Why do they like D. Meta so much lmao
What about L. Meta
5* vs 6*
The only reason I'm so interested in 6* GFEs nowadays is for all that extra mp, not because they're good.
Why do they like D. Meta so much lmao
What about L. Meta
Well, I'm sure glad I haven't sunk any TAMADRAs into Chester yet. :lolSkill bind resist on Dark Tron! And a bunch of other buffs to go through.
Gronia got second row over TPA, both are 1.5x ATK on five or more orbs. Still meh.
Valks now 1.5x ATK with row and REM ones all got a second row. Stronger than Heroes now, super uevos coming?
Grodin two turn bind clear. Blodin enhances darks, 10 turn max, extra ATK on leader skill for 4 or more orbs. Rodin same leader skill buff.
Skill boost on normal Valk. Heart enhance on Dark Tron.
Holy Shit....i completely missed the PCGF
Thats what you get for neglecting the game for a couple of days...damn.
Congrats on your good pulls (damn Rixa&Dandte you did good)
Also DMeta getting SBR (lawd) and Grodin bind clear ? Nice.
Makes me wonder if i should still max skill Wee Jas...probably yeah.
My hunt for Bastet waits for another day. PCGF pull haul:
- Kanna - Great sub for Saria
- Mori Motanori - A.Lakshmi says hi
- Saria - Light team leader
- Chrono Turtle - Silver but wont sell this
- Kakkab- One more Cyberbeast to my collectionKakka = poop / shit in Finnish -> "Shit B" unit, always laughing for this
- Liu Bei - Hell yes, only Bastet missing for near perfect Bestcat team. Great for my Verd.
- Basilisk -> Instant 3k mp.
Overall not bad at all. Now to collect stones for future GF, maybe to collect more stones in the long run since Iam not exatly lacking in units.
Used one stone in Tamadra Retreat, made five runs got 2 tamas and 15 B-Tamas Great that this has now been weekly dungeon, Iam constantly lacking in Tamadras. Good unit is nothing without its awokens.
Thanks. I was kinda worried about you. Beat Leonide King for Fire Jewel about hour ago and saw that BF time has only 1h left
. "Omg were is my favourite BF".
One Fire Jewel closer for A. Leilan.
I need so many exp dragons that going to use my pal pts to exp instead for possible jewel drops. Havent counted but I think I have close to 20 or even more units to level up.
How can I unlock Legendary Skyway (Technical)? Do I have to beat all the Conditional Technicals before that?
So can someone explain why Yomi Dragon is so amazing? From what I'm reading on Setsu's page, Yomi Dragon and Ra Dragon trivialize a lot of the game?
When I clear Hedonistic Demon, I have cleared 8 first Challenge Dungeons which is my record. Sad that there is no Globe rewardonly some lousy queen dragons.
Well decided to try out my Typhon team after adding the grape dragon I got in PCGF for the first time. Beat Endless Corridors for the first time, then got my first clear in KoG. Sooo pumped right now. I'm going to shift my focus to my Typhon team completely, and just use my Urd for mindless farming. The amount of damage I can output is crazy. Still need a couple more awakenings and then to start looking for skill-ups.
Really happy with the progress I made today. Feel like I cleared a big hurdle. Pretty soon I'll be crushing descends.
Been going through challenge descended and have beaten everything but goemon.
Still hate zaerog, it is the most annoying dungeon there is honestly, the hard combo count on floor 9 and ensuring you have a buff to give yourself a second turn is rough. I doubt I ever farm it fully for skill ups.
Threw my 2 +50 tamadra on caocao, his utility is so good and useful, and he is a staple on my shiva team.
Thanks, since my water & fire teams aint ready (as level wise), I went in with wood team.Nice! That's quite an achievement being a relative new player! What is your team?
Cao Cao is max skilled -> Prolly switching to Liu Bei later when I get 2 trifruits & levels. All units are max awoken. Friend hypermax Verdandi.
Thanks. I was kinda worried about you. Beat Leonide King for Fire Jewel about hour ago and saw that BF time has only 1h left
. "Omg were is my favourite BF".
One Fire Jewel closer for A. Leilan.
I need so many exp dragons that going to use my pal pts to exp instead for possible jewel drops. Havent counted but I think I have close to 20 or even more units to level up.
The 50 stamina version is better for Tamadras anyway - unless you need the Odin skillups.Got in 3 runs on the tamadra dungeon yesterday. I don't have the stamina to do the higher one, but on the lower one I managed to get 5 and put them all on Nut. Slowly getting there.
