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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


I'm sure it's no big deal to you guys, but after about 4 or 5 attempts to beat Legendary Seaway that consisted of me trying so hard to combo high enough to break enemy defense on the first floor, failing, and then getting one shot, wasting 88 stamina near instantly, I finally beat that shit. Went in with GZL lead and my best green pronger subs and Sylvie for the HP boost so I could tank a couple hits (and emergency oh shit heals, or heal break with CuChu for burst) and it worked perfectly. My mistake was trying to use Bacetet the first handful of times when I know god damned well I can't combo to save my life. Feels good to have that out of the way but now I get to try and formulate a plan to do it in challenge mode...

Congrats! One step at a time, just keep plugging away at content and you'll be clearing challenge 10 in no time.

As for challenge mode on seaway, I stopped bothering at a certain point. Haven't really thought about it in a good year. Maybe I should go back and try now that we have some insane leaders.
Pulled three times today hoping for an Isis or another blue that would prove beneficial to my Sumire team.

Thundering Cyberdragon, Shedar
Holy Knight, Arcline (dupe)

*throws up arms*



Yolo roll today, Fenrir. Don't know what to do with him. You need jammers which don't appear naturally to do big damage, strange design.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Did a yolo roll on the main (I'm never going to make it thru a day of a GF without doing at least one roll per account I've come to accept) and got Sasuke. Not a desired card by any means and it seems pretty outdated by modern power creep standards, but it's got a pretty good, and easy to farm, orb convert that I can inherit I guess.

Day 2 of this GF actually seems pretty alright I noticed so I'm going to try a couple rolls tomorrow. Some dark/devils either as sub options for the alt, or as potential leaders for my main for coop purposes. Mitsuhide and Luci are the big ones.

Of course I won't get anything I really need and I'll just keep adding breadth to my boxes in lieu of focus, but it never hurts to try!
until it hurts to try because you dropped all your stones on poop


I pulled twice today, grape Dragon and kano... ugh.

Grape Dragon, 3000 mp gold egg and farmable. Why are these still in the rem.

I have 2 pulls for tomorrow, can't be any worse.


Rolled because I NEEDED something new to work on. I rolled 4 times, and on the fourth roll, I got Ronove. That works with me, time to work on Ronove. I'm thinking I'll get Ragnarok Dragon for him.


Ugh, something as annoying to farm as Hanuman really should be a guaranteed skill-up.

Sure, I'm never in any real danger, but a single clear takes more than half an hour with an A. Ama tean. Anyone have some tips for farming him more quickly?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Adding Sumire to my Ronove team was a good idea. Finally feels like I have enough time to put a combo together. My heart cross skills still need work but that'll come with practice. Feels like all I need to make the team really great is a way to create a couple green orbs on command (like Kaede's active).


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Haha, just lost a run of tama 25 cause the person I joined was using a team full of Final Fantasy cards and they all sucked shit. Like 2 SB on his entire team.


Rolled a few times in the Godfest.

Picked up my first Saria, Ilm, and Balboa.

Also pulled a dupe Balboa and a bunch of things that got sold off.

At 308k mp. May just hold onto it, and see what comes out. Not in a rush for anything to be honest.


I've been playing around with an Awoken Cao Cao/Scarlet system using Tsubaki to fill in the blanks as I go. So farm I'm really impressed by it. I still need to finish skilling two more scarlets then evo them but as far as that goes I'm just short 8 fire jewels to pull that off. Once that's done I'll be set for Arena farming I just need to inherit a shield on Cao Cao and partner up with one that has a bind clear on it and I should have answers to every threat in there. The bonus is I can transfer a lot of this work to future krishna once we get him.

On that note I'm still farming Scarlets if anyone has either side of the ALB farm team. It's mindless but based on estimates I'm looking at 68 more runs till I'm done.

E: GF yolo was my 4th Haku. Keeping until I need MP.


Heart cross leads

Yes! Sumire, let's... get curbstomped, apparently. I suspected taking a water lead against him would go poorly. Or maybe I just don't have enough SDR on that team.

My Myr team destroys that guy. Heartcross plus tpa takes him down in a few turns easily.

Ah, then I'll just wait until I have my Myr up and running.

Tsubaki with orochi or Indra can do Hanuman in under 10 turns. Iono if that's fast enough or what.

Definitely fast enough, but I have no Tsubaki.


