DMeta (iPad) with only five of those skill up monsters. I needed 2 levels. Max skilled Perseus as well. Close to max skilling Michael as well.
On my iPhone, I got Tsubaki up to level 5 with only 12 Red Fruit. I'll try and finish her off next Thursday.
Yeah having the right sub selection is always key for rougher Desc. Cant wait for FotN Collab to come back so i can max skill Wee Jas - still no Ceres here.I don't think it's that. You just need to add in the necessary subs as needed. For binds like that, G Wee Jas makes a good sub as he can bind heal. A.Ceres as well with her 3 turn bind clear and now A.Amaterasu with her 4 turn bind heal. All of them are bind resistant as well.
My Kite team was hit by the dark bind on Nordis, which is why I took along LMeta to clear that out and take down Nordis.
I enjoy using Ra and he isn't that different from the normal 4 color required teams that I use. 5 color isn't that difficult once you get used to it and 100x is very powerful.
You can also control your damage somewhat by attacking with 25x when needed or using a skill for 100x.
How are your guys' planned teams looking like though? HP seems to be a lacking factor for the teams I have planned.
Wee Jas is good - just on tougher stages you sometimes cant stall long enough for his initial Cool Down - especially since he doesnt have any +Skill Awakenings on him. Once the FotN Collabo comes back and we can max skill him he will be way more useful.One more unit that needs exp. I managed to pull Wee Jas from last God Fest so he is my next unit for wood exp to pour. As long as I dont have him evoed & awoken, going to use Snow White. Also made yolo pull and got light version Wee Jas, good stuff.