Nice! Now go beat Yamato Rush. Then tell me how you did it...I FINALLY BEAT Z8 JESUS CHRIST
now beat it 40 more times for the skillups
45 and counting. Still have 2 to skill ups to go.Lol... Cruel but true xD
Nice! Now go beat Yamato Rush. Then tell me how you did it...I FINALLY BEAT Z8 JESUS CHRIST
now beat it 40 more times for the skillups
45 and counting. Still have 2 to skill ups to go.Lol... Cruel but true xD
Thanks, first time I got invadeNice Rixa... Skill haven't gotten an invade or a drop of both of them. Haven't played that much these last couple of days still weird... Wait for Elia goes on.
Nice! Now go beat Yamato Rush. Then tell me how you did it...
Well this was a pretty good event for me.
Man this is by far the most unfair dungeon i have played so far. Even if you play as good as possible you will get screwed over. I spent 3 orbs earlier to max skill Wee Jas and thought...okay lets do this you have your green Cleric now, he is low level but it doesnt matter since his stats suck anyway.
Oh wow..didnt even know that 3x was going on - didnt farm for any eggs this week.Thanks, first time I got invade. Been farming +eggs today (and yesterday). Going to miss some rcv eggs still.
Good luck man !Nice! Now go beat Yamato Rush. Then tell me how you did it...
45 and counting. Still have 2 to skill ups to go.
Heh nice congrats - also damn since when are you rocking a perfect Ra team ? Talk about living the life xDFUCK YEA FINALLY!!!
Man, took me too many runs of HnK dungeon to max skill Raoh...
How many stones did you use? I'm trying to skill up mine with no luck so far. The drop rate is supposed to be about 20% for the Raoh chibidra.
As another data point, I spent 12 stones (or roughly 3600 stamina) to max Raoh between 1.5x and 2x days. I didn't keep track of feeds/drops, but I do have 31 Yuria Tamas sitting in my box and I maxed Kenshiro, Goetia, and Gamble Mage halfway through.
Can't seem to pull the trigger on Yuria. I really like her art and she's very powerful, but I lack some of her best subs and I know these collab special buys are a very poor use of MP in the long run.
As another data point, I spent 12 stones (or roughly 3600 stamina) to max Raoh between 1.5x and 2x days. I didn't keep track of feeds/drops, but I do have 31 Yuria Tamas sitting in my box and I maxed Kenshiro, Goetia, and Gamble Mage halfway through.
Can't seem to pull the trigger on Yuria. I really like her art and she's very powerful, but I lack some of her best subs and I know these collab special buys are a very poor use of MP in the long run.
I thought hard about it as well, but to invest the my last bunch of mp I want something more. I yolo'd a mamiya and have been working on her today - niche, but a nice silver collab pull.
I probably used about 8 stones, but I was able to skill up toki (by accident) and Kenshiro who I was able to finish.
Also have a bunch of Yuria tamas. I am debating about buying her today along with some skill resist latent tamas, but I haven't made that decision quite yet.
10/51 overall. Definitely could have been worse.
Yeah, missing 3 RCV eggsOh wow..didnt even know that 3x was going on - didnt farm for any eggs this week.
Wow, congratz.And Z8 is max skilled!
10/51 overall. Definitely could have been worse.
Congrats !!And Z8 is max skilled!
10/51 overall. Definitely could have been worse.
Very nice - Queen Verdandi as your first 297 is a great to get those 3 RCV Eggs xDYeah, missing 3 RCV eggs.
Thursdays will go mostly farming daily dungeon. Started last Thursday and have 7 Green trifruits, hopefully I have many more when ever skill ups do rotate + there is 2.5x.
Very nice - Queen Verdandi as your first 297 is a great to get those 3 RCV Eggs xD
On my main account (iPhone) I do a bit. For example, if there is a collab. I like and I want to try and get some more characters. Besides my initials rolls in the Sunday REM I also bought a 30 stone pack and did an extra 3-4 rolls I believe. I did alright getting everybody except for Inuyasha (I pulled him on my iPad though.)Do you IAP? I'm always amazed at how many plus eggs and skill ups you farm during events, especially on two accounts.
I managed to +297 Ares and Ilya after running Kanetsugu all 10x. Didn't bother with skill ups on two Mori and had little success with Rodin. Moving right on to Apocalypse now, hope the next 2.5x is better for me than 3x was.
Gratz to you too. I have one fodder unit where I already feed +20 eggs (hp/atk), but to get those 3 RCV...
Btw. Tama Retreat according to Padx again good time for us in EU. Group C my time 21:00 EET.
Wooooo Z8 complete! But it looks like I need 3 more of him to get his ult? :|
Playing Ra stresses me out sometimes. One mishap and *poof*.
Was hoping to get some thoughts/tips on my team to maybe make the run more smooth? Currently running A.Ra/H.Kali/D.Kali/DTron/Kushi with partner Ra Dragon (all max skill).
If you uevo your Sun Quan, you could drop D Meta and Kushi and add in another H Kali. Though Kali skillups just rotated, so you'll probably have to wait a month before you can skill up a second H Kali.