Question for the group. Say I want to make a "system" team but not all be the same skill.
For example I'm working on an Awoken Cao Cao team. I'm planning on running the following:
ACC (Bind Clear or shield)
ACC (Shield or Bind Clear)

When max skilled I'll still get the "system" effect. I could easily replace one of the three scarlets with Tsubakis as well. I'm looking at this team and thinking there isn't much it couldn't handle. Just need to wait for Antares skill up dungeon to come back.

EDIT: Never mind, I managed to max skill the fourth Scarlet. Just need to level them up.


I keep rolling, despite not playing much these days, and today I decided to do 2 to see what I got. After a (dupe) Kaede and a Ryune came out, I wanted to keep going, which was obviously a mistake, because then out popped Fafnir.
I hate you.


good call on the sumire-as-ronove-sub, she does (way way) less damage than LKali did but her active helps me stall quite a bit better.

I just wish I had a reasonable dark for the team... I'm using Ryune which works I guess but it's water overload with sumire too :(
Orochi (dupe)

Sitri looks like she'll be a good sub on my Sumire and Sarasvati teams. Don't really have the devil subs to run her as a lead.


Hm, looking at the upcoming challenge on PADX, I can't tell if the Challenge 10 will be really quite hard, or absurdly easy to ALB through (P2 has Raphael and both players have a bi-or-tricolor board change).

How does Gainaut's Radiance work? Do all orbs drop locked, or is it just some? And it's listed as a pre-emptive that will only trigger below an HP threshold - is the listing just messed up?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
3 pulls on my main


Phact: all Leez-a pulls are Ass...taroth.

How come my main only pulls green?

Bout to pull a bunch on my alt. I'm sure this is going to go terribly.

edit: holy shit the pulls on my alt fucking own...


I was going to do about 10 pulls on this guy but I got the main one I wanted, Akechi and went 5/5 on quality pulls so I think that's going to do it for me this GF. The only major thing I didn't get was Zuoh, but he will be around every GF and is only 5 stars, so I'm not going to break the bank looking for him this time.

Here's my alt's herder now. Do any of these red pulls fit on my eventual Krishna team?


edit2: I did one more on the alt because I have a sickness in me and went 6/6 on good pulls, but like Amon and Sherias, I don't have a blue box to do anything with this right now.


I AM DONE NOW I will just have 75 stones left at the end of this god fest ITS FINE. There will always be another in a couple weeks!!


4 pulls, 3 times shit, last pull: KAEDE!

Its my second one, so my Ronove team is complete! :)

Ronove, Kaede, Kaede, RagDra, Rozuel!!! :D


Perhaps i should not tell you that i sold my first dupe Kaede 5 days before the buff was announced to buy a second Xiang Mei... THAT really hurt :(


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Why would you do this?????????????????????????


Because Kaede was a really shitty dupe to have before they buffed her...
She was only relevant as a Bastet sub, and the bastet meta was long gone.
Xiang Mei was the new Hotness and noone was prepared for the heart cross meta that was announced a few day later.
Imagine my regret after seeing the Kaede uevo that basically transformed her into the best card in the game...


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

For a "gift" dungeon these jewels are a pain in the ass for a noob (if you don't get orbs you need or don't have enough SB to have actives up). This made me mad. I need about 7 red jewels, so I had to stone this. Even if I got the stone back for clearing it, it still sucked, but I was sick of wasting 50 stamina to reroll the jewel color.


Does the Physical typing do anything for tsubaki as a lead/sub? I mean beyond the extra HP does that make her a better sub for any teams?

So Awoken Cao Cao + scarlet system is a hell of a thing. Underleveled and no plusses it still almost cleared Ultimate endless. Basically if I can dodge heavy preempts (that I'll bring a shield for) I can clear. I'm really curious how this setup will work with Krishna.

LiQuid I'll check it out but a quick glance says you should run Oda/Panda paired like now.

Edit: looks like star den day is here. My block is at midnight US East if anyone wants to run with me. I can button people through their block if they bring 9 SB and a red row lead (Goemon, yamato, ACC)

Yolo GF roll: Verdandi number 3. Not needed so she'll become MP when I need it. I'm tempted at picking up RagDrag but I'm holding off till Friday. If Ana is the stream dungeon then I don't know that he would be of much use to me outside of Mathena.

-Prometheus (ew)

-Akechi, whose name I hear every now and then and is probably good for something.