Hey, man. I have 2 max skilled Typhon cards and I am building a Typhon team currently. Mind if you add me in US? 348,285,288
The lower difficulty is generally considered the more "efficient" one as far as awakenings/stam is concerned so don't worry too bad about not being able to do the harder one.Got in 3 runs on the tamadra dungeon yesterday. I don't have the stamina to do the higher one, but on the lower one I managed to get 5 and put them all on Nut. Slowly getting there.
As you can see from those team pics, I used themNice - get those Jewels, i also started clearing those Jewel Quests yet. Also hope i can get the Angel Invade this week, still havent encountered them.
Yup, really need as much exp i can get so im saving my PP as well :-D
Man...If you wanna invest 360k MP on ShivaDra and 2 delay resist...then the farming is gonna be trivialized.
I just used 4 and got 0/4I can't believe I got 4 skill-ups out of 6 angelits on my new Lkali. It's a shame the skill up is entering a rotation but it's less painful due to my insane luck.
Did anyone beat Yamato Rush with Shiva here? What team did you use? I'm thinking I have to bring Diza to stand a chance.
Ran Cao Cao, Yamato, A.Leilan, and Dark Izanami.
I can't believe I got 4 skill-ups out of 6 angelits on my new Lkali. It's a shame the skill up is entering a rotation but it's less painful due to my insane luck.
Also, I hate how Yamato Rush needs 99 stamina, uuughhh. I want another shot at it. I really need those 50 RCV eggs because I have way less RCV eggs than HP or attack for some reason.
Did anyone beat Yamato Rush with Shiva here? What team did you use? I'm thinking I have to bring Diza to stand a chance.
The heart awakening might actually be a mistake and be something else? Not sure yet.
Also, RIP Beach Claire? Worst MP purchase now?
It sucks that GungHo doesn't seem to be supporting MP cards long term. We'll see how it ends up going, but stuff like Beach Claire not getting a buff makes me hesitant to ever heavily invest into an MP card. They seem to be like Special REM golds, expect maybe good for a bit longer.
Final tally on PCGF
Dupe I&I
Sarsvati (dupe)
Dragon samurai
Dupe Satsuki
Dupe Isis
So I went hard on pulls and I got nothing but blue and dark monsters, a ton of supers (new dupes but a ton of dupes). Just felt underwhelmed. Water carnival trolled me hard on gold eggs, and blue PCGF also got me good.
How do I use these blue monsters? Any of them a lead? I have a ton of blue subs but nothing good to lead with.
Also Satsuki? Anyone have a link on how to properly use that one?
I&I is about to get real good here soon, especially if you've got some other good water stuff like Andromeda and Hermes. Pair her with a fried Ryune and you've got a great setup.
Satsuki isn't used much as a leader. Her main use is a sub. Awoken Tsukiyomi and Zaerog Infinite use her as a good 3 TPA stat stick.
And I just got one of those zaerog infinity monsters all nice and evolved.. Interesting. Still don't want to sacrifice my max skill Yomi for an awoken tsukoyomi.
What do you use Yomi for? Do you have one (or even better, 2) Hakus? Do you have another top tier team already?
If you don't have an amazing team already and you have Hakus, it would actually be worth giving up your Yomi's Skill Level to Awaken her. She's crazy popular with the right team and you have a few key subs as is.
What do you use Yomi for? Do you have one (or even better, 2) Hakus? Do you have another top tier team already?
If you don't have an amazing team already and you have Hakus, it would actually be worth giving up your Yomi's Skill Level to Awaken her. She's crazy popular with the right team and you have a few key subs as is.
So can someone explain why Yomi Dragon is so amazing? From what I'm reading on Setsu's page, Yomi Dragon and Ra Dragon trivialize a lot of the game?
I do have two hakus, one is awoken Haku (5 awakenings 1 skill up) and the other is max skill D/D Haku.
The max skill change the world is really useful for awoken Ra. Helps alleviate risk for at least 1 100x activation
So I have all the mats for the new ult on Blonia. She is my blue physical leader, but I'm not sure if it's worth it? I'm only concerned in using up a blue orb, otherwise the mats don't bother me.
It's unfortunate the new evolution doesn't really increase her mid/endgame usage.
edit: And when should NA get these updates?
Few months or so. They aren't awful leads paired with Ryune so I wouldn't entirely discount them. They also have pretty good use with Karin if you have her. Maybe not the absolute best but they provide good burst when needed and can tank nearly anything.
Do not have Ryune, but I do have Ethereal Guardian Seiryuu, Karin.
I really want to Awake Orochi but I have no chance of getting his mats any time soon. I'm talking Icewing and Tengu.
Would it be worth it to ult him to Serpent Demon Viper Orochi for now and unevolve him if I ever get the above mentioned cards?