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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls

During my short ban I happened to roll like... the best stuff ever. I think I must have gotten 20 gold eggs in a row.

I have U&Y, Hathor, Izanagi, Dark Kali, a second Light Kali. My Awoken Ra team is perfect now.


I really don't like these Rogue dungeons. I beat Zaerog8 with Awoken Bastet last time but it wasn't fun. You can't quickly farm it, you have to plan out big combos and think too much. I have no desire to run it enough to max skill Zaerog.

Well with the skills bind resist latent it will be trivial essentially.

Then you can just burn skills to wipe his defense. Or use Ra on him.


Krishna worked like a charm for one-shot 8.

Did one-shot 9 with my usual Shiva team, didn't even need to change anything. I got lucky to not get Beyzul though, I took a chance. If he'd shown up I'm pretty sure I'd have had no chance.


So... If got a few first world problem questions... :D
Shiva Dragon Team: I have Yamato, Urd, Ares, Guan Yu on the Team. Got a RValk, should I switch Guan Yu? He is maxskilled... and its only 1 CD more than RValk.
Zaerog: 2 more Skillups and he is maxskilled, so i can look into using him... My problem with him is, I only have 1 Haku and 1 satsuki. Should i sub a Pandora or a hypermax Hanzo?


Well I finally finished off my D.LKali (I was missing a lot of ATK plus eggs.) Yay!


So I tried her out Legendary Snowy Valley with this team DLKali/LKali/LKali/Indra (for the boss)/LMeta. Everybody is hyper except for Indra who has no plus eggs, he's only max skilled. I plan to use my Ra in place of Indra regularly. It was my first try at Legendary Snowy Valley.

On one of the floors, I was able to easily tank a 30k hit. I think he did 12k plus orb change, 12k change, 12k change, 30k, repeat. Very easy to heal back up after.

That resolve is a pain. He has resolve until 30% HP. When you cross 30%, he hits you with a 22k attack and changes the board to water/hearts/jammers and the jammers are locked. I tried one of my Kalis, but there were too many locked jammers on the board to get all of the colors. I had to tank his next 111k attack (using Indra and two of my Kalis have all dark damage reduction latent awakenings.)
After that I used another Kali and took him down.

Now all I have left to clear is Ultimate Arena, which I haven't tried yet.

25x isn't a super high multiplier (heh), but with TPAs you can get quite a bit of damage in. The HP boost and RCV (1.3x or 1.69x with a friend) are very helpful though. My team already has high RCV. My team would normally have over 5500 RCV and with the boost that goes up to over 9300.(over 9000!) Excellent!
100% SBR, 3 turn bind recovery every 5 turns with LMeta (and a row bind recovery) along with 4 board changers at 7 turns each (including friend.) The only thing I can't make is hearts although LMeta gives me a 7k heal with her skill.

I just need more DLKali friends.

I also picked up more Dark Resist latent tamas running Izanami. I have 5 extra, just need to decide who to give them to. I'd like to give my LKali #2 a rainbow resist.


Well I finally finished off my D.LKali (I was missing a lot of ATK plus eggs.) Yay!

Wow & Gratz.

My achievement pales in comparison. Now to check (reddit guide) what subs would be good...

Got some luck with Baby Tamas, fed 5 and got 4 Awokens.
Now I have 6 Tamas left, waiting for Verdandi Uevo.

Edit: Plan would be something like this when units uevod., tho Lu Bu aint perfect company but its my only REM D/R unit.


I think I finally found a team that will allow me to farm Z8 consistently. This has been the strangest dungeon for me in terms of success, I zero stoned it the first time I ever went in and then have proceeded to wipe about 8 times since.

Here's the team, hope it helps some.

2x Awoken Horus, Light Meta, Sun Quan, L. Kali, D. Kali.

I know it's a pretty high cost team and those cards aren't all that common. However, each card has purpose behind them and can be replaced for other alternatives.

I like dual Horus more than Ra since he's easier to activate. With 10 floors it's very easy to get trolled with Ra and be left with nothing. On most of the floors Ra's active would be overkill.

Sun Quan I brought for the delay, if you get in trouble on the Zaerog floor or Z8's first form you can use the delay to buy yourself breathing room.

L. Meta was brought for round 10 and his turn 2 bind.

I may play around with an Urd/Shiva Dragon team once I level up my Red Riding hood and see if it is any easier/works.

What is everyone else using to clear? Need to max him.

I take back everything I said about this team and dungeon. F this dungeon so hard. So much random crap.
In my microscopic sample size of 6 runs, it wasn't too bad. Lost twice before Zaerog due to messing up my prongs/combos. I can see how awful floor 9 could be if I had < 3 light orbs. But considering all the belly aching about this dungeon, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Adding Yomi for extra time helped a lot.



I take back everything I said about this team and dungeon. F this dungeon so hard. So much random crap.