Cleared up to challenge level 5, just need stamina. but thankfully I can let it recharge during the work day with no guerrillas (although I do need some basic evo stuff for Tsubaki I guess). I'm hurting for red jewels :(


bah, did 3 pulls on batman, got three silvers:

- Batman+Batarang
- Tamazo X Batman
- Tamazo X Batman

However, my godfest pulls from day1 and 2 were better. All Golds:

- Alrescha
- Baldin
- Akechi Mitsuhide

Don't have teams for any of them but hey, they're great, and not like I need to worry about box space for a while


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

-Prometheus (ew)

-Akechi, whose name I hear every now and then and is probably good for something.

Cleared up to challenge level 5, just need stamina. but thankfully I can let it recharge during the work day with no guerrillas (although I do need some basic evo stuff for Tsubaki I guess). I'm hurting for red jewels :(

Akechi is a GOAT-tier dark row sub, so unless you got a Panda, Oda or A.Luci I don't think he will do anything for you.
oh :(

I don't have any of those yet

my dark box is limited to Castor, Persephone, and Fenrir (and Loki but I don't think she's any good)

I'd get into Fenrir (also have Viz) but I'd need the perfect jammer team


So...the Tsubak buff seems crappy. I really wanted some hp or a damage shield...or something static. She isn't that hard to activate, but, in order to get the RCV boost, I think it will take a pretty interesting board. She doesn't hit quite hard enough to just punch through everything and she can't survive bigger hits. I'm disappointed...

I also heard speculation that the alternate Uevo will likely just be a color-swap. Sounds crappy.

I pulled a few times on today's godfest and got a Gremory, Belial, Cursed Wyrm, and a Hanzo.

I'm thinking about working on Gremory for a while. She seems easier to activate than Ronove (I can do heart crosses and, like one or two matches without skyfall, not the three he needs to go all out). I feel like she is a bit better in that regard and will let me run some lubu and red sonia subs, so the team is a bit more complete.

Anyone got any experience with Gremory? Are there any farmable devil heart makers other than drawn joker (who I already have and will run)?



For your alt's Krishna team:

would work. Krishna sky falls, Belial breaks wood, Rvalk breaks heart, Gadius is a full board change and your bind clear and Laila gives you either an instant row or two red combos. The major issue here is no 100% SBR. I'd swap rvalk out for something else when you need to worry about Skill binds.

E: Back to thinking about Machine Athena, and trying to justify a Ragnarok Dragon here's the team I'm thinking of putting together:
Machine Athena
Ragnarok Dragon
Avalon Drake
Algedi/Balboa (needed for 100% SBR)

If I need a dedicated bind clear I have a max skill star justice (also never got a blue justice spawn WTF) since it'll be a while before I have Machine Athena in a state where she can take an inherited clear. Given that she's a coop only card I'm not too worried about binds (skill or otherwise) though. My only concern is in Arena if I hit Sopdet does a three match go over on Rag Drag or Algedi? That could be a problem without subbing in a lead swap.


My main is staying out of this GF, but my alt needs some devil cards so I decided to spend a couple rolls to see if I could get Luci and/or Akechi for it.

I could not.

I did, however, get Zuoh, which is still pretty great.

Also got Sanada Yukimura, who is basically a fire Akechi, I guess. Any teams he's particularly good on?


My main is staying out of this GF, but my alt needs some devil cards so I decided to spend a couple rolls to see if I could get Luci and/or Akechi for it.

I could not.

I did, however, get Zuoh, which is still pretty great.

Also got Sanada Yukimura, who is basically a fire Akechi, I guess. Any teams he's particularly good on?

Sanada is great on Krishna, Awoken Cao Cao, Yamato Takeru, Awoken Ares, Dantalion

Basically any fire team that doesn't need light or water. He fixes Urd boards too. He's a great inherit for Xiang Mei to fix Saria boards or just an enhance after Gadius-->Uriel. Like Akechi he's super versatile and once we get his ult he'll be even better. I'm hoping we get his ult with Krishna's as that'll make the team super easy to put together.


Welp, my hunt for Ronove continues. I'm going to hope that he makes it into PCGF. On the plus side, I got my first Kanna, Sumire #2, and some dupes.


hit 1300, burned all free stones for fun, was going to roll in halloween but I don't think any are worth rolling for (either too rare or not helpful)


two silvers immediately sold.

- never had sherias or sitri, but dupe skuld.

If i sell everything easy 95k MP

not sure what I will do, Sitri looks like an interesting sub for B.Myr (no heart break double orb change), Sherias looks too weak to be of use. Dupe skuld - I can't imagine using her - might sell.
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