Got one more roll thanks to the free stone today
I have some decent water cards now
I have some decent water cards now
I'll have to keep an eye out and hope for a morning dungeon time. I try and check for dragon infestations but I'm usually in bed by noon, so if I don't remember, I miss all of them for that day.
LKali skill level 3, DQ 5. Others 1 and Saria & Apocalypse arel unevoed.
Is it worth it for me to invest in an Awoken Shiva team if my only red full board changer is Ronia?
As far as worthwhile red subs go, I have Cao Cao, Kagutsuchi, Yamato, Set, and Ares. I didn't even think about using Verdandi.A. Shiva doesn't need much in the way of full board changes. Heartbreak and single or double color orb changes are usually enough; I'm running R.Valk/Kagutsuchi/Cao Cao/X on my Shiva squad and it's working fine. Dropped Sonia from that squad a while back as her awakenings don't do much for a TPA-focused team.
One thing with Shiva is that he can actually use Verdandi for a board refresh as well; Urd hits a little harder but Verd still gives a decent board and actually brings more RCV. That is, of course, if you've got a Verdandi.
I think he is pretty good searched for an arena clear and saw thisI used my last 5 stones to roll the FotNS REM and got Raoh which is great, only Yuria is a better pull. .
A. Shiva doesn't need much in the way of full board changes. Heartbreak and single or double color orb changes are usually enough; I'm running R.Valk/Kagutsuchi/Cao Cao/X on my Shiva squad and it's working fine. Dropped Sonia from that squad a while back as her awakenings don't do much for a TPA-focused team.
One thing with Shiva is that he can actually use Verdandi for a board refresh as well; Urd hits a little harder but Verd still gives a decent board and actually brings more RCV. That is, of course, if you've got a Verdandi.
Verdandi is an interesting choice but is rcv really that much of a problem to choose Verdandi over Urd for Shiva? I can see that advantage over Ronia because she make hearts.
I would say you should always be running a full board change on your main team. Eventually, you're going to want to run a dungeon that hits you with a full change like Beelzebub and you 100% need the counter.
I started playing about two months ago and am working on a Bastet team currently. I did a bunch of pulls this godfest and was looking for some advice like other teams I could work on or which monsters I could reliably sell for MP. I have 4 MeiMeis and 3 Bastets, could I sell a few of those or keep them? Thanks for any help guys.
Woah, you have 4 meimeis and Zuoh? That's the Meimei system, Zouh as lead and all meimei subs. I don't know how that compares to some of the other end game teams you could build with your box. I think you can sell dupe Bastets since you only need the awoken version and you'd never need 2 as subs on any team. Ra and Sakuya are also end game teams, Awoken Shiva is awesome as well. You could make an LKali team but you have better options. If I was you'd I'd work on Bastet, then maybe see how good the meimei system is. I don't really know much about it, but I see it mentioned a lot. Definitely don't sell your meimei dupes.
Here's a vid I saw of the meimei system. Looks brain dead simple, but those are all hypermaxed. It'd take a long time to get there I'd imagine. Still pretty cool.
Which of the descended dungeon challenges would be easiest to try first? Does it go from bottom to top easiest to hardest?
Slipped and fell down the IAP slope ▄█▀█●
No Kali though. Are dupes useful in pad or should I sell some of these?
LS: physical and devil 3x atk and 1.5x rcv
LS: dragon and balanced 2.5x atk and 2.5x rcv, atk increases slightly with 2 wood combos
LS: dragon and physical 2.5x atk and 2.5x rcv, atk increases slightly with 5 or more connected water orbs
They really should have gone all out and went with triple/quad rows at least.Guess I can feed away my blonia now - that ult is sad ;(
since no one uses her no one will complain.
I think I'm gonna get rid of blue and buy my self another MP item.
We've already seen what the Awoken RGB Archdemons will look like and it isn't great. Poor Astaroth.
Such a waste that Gronia didn't get something changed to TPA so she could at least be a double. Her awakenings are all over the place. Bonia got a little better focus, and wow her leader skill qualification might as well not exist because who isn't making blue rows anyway. Both are slightly less bad as subs with the skill bind resist, but they basically got ult Ronia-ed like I feared. Not relevant.
This isn't a complaint, but does anyone else find it dumb that literally almost every Awoken or new useful card gets skill bind resist. I know it's necessary, but why even bother having the mechanic at all when you put the resist on everything. Especially when they went roundabout to hit us with skill bind in a non-resistable way with the delay.
i am going to go out on a limb and say not trash. not as much as i was hoping but bear with me here.
my typical bonia team is bonia, bonia, bubblie, bodin bodin, friend bonia.
now i will be switching out bubblie for awoken I&I. now all of a sudden, i have 2 more rows and now i am 100% SBR.
everyone on the team now has at least 1 TPA, so let's go through the matches.
4 orb gives gets 6.25 x 1.5 = 9.3x bonia, 14 for I&I, 21x for bodin.
Now, when you match 5, everyone gets a let's go low side and say 1.2x multiplier and that gives a 7.5x mass attack.
But here is the fun part. when you match a row. my team now has 14 row awakenings. so that is a 2.4x bonus right there.
So, 6.25 x 1.2 (new LS) x 2.4 (rows) = 18x I&I makes it 36x and then if you make 2-3 rows i can't do the math on the damage.
Here is the even more fun part. ryune is a dragon. bonia boosts dragons. so NOW, you can have 60k HP, still be able to heal up and you get a nasty multiplier. ryune makes blue, dark and hearts AND gives another 1.3x multiplier, plus 1 turn haste, every 10 turns.
So now when you go to kill a boss with bonia active, I&I and bodin for the enhance, you get 6.25 x 1.2 (new ls) x 1.3 (ryune LS) x 2 (I&I) x 2.4 (14 rows still) = 46.8x plus the enhance from bodin because i am too stupid to figure that out.
and even better than that, i can do that twice with my team, bonia bodin I&I, then bonia bodin on the boss, and the I&I carries over.
I am sure someone smarter than me can figure out a 2 and 3 blue row fully enhanced board, but that 46.8x plus enhance (again too stupid to calculate) is pretty close to my shivagon team. to get max rows i run shivagon, rodin, ares, femme, urd, which is 11 rows. lately i have been dropping rowdin for lelien, so only 9 rows, but let's go with 11 for now.
that multiplier is 25 x 2.1 (rows) = 52.5x but i have very few enhanced orbs on my kill shot, urd to femme. only urd and valk have any enhanced orbs so i get maybe 4-5 per urd to femme board. with bonia i get a guaranteed full blue orb enhance from bodin
so let's review, unless my math is way wrong, and it might be, with ryune/bonia pairing vs shivagon i get a 46.8x vs 52.5x multiplier, but ryune bonia will have at least 60k HP (my bonia team has 30k or so with I&I) shivagon has about 20k with the team being unplussed, and 5k rcv vs 4200 or so for shivagon. and both teams have 80% SBR.
Overall, i think this is pretty damn good, if my math holds out. bonia/bonia pairing, 30k hp, decent multiplier, tons of rcv. bonia/ryune brings 60k hp, multiplier close to shivagon (again assuming my math is right), more rcv. I think i am back on the bonia train. Oh i also forgot, my ryune bonia team has 12 skill boosts, so if everyone is max skilled, they are all up first turn.
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention the best part, my wife and first BFF pulled a ryune in the PCGF. i play her account more than she does, so guess who gets a permanent ryune buddy to play with?
This guy right here.