Which uevo for Sun Quan should I aim for?
Which uevo for Sun Quan should I aim for?
Is Hino Kagu worth using without his awaken evo? If so which Uevo?
My Urd team looks like this: (unless otherwise stated assume max level and awakens but not skilled up)
R/B Urd, R/G Cao Cao, R/Y Squall, Rowdy Red Samurai Goblin (max skill), R/R Twilight Sorcerer Chester
Either Chester or the Goblin are floating spots depending on the dungeon I swap them out regularly. I have Shiva but I'm waiting on materials to evo him and without skill ups and un evolved he's hard to justify right now.
I don't think you have a particular need to farm at the moment. If you'd like though, try running the lowest difficulty of Wood Carnival which will get you some cheap subs for a monogreen Bastet team.I really don't understand how to build my own teams in this game. So far I've just been trying to run a mono-red team with Shiva.
I'm on the 3rd stage of CoS, and this is really the first time I've been stuck.
Here's my PADHerder list. Could anyone give me a good idea for a team/some help with constructing them?
Should I be farming things? I've read that day to day guide, but I'd like to know why I'm doing something as well as what to do.
I really don't understand how to build my own teams in this game. So far I've just been trying to run a mono-red team with Shiva.
I'm on the 3rd stage of CoS, and this is really the first time I've been stuck.
Here's my PADHerder list. Could anyone give me a good idea for a team/some help with constructing them?
Should I be farming things? I've read that day to day guide, but I'd like to know why I'm doing something as well as what to do.
I don't think you have a particular need to farm at the moment. If you'd like though, try running the lowest difficulty of Wood Carnival which will get you some cheap subs for a monogreen Bastet team.
Who are you partnering with in dungeons? The friend leader is equally as important as your own, and lots of players here run Awoken Shiva which naturally complements your unevolved one.
If you're falling in dungeons after one or two hits, you need levels on your monsters. If you're failing because you're running out of gas eventually, typically it's due to running subpar monsters on a team or choosing a less good friend leader.
IMO monocolor teams are not as strong in the early stages of the game because you lack orb changers to guarantee a consistent stream of fire orbs. Try a rainbow "good stuff" team with Bastet and see if you have trouble consistently activating the leader skill.
Mono red with Shiva/Nim/Samurai Goblin is fine. You could also run just about anything with Bastet/Kushi (but I'd wait til you have better green subs), or an Attacker focused team with Nim (lead), Jagi, Amiba, Dragon Rider and some fodder (Samurai Goblin works).
The important thing here is to get friend leaders that synergize with yours. Awoken Shiva friends will take a mono-red Shiva team a long way, as will Urd, Krishna and others. For a Nim-lead Attacker team, you want a friend with a boost to ATK/RCV for a tanky but still powerful team. Since you're already dark/red primarily, someone like Freyr, the Blazing Swordsman or Kaworu&Mark.06 could work. You can use the friend finder on PDX, reddit or ask folks here who may have complimentary leaders!
Other than finding good friends, save up stones for godfests and save your PAL points for the Enhance/Rare Evo machines (right now is Rare Monster, not useful). Rank up playing 'Dragons of the Tower' in Tower of Giants if you can't fit monsters into your team. Titan/Gigas is a decent farmable Fire for your Shiva team that can be found in the last stage of Tower of Giants if you're up for that.
What is Indigo for? Any good, or trophy?
Very nice time indeed^^
Thanks for the suggestions. There are so many options, that I don't even know what they could possibly be at this stage. I've only been playing for a week.
Yea, I got a couple good rolls in the PCGF last week, and re-rolled a few times to get Bastet. I heard the drop rate on Titan was super low. Or is 2% pretty standard? I know I need to get my rank up. Rank 36 and a box size of 55 is severely limiting.
So I really want to make a Gronia team with the new update, does she seem viable? A lot of people were complaining about the minor damage increase, but it seems slightly better than pirate Gronia. What would be her ideal subs?
I imagine the teams are Gronia/Sylvie similar to Blonia/Ryune team.
but with balance or dragon green sub orb changers.
If I can progress with what I have atm, I'd rather do that than farm.
I have one Odin friend, and other than that it's just a mish mash of things that give red attack bonuses or red orb changers.
I can typically get far in the dungeon but have to do some big attack/healing combos almost every turn. Kushi can get me a bit farther. I've been relying on Bastet Kushi pairing to stop huge damage chunks and get some healing/damage bonuses.
Yea that's kind of what I was thinking. I only have Samurai Goblin as an orb changer.
My main problem is that I'm only level 36. So getting in more than one good monster or a leader and a god is hard.
Thanks for the suggestions. There are so many options, that I don't even know what they could possibly be at this stage. I've only been playing for a week.
Yea, I got a couple good rolls in the PCGF last week, and re-rolled a few times to get Bastet. I heard the drop rate on Titan was super low. Or is 2% pretty standard? I know I need to get my rank up. Rank 36 and a box size of 55 is severely limiting.