Is there an agreed upon best difficulty to farm (boss) skill ups in the carnivals? I see the vast majority of people running myth but the one time I cleared it it was kind of a headache I'd be much more comfortable running a lower tier.
Edit: oh speaking of Dios farming. I have no way of even estimating how difficult this would be for me but I really want to do it. It doesn't seem like something I could piggyback on an ALB team for since most ALB teams already have a cadre of maxed out mzeuses. Any tips?
Boss drops are best on Myth unless it's a 2x day which case legend is fine. I find the extra 2 stamina (coop) is worth the guaranteed drop though.
Does anyone consistently run Arena 1 with Myr? I can get to the Kalis every time but have such a hard time if I get Light Kali. How does everyone deal with the huge burst needed?
Best setup I can come up with is using a Myr that inherits final judgement and pairing it with DQXQ active. She is really really hard to maximize damage. I might try inheriting Thor on my second Wukong but hate to use him as an inherit.
I've dealt with it using a couple different methods:
1) Friend Myr inherits Light Akechi which pairs with Saria for a giant fuck you to everything.
2) when not available I've had some success with the following combo: Apoc (would work with Saria too)-->Awoken Venus with Ars Nova inherit. Awoken Venus alone would work with enough lights but both Saria and Apocalypse hate giving me lights.
Don't use Nova if you can't make hearts in the unlikely even Nova removes all your hearts. It's never happened to me but it's bound to eventually. You need 2 rows either way. If you have 12 enhanced lights, 5 hearts, and 3 non light orbs you can do it ok. Thor works too if you don't have access to either of the other options (Nova, Venus, Akechi)
I'm not super consistent yet but I'm getting better. Also the HP Badge, HP latents (or light resist latents) can let you cross tank. I'm going to check the math on that to be sure.
EDIT: you need 30460 Effective HP to take the hit from Lkali.
I don't know how latent damage reduction is handled, does it apply before or after the cross shield?
If before: 1218.36 damage reduced per latent
If after: 304.59 damage reduced per latent
EDIT2: looks like latents take effect after the cross shield. Tested in ultimate endless to confirm. Also holy shit does that Kali hit hard.