Phoenix Rider, Cao Cao, and whatever combo of your Kalis works for you. Seems about as ideal as it gets for Horus.
Sucks that besides red valk there isn't that many good red/light options.
Got this while going after Sphinx
Phoenix Rider, Cao Cao, and whatever combo of your Kalis works for you. Seems about as ideal as it gets for Horus.
Sucks that besides red valk there isn't that many good red/light options.
Got this while going after Sphinx
You can always run Nordis in the JP Descended Challenge for the light jewel invade, heh. I got my final A.Sakuya skill level today...after dying four times with my ShivDra team. Needs more plus eggs and I should have switched my lineup a bit instead of brute forcing it. Also died three times before clearing Z8, twice to an invade.
Between those and two failed level 10 attempts in NA, today's been a bust. Frustrating.
Is there anywhere that lists the jewel invades for the Descend challenge? I totally forgot they were invaded in the challenge stuff this time.
Also not really sure I can clear Nordis reliably. I guess since he's a special dungeon, that gives me an OK chance.
Padx has them listed under the rewards.
Do they have the JP Descended Challenge up? I don't see it.
Ohhh we get 3 Piis, 3 stones and a Tamadra out of that stream!
BTW Tamadra Retreat is coming back. Must be because of the connection problem some people had?
Sweet on Tamadra retreat.
Need a bunch still even after getting in a few runs last time. Kirin is awoken just need 7 more awakening and still have Haku waiting as well.
3 pii is the most I think that we have ever gotten from a stream. Going to go towards finishing Ame, susano and Haku.
There was a vote in the stream chat for a guerrilla dungeon - TAMA retreat won over Star Vault and Descend Carnival. I didn't catch the part about when it would show up though.Well PADX took it off the schedule so maybe it was just an error. Oops.
I did 11 times Tamadra Retreat.
Only once did Tamadra drop from last floor, 10 times it was Chibidra. In one run managed to get 2 Chibidras, 2 Tama invades, once I saw Tamadra among Baby Tamadras. My haul:
- 11 Chibidras
- 3 Tamadras
- 30 Baby Tamadras
Sigh, now to feed those tamas...
Hey Rixa,
what's the highest rank you can beat in the new Challenge Dungeons?
And with what team?
Just curios, if i'm on par with you, because of Rank and Monsters similarity.
Instead of 2nd Verdandi took Phact and GZL was replaced by GRG due to unit cost.
You probably could clear it with GZL....actually i dont know why you use Muse when you have GZL in so many runs. Muse has only 1x TPA, no orbchanger and not an Attacker...feels like you could come up with a better sub than him.I tried 6th, cant do over 4m damage to boss.
Instead of 2nd Verdandi took Phact and GZL was replaced by GRG due to unit cost.
:thumbsup:Dragon Challenge finished. Finished level 7. Switched over to the Bastet team for the last four. Hyper'd Vishnu at level 1 can still do over 200k damage lol
Well yeah youre prolly right. I used Muse in boss floor due to his skill that gives nice damage increase for one turn. I test later with GZL and Muse away.You probably could clear it with GZL....actually i dont know why you use Muse when you have GZL in so many runs. Muse has only 1x TPA, no orbchanger and not an Attacker...feels like you could come up with a better sub than him.
Power ups went ok, at one point I was losing faith with Ares.
Eh, I don't think that's why at all. Red Sonia's still used by a ton of people, and voting wise is right around Minerva's spot in the polls, and Minerva's a great sub or coleader for a Red Sonia team. I can see why a lot of people would want a low CD orb changer with a defense reduction attached to it.Lol at Minerva having that many votes, all because she's the first option on that shitty website.
Only have 12 out of the top 30 currently.
Now that team needs levels and obviously plus eggs. Altho first priority for plus eggs is Verdandi to 297.
I'm trying to do the same and it's going to be tough using natural stamina. I know it's a small sample size but I ran the 45 stamina legend dungeon 7 times during 1.5x drop rate and got 100% drops. I didn't try the 40 stamina one because I have a feeling the floor 6 tamas won't drop with a 100% drop rate.
Nah, save the Snow Globe and I would consider sidelining Hera-Is and instead level up Berserk twice to the B/R version of Siegfried. That'll cover your blue orbs and give you a heartbreaker, a coveted piece for Horus teams. Think about the same for Highlander/Cu Chu to cover G/D. If you had those two heartbreakers, all colors would be covered so you can bring any two subs that'll be needed. Another thing: while I love Okuni myself, Echidna will provide much needed RCV and a longer delay.Alright, need some advice. I've managed to beat Heroes' Hideout and Divine Queen's Sleepless Castle at last, and I'm beginning to work on a new team that can deal with higher HP/attack monsters. First pic has my current team, 2nd pic is my team in progress, 3rd pic is what I've got in my box (I also have a Wicked Lady). Any suggestions?
I feel like Gravity is super helpful for a team like this, and Paradise Celeb, Hera-Is provides that plus covers Blue for me, but I don't know if I should use up my snowglobe maxing her or wait for a better Blue monster to come around. Plus it's not 30% Gravity, only 10%.
I've been running Evangelion on 2x expert today and I'm getting a floor 6 tama every run. Definitely the most efficient way to skill up Misato. Unfortunately the Misato tama is dropping less than the other 2, bad luck.
Yeah I need levels (going to run Super Kings twice today).
Amazing what my underleveled Fire team can already do. Friend A.S. has 101 +eggs, I was wtf& really surprised, didnt use any skills just normal comboing.
Yeah I need levels (going to run Super Kings twice today).
I have a hyper AS up pretty much all of the time if we aren't friends.
I think we aint. If not my ID 347,976,340
A.S. Is on my 2nd slots (first is A.Lakshmi) and usually Verdandi is the my go team.
Sure,I have so few A.L. friends. My A.L. is at 92 and skill lvl is 4.Can I add you? I'm currently building a team around A. Lakshmi and I'm looking for friends that use her.
Six stones sunk into JP dog dungeons for 9 total drops and a single skill up on Sanada. Yeah, I'll wait a bit on piis and see if these show up somewhere else like a survey vote, but they're one of the worst normal skill ups so far. Maxed out my unused Ruel at least.
Also finished Scarlet after a half dozen tries. Finally can move on to the easier Descended Challenges. Not sure who to drop the rainbow resist set on. Maybe A.Susano, a Light Kali, or A.Kirin.
Yeah, I have the units, I only need expAnd rixa, you can get used to that type of damage with awoken Shiva. My Shiva himself hits for 500k with a six combo that includes a single 2prong.
Water Carnival tomorrow. Finally. Time to skill up deez Nuts