After a few hours of grinding normal dungeons I think reaching 30 stam before that experience dungeon goes away probably won't happen. At any rate, pulled a few more times with the stones I got from the normal dungeon clears and now have cao cao, shiva, sakuya, ra, and yomi. Who should I focus on first for the early game?
Started with Sakuya, made the account like 5 hours ago lol.What'd you start with? Ra, Sakuya, Yomi and Shiva are good leaders that can clear tons of end game content. Yomi and Ra are a bit more sub dependent, so I wouldn't push you in their directions. You have a good start with Shiva and Cao Cao, but Sakuya might do better for longer especially if you pull a Kali.
I would say go with a Shiva fire team with Cao Cao as a sub for now and switch to Kirin if you pull out a Kali.
Started with Sakuya, made the account like 5 hours ago lol.
Thanks for the recommendation. Still don't have enough team capacity to fit both Shiva and Cao Cao in but will do that when I can.
After a few hours of grinding normal dungeons I think reaching 30 stam before that experience dungeon goes away probably won't happen. At any rate, pulled a few more times with the stones I got from the normal dungeon clears and now have cao cao, shiva, sakuya, ra, and yomi. Who should I focus on first for the early game?
3x skill up rate is pretty sweet.
Meanwhile, went 0/9 trying to skill up my shiny new L.Kali on 2.5x rate.
Well, I'm glad (?) I'm not the only one having trouble skilling her up D:
For the ones that rotate, it's usually on a monthly basis. They should be changing again sometime soon.Misery loves company after all
When was the last time skillups rotated in NA? Never really had to pay attention to it until now.
^^Massive Blade Brave, Zweihander
Still been slowly playing this and did three (was gonna save in case dbz happens but oh well) pulls which got me archangel Gabriel, haku and Bastet.
I have no ideas on the qualities of these characters, they any good?
Few questios to all
Will Warrior Series get any boost. Got few of these (water versions) inbox and wondering should I sell them cause they basically suck very much.
Did few coin dungeons and got 5 stones and pulled Liu Bei. My Verdandi farming team will be almost perfect:
Verdandi / Verdandi / Liu Bei / Vishnu / GZL / f.Verdandi.
PCGF was very good for me. Now back to collecting stones for future dungeons.
Question nr2:
My Padherder account
Newly acquired Kanna, I was thinking I could use LKali & Apocalypse as subs, any other possible subs there. Or better to leave Kanna as dead weight in this point?
Warriors getting buffed? They're the modern day Golems so maybe in two years.
If you wanted to lead with Kanna and get both boost? I think the light late boomer and ra Chicken besides apocalypse would fit the bill. If you only wanted the damage from god-types then you got some options like Athena, Apollo, chibi valk, Ariel, Ganesha, Elia, Izanagi(HA!), LZL, L.Kali and so on. And those are just the ones with prongs.
Rixa: You could lead with Saria and use Kanna and Apocalypse as subs.
I'm tempted to buy a Yuria. I have pretty good subs for her and saw some Arena clears using her.
Yea, that is true. One of the runs I looked at would have failed if DQ Hera showed up. (They did one-hit Kali though, which was cool.)Careful not to mistake the ability to clear Arena with the consistency to clear it. Yuria is very powerful, but is HP deficient and susceptible to binds.
Also, this gift of a lifetime thing was an Ifrit for me. I already have the fire/fire ultimate version of this, is there any reason to bother making another one in a different form? I don't even use the fire/fire one in any teams. Also still sitting on a Divinegon and a Tiamat because I don't know if they're worth keeping or making into ultimates.
It should give 3k MP when sold, so better to sell.
Well her Awoken form is probably the very best as for the other two, it kinda depends.I got Amaterasu, which dropped at max level. Evolved and will work toward one of the first two ultimates, either light/light or light/fire, not sure which is better.
Feeding 2nd unit to Wee Jas and prolly keeping boss as dusting souvenir.
Well her Awoken form is probably the very best as for the other two, it kinda depends.
I lean towards her light/red evolution, dubbed Attackerasu by many people. She makes a pretty good light attacker team with some overlap between a light Athena team which is pretty damn good for farming a lot of content. If you can make a light attacker team that are also Gods you have a team that can pair with another Attackerasu friend leader or an Athena friend leader. The negative aspect for light/red Amaterasu is now that her Awoken's out most people are moving her to her Awoken form and the subs don't overlap between them at all. I know my friend list has something like one Attackerasu up now when there used to be tons. Of course Athena's still up like crazy so there's still lots of viable leaders to pair with at least in my experience. I like pairing Attackerasu with Athena because she really solves the one issue Athena had which was healing.
That said, light/light Amaterasu pairs well with a Green Odin friend or someone with resolve like an Orochi for going through some really tough descends that a 3x attacker team would never survive. The problem with that type of team I find is that it's highly situational and the meta's all but passed it by making it pretty useless for modern descends and frankly I find its playstyle boring and tedious on the descends it does work on with some dungeouns taking upwards of an hour to clear with such a team. I would never go back to such a team myself much like I'd never want to go back to a Lolcifer team.
Good times. I've been trying to sell dudes to buy tamadras, seems like a fair trade for a character I probably won't use anyway.
Ahhhhh, don't do this! Tamadras are so cheap to get with normal stamina, we even get 7 free ones this week. It's never worthwhile to buy this stuff with MP when you can save for MP dragons. If you're playing for any length of time, you'll be glad you saved up for them.
You basically rolled an endgame capable team with Shiva / Kagu / Cao Cao / Urd.
Edit OT: Hey Rixa, is that your Cat in your avatar? Super Cute
Awoken Shiva, Awoken Hinokagutsuchi, and R/G Cao Cao is the long term goal for those three. Cao cao should be easy enough, but Shiva and Kagu require some work to get the materials. Phoenix is not easy to find and the rest are from descends. It'll be tough but the result will definitely be worth it.Sweet! So my priorities are much more clear, level up to get enough team cost to afford all of them.
Given this team which Uevo's should I be working toward? My hoard of Evo materials means I can push most of them up a step right now if not for team cost.
Oh? I've only ever encountered them as part of (I think) dragon infestations and never had one drop, so the only ones I ever have came from freebies. I figured it was the thing to do, for better results with units I can use now.
Oh man, now this thread is all about cute cats!
Heh yeah one of my cats, Oriental Longhair called "Elmo".
In spoilers, cat pic (taken few weeks ago) middle between 2 Maine Coons.
Ok so weird reports from the PC godfest.
I had 20 stones saved up, bought 30 more and pulled hard. For some reason my PADherder didn't update this morning but I know I got some decent picks out of the featured monsters.
Cao Cao
Ra (third one...)
I got others that weren't part of the event but I can't remember them at the moment.
Here's the weird part: This morning I got a mystery 30 stones. No clue why. The note for the twitch event implied only one stone would be delivered.
I didn't get any Kalis I was hoping for unfortunately for my Ra team but my Urd team got a HUGE shot in the arm with Cao Cao (and possibly Shiva?) allowing me to clear my first 50 stamina dungeon.
Well, okay, it's not the worst thing you could do, but it is painful to see when the Tamadras in the MP store are horribly overpriced. Basically, a Tamadra is valued at ~50 stamina.
NA server? Have 50 stamina or more? Tomorrow's urgent dungeon selection includes Tamadra Retreat, check PDX or PADGuide later for your scheduled hour. Run the 50 stamina dungeon with your best team, maybe some poison or defense break if you can. Feed the babies and big Tamadras for awakenings, the dark ones for exp. Stone for stamina if you absolutely have to get more awakenings on your team. This urgent dungeon shows up every week and is the easiest way to grab more Tamadras.