Yeah, I ran it enough to max skill Z8 the first time and I still died three times yesterday trying to farm red jewels before giving up. Without a floor 9 cheese team or skill delay resist, it's just too much hassle.

So... If got a few first world problem questions... :D
Shiva Dragon Team: I have Yamato, Urd, Ares, Guan Yu on the Team. Got a RValk, should I switch Guan Yu? He is maxskilled... and its only 1 CD more than RValk.
Zaerog: 2 more Skillups and he is maxskilled, so i can look into using him... My problem with him is, I only have 1 Haku and 1 satsuki. Should i sub a Pandora or a hypermax Hanzo?

I run almost the same Shiva Dragon team, but with Red Valk. She probably puts out a little more damage for TPAs, but is largely the same. The one standout advantage she has is being able to use her active on back-to-back floors if you pop both ShivDra actives. I have run into poison problems before where I wished I had Guan Yu, so he's a great option there if you're saving your board change. Really both are fine and it probably comes down mostly to personal preference outside a few specific instances.

Z8 with only one A.Haku and Satsuki is okay. Dupes aren't necessarily better. I lean heavily towards Pandora because of her RCV that the team needs and the heart making. That said, having two different orb changes to pair with Haku boards is quite useful when they have lopsided colors. If you aren't running Dark Izanami, using both orb changers is great to feed the orb hungry leads. For harder content, I sub A.Haku/Satsuki/Pandora/Dark Izanami.


What is everyone using for one shot 9? Having a difficult time beating it with Shiva.

Using shiva, hino, caocao, urd, leilan, shiva friend.

I can't seem to put out the damage and my healing is an issue in terms of stalling.

Should I switch out leilan for another urd? Leilan is one off max while second urd is maxed out. Maybe switch out hino for urd it's only one skill different.
I think he's referring to the text if you trigger the resolve, I don't think the PAD engine supports fleeing lol

If I'm reading the dungeon correctly, Gilgamesh isn't a true invade in that he only appears on Floor 5, which would explain why he doesn't always drop.


Hopefully he gets a more useful skill. All hearts is essentially useless especially if he has more rows.

Why can't he have an active similar to the rgb Angels.


Tried awoken ra + awoken horus for Challenge 8. That was a bad idea. Dark sub attribute :S

It ended up not being too bad with Awoken Parvati + Verdandi, though. Got another useless red pii :S


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Wait...what ? Raphael UVO a bit overpowered ? lol
5 Rows and that active....nuts.


5 Rows? Good... I didnt sell my second one, This will be interesting :)
edit: It just hit me... Luzifer 5 Dark rows! One can dream.... :)


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
People were wondering why LMeta didnt get the DMeta treatment when it came to recent buffs....guess we know why now.


5 Rows? Good... I didnt sell my second one, This will be interesting :)
edit: It just hit me... Luzifer 5 Dark rows! One can dream.... :)

Few seconds I was hoping that you were dreaming about FA Lucifer getting nice supa uevo. But I guess you meant Archangel Lucifer.

(I have FAL but I dont have AAL)



You bite your tongue, that artwork is awesome and holy crap at his stats. I know Gungho mentioned publicly that they want the Meta to shift back to Rows. This might be the start of that and I'm about to board the hype train.

I've always wanted to run a light row team and this might be the final reason to do so, not sure I would have as lead. Sun Wukong or maybe even thor with Raphael and Venus as subs. It's 80% row enhance just from Raphael and Venus.

Edit: did a quick theory craft, this team running double awoken Thor would be at 18 light row enhance and almost 16x when a skill is used. Scary good. It might even be better to use one Thor and pair with raphael for a high hp team.



My Raphael is just rotting away in my box, and I'm not sure if I have any leaders that would benefit from his new rows. Sad times.
Wow, the new Raphael is incredible. After how disappointing the Michael uevo was, I really never expected anything this great. The art's awesome too. Solving 4x4x4 Rubik's cubes while on the disco floor isn't easy!

I finished hypermaxing my Ra Dragon last night. 3x normals are a bore but they sure are effective. If any other gafers are using him, I'd love it if you'd add me: 344,273,322.
Farming the FF collab is starting to feel like Z8 all over again. I'm dying way too often, such that it may not even be worth farming mythical. But since my main motivation is cloud skill ups I don't know if any of the other levels are a good alternative.


Farming the FF collab is starting to feel like Z8 all over again. I'm dying way too often, such that it may not even be worth farming mythical. But since my main motivation is cloud skill ups I don't know if any of the other levels are a good alternative.

I wouldn't do mythical, I was getting good drops on master 2x.


Not sure how that's related to this super ult. Nobody expected Lmeta to get light rows, I don't think.

I hope so. And if Uriel is extra awesome, I'll have to seriously consider playing Gadius.

Well with them being super ults and keeping God typing they might be worthwhile to use 2 in a shiva Dragon team. Shivadra/uriel/uriel/yamato/ares

Thoughts on this as a team?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Not sure how that's related to this super ult. Nobody expected Lmeta to get light rows, I don't think.
Its all about managing leader/sub relation and they wouldnt buff LMeta too much when they are planning to drop a sub like Raphael bringing along 5 Row Awakenings. Same reason Verdandi didnt get the 2nd tpa with her standard subs already being TPA heavy.
Raph looks pretty good. Still not a fan of bind clears without bind resists though. Feels like a wasted awakening. Gives another gimmick option for running Z8 besides Genie. Depending on dungeon or team, sometimes Ganesha would be better(if we ever get skillups for him) and sometimes Raph is better.

Also, even though I don't need anything from this Fire Carnival, I like how GH is lumping multiple skillup mobs in carnival dungeons instead of relying on specific dungeons to rotate back for only 1 or 2 mobs. Drop rates seem to be good, too, from just the single time I cleared each level for the stone.


2 turn shield isn't enough for Z8 cheese because his preemptive eats one turn of the shield and the skill delay is 2 turns. By the time it gets here, we should have the skill delay latents anyway. Probably easier to rely on a whale friend on your list adding a couple of those to a ShivDra.

I figured Raphael would snag at least four rows, so this is beyond what I expected. With the active buff, I guess he finally earned a place in non-tank light teams. Glad I max skilled one of mine like 7 months ago. He's one of those abandoned skill ups like Apocalypse since he hasn't appeared in the cycle in forever. Maybe they will get dog dragon skill ups or something.

I like the color carnivals a lot, but they have some issues. Most of them have nearly worthless boss drops 50% of the time and some have awful skill up selection on non-boss floors. It also seems like GungHo is using them to avoid doing more survey skill up dungeons, which is a problem when so many cards are sitting around without any accessible way to max skill them besides piis, which isn't reasonable for most of the player base.
Its all about managing leader/sub relation and they wouldnt buff LMeta too much when they are planning to drop a sub like Raphael bringing along 5 Row Awakenings. Same reason Verdandi didnt get the 2nd tpa with her standard subs already being TPA heavy.
I wouldn't be surprised if good dark row subs are still forthcoming despite Dmeta's buff. Gungho hasn't really showed it cares very much about balance in the past. Verdandi not getting another 2pa seems like a diversity move to me. Gets pretty boring when nearly every green REM card gets double/triple prong awakenings.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Today is a boring PaD day tbh ...just nothing to do.

PS: Gabrial getting a kick ass UUEVO would be nice since he is the only one of that Pantheon i own.

I wouldn't be surprised if good dark row subs are still forthcoming despite Dmeta's buff. Gungho hasn't really showed it cares very much about balance in the past. Verdandi not getting another 2pa seems like a diversity move to me. Gets pretty boring when nearly every green REM card gets double/triple prong awakenings.
I expect dark subs to get their +row subs down the line but i would be surprised if it happens anytime soon. Dark leader are already dominating the game and DMeta leaders + only one sub already sitting at 11 Row Awakenings seems a bit much. But who knows what will happen...

Diversity is one reason for Verdandis uevo but the main point is likely that she would outshine A.Meimei as a green boardchanger sub and Verdandi teams would have less reason to "upgrade" to Bastet and co. teams.

Verdandi was great anyway though....now she will be even better.

PS. I just realized that after Odin Dragon and Michaels Uuevo there really is no reason left to use Grodin as a sub...kinda sad.


Well I was able to beat challenge 9 with shiva.

Challenge 10 is proving difficult. Get to Parv but her absorb is killing me. Need to find a way to get echidna back up soon after floor 3. May try to burst it with hino and then echidna on Parv and use caocao on shiva with leilan. Hopefully something like that can work out but I am liking the difficulty of the dungeon it is challenging and while I ate absorption as a mechanic at least it is proving to make one think about how to best utilize skills.


From the final boss? I thought it was only 30% chance of a drop on 2x. I guess I'll look into it this weekend.

Padguide says 40% master, 80% legend. 2x master should be 80%, 2x legend should be guaranteed drop.

I got several Buster Swords from the final boss on master 2x but the only card I pulled was Squall.
New to the game.. been rerolling as has been suggested in the guides.

Finally rolled something on one of the lists. DQXQ. Worth starting with? Many of the lists I found are all dated 2014 so not sure if still accurate.


New to the game.. been rerolling as has been suggested in the guides.

Finally rolled something on one of the lists. DQXQ. Worth starting with? Many of the lists I found are all dated 2014 so not sure if still accurate.

DQXQ is still rated highly as a good starting leader for new players.

This is as far as I know the most up to date reroll 'tier list' that I know of.

Here's a guide to help you get started with some early game subs to look out for.

Oh, and you should probably add that Chocobo to your team!
Padguide says 40% master, 80% legend. 2x master should be 80%, 2x legend should be guaranteed drop.

I got several Buster Swords from the final boss on master 2x but the only card I pulled was Squall.
Oh OK. I was going off of Padx which says legend is 40%. I'll test things out tonight and see how it goes.